The Queen's Madness - OOC

@KillThemAll I figured.


(But no, I'll read it more thoroughly and add it to the Lore tab after I respond to the roleplay.)
I'm having some intense writers block right now, but I'll have a post up in the morning irregardless, so I won't cause anymore delays.

Same. These monsters keep demanding I finish my rebel but it just won't happen.

Also, @Everyone, Mother Alyara is haunted and can see/understand ghosts. Just to let you know now.

That's why she's looking everywhere.

She ain't crazy.
@KillThemAll Oh... I doubt she is fond of Asavar then.. you know.. given how many of the ghost were probably trapped because he killed them. >.> Soooooo, at least I know who not to go to when he gets wounded.
Psst, this isn't a thing for future intrigue or anything.

She doesn't use this as a sort of supernatural source for information and spying or anything.

She's just an old lady who makes potions and poisons.
>.> She better watch her step before Asavar steps on a crack and snaps her back.
I mean, him just being around. A heavy weight boxer can punch somebody with 1000 lbs of force and break their neck. I reckon that if Asavar were to turn or accidentally elbow someone, he could literally kill them on accident.
Yeah, I would imagine so as well. I also imagine that, to him, he is living in a world made of cardboard and glass. I think the toughest things, for someone like him, wouldn't be breaking something, but trying to just go throughout his day without breaking or hurting someone by accident (kinda the reason he only spars with Joran).

But anywho, I shall enjoy meeting this old lady in the future. (^.^)
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