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Fantasy The Quest (magic adventure :P)


One Time Luck
List name, gender, appearance, clothing, personality, and weapons/abilities.
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Name: Ryo

Gender: Female

Hair: long, white

Appearance: Pale skin, yellow eyes, tall, skinny, but a little muscular

Sexuality: Homosexual/lesbian

Race: Roman Demigod (doesn't have any god-like powers or immortality)

Clothes: a long sleeved dark blue (like almost black) buttoned coat with a white band tied around the waist, torn jeans, no shoes, and a blue choker.

Personality: Short-tempered, gullible (at times), and easily swooned.

weapons: She is a master of the Jitsu Foot style (it's made up, idk), so she uses her feet. She can even break solid materials with her feet or crack the ground if she builds power.


-being a jerk






-sensitive people


Classes: Math, science, battle strategy, and history
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Leo "Reo" Baskerville


"Shaggy Glasses"










Leo is rather a calm demeanor but can become violent and unsettled most of the times but squally has a good control over himself.


Likes: Reading and Music, especially the

Piano. Dislikes: This World and Himself.


None at this very moment




Leo has long black hair and pitch black eyes reflecting the gold specks of light he sees, but wear glasses to cover them specifically to block out those very lights as well as distract him from the voices.



"Unbelievable you are just like me-your very existence made someone important suffer"~Leo Baskerville
Name: Jake Stone

: Hero

Gender: Male

Age: 17

: Heterosexual

: descendant of an ancient hero. Jake has shown many similarities with the Hero of old, and some vendors call him a reincarnation of him, but he is severely weaker than what the stories say about the hero. He lived a rich and spoiled life, but he never acted like a spoiled brat. In fact he hated his rich lifestyle, what's so fun about having everything handed to him?

: Jake is loyal and noble. He doesn't show any fear, and charges into every situation head on. He has a good knowing of what's right from wrong, and he will act accordingly to the situation. Though he does suffer from the need to alway be better than everyone's expectations.




~good hearted people


~hard work


~having to prove himself


~useless fighting

Powers: Jake is able to summon the weapon and armour of the ancient hero.

Weapons/ armour:







This shows that he is a descendant of the ancient hero. It is located on the top of his right hand.



Jake stands at 5'11. He has longish red hair that parts on the left. He has bright blue eyes that makes him stand out from the others. His skin color is a more olive shade. His body is toned, and he has a heroic appearence.

Extra: Jake is known in the school as being powerful, but there is a lot more to his power, but he just hasn't discovered it yet.
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Name: Mina Tokido

Age: 17, though due to her fully developed body and strong features, she looks 23.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Caramel colored waist length hair, violet optics, sun kissed skin, about 5'4", slender yet toned, and she usually always has a stoic appearance.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/after_the_day_by_soranamae-d4xzgie.jpg.a08537806fc68e5cfec47930146695ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91334" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/after_the_day_by_soranamae-d4xzgie.jpg.a08537806fc68e5cfec47930146695ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing: She usually wears anything that fits her mood, including sun dresses, platform heels, skinny jeans, teal tank top, jackets, etc. Her clothing is constantly changing.

Personality: Due to Mina being abandoned at the age of 5, she is very weary of others. She dislikes most people, and tends to stay for herself, though it is clear that she yearns for a friend she can relate to. Mina is caring and sweet once she gets close to someone, though she is a bit of a pessimist at times, however she rarely shows this side of herself. She is a clutz and has a terrible sense of direction.

Weapons/Abilities: Mina carries a single dagger on herself at all times, no other weapon. Her abilities are wind and water manipulation, though when her inner demon Asokka makes an appearance, a release of a blue energy will be forced from her body, the demon taking Mina over. Once Asokka is in control, she is strong at electricity and fire manipulation. Other than that, she is extremely fast and strong.

Bio: Mina was born to a human cell housing a demon, her father, and an angel with demonic blood, her mother. At the age of five, her mother went crazy and took Mina from her father before dropping her off in the middle of no where to fend for herself. Mina ran into many trials as a young girl, fending off anyone and anything that tried to cause her harm, but of course this wasn't always possible, so the demon she houses, Asokka, would take over and protect them both. As Asokka would take over causing a large blue blast to emit from her body before her eyes would become a pure white with black slits for pupils. Asokka is a demon, and like a demon she does demonic things, killing, seduction, etc, breaking a person down any way she can.

After Mina found her mother, she was going to kill her for abandoning her and then keeping her other two children, but some one beat her to the punch. Mina decided to train under this man since Mina had been trying to kill her mother for years but couldn't come close to matching her in strength. Though being a teen-aged girl, she needed to go to school, at least some type of school. Mina has always been a loner, so making friends usually didn't happen, partly because of her lack of trust however.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/pure_by_soranamae-d4yjc4h2.jpg.547bcda24782cdf086e58b3b2a1a8053.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/pure_by_soranamae-d4yjc4h2.jpg.547bcda24782cdf086e58b3b2a1a8053.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Grant Nevar




Red-dyed hair, only just covering his eyes. A long scar covers the right side of his face, an accident from early magical use. His eyes are dark-brown. He's tall, about 6'1, and fairly well-built for his height.


Sarcastic is the best word to use, although it's not his only personality trait. He is also fairly kind, refusing to do anything that would greatly harm a good person. He usually gets into trouble for talking back against teachers, though he thinks himself right. He is considerably arrogant, thinking himself better than most.


He usually prefers to wear black jeans, combat boots, a flannel, and whatever t-shirt he can find. He has a single gauge in his right ear.




~Bending the rules to help others.





~Violence against innocents



~Hatefulness against friends


A great affinity for pyromancy, using it for simple tasks, like cooking and lights, to complicated tasks, such as cauterizing wounds. Although this is his main profession, there is some dark history from his family, suggesting he may have a natural ability for necromancy, though he wouldn't publicly disclose this.

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