The Queen's Madness - OOC

Idea said:
he adds every species.
I literally just told you what pronouns to use. Like, on this page of dialogue. Don't do it again. I understand slip ups occasionally, but like I said, I literally just reminded you.
And alright I wasn't sure. No rush. I'm just trying to think of my next thing to do. Debating on being rude to a certain person who bumped her.
ianbabyyy said:
I literally just told you what pronouns to use. Like, on this page of dialogue. Don't do it again. I understand slip ups occasionally, but like I said, I literally just reminded you.
sorry. This time it was a typo, I swear!!!
Everyone loves the Cosmo. Tell you, I am more addictive then cocaine with half the snorting required.
Lol I am waiting for some more post to appear, so I don't take up too much space, don't want them to feel left behind.
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Cosmo" data-cite="Cosmo" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="221614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Everyone loves the Cosmo. Tell you, I am more addictive then cocaine with half the snorting required.</div></blockquote>


Oreos beat Cosmo in addictiveness!</p>
No. Cosmo beats because he is has the Draxxen guy. Who I originally wanted to be part of but I didn't want to steal his glory.
Idea said:
Oreos beat Cosmo in addictiveness!
Oh, come on, that is hardly fair..... I just look nasty in milk.

LadyArdent said:
No. Cosmo beats because he is has the Draxxen guy. Who I originally wanted to be part of but I didn't want to steal his glory.
You shoulda just asked, I would have been fine with you being a Draxxan.
Part of the overall race. I forgot to add when they are old like close to a millennia old then they can have telekinses. And Pyrokinetics. But the ones so far as when they are first made yes most abilities are held the same.
@ianbabyyy I am just trying to keep it basic and not some god modding type of idea. Basic enough for anyone else too. As far as my girl she is only roughly 300. I didn't want to make some absurd idea to her real age.
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