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Fantasy The Raven and the Mountain {Closed}

Dufur had mounted his pony and was readying a second contingent of guards when the faint whoop echoed through the trees. Everyone in camp froze, waiting for another sound. After what seemed an eternity, there was a crash and Jorik burst through the underbrush. Tumbling over his own feet, once he rolled to a stop, he spoke.

"Look up!"

Everyone did so, seeing the massive figure of Khaf flying towards them, Elwyn perched on his back and Gaia holding onto his front. When he landed with a heavy thud, Dufur ran to them, his armor making quite the racket. He nearly ripped Elwyn off of the Arakcokra's back, the normal gentleness of his hands gone. He spoke in rapid Dwarvish, almost too fast for his wife to interpret.

"<Hurt?? Tell me, quickly, were you harmed??>" His hands quickly skimmed every inch of her body, searching for wounds or a sign of blood. When he found none, a healer approached and began to look her over as well. Dufur moved to Gaia, and quickly examined her, too, before calling another healer. Once both were examined, Dufur collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily. His heart was still hammering in his chest form the shock. Nalu kept anyone from approaching him until he stood by himself, shaking slightly. "Elwyn." His voice was not cold, but tight. "Please go with Nalu to wash, eat and rest. We will talk later. Gaia." The woman flinched at her name. "Armor off. You will spar with me until I decide your punishment. As for our guests" His gaze swept over Khaf and Jorik. "Please, retire to your tents until I am suitable company. I would not wish to damage our people's relations in my current state." The anger that rolled off him in waves was hotter than the fire smoldering within a forge.

The camp jumped into action, several servants jumping to begin a bath for the queen, or prepare a meal. Some guards took up their posts, two squires were sent to retrieve the men in the woods, and the last of them followed Dufur and Gaia to the other side of the clearing. Once his armor was off and a square was drawn in the dirt, he hoisted his axe. Gaia took her position opposite him, a grimace on her lips. They began, a flurry of blows between them. He wielded his weapon like it weighed nothing, and his heavy blade easily began to push her backwards. Each swing was a precise, calculated blow that would do quite some damage in battle. Gaia held her own against him for some time, but she was a new lieutenant, and could not last against the Hammer of Homborimm for long. When she was down, Dufur stopped, his chest heaving as he gazed at her. He should take her rank and send her home immediately. But, he closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. "You will stand watch without sleep for two days. You will not be alone with the queen again for some time." It was an incredibly light punishment. The other guards gave each other curious glances.

Dufur helped her up and headed back to their tent.

Once Nalu had pulled Elwyn back into their tent, she gave Elwyn a bone-crushing hug.

"You gave us all a terrible fright, dear jewel." She whispered, tears pricking her eyes. She pulled away quickly when the other servants entered. "Ah, looks like the bath is ready. Let me help you with that armor." She began to undress Elwyn, shaking her head when the woman tried to explain herself. "I am not the one you should be speaking to, my queen. Wait a small while, please?" She was led to a wooden bathtub and bathed, before bing wrapped in a fluffy robe and led back. A fine meal awaited her, and with encouragement, she ate. About and hour later, Dufur entered the tent, sweaty and dirt stained. He sat on the chair at at the small desk, and sighed heavily. Rubbing his hands over his face, he looked to his wife.

"Elwyn. Do you understand what a grevous error you made by going out there? Especially when you knew it was dangerous?" She remained silent. Dufur had to withhold a growl. Tugging on his beard in frustration, he continued, trying not to let his anger control him. "The campground is enchanted. Whoever Khaf said was watching us could not have entered without triggering an alarm. If they did, there are wards around each tent and guards on rotation. There was no need to leave camp. Prophecies from the bones are vauge at best, and should not be trusted soley on their surface. IF it did hold merit after MORE CHECKING, there was NEVER a need for you yourself to leave camp. You are no longer just Elwyn, mot kark. You are a queen. You cannot risk your own life so wantonly when so many depend on you. You could have sent out scouts or had the mages cast searching spells. Going out yourself should be only the VERY last resort! And! Not even to come to me and speak about your plan!!" He stood, tugging on his beard more harshly and pacing around the room. "You scared the life out of me! What would I do if you had been hurt?? Or worse?? We've only just begun this journey and yet you are taking stupid, unnecessary risks already!"
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Everything was a blur, the world around her as Khaf sped them back to the camp- the world tilting as Dufur pulled her from her perch and to the ground. Her husband's hands shook with anger and before Elwyn could open her mouth to explain she was whisked away with Nalu and towards a tub. In the distance Elwyn could hear the clash of swords as Gaia took her punishment from the Dwarven king. Normally Elwyn might have felt ashamed, might have felt remorse- especially when Nalu's eyes glittered with tears. Once more she was shushed, her ability to explain taken from her. In a way she felt like a child and not like the queen they all expected her to be.

Her pointed ears twitched as she dressed in the robe, the roaring of the blood filling her brain with a soft consuming ringing. The meal in front of her smelled amazing and despite not feeling hungry she managed to take a few bites for Nalu's sake. With each bite she took the dwarven woman looked like she was watching the unearthing of a magnificent crystal. When Dufur finally returned Elwyn turned her cool dark gaze upon her husband and with each passing moment of his tirade against her actions she felt the very blood within her come to a boil. Slowly she rose to her feet, her chin lifting in righteous determination.

"I cannot sit here any longer being treated like I am some fragile thing that might break at a moments notice." The gravity of her rage was only betrayed by the slightest quiver in her words. "You call me a queen and yet you speak to me as if I am some youngling not even a decade old. It is my duty to ensure the people of this camp are safe, I will not fail our people who linger in Homborimm." She lifted a frustrating hand and gestured in his direction. "How can you expect me to want to come to you with news of my plans when you hear we are being watched and upon hearing this troubling news you head right for your bed?"

Elwyn tugged at the tie of her robe, fisting the fabric and tugging it tighter around her in indignation. "What sort of punishment have you given Gaia?" She snapped out the words, her gaze searing into Dufur's. Dufur seemed to hesitate before telling her that Gaia was not to sleep and stay on guard for the duration of two nights. Upon hearing that she shook her head almost imperceptibly before turning on her heel and heading straight for the trunk that held her clothes. She let the robe drop, ignoring her husband as she pulled on her riding pants and a loose fitting tunic top.

"It is only fair that I receive the same punishment." She said, turning to Dufur and catching the incredulous look upon his weary face. It was probably dramatic, probably unnecessary but Elwyn had been the one to lead the charge of this plan. She would not let Gaia take the fall for her when her husbands rage demanded retribution. She strode to the flap of the tent, tossing a look back at him over her shoulder that all but screamed her disappointment.

"If you do anything to stop me from joining my friend and protector for this punishment I will never forgive you." She told him softly before stepping out and taking her spot in the watch right next to Gaia. Neither elf of Dwarf looked at one another, they would both serve their time in silent contemplation.
The next few days found the camp descending into chaos. Over half the Dwarves in the company came down with sky sickness. Nalu, being the senior most dwarf left, was running about caring for everyone as best she could. Through her henning, she made sure to check in on the girls, dropping off water skins for them every few hours. She looked increasingly haggard throughout the 48 hours.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, highness." Jorik spoke. He and Khaf had taken to sitting beside Gaia and Elwyn and chatting idly. "I'm told this is quite a common affair for dwarves when they first leave the mountain. I wonder what cases it?"

"The air." Khalf replied, not looking up from his book. "There is a lack of moisture and minerals in the air up here, so their nervous systems crash for a while. For those whose fever doesn't break soon, we'll have to send them back to Homborimm and have replacements meet us on the road."

"This isn't the king's first time away, though, right? Curious that he has come down with it as well." Jorik responded, pondering as he strummed on his lyre.

"True. But he hasn't been out in about 70 years, which is long enough for his body to forget. A second fever is rare though, despite how much time passes. I suspect he was more susceptible due to his current stress levels." Gaia shifted uncomfortably on her feet, obviously uneasy with the situation. Nalu stopped by again, quickly checking Gaia for a fever before handing everyone water skins.

"Your punishment will be up in about an hour, my lady." She said, giving Elwyn a weak smile. "I have you in a new tent away from his highness, I'm afraid he's quarantined for the time being. I don't know if sky sickness is transmittable to others, but I'd rather not risk it. If you'd rather, you are welcome to see him as you wish, of course." She gave a heavy sigh, running her thick hands through her wild hair before speaking again. "My queen, I wish to apologize. I only realized later how terribly I treated you." She bowed her head, the braided trinkets tinkling softly. "Whatever affections I hold for you, it is inexcusable as a vassal of the queen to speak how I spoke. You are a grown woman and a monarch. I have to right to be fussin' over ye like my own child. I let my worryin' get the best of my old heart and terribly overstepped. I hope that you will be able to forgive me."
They stood, weary sentries as the camp dissolved around them. Elwyn and Gaia welcomed the company and Jorik and Khaf as the camp's inhabitants were taken by the sky sickness. Elwyn was exhausted, and there was a part of her that wanted to abandon her post and help Nalu as she tended to the sick but she could not live with the idea of leaving Gaia to finish out their punishment. Instead she listened as Jorik and Khaf chatted about this and that. In the time since she'd taken up her post Elwyn had not seen Dufur and when she learned of his condition she found herself in a strange mixture of restlessness and fatigue.

Nalu arrived to tell both the women that their punishment was almost up and Elwyn almost let herself sag with relief. It surprised her when Nalu didn't immediately depart them to cluck over one of the many dwarves who'd come to depend on her in the past 48 hours. Instead the elderly dwarf dragged her fingers through her frizzy beard, pushing through the heavy locks. The apology warmed Elwyn's heart and she lifted a hand to Nalu's shoulder, silently asking the Dwarf to look up at her.

"You sought only to take care of me, and for that I am most appreciative." Elwyn's dark eyes were warm and when Nalu returned her weary smile with one of her own both of their hearts settled. "Thank you Grandmother."

"Thank you, Queen Mother." Nalu gave her leave and both Gaia and Elwyn counted down the seconds before they could collapse. Jorik ended their punishment with great fanfare, strumming his lute and whistling his congrats as both Gaia and Elwyn staggered for the nearby tents. Gaia disappeared behind one flap, but not before looking back and giving Elwyn a grateful look. Elwyn made course for the tent that held her husband, needing to see him and make sure he was alright before she could close her eyes. In the shade of Dufur's tent the dark circles under her eyes were more prominent as she bent over the sleeping form of her husband.

Her heart eased with it's worry as he drew in a deep breath, and without a thought she gathered some of the blankets that rested at the end of the bed and settled herself onto the ground next to her king. With one last look to make sure he was alright she slid her eyes closed and nestled in the warmth of the sheets draped over her. She barely had time to think of what tomorrow would bring before sleep took her.

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