The Queen's Madness - OOC

Cosmo said:
.... Sudden storms and a random lightning strike.. Which is from some random hedge knight that blasted a random city guardsmen for doing their job. Peasants sending City Guard running with improvised weaponry to save the life of a woman....
... Translation: Three hours of paperwork for Asavar.... I'm onto all of you. Don't think I'm not! I see the dastardly plan you all have, to bury Asavar in massive amounts of bureaucratic paperwork so he never has times to fight the rebellion! (>:<)


But it won't work! Because to hell with the Paperwork!

..... >.>..... *starts picking up the paperwork*



@Halohbottech is your character from a nation where anyone in armor is considered a knight (instead of the far, far, far, far more common Men-At-Arms... which is a common theme in fiction.. for some reason)... since... knights don't patrol the city... the City Guard do?

From what little people have talked about the military, seems the bulk is made up of Men-At-Arms/Sergeants and other such forces. With the forces inside the capital being the City Guard, likely drawn from people within the city, given training and equipment and then patrol the city. The Castle Guard, likely drawn from better members of the City Guard and Soldiers/Men-At-Arms and the Queen's Guard.

Imagine the knights in the land are... far more rare. Probably lesser nobles and second sons would make up the knightly ranks, doubt you would find any doing something so 'mundane' as patrolling a city.
As a matter of fact, yes! I'm glad you were intuitive enough to pick it up.

Generally, any person in armor is considered a "Knight" in the country, and wearing armor without reason is considered taboo and even sacrilegious. Knights are people of high, high prestige, thus wearing armor (and impersonating one) is considered a highly classed offense. In a way, being a Knight is a way of making your way up the governmental and religious ladder- the higher quality armor worn, the more prestigious, reknowned, and beloved a Knight is (in Grepher's home country). Thusly why he was confused with the high quality of his heavy armor.

If the guardsmen are completely without armor, then they aren't Knights, in Grepher's eyes. If they have armor (even light armor, which I imagine they have) then they are to be challenged by Grepher if they commit to actions such as those against Grepher.

Mind you, they were doing their jobs but Grepher had done nothing wrong. It would've been futile to hand over a cursed weapon that always returns to its owner, no matter what. So, in the end, he did what had to be done- cleared a path to the nearest place of rest as quickly as possible.

(I guess you could count that part about Grepher's home as 'lore'. I don't have a name for the land yet, but I'll come up with one.)
Cosmo said:
(>_>) How can she file it if she can't read the name on the files?... But.... He... probably could use help organizing... pretty much just keeps three large 'loose' stacks of paper.... the stacks being: Done, Needs to Do and Doesn't Matter
Simple. She can assume what's on the bottom is old and what's on the top is newer. BOOM! Also she can take of the 'Doesn't Matter' pile real easy for him c;
@Halohbottech Ah, I figured it would be better to ask you in the OOC which is was rather then assume. Neat. (I have been picturing they wear chainmail with a tabard over showing their affiliation to the city/rank/queen.)

Ha, he totally did something wrong. He offered it up before and it came back. No reason he couldn't do it again even if it is annoying, better then blasting a random guard in the middle of the street for doing his job, especially, if he plans on meeting the ruler of the city he is in... walking around blasting people isn't exactly going to let them see the Queen.... not... a very logical approach. ( ;) )

... Remember people! These guards are not faceless robots! They are human beings (likely... could be elves or something) with families and feelings! Think before you blast. - This message is brought to you by Cosmo, founder of the social movement 'Mooks and Henchmen Matter'.
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Cosmo said:
@Halohbottech Ah, I figured it would be better to ask you in the OOC which is was rather then assume. Neat. (I have been picturing they wear chainmail with a tabard over showing their affiliation to the city/rank/queen.)
Ha, he totally did something wrong. He offered it up before and it came back. No reason he couldn't do it again even if it is annoying, better then blasting a random guard in the middle of the street for doing his job, especially, if he plans on meeting the ruler of the city he is in... walking around blasting people isn't exactly going to let them see the Queen.... not... a very logical approach. ( ;) )

... Remember people! These guards are not faceless robots! They are human beings (likely... could be elves or something) with families and feelings! Think before you blast. - This message is brought to you by Cosmo, founder of the social movement 'Mooks and Henchmen Matter'.
Fair enough. I suppose hunger and thirst must've clouded the Knight's mind. After all, he has been traveling for quite some time. It's not like him to make such illogical approaches, after all.
@Cosmo Well. He shouldn't of said her last name! Besides, everyone is so scared of him..she's not afraid. If he gets out of line she'll just beat him with her staff. Give him a good what for from a shorty! #TinyButMighty
@Halohbottech Saw the post, was like, "We got someone new!" ran to check the new characters tab, read your CS and.. (> :) ) Perfect chance to mess with the new person before they realize I am so full of it my eyes are brown.
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Cosmo said:
@Halohbottech Saw the post, was like, "We got someone new!" ran to check the new characters tab, read your CS and.. (> :) ) Perfect chance to mess with the new person before they realize I am so full of it my eyes are brown.
Wait my eyes are brown too.

Are you sayin' I'm fulla shit?!
I'm saying you are full of something! (} :) )

... I... am not sure if I am supposed to fight or cover my ears in pain.. O.o What a dastardly fighting style! Play horrible remixes then punch them when they are too busy doubled over in pain from bleeding ears!
@KillThemAll Always gone when we need you... Like a dead beat father never there for his son! Always say they will show up but never do! Making promises and never following through! You think we will wait for you any...


... You... You aren't my dad... are you?

Playable Race


The Histyr are a bipedal reptilian species hailing from the tropical regions of the world. Amphibious

in nature, the Histyr are a formidable opponent on both land and in water. Their ability to pillage and

raid in almost any environment is the root of their fear, which only drive many foreigners into doing

what the ferocious Histyr want. Naturally, the Histyr have an extreme bloodlust and see in infrared

vision. Their heavy bones and muscle cause almost all of them to be hunchbacks. Ranging from 5 ft.

to 6 ft. in height, the Histyr are of a tall average height but are nowhere near the height of, say, a Draxxan.

Histyr may live up to 250. At 10, they are an adult. At 180, they begin developing gray scales,

and at 200, they are completely white in color.

The Histyr have a natural affinity for heat, as their cold-blooded nature often leads to weakness

and sickness in cold environments. Without a source of heat, the Histyr wither in strength to the

point where the problem becomes a crippling disability. However, in extreme heat, the Histyr often

find extreme energy. Consequently, many Histyr travel with torches on their body, which they

light during battle. This practice led to the development of the derogatory term "Wisps" for the Histyr.

An ancient species, the Histyr are said to have existed since the Sunken had established their

formerly great empire. Following an uprising that freed the young Histyr from service under the

Sunken, the hot-headed beasts would spread across the world to eagerly spread their influence.

Because of this, the Histyr almost immediately encountered many species that still exist in modern-day,

leading to the mutual development in culture that the Histyr are a great evil.

The Histyr never truly united into large groups, rather sticking in small nomadic raiding parties.

A practice still true to this day, many of the Histyr have refused to go against their traditional

violent practices. Those who have abandoned their ancient raiding parties often find work in the

mercenary field or in some other form of a duelist, as their feats are widely sought after and

valued by contractors and slavers.

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I am so terribly sorry everyone. Work was awful the past two days but I'm back. I apologize if I caused any problems with my absence
I swear is there anywhere I can join in or does anyone have a available character??????!!! I've mostly been rping with myself waiting here and seriously it's been three days!! *~* someone please notice me or something.......I'm dying here.

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