The Princess's Hand

(By the way Rosa was signed up as Leirah personal maid and guardian...there can be two but I just thought you should know)

Rosa sighed, "I am sorry but I don't believe everyone would approve of your work. However I can allow you to pick the style in which your hair shall be done," she said spreading the beautiful green gown across the princess's bed. The cold metal of the dagger on her arm was, as always, soothing to her. Today was a day filled with tension, new people weren't entering the castle. Or in other words new possible threats weren't entering the castle. Hopefully Zeira was off checking on that since Rosa had to tend to the Princess's appearance.
Takashi strolls out of the castle. Apparently with how early he was, nobody even noticed him. Either that or he was being watched but so far there was nothing he had done which anyone could use as conclusive evidence of him being up to something. Plus being a foreign diplomat had its perks. As he got outside, he looked up at the sky. Hopefully a crow or raven would be flying by right now. He didn't want to risk venturing too far away from the castle and ending up going from being early to being late but he had to get in a bit of distance for his next act. He made his way back into the town and into an alley. Nobody was there at the moment so it seemed to be a good enough place. He went down on one knee before placing his hand on the ground. Black lines appeared on the ground to form symbols and those symbols lay inside a circle which had a diameter equal to the distance between Takashi's wrist and fingertips. Once it was complete, he removes his hand from the ground and within a few seconds, a raven appears on the spot and the symbols as well as the circle disappear. This was no ordinary raven as could be told by that it had four small red eyes. Takashi says to the raven "Fly to the mountains. There is a prison inside one of them. Sneak inside and find a girl named Liselle. When you get there, assist her in escaping and bring her to me." The raven nods before it takes off. Now that was taken care of, he headed back to the castle.
Liselle sat in her call wondering when the Queen would return. She obviously was going to have her kill. Maybe set her up as a target for the new suitors to attack or something. Whatever the Queen planned it would be soon. Liselle had to get out of here. She was one of the few who knew the truth about the vile woman and one of the even fewer who fought against her and lived.

The catwoman growled but stopped when she heard a noise. Something outside of her cell was occurring. She listened hard. It sounded like a fight maybe. Liselle growled again as something hit her cell down.

"Who's there? I can still fight," Liselle called. Her door opened and Liselle blinked. Was that a raven in front of it? Liselle had never seen one like it before and blood dripped from it's talons. It looked at her and cawed (not sure what kind of noise they make). As it started to fly Liselle looked at it. It cawed again.

"Oh. You want me to follow?" Liselle looked at a down guard. She couldn't be sure if it was dead or not. Another nodded at her. She nodded back and took the sword the other one held. "Then lead on."


Kiel made it back to the castle in record time. He threw the reins to the stableboy and told him to take care of Tremble. He took his gift and headed towards the throne room. It was almost time now. Kiel wondered where his mother was. He had the urge to find her, but he assumed she would be near or in the throne room considering what time it was. The sun had finally made it's climb. The competition would begin.
As they made their way down to the castle, both were silent. When they got to the small path leading to the castle, they stopped.

Ian looked at her, he never did find out what her gift to the princess is, and probably won't find out till it was time. "So, you going to take that cloak off, or you going in like that." he said while crossing his arms over his chest.

She sighed deeply before pulling off the black cloak. Ian's jaw dropped to the ground, he'd never seen Eve in a dress, let alone a formal dress. She smirked at his response, "Better pick up that jaw of yours farm boy." Eve said while she made her way up the path.

He struggled to kick up with her. "Hey, so you going to tell me what you got the princess?" he looked at her, hopping she say yes, but knew she wouldn't.

"Nope." she said bluntly as they approached the stable.

He dirceted them on where to go. The both decided to wait in a main dinning room before heading up.

Takashi looked at himself and thought "Right, it was supposed to be formal. Nothing an illusion spell cannot fix. That Raven should have rescued Liselle by now. She is a valuable asset to the Crow and will be for some time." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before breathing out slowly. He walks off to one of the corridors and right after he passes one of the guards. He steps behind the guard so they would have their backs to each other and the guard behind him would block sight of him. He uses a bit of mana to change the appearance of his clothes. Now it appeared as if he was wearing black robes similar to those worn by the Emperor of the Xzia empire. He stepped out from behind the guard and walked to the throne room. There he stood and waited for everything to begin.

Meanwhile, the raven that had freed Liselle would currently be leading her through the mountains and away from the prison to an encampment near the town where the castle was at. This encampment was home to a group of mercenaries and spies who were contacts of the Karasu clan and had a secret loyalty to them as well. There, she would be able to get a new set of clothes to use as a disguise and any other help she might need. (They look like the ones worn by the old man in the back of the pic of that card. Sorry about my usage of cards for pictures but I like some of the art on the cards in the game they are from.)
Atras DressView attachment 2818

Atra pecked her foolish husband on the cheek and ran her slender fingers through his soft hair. She didn’t speak and she didn’t smile. After a few minutes she got up and poured him something to drink, slipping a bit of poison in his drink that would kill him slowly. Not right away, she wanted this to look like he died of a serious illness. After doing so, he set the drink on a small table beside his bed.

“I’ll call a maid in to help you drink and eat,” her voice came out with ease and elegance. She opened the door to his room and left. A maid was a few feet away, dusting off a glass vase it seemed. She walked over and tapped the girl on the shoulder, she started to tremble.

A sudden sense of fear ran through her nerves like the chill of an icy wind. Atras hands had felt as icily cold and clammy as death. The maid had heard of Atras reputation which swelled like a sponge. More and more people are beginning to fear her, or hate her.

“Y-yes Queen Atra?” she stuttered.

“Bring some food to my husband’s room and help him eat,” she ordered.

“R-right Queen Atra,” the girl scurried away, obviously not wanting to be near her. She chuckled in amusement and made her way to the Throne Room. The halls became silent as sheeted death.


Queen Atra took her position at one of the Thrones and poised herself. She had one leg crossed over the other and was currently straightening out her red and white dress. Jewels were entwined with each other around her waist, spangled over her with twinkling points like stars. Red fabric split at her hips and came down in the form of long triangles. White silk flowed out from under the red fabric as a cloud gathers her robe like drifted snow; red high heels that strapped around her ankles seemed as delicate and far as a lily. Her petite hand moved up to her neck and began to play with the jewels decorating her necklace. She was as beautiful as the purple flush of dawn.

Her opal eyes ran over the Throne Room, glancing at some of the servants doing their work. An anxiety hung like a dark impenetrable cloud, and the smile that grew across her face filled the silence like a speech.
Takashi watched as Atra walked into the throne room and sat down. He remained where he stood, waiting for everyone else to arrive. He was expecting the prince and princess to be there along with the queen but either way, things were getting started finally. Takashi took a few steps forward and took a bow before he said "Greetings your majesty. Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Your beauty knows no bounds." Talking to Atra sickened him greatly but squeezing his way somewhat into her favour might pay off. For the sake of looking convincing, he feigned a smile.
She smiled bemused, removed her hands from her necklace, and rested them on the Thrones arms. Her hair, dark as midnight, sprawled over her shoulders and breasts-enhanceing her skin tone. She was as white and stunning as a pearl.

“Why thank you,” she exhaled smoothly, “And what is this gentlemen’s name that wishes to take my daughters hand in marriage?” her words were like melting honey from the comb yet strong as steel. She remained a lamp of deathless beauty that shined like a beacon, never letting her true nation peek out the door.

Servants peeked glances at her that flittered like a birds wings. Just her presence caused a storm in people’s hearts, some showed their unease or hatred towards her like these servants. While others, like this man for example, tried to cover it up.

However, their efforts are futile...
Takashi maintains his fake smile as he says "Takashi Karasu, your majesty. I believe we have met before. I am the diplomat from the Xzia Empire who has been staying within your kingdom for the past few years to ensure peace and friendly relations."
Preparations aside, Lierah crinkled her nose, eyes upon her reflection as her maid arranged the black tresses upon her head. Several jewels and silvers adorned her hair, gleaming as they caught the ligt whenever she'd move. The dress her mother had picked out was just as flashy, sleeves laced with swirling patterns that ran along the length of her arms. Emerald on emerald, the green bringing out the light of her eyes. The dress cascaddd behind her, the length behind more than the front, which had rose just above her ankle, revealing black slippers.

And as her reflection had stared back at her, she couldn't help but think how different she looked with so much bling. Though, she couldn't say she didn't like the results. She had Rosa to thank for that. She'd later found that her head pieces and gloves had been crafted by Zeira herself, though whether it was approved by the Queen, she was unsure. But the elegance of the pieces seemed to have matched her dress. She should approve either way.

Lierah stood by the entrance, and from here she could see the dangerous of her mother's beauty already enchanting her visitors. Which made her all the more uneasy, for she can also see a few of her suitors. Though, she still did not enter the area, instead, she stood by the door, leaning upon its frame as if she were completely unsure of how she'd enter.

Zeira stood behind her with eyes roaming the room with suspicion and caution. She'd returned to the Princess's just a few minutes before she'd been ushered downstairs, just in time to arrange her hair, which had originally been Rosa's job. Though, her conscience did not allow for her to stand still as the female did all of the work. It was just far too much, she almost felt pity for the maid. But she was cautious not to, for she knew well enough that Rosa did not like that. Instead, she wordlessly picked up the laces of silver and emerald gems and began to weave them into Lierah's hair, who had glared at her through the mirror as she did so. Zeira only smiled back.
Eve and Ian decided to wait for the Princess. They both did not want to go in early, especially if the Queen was there. They shuddered at the thought of being alone in a room with her. Not that she was scary of anything, just pure evil. At least that's what they thought.
“Ah yes, Takashi Karasu. It must have slipped my mind,” she closed her eyes and smile. “My dearest apologies, with being the Queen and all, remembering people’s names are just, so, “she exhaled, “Difficult…” She opened her eyes again, taking in Takashi appearance. Her eyes drifted off from him, and wondered. Where was her daughter? A suitor was already here. He let out an annoyed sigh, she had told her daughter to be early. Suddenly though, she had a strange feeling to check the door and noticed her daughter standing there awkwardly. Of course.

“Ah, it seems the guest of honor has finally arrived,” Atra smiled darkly at her daughter and patted the thrones arm next to her. “Come and sit, you are late.” She glanced back towards Takashi. “You may return to your seat till the others have arrived,” she said, her voice like a cold wind.
(Not a bow like what an archer uses, I meant when you take a bow. Like when someone congratulates you and you take a bow? The following image explains it best. )

--- Merged Double Post ---

Takashi returns to his seat to wait for the others to arrive. He needed a way to pass a bit of time until the others arrived. He found it odd that he was the only suitor there so far. He turns his view to the princess and more specifically her eyes. It was said that a person's eyes are like a window into their soul. It might give him a clue as to what she was thinking or feeling. That and trying to figure it out made a good way to help pass time.
Her steps were uncertain and tense, though she tried to keep the graceful strides of one of royal blood. Her smile was just as elegant, though hints of unease seemd to force its way through. Lierah entered the room, light catching on her dress and head wear as she seemingly glided towards the patted seat, feeling her heart thump all the more faster at the thought of having to sit next to her mother.

Zeira walked behind her, head bowed. And though she cannot see the princess, she could almost feel her discomfort, one she wished she could banish, though at this point, she cannot offer any gestures of comfort, for the Queen was about. And her eyes, as just demonstrated, were as sharp as an eagle's. Zeira could not risk being seen speak to the princess as if she were a friend. And not the lowly maid she was to appear. But that was besides the point. She could see the muscles upon the bare shouldesrs of the princess, stiff. Though, that aside, she also noticed an absence of decoration upon the princess's neck. Lierah was just about incomplete. She was without a necklace. Zeira frowned at this.
Someone had informed them that the Princess had arrived, they nodded to each other as they approached the large door, leading them to the room the competitors were meeting. Eve removed her cloak and handed it to one of the servants, revelaing her dress. Eve decided to keep the dress, rather that dispose it when this was over. When they entered they noticed that someone was there before them. Eve looked over at Ian and smirked. The two both waited for the Queen to summon them, or whatever they called it.

Travlor was looking around the castle in wonder. As he stared he felt someone push pass him. Travlor froze for a moment and watched as a boy with white hand walked past him as if he was both in a hurry and had all the time in the world.

The Prince.'

Travlor folowed the Prince although it was clear that he did not even notice him. Eventually both of them managed to make it to the throne room. Kiel did not look at the others, but only at his mother. He smiled faintly. He could not disappoint her.
Atra smiled faintly at her son and glanced over at the other competitors.

“Well, shall we begin?” she exhaled “Who would like to bare gifts to the princess first?” Her words sounded like wavelets on a summer shore. She rested her head on her hand and smiled bewitchingly at the other competitors. Her eyes hovered to the princess, “Isnt this exciting?” she whispered darkly to the princess, her voice cutting through like a knife and quiet enough to only where she and the young girl could hear. Her ruby dress clang to the tiles, seeming like a snake. Her long black hair dancing around her like waves splashing in the ocean. Her mouth seemed as sweet asa fig yet bore venom more poisnous then any rattlesnake. Her neck like a stately tower and lips like twilight water. Her beauty mocked the competitors, they had no chance. None of them could touch her, she was the ring master and they, her circus troops.

Kiel looked at his mother and then to his sister. He knew he should be the first to approach the Princess. He should make an example that no one else could follow and be ahead of the others already.

Kiel gripped his weapon and then looked at his sister. If he cared about her more he might have gone last. If he had loved her like he loved his mother, he might mess this up so that he stood no chance. But Kiel loved his mother more than his sister. So he did what she wanted.

He walked forward and kneeled before them both. He reached up and kissed his sister's hand, smiling warmly at her though it was mostly fake warmth.

"My lovely Princess. I have come here today as your suitor though I know I do not deserve the title nor someone as radiant or wonderful as you. I search hard and long for a gift that might win me your favor and I think I may have found one.

He took his bundled and undid it revealing a dagger underneath. It's hilt was smooth as if it was made out of bone and a dark red color with rubies encrusted into it in the shape of a star. The blade itself shone in the lightand there was a hint of gold in it as if someone had blended steel and gold. The edges were a little dull but that was it's only downfall.

"A blade for the Highness so that she may defend herself and her heart until one of us shall disarm her and win both. The blade may not be sharp enough to kill a man, but it can wound if used correctly. It is both beautiful but strong as I know you are."

Kiel remained kneeling, holding his gift up to his sister to take. Down below Travlor let out a low whistle. How would the Queen react to her son arming the Princess? He waited to see what would happen.
Takashi watched this and almost smirked. He thought to himself "I have this gift giving all locked up. I know what the princess likes and that should give me an edge over the competition." He rose from his seat and stood there as he patiently awaited the princess' response. He planned to be the next to give up gifts but then again, it was said to be better if one saved the best for last. He started to recite his lines in his head, trying to get the ideal way to make his voice sound when he would speak to the princess.
Zeira gave a start, forcing back the strange noise that rose from her throat at the sight of the weapon. The Prince, Lierah's brother, was offering the Princess a blade. The maid shifted from her position just beside the throne, eyes flickering towards her princess, as to view her response. Though, to her surprise, the girl gave no indication of emotion, the regular awe/fear that glimmered in her emerald eyes upon the sight of her brother was absent. She appeared merely blank. Unfeeling, empty. Like a doll that stared forward with a gaze of nothingness. Needless to say, this bothered the female to some extent.

Lierah's heart was thumping, her hands felt clammy and her breath was short. Though, she was not sure whether her brother can see the uneven rise and fall of her torso as she drew in air, she still kept whatever resolve she had left. Her allowed a stony mask to slip onto the gentleness of her face. Her small hands raised to grasp the gift nonetheless, her mother would have her head if she did not accept such a thing. Lierah felt its weight as she shifted it about her hand, and with the many days she'd spent with Zeira, she knew well enough how to wield the blade.

Her maid's eyes once again fell to the floor as the princess offered a smile of gratitude towards her brother. Zeira gently took the blade off her pale hands and into her own, rewrapping the weapon with the clothe the Prince had had it bundled within, placing it just at the marble table placed a few paced behind the throne. She couldn't help but stare at the dagger, such likeness with Lierah's family, yet so different from her own Princess. It made her wonder how a family can be so split down the middle.

Lierah's stony smile, of course, did not last very long. A slight glance towards her maid and a reassuring smile from the said female was all it took for the princess to loosen. And the gentleness was back upon Atra's daughter's childish features, her green eyes once again flooding with emotion easily read by many. One of which she had felt gnawing at her insides the entire day. Fear. One such emotion that would never cease to probe at her mind. And as her gaze swept about the room-- she dared not look at Kiel-- she could only feel her heart thump all the more faster.
Soren Anders stepped out of the tavern,hodling a flagon. He stepped down to the bounty board,and looked between the board,his partner,and the corpse now decorating the town square. "Kris,how many times have I told you..." He held the flagon over her head,then upended it,dumping it's contents over her head. Ordinary water. "Always wait for me when pursuing a bounty. Who knows what nasty surprises they may have." He pulled back his flagon,and queried, "How much was his sorry ass worth?"
(@Evangeline @ Did you see my last post... just curious because you didn't answer Rosa's question or respond to the OOC)

Rosa rushed about the princess's room picking up discarded ribbons, petticoats and barrettes. It didn't matter how hard she tried to clean while she worked, getting the princess ready was a lengthy trial and error process that would be so much easier if the Queen Atra wasn't so picky. Thankfully Zeira was there and could guard the princess while she handled the other stuff.

However now she must rush to the chambers in which the ceremony was being held. She was to take the back entrance so that she could thus sneak in without disrupting anyone. She slipped quietly into the servant's corridors and passages, the dark dank hallways echoed with other footsteps and smelled of body odor and must. Most servants did not have the obligation of being as clean as she but Rosa took pride in her work. The Princess Leirah was generally nice, it was the Queen you had to worry about.

Finally she arrived and with quick silent steps she slipped into the corridor. She was behind the thrones and thus by sneaking was able to slip into the crowd of nobles. Rosa was small enough and quick enough the no one tended to notice her, merely another servant in the midst of Nobles. She stood quietly on the otherside of the Princess Leirah withour a single disturbance.
"How many times have I told you not to jump to conclusions!?" the archer replied, looking up through the sopping wet mat of snow white hair angrily.

"I did no hunting, this blind idiot jumped out in front of me rattling nonsense! No pun intended..." she went on, trying to towel some moisture from her scalp with the hood of her travelling cloak.

Approaching the body to retrieve her arrow Kris made another comment, ignoring the disbelieving stares of onlookers;

"For that, you're hauling the dead weight today."
Ian was nervous, multiple ideas raced through his head, 'Should I go through this? Should I just leave now?' After the prince presented his gift, he decided on what he would do. He'd drop out now before it's too late. Ian spoke, "Forgive me Queen, Princess I need to take my leave, excuse me." he bowed to them before heading to the door.

Eve was a bit shocked by his announcement, but not that much. Ian was happy with his life, and wouldn't risk it for the sake of revenge. She gravved his arm before he made it out the door, "Ian...." she said softly, but he shaked his head.

"No, this is your thing, you know I'm a farmboy, that's all I ever be." he hand her his gift the princess. "Send my regards." he said before heading out the throne room, then out of the castle. He took his horse and decided to head to the tavern.

Eve took the gift and nodded, she smiled sadly, "I'll be doing it for you too." she whispered to him before she left. Eve held the gift in her hands behind her back. "Please excuse my friend Quenn Atra, Princess Lierah." she curtsy towards them.
Takashi took a few steps forward, stopping a few steps away from Eve. He whispers to Eve out of the side of his mouth so nobody would notice he was talking as he said "Excuse me miss but are you going to be presenting your gift and your friend's own now? If not then may I go ahead?"

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