The Queen's Madness - OOC

KillThemAll said:
Also, I've been frustratingly working on Giants and Bird People. I've given up on the Bird People, but the Giants are just a big work-in-progress.
Sweeeeeeet. More Lore is always great. If you shoot me what you have on Bird People maybe I can help a bit.
Akaviri, they're a bunch of fanatic religious...

Look, they're the bird version of Trolls from World of Warcraft.

And those who abandon their tribes are called the Forsaken, something like that.

I don't even know.
Did somebody say bird people? There's a race I made that I keep dusting of because I love them so much.

Enter the Uros of the Waste, a matriarchal society that resides in rocky spires near small bodies of water they call Roosts. A very battle focused people, their clans are divided, yet unified, by warrior societies. Members of the same warrior society will not fight a member of the same society even if their clans are at war. The women hold the upper hand in everything in their society, a complete role reversal actually. They worship the caring Mother Sky who brings the rare rains, and respect the angry Father Earth, whose wrath is felt in the semi-frequent tremors of the Waste. Then there's the religious aspect of things, Sisters are a common sight among the various Roosts, worshiping the Mother. Then there's the Brothers, a minority group of Uros that have recieved recessive genetic traits to make them appear more owl like then the other races. The families that hatched one immediately gives them to the Brothers. The Brothers solely worship the Father, and are much more aggressive then any other Uros.

I could go on about the things that can be found in the Waste, but I'll leave it at this for the time being.
LadyArdent said:
I posted.
Even though I won't be able to reply to you (Being a baddie. :D ) I'ma go read it and judge you super harshly because my opinion is totally worth more then a fart in a hurricane. ( ;) )
Beowulf said:
Did somebody say bird people? There's a race I made that I keep dusting of because I love them so much.
Enter the Uros of the Waste, a matriarchal society that resides in rocky spires near small bodies of water they call Roosts. A very battle focused people, their clans are divided, yet unified, by warrior societies. Members of the same warrior society will not fight a member of the same society even if their clans are at war. The women hold the upper hand in everything in their society, a complete role reversal actually. They worship the caring Mother Sky who brings the rare rains, and respect the angry Father Earth, whose wrath is felt in the semi-frequent tremors of the Waste. Then there's the religious aspect of things, Sisters are a common sight among the various Roosts, worshiping the Mother. Then there's the Brothers, a minority group of Uros that have recieved recessive genetic traits to make them appear more owl like then the other races. The families that hatched one immediately gives them to the Brothers. The Brothers solely worship the Father, and are much more aggressive then any other Uros.

I could go on about the things that can be found in the Waste, but I'll leave it at this for the time being.
We officially have a new race. -steals and flounces off to the Lore tab-
Well... I ... like to think I don't give people nightmares.. I mean... that was mean.

(:<) I know I can never be Ms. America! But... I... I... I.... I.... I am sorry! It wasn't my fault I was born with this face...
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Idea" data-cite="Idea" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="221614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Who's in the kitchen right now?<p>

Note: my phone almost autocorrected to "kitten"</p>



Emmony and Scattered Ambition's character. I haven't seen them in, like, a while though, so I'm thinking about moving on.</p>


And kittens are amazing, so why not.</p>



<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Idea" data-cite="Idea" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="221614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="" data-mentionid="36029">@ianbabyyy</a> are my posts with Knekct and Breeze living up to your expectations?</div></blockquote>


Very much so.</p>
Oh, Oh, Oh, cause that is nice. Make someone cry for calling them ugly then bite them! Cause that will help with their looks!

Well, I'ma just run away! Yall miss me! Yall be like, 'Where is Cosmo? Oh, noes, Cosmo? We can't live without our Cosmos!' and I'll be like, 'Nah, yall like hurt my feelings'... Just... just you watch.

ianbabyyy said:
Emmony and Scattered Ambition's character. I haven't seen them in, like, a while though, so I'm thinking about moving on.
And what should I do with Breeze. Should I assume they are still there or...
Cosmo said:
Oh, Oh, Oh, cause that is nice. Make someone cry for calling them ugly then bite them! Cause that will help with their looks!

Well, I'ma just run away! Yall miss me! Yall be like, 'Where is Cosmo? Oh, noes, Cosmo? We can't live without our Cosmos!' and I'll be like, 'Nah, yall like hurt my feelings'... Just... just you watch.

I once tried.... Didn't work

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