The Princess's Hand

Soren shrugged. It made sense. Sometimes,people needed to die. And he liked punching things. It seemed like a good fit. It paid well,at least. So long as you were good. As they approached the huge double doors for the keep,he stopped. "Ladies first. Huh. You dried off fast." Soren laughed openly. "Maybe I should've prepared another flagon."
"Yeah, sure thing," Kris replied, approaching the keep guards at the gate.

"What business do you have here, you're a half hour late for consulting the family!?" one of the men hollered needlessly, caution plain in his posture.

"We wished to bring this to the prince's attention," the bounty hunter called back, revealing the poster with said person's royal likeness.

It was at that very moment that the meeting got particularly friendly, with dozens of guards revealing themselves from atop walls, behind statues, virtually materializing from the garden around the keep, weapons at the ready.

"Good to see the faith the working man places in bounty hunters," Kris sighed sarcastically, putting her hands behind her head, though not before dropping the bounty poster.
Zeira almost hissed her frustration as she caught a glimpse of the black fabric that had been the robe of the raven-man, her eyes aflame as she directed a glare down the hall, where his voice originated. She held much suspicion for this man, and she was not about to let him think she knew nothing of his intentions. No, she will allow her vibes of warning and threat to roll off her in waves, just enough so he can feel the darkness of her distrust towards him.

Lierah was of different terms, however. She allowed for a polite smile to blossom upon her cherry-like lips, having recovered from her previous shock. She slipped her tiny hand from Zeira's grasp, allowing for herself to dip into a short curtsy in greeting to the male's arrival, having no such knowledge of what Zeira suspects. Though, she'd been planning to warn the princess of such things, if only they were able to slip away...

Lierah's smile dropped, eyes widening as she spotted her brother. Even worst was her unease as he neared. Though what he whispered seemed to release her of her discomfort, not that Zeira heard. And she was very much interested in knowing what the prince had whispered-- no matter, she will pry it out of the princess later. When they are ​alone...
The man in the dark cloak had also managed his way back to the line-up apparently done with whatever he was drawing. Louis spared him a glance and was surprised when he saw the man looking back at him, only cocking a brow in response. Maybe he actually saw him as competition now, being able to make the Princess trip over her words so much. What a fray mouse, getting flustered so easily would make it all the more harder for him to keep his hands off her.

As the maids finally clued in to her state though, it seemed his hands would go nowhere near her as she was dragged off. They were free to disperse now, and he felt a smirk grow on his face as he finally settled into his own two boots. His green eyes caught one of the competitors following her, but he decided ultimately against following. The hook was already in, and that meant he had to let her run a little bit before reeling her in. Besides he always did like a fair bit of competition…

Then the girl next to him introduced herself, surprising him due to the formal matter she treated her competitors with. Louis was starting to make notes of the girl in his head, thinking her to be a great ally if competition would permit. The prince decided to leave the room some time ago and the other boy left introduced himself next as Travlor. It looked like he was last,

“…and the same to the two of you; you may call me Louis” he noted, inclining his head slightly in a bow.

[[OoC: Just a note cause Nena was reading it wrong, his name is pronounced Luey, like Donald's nephew's name :3]]
"It looks like we are an odd bunch of people," Travlor said as he watched as people vanished. Probably to get ready for later. A ball. Gods. Travlor had no idea how to dance but he was be expected to as a suitor of the Princess. Maybe he could ask others to ask too at first to practice some before asking the Princess. Of course the Princess would ask her favorite suitor to the first dance. And he knew that the Queen would probably have the Princess and Prince dance together more than once if she could manage.

"I hope that she likes my gifts," he said. "Your's was very good. She seems to be a lovely, charming if shy girl. I was surprised by the Prince's gift.
Arming her?​ I didn't think he had it in him to do something so bold."
Eve nodded her head slightly to the both of them "Well meet Sir Travlor" She nodded her head to Travlor. "Sir Louis" then she nodded her head towards him. Eve always used to talk in formal twenty-four seven, so she was used to it. Eve started to walk around the outline of the room as Travlor spoke. Eve stopped beore she responded. "Bold is daring, is it not? Daring can gain you favor, or consequences." She said this lightly ans softly. She smiled a bit at them before looking down at her dress again. Eve gave a disgusted look to her dress. She wanted to change right now, but that wasn't an option. Eve mentally groaned at the fact.
"Ser is not needed," Travlor said to Eva. "I am but a common hunter. I have earned no rights to any title." He nodded at what she said. "Well it seemed that his gift was taken...well. I think so. I could not tell how either the Queen or the Princess recieved it."

He smiled at Eva. "It is nice to meet you too."
Takashi smiled lightly, ignoring Zeira's hostility and suspicion as he already had a plan for her. "How has this day been treating you may I ask, Princess? I assume being put through this must be quite stressful and unpleasant. You may want to check the hidden panel in that box I gave you. There are two other items in there which I had hidden under the pretence that the queen would not want you to have such things. I hope you enjoy them."

Takashi thought to himself that now could potentially be a good time to deal with Zeira. The shadows in the hallway where the floor met the walls could be helpful. His shadow, which was cast near one of the walls, was already in contact with one of the shadows produced by the meeting of the floor and walls. This allowed him to extend it without moving his shadow like he had to when he interrogated the guard earlier. A thread of shadow slithered along the floor, coming from a section of wall behind Zeira and darting to her shadow. Upon contact, it melds with Zeira's shadow.

Using the sliver of his shadow which has temporarily fused with Zeira's own, Takashi looks through Zeira's recent thoughts and memories. As he comes across thoughts of suspicion towards him and memories of activities which would make him come under suspicion from her, he alters them. The changes her makes for example are placing himself in the throne room when he had not been there so Zeira would believe he had never left. This process was a fairly quick one which causes no pain so as to avoid alerting the victim that something is amiss and Takashi's shadow disconnects from Zeira's own as soon as he is finished.
Kiel was going to go to his room to change and prepare himself mentally for tonight. Also he has some lessons and he knew his mother would want to talk to him about what happened. But he stopped upon feeling a slight vibration in the ground. It wasn't something anyone else could feel at least not trained in dark magic. Kiel looked back to where his sister was and frowned.

Someone was using dark magic around her. The thought made Kiel both curious and angry. Was it his mother? Was someone else trained in it as well? Kiel felt his own magic swarm inside him, his dark aura expanding. A nearby maid dropped the rag she was using to clean something and ran the other way terrified. Kiel relaxed himself and turned away, moving on. He would find out later. For now he had to do his duties.
Zeira almost laughed aloud, though she kept the signs of her amusement within for the sake of the princess's sanity. Though, at the male's feeble attempt, she merely took a step backwards, allowing the light of the open garden door to weaken the darkness of his shadow and the effects of his charm, though kept it about just enough so she can get her message across.

Her dark whisper seemed to hiss into his ear as if she was behind him, a voice in which only he could hear, speaking words through the link in which momentarily bound the maid to the male. A link that she'd already seen been used many times before, for she'd already done her duties in killing men like this one. He was no different.

You have no idea who you're dealing with, caster.

She was sure the term was unfamiliar with the male, seeing as only her Order uses it to classify magic users, but she paid that no mind. Zeira's eyes were fixated upon him though her features were blank, as not to betray her emotions, her anger at what he'd attempted to do. Appearing as if the motion in which his shadow had done had not happened. As if she did not just do what she must to weaken the male's hold on her. As if she didn't feel the torrent of rage that whirled within her body, wishing to throw every bit of magic she had within herself at him, only as to tear the man apart in the many ways of killing she'd mastered through the years.

But she did not, instead, before the Princess could answer, Zeira bowed to show her "respect" to the suitor, fighting to keep back a scowl from surfacing upon her features. She rose, careful to keep her voice small and her gaze upon the floor as she spoke, no longer using the shadow. "Excuse us, but the princess must get dressed for the ball."

Lierah almost protested, but the glare the maid had shot towards her had immediately forced her mouth shut, as if she too was under, what the higher-ups used to call, Zeira's charm. And with that, Zeira tugged the princess down towards the spiraling stair cases just down the hallway, now completely severing the connection that had threatened to violate her secrets and memories.
(Sorry if my last post was any bit god-moddish. I had assumed that Zeira was defenceless against shadow magic just like the castle guards. I should have consulted Evangeline and Legendless first. Again, I apologize.)

Takashi frowned after Zeira walked away with the princess. This maid was no ordinary one and now he knew for sure. She was no longer a potential threat but a threat by herself. Having managed to resist his shadow mastery spell, it was clear she must have possessed tremendous willpower and for her to communicate with him using the link he had created meant that she had knowledge of his craft. He felt there would be an altercation between them in the near future but he was always prepared, never removing his gear and disarming unless absolutely necessary. He always used illusion spells to give the appearance of wearing robes befitting a diplomat while actually constantly armed.

He turned and headed back to the throne room, his expression returning to neutrality to avoid giving away his thoughts. Once inside the throne room, he asked "Have I perhaps missed anything in my absence? If so then could someone be so kind as to inform me of what I have missed?"
'Just names," Travlor said once another suitor had appeared. "I have to go and get ready for tonight but I am Travlor by the way. I wish all of us luck in this competition."

The elf then turned to leave the throne room. He did have to go but also he didn't like Takashi. He just wanted to change and be ready for tonight. Dancing. Yes he was going to have to dance. That sound be fun.
([MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] What of Liselle? The copy took her to the tracker camp and then mention of her suddenly stopped.)

Takashi thought to himself as Travlor introduced himself "Now I know the name to place on the bounty note. It will not be long now." He said right before Travlor left "Thank you. I believe you all know my name already from my introduction earlier." After Travlor had left, Takashi turns his attention to Eve and Louis. "What may I ask are your names?"
Liselle was in awe of the camp. These people seemed to be efficient to say the least. She was still unsure though of what might happened, but she was feeling better. She was free and she was going to get her revenge on Atra. That was all that mattered. Not these people. Not the Princess or the new competition. No. Liselle was going to make Atra pay for her betrayal and for locking her up.

The neko let out a hiss in her anger but beyond that noise she still did not speak. She was not sure what to do now. Does she follow the person making her disguise or should she wait?
Eve nodded to Travlor as he left. She turned to the other competitor, she remembered he was the first one here when she came. "You may call me Eve." She curtsied to him before speaking again. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance as well." Eve could sense the hostlity between Travlor and this man. But it wasn't her busines so she didn't ask, at least for now. . She smiled lightly at man, she wasn't sure what's his name was. "I'm sorry, I have such a vague memory. What was your name again?" She asked him softly, and in a formal voice.
([MENTION=1845]AGProject7347[/MENTION] Takashi didn't say anything out loud about the bounty. That first quote is him thinking to himself.)

"My name is Takashi Karasu, nice to meet you too. Though I am a diplomat, you don't have to be so formal." He feigned a smile. Though it was a fake smile, it was a very convincing fake. When one spends most of their time deceiving and manipulating others, one can quickly learn to lie very well. It was a skill that has come in handy for Takashi more times than he can count.

The copy turns to Liselle and says "Malyss will need you to decide your disguise once he is finished creating the enchanted item which you will wear to keep it active. Should you need to contact me, ask Shui Khan. I must go now." The copy turns black before splitting apart into a flock of crows which flies away along with the raven.
Eve nodded slightly to the "diplomat". She could really care less to what he did, but the tiny voice inside her head kept repeating, 'Play nice Eve, no reason to start anything.' She smoothed out her dress before looking back at the two. Smirking slightly at Takashi. "I'm sorry, formality is a very useful skill to me.... among other things." She laughed a bit before heading to the door. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I must get ready for the ball. Gentlemen." She nodded her head before leaving the throne room and made her way outside. Before opening the doors leading outside, Eve pulled back on her cloack, hiding both her face and dress. She then grabbed her horse and head back into the small tavern, that was were she was staying for the moment.
It seemed the other competitors were going to be leaving to get ready for the ball later and now, Takashi and Louis were the only ones left in the throne room. Since he had the free time before the ball, he decided upon getting that bounty note up before anything could come up. He immediately made his way to the keep, changing his illusion spell to make himself look like Louis along the way while moving through a dark area. This was to prevent him from being seen while he shifted appearance and was a precaution to ensure the bounty note could not be traced back to him.

(Someone guide me with this? I'm not sure how posting bounties works in this rp.)
(Louis' still in the throne room... )


Louis only nodded in confirmation to Travlor’s note of the group there, noticing the boy to be a little bit antsy with his gift. Nerves were attacking him as well, but to a lesser degree; the princess had practically openly swooned at the flowers. Then the man made a comment about the dagger that the prince had gotten her and he slightly paused, not being there in time to see that exchange. So the famous Prince had given his sister a dagger…he guessed that would leave some kind of impression on the meek girl.

Eve shared her opinion about it, and he really thought the dagger would lead to more consequences than favor. He noticed the girl look down at her dress for what seemed like the nth time, the same disgusted look. She seemed a little uncomfortable in the dress, but the next part of the competition was a ball; so he was in fairly fancy attire underneath his cloak as well.

Travlor and Eve kept up their conversation on the dagger and he opted to listen to them for the short while before Takashi entered back inside the room. At his question, the boy simply shrugged while Travlor filled him on the details before leaving. Louis slightly nodded at him before introducing himself to the man that had followed the princess out.

“Louis” he noted, not really sure what he thought of the guy; first he saw him drawing something and then he followed the princess out. Maybe the note was a love letter of some sort, which made the man question how many people were actually in it for love. Finally a name was placed on a face when the diplomat introduced himself, and now Louis was sure he had played messenger with him before. The real question was to whether or not his company had recognized him.

As Eve left, he slightly bowed to her again “M’lady” before she took off in preparations for the ball herself. Then Takashi left with no farewell whatsoever, leaving him in the throne room alone, since there was plenty of time until the ball, he decided to explore the castle a little. There were plenty of places he hadn’t been before, but he knew of certain districts of the castle. For instance, he knew perfectly well that he was heading in the direction of the princess’ room…
(You can post the bounty note in a bar or on a post somewhere so that it's noticeable, though probably more in a bar area. I'm not sure how posting bounties work so that is my best guess.)

Liselle nodded at what Takashi told her. She thought on what she might be. Something plain and unnoticeable. Something that could get her into the castle without too many questions. She considered and thought about many a plain looking human. She could blend in among the servants but she also wanted to be able to go around town and gather information.

She looked at the guy who was making her disguise. "I know what I want," she said speaking up for the first time.
Malyss stepped out of his tent holding a ring in his hand. He says "Good. Now what would you like to look like? Just put the ring on and imagine how you would like to look and I'll make it so." He holds out his hand, the ring sitting in his palm for Liselle to take.

Meanwhile, Takashi walks to a nearby tavern, entering and looking inside to see if there was a bounty board inside. Thankfully, this tavern had one and with enough space for him to place the note. He takes out the scroll cylinder and removes the top. He carefully removes the drawing of Travlor from it so as to prevent it from tearing before unrolling the paper. He quickly writes in details such as the target's name and the reward for his death. He wanted it to get done quickly so that meant placing a bounty which had a very attractive reward offer. For the reward, he offered roughly two thousand pieces of gold in diamonds and other precious gems. The meeting place to collect the bounty was set to be outside the city walls and it was noted that the meeting was only to take place at night with proof of the kill. Once the note was posted on the board, Takashi left the tavern. He did not want to spend any longer in there than he had to.
My Intro Thread

(Ok, I say this every time I post, but this time I'm Really sorry for the length of this post. It's just I had a lot to catch up on so... I caught up :D . I tried very carefully not to godmod anyone so please let me know if I did and I'll be happy to change it. Oh and he is appearing just like he does in the picture on the profile. So with all that out of the way, hope you enjoy.)

The cool morning air rushed over eastern hills as they rushed to escape the rising sun. Greeting the brisk morning breeze was K’tano and his compatriots, riding hard from Shinn and K‘tano‘s true love. They had been riding since he had received news that the Princess Leira was now taking on suitors. He hadn’t slept for three days or nights; his thoughts swarming with what he would say when he came face to face with her. “How does one speak to a Goddess,” he thought to himself.

Not less than a day ago, they had crossed the border into Azador from Auro’Nia. That “border”, was still something that had to be worked out between the diplomats, but for the time being the Elis River marked the farthest reaches of Auro‘Nia‘s influence. The council had pleaded with K’tano to hold off his journey until a formal diplomatic mission could accompany him. “Love waits for no one,” he reminded himself.

The party had made great speed since leaving the Frozen Citadel. However, they were still at least a days journey from their destination. To add onto that, the group hadn’t really sat down to eat a real meal since they left the home. And while K’tano was nourished solely by the thought of being able to confront the princess and confess his love, his compatriots had no such esoteric desires of which to draw from.

Desdanya had been K’tano’s constant compatriot since the beginning of his Unification Campaign. He had encountered the man in one of the first villages to join with the Arok’Ta. However, Desdanya himself wasn’t from the north but was in fact from Azador. With his knowledge and contacts from this region, K’tano would have been a fool to turn away his services. The young spymaster would use such contacts as he paved the way for an intelligence network inside the country.

And of course their was Snowflake and Siro, his faithful steed and wolf respectively. Even had K’tano wished to of left them behind, there was no real way they would left him get away from them.

Snowflake especially seemed to have a mind of his own. And it was this stubbornness that reared it’s ugly head as she saw a small lake off to the side of the road. She ground the party to a halt and trotted over for a much needed drink. Siro, who was riding on the back of Snowflake as well, hopped off the horse and went to get a drink as well.

“Come on guys! We just had a break four hours ago!” K’tano cried out with annoyance. Seeming to understand his masters’ plea, Snowflake turned and snorted a gush of water onto the man, soaking his face in the lake water.

Desdanya laugh out at the scene of K‘tano‘s horse betraying him. “You’ve been riding us pretty hard for the past few days, she must be exhausted K’tano. We’re not all in love here,” Desdanya reminded in a scolding chuckle.

K’tano saw no amusement in the man’s statement. “The sun is already up! This is the day that the competition was to begin!”

“It’s not like Snowflake there can go any faster than he is already.” Desdanya looked back at his friend as he dismounted his own horse to join the animals in getting a drink. As he looked back into K’tano’s eyes, there was a glint of mischief buried within them.

K’tano dismounted as well from Snowflake and walked away from the group and onto the road. He oriented himself in the direction of where he believed Shinn was located. “Did I ever tell you why they call me Icerider?”

But before Desdanya could respond to him, K’tano had already begun to run in the direction of Shinn. His friendly simply let out a sigh and leaned down, cupping his hand in the water and taking a sip from it. K’tano took in series of long, deep breathes, filling his lungs with the cool and moist morning air. He arced his arms back behind him and began to focus his inner energy into his palms that was pointing at the ground.

Swirling balls of energy pulsed rapidly in his grip; he struggled to hold onto the stirring forces caught in his palms. His mind quickly wandered to the image of Leira up on the stage, looking down and offering a smile to him. That was all he needed as he took one last breathe and opened up his hands to the thunderous release of energy. gust of wind and snow shot out from the epicenter in all directions as K’tano took flight.

Surrounded in a sphere of swirling white magic, he began to rocket away from the ground and towards his target. To any onlookers, it appeared that an icy comet was streaking across the sky. A loud crack over the land below as he reached his maximum speed. Had he not been encased in primal energy, the force alone would of ripped his body apart.

The icy comet flew over the city limits; a shower of snow and a blustery wind followed in his wake. Realizing that he was close to the palace, he released the energy from around his body and began to arch downwards towards a small park that lay a fair distance away from the castle. K’tano spun his body around and pressed his hands and feet outwards towards the ground as it quickly was rushing up to greet him. He focused all of his energy into large jets of snow that served to both slow his descent and provide a soft cushion for his impact.

And impact he did. He curled himself up into a ball of ice that smashed into the forty foot high mound of snow. That mound of snow was suddenly thrown up hundreds of feet into the. The ice that had surrounded him, then melted and melded back into his skin. As the ice released him from it’s grip, he dropped down onto the ground on his hands and knees and gasped for air. It wasn’t the frozen embrace that made him short of breathe. Instead, it was all the energy that such a ability drained from him. For a while he rested there, panting softly and quickly.

As he slowly stood, K’tano noticed that the snow that had been thrown up into the air was now beginning to fall all over the city in the form of a gentle flurries. There was of course no way to hide that he had arrived now. Curious kids rushed into the park to dance around in the winter wonderland that had just been created. A few of them even looked over at him, but he just smiled back at them and made his way towards the palace.

K’tano wondered, as he walked into the Throne Room, just what sort of diplomatic mess he’d have to clean up for that spectacle he just pulled. The nature that was buried deep within him, that gave him the ability to do such a wonder, was a much more patient and reserved one. But love isn’t patient, and unfortunately for that heritage; K’tano was more human than it.

With the exception of the guard he stopped to ask of the location of the princess, K’tano focused in as a laser on his task. The adrenaline was surging through his veins as he pushed open the doors leading to the room behind the throne. His breathing was becoming ragged and irregular as panic and exhaustion began to fill his consciousness. “Was he too late,” he wondered to himself as he looked down the empty corridor. K’tano moved forward at a brisk pace and passed a man in a brown cape as he walked down a spiral staircase.

He reached the bottom of the stairs and looked out across the hallway to see the idol of his affection, Princess Leira. K’tano cleared his voice and took in one last deep breathe as he spoke in a uncharacteristically timid voice, “Princess… Leira?” Slowly he approached her, cautious as not to alarm her or her handmaiden. “I hope you don’t think I’m being too … bold, but I had to see you. I’ve traveled many miles from my home, just to tell you how much I’ve loved you since they day I saw you perched up on stand watching that dumb festival of the monkeys ten years ago.”

K’tano continued to blunder over his words. The trip getting to here took more out of him than he would admit to himself and already he could feel the affect of expending that much energy was having. Determined not to make a fool of himself though, he drew in what energy he had left towards the task at hand. He had imagined all the romantic things he would say to her if given this chance, and now all he could do to prevent himself from keeling over was just to look on her.

“I’ve heard you don’t like it here; that you are a prisoner in your own fairy tale. Well I’m here to tell you, that I’ve come to rescue you and take you back to my castle…” The pained expressions of his slumped shoulders were unmistakable to the trained eyes, but still he focused. He turned his hand away from her and from it came forth a shower of snow. But instead of collecting itself in a pile of snow, the white powder gathered itself to form the scene of a picturesque white castle, nestled up next to a mountain.

“This is my home, it is known as the Frozen Citadel. But you need not worry about being cold there, there are vents of steam the leap up from the ground that make it a very comfortable place to live.” He managed to smile softly back at her as he turned his attention back towards her. The snow collapsed onto the ground in a pile after he stopped focusing on it.

K’tano brought his hand up and brought it into a fist as he reached out to the princess. His thumb slowly pushed up from his grip and small strands of ice seemed to weave together as they climbed up from his hand. The ice stem grew until it burst into a series of finely crafted rose pedals. Inside the clear ice rose were bits of snow that sparkled as he held it up to the nearest window to catch light that came in. “Whenever you need me, speak into this rose and give it a gentle kiss, and I will be here for you.”

Satisfied he made the impression that he had come so far to make, he slowly stepped backwards from the beautiful princess. “I hope to see you again soon, my snow princess.“ His eyes flashed blue, as he smiled tenderly towards the princess. With his energy all but gone, he took hold of the side of the staircase and stumbled up them, hoping that she hadn’t seen it.

K’tano stepped out of the Castle and was struggling to keep himself up now. His vision had become fuzzy and he watched in amazement as it seemed like people in the crowds began to fly right off the ground. He stumbled into a tavern and bumped into a man putting something up on a board. In K’tano’s state, he appeared to be nothing more than a drunk man, and simply muttered in a slurred way, “Sorry…”

Turning over to the barkeep, he reached into his pocket and dropped a handful of money onto the table, far more than what a room in this place was worth. The barkeep, delighted at his new customer smiled and grabbed the keys to his “best room” and gave it to him, telling him he could have it as long as he liked. K’tano dropped money onto the bar, far more than a room such as he could offer was worth. K’tano smiled weakly up at the bartender, obviously ready to keel over. The bartender looked back with genuinely concern for his new favorite customer. “Are you okay sir? Are you ill?”

“Nope,” K’tano said with the biggest smile had ever given. “Just in love.” K’tano took the keys and walked upstairs to his room. He shut and locked the door before crashing onto the bed and going straight to sleep.
A man passed by him just as Louis was descending the spiral staircase, one he hadn’t seen in the throne room previous. Louis was sure he would remember such distinguishable features of a man, ivory white locks and glowing blue eyes. Although he was clearly rushing to see the princess, Louis wasn’t sure what he meant to her and followed curiously. What he came to saw next made his heart clench in his chest, of course someone else had to be in love with a visage such as Lierah.

A sad smile formed on his face when she was gifted with a rose much like his own, but made of frost magic; something that actually made his pause and look at the man. He had yet to introduce himself yet, but he had certainly promised her the world on the palm of his hand if she accepted him. Louis could do no such feat, he was simply the stable boy in town; but he had also seen Lierah ten years ago. The man and he were opposites, but they had fallen in love with the ebony beauty in the same year, making him understand the frozen prince a little more.

The man rose and left after he gave her the rose and he watched him leave, the other still not showing him much mind on the way out. Lierah was alone with her maid now, but he wasn’t really sure what to say immediately, following someone’s heart-felt confession was hard for anyone. His green eyes scanned the rose again, to think that something so beautiful in nature could be made by ice. Due to his appreciations of the earth, he was on the fence about the flowers beauty, but would not say a thing about it.

It wasn’t like him to talk low of his competitors…

Louis finally figured out what he wanted to do, approaching the princess and the maid from the wall, he bowed at them slightly, out of habit. “Princess Lierah…” he noted, sweeping up her hand in one of his to latch his fingers into her, “I know you must be confused right now” he continued. “But I would like you to know my feelings as well…” he pulled back his hood at this point to reveal his striking green eyes with a yellow ring around the iris’ edge. His sandy blonde hair was somewhat of a mess because of the hood he always wore, and his skin was fair against it all.

“Ten years ago, I was simply a stable boy…but I had gone to the castle to meet your father on prospects of a job. That day I saw you, although you were only eight at the time it was your beauty that convinced me I wanted the job. Only too see you another day, only to love you for that much longer…I loved you that first day, Princess and I will continue to even if it is one-sided….” He explained.

He pulled up their intertwined hands and kissed her ring finger, “I know you probably don’t have an answer yet, but can you at least do me the honor of your first dance this evening?” he queried, giving her a meaningful stare. The maid servant was probably itching to hit him by now, or get him away from the confused girl he was currently wooing. He only hoped he looked innocent enough, unlike his competitors he didn’t want to reveal any of the tricks up his sleeve just yet.

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