The Princess's Hand

(Yeah 14, I'm sorry. x.x" When i got around typing the thing, people posted that they were already in waiting, so i kinda rushed through it. And for the OOC, it's fine.))
Eve looked down and sighed, when she brought her head up, there was no trace of emotion on her face. She too whispered out of the side of her mouth. "No, go right ahead." she fummbled with the band in her hands, still behind her back. She knew that Ian would drop-out, but not this early. Oh well, now she didn't have to worry about him risking his perfect life. Eve was surprised by the prince's gift to his sister, but showed no evidence of it on her face. While the others presented their gift she thought of what to say. Eve was the only girl competitor, it was a bit awkward for her.

Ian trotted back down to the tavern, thinking of what he done. He knew Eve might be mad at him for dropping out, or worse, but he wasn't risking it. He really didn't want to go back to the farm, nothing to do there anyways. Ian sat down at one of the empty tables and order a drink, hoping at the same time everything was going alright for his friend.
Kiel glanced at his mother before retreating. His own face was emotionless something he was good at. But no matter his look people alway seemed to act strange around him as if he might suddenly strike them or something. Kiel thought about his dark magic and he wondered if that was it.

He stood off to the left of the other competitors waiting for them. Travlor looked at him both in wonder and confusion. He wasn't sure how well his gift would go over. Travlor touched his. They were boring presents but he felt they would not invoke the Queen's wrath. He wasn't sure if Kiel knew what he was doing.
Takashi stepped forward and knelt before Atra and Lierah. He did not kiss the princess' hand as her brother, the prince had done as she had not offered her hand nor did he know her intimately. "The lovely princess Lierah. It is an honour to be in the presence of one whose beauty outshines the sun. I am here as one of your suitors this day and I hope you find my gift to be both enjoyable and acceptable." He pulled a light wooden box which had been painted red and black out of his robes. He held the box out and flipped over the lid so the princess could see what was inside. Inside this box was a gold necklace with a flawless diamond cut in the shape of a star in the centre. The necklace itself was inscribed with various blessings such as wishes of prosperity and the like. Beneath this however was a note he had placed in the box. The note read "There are another two, even more special. Remove the panel this note rests on to find them. I am confident you will enjoy them."
(ooc: sorry it took me so long, was working on other rp's and this one moved faster than I realized)

Heading into the mountain prison, Geraldo Cordan knew that something was very wrong. He didn't feel the eyes of the guards, and the wards he'd set up last trip were all set off. He picked up the pace, his warhorse galloping straight to the gate, and knocked for the guards. none responded, so he tried to force the gate himself, and it opened easily. Not a good sign.

He entered the guard chamber, and surveyed the carnage. Several corpses were sprawled across the room, all of them the queen's men. "Kormundu's wrath upon the one who has done this!" he muttered to himself angrily, and drew Oathbreaker's End, the blade almost singing as it slid out. There was only one cell he was worried about, and that was the key that was missing.

almost an hour later, having discovered the Neko Liselle's escape, Geraldo was speeding back to the city, a crow flying ahead with his message.

Heldar felt the presence of one of his message crows, and rose quickly from his seat near the throne. before he left the room, he whispered to one of the guards "Tell the queen that one of my clansman's crow's has arrived, and i will return after I've seen to it's message." And with that he headed to the tower where is quarters lay.

Upon entering his room, he quickly headed straight to the perch, where Geraldo's message was tied to it's leg, it was only had five words "Liselle escaped, had outside help" and with that, Heldar knew he'd have to warn the queen.
Atra watched her son walk away, a blind rage like a fire sweeping over her. Her smile slowly turned neutral, no facial expression displayed on her mask of beauty. Only her son would know what that expression meant, pure frustration, anger. Others would assume she was just bored and, found them uninteresting.

Why must her son be so dense? Was he trying to defy her?

Atras eyes flittered over to Leirah; it was obvious that even she was shocked. It seemed Atra will have to pull a lot of strings, so as to make her son win. A few minutes later, after Kiel retreated, a small farm-boy spoke. He had said he was quitting and stormed off out of the room. Her smile returned, good.

Less competition...

She smiled sardonically as Takashi came up once more and offered the Princess a necklace, along with some other surprising gift. He showered her in compliments, trying to win her over. It was almost sickening. She kept her cold gaze upon the boy, her look stinging like a frozen lash. She gave off antipathies as a liquid gives off vapor, her silence deeper then death. The clouds outside began to hover over the Kingdom, covering up the sun and causing slow wings to pick up. The branches outside began to clatter like skeleton bones and at that, like a flower, her crimson lips parted.

“How nice,”
Kiel looked at his mother and almost flinched at her gaze. He knew what he did was wrong, but he could not take it back now. Besides some part of him felt it would be better if she was armed even if the dagger was not that good of a weapon. Kiel was going to be sure that it would be use.

He looked at his sister not wanting to see his mother's anger. He knew she would confront him later. He had no idea what he might say but he knew he had to tried harder to win now, though so far the next gift was just shiny and pretty.

She will like a weapon better than trinkets. A weapon is useful.'


Liselle was slightlying panting by time she made it into the woods nearby the city. The raven cawed at her again.

"Thanks I guess." It did not move and motioned towards the castle. "No. She's there. If I go there now it'll be bad. If someone sent you tell them to come here. I'll be waiting in the woods tonight." Then Liselle went into it, going as far as she could.
Isn't it just like my young master to stir the pot? Agatha thought to herself, adjusting the crisp white bonnet on her head. After being assembled with another handful of servants in the throne room Agatha felt not necessarily at unease, but mostly bored. Usually she would have been tending to her usual daily chores but instead found herself watching as the young lady of the kingdom was presented with frivolous gifts that in the long run meant nothing.

Well, she thought, her eye kinked in amusement. At least the young master has a sense of practicality.
([MENTION=1788]Evangeline[/MENTION]: Just saying. The princess should take the box itself. The note was placed inside it to prevent Atra from seeing it since one of the two things hidden under that panel is something Atra would not want her to have. That would be one of those romance and adventure books the princess likes so much. The other item is really just a rather sweet pastry.)
Soren chuckled. "Whatever you say,Kris." He stuck the now empty flagon over her quiver,and picked up the corpse. "You never answered the question,lass. How much is this bastard worth? And where do we go to collect?" He started to lightly punch the corpse's head with his free hand. He felt the need to punch something. With each punch,arcs of electricity surged into the corpse,and dissipated a few inches from the initial impact location. "Also,who's next on our shit list?"
"He's got a bounty of... two hundred fourty two," the hunter replied, rifling through the sheaf of papers a little to find the bounty in particular.

"You know, if you can't figure out where to collect after all this time... I swear, half the times I wonder how you remember to breathe," she answered rather angrily, more because of his little 'jokes' than his words.

When Soren asked her about who was next though, Kris wasn't sure what to say, and spread the bounties out to be seen. Not even a moment of investigation revealed that someone had placed a bounty on the prince himself, a pretty bold move.

"I think we should talk to someone about this," she stated, holding the lightly weathered paper for her partner to see.
Lierah felt the weight of her mother's stare upon her for a moment's time as she stood, taking a few steps to near the male who seemed to have distanced himself from her. The emerald dress glittered as it caught the light from the chandeliers, more so when she went about dipping into a slight curtsy before the male, a pleasant smile upon rosy red lips as she spoke her response.


And as quickly as the Princess stood, her maid was upon her side, softly tugging the box away from the suitor with hands steady, very unlike Lierah, whose hands trembled as she clutched the skirt of her dress, having rose from her curtsy. Of course, this respect she'd show to others, others only. An action which she knew would bring about the wrath of her mother, for she did no such thing for the Prince. Her mother wished for the prince to win, though Lierah had absolutely no desire to marry her brother. And she will make sure of this, whatever the cost.

Zeira almost cringed, eyes flickering back and forth from her "superiors" as the Princess dipped, her body stiff though her unease went unnoticed. SHe'd retreated to the back with the box in hand, frowning at the weight of the object. She believed that the necklace was not the only thing that was held within, its contents was much too small to hold such a tiny thing. Whatever the male brought her, he did not wish for Atra to see. But the necklace was pleasing enough to the eyes of the princess and to her to be approved. But she was unsure at the moment what went on in the mind of her princess. Surely she did not mean to further anger her mother with her actions, maybe she'd just forgotten to curtsy for her brother, formality is one she should show among all people. And at this point, it seemed as though the prince had quite a disadvantage. Did he not know his own sister's likes? Did he not know that the Princess wished for a protector, not something to protect herself with?

Zeira shuffled back to her princess's side, for the girl did not return to her throne, as if she knew her mother would strike at her the very moment she did. Zeira stole glances at the girl, uncertainty within her eyes as she did so, as if to question her without the use of her voice. But it seemed as though Lierah was set on ignoring her silent warnings and more focused on angering her mother, as dangerous as it seemed. The maid allowed for a noiseless sigh, for she knew the princess will not heed to her meaningful glances, this time allowing her own eyes to drift about the room. It seemed empty to her, not many showed up to present their gifts, this much troubled her. For she knew it would trouble the queen, which would add onto her frustration, she could only imagine the anger she would express and how she will go about doing it.
Takashi rose to his feet and smiled lightly at Lierah. He bowed politely to show his respect. His smile was slightly less fake than that he had shown the queen as he had begun to take an interest in her. She was the first person he saw defy Atra so openly even if it was not verbal. He whispered out of the side of his mouth, only loudly enough for Lierah to hear as she was closer in proximity to him than anyone else at the moment as he said "Your Royal Highness, if you may allow me the honour, may we talk a bit after all this is over? Outside of her Majesty's presence preferably?" He backs away, going to the right of the other competitors.

After a moment, cawing can be heard. Takashi knew what this meant. His raven had returned and it seemed with a message for him. The raven flew inside but once it reached the throne room, it landed and walked up to Takashi. Upon reaching him, the raven flew up onto his right shoulder where it sat and positioned its beak at his ear. It seemed the raven was whispering something to him which Takashi responded to with a slight nod. He might not be able to go to the forest that night if his plans did not allow it but he could still send his image there to meet Liselle. Now he just needed to wait until this part of the competition was over so he could sneak away and create his double.
Soren chuckled lightly at Kris' biting remarks. She always reacted poorly to his joking. He was trying to condition her otherwise,however. He stopped bopping the corpse's head and taken the weathered bounty note. After examining it,he whistled in admiration. "The petitioner's got balls,I'll say that much. But,personally...I'd rather keep a lid on this. If you feel we must talk to someone about it,don't bring it to the royals. They'll object for obvious reasons. We need a neutral party to study the legitimacy of this bounty." He shifted the corpse slightly,handed Kris back the bounty,and returned to beating on the dead man's head. "So,time to collect,then." He hopped slightly,shifting the corpse some more. "Before my good arm comes off." He began walking towards the keep,after extricating Kris' arrow from the man's eye socket. He held it out,but kept walking,knowing Kris would easily catch up and retrieve it.
"I think we should show it to the royals, they should know someone's out for their head; looks good on us for showing initiative," Kris stated rather matter-of-factly, lazily taking her arrow back, and sliding it to it's home in the short-range quiver at her hip.

"If you don't want to, fine by me; I'll just take all the good fights while you go back to the inn for another drink," she went on, hoping that she'd properly learned which buttons to press by now. The two hadn't worked together for very long yet, but the archer thought she'd gotten to know Soren well enough by that point.
Soren simply glared at Kris. "And jeprodize out biggest payday yet? Are you high on cactus juice!?" He sighed as they approached the bridge to the keep. It was flanked by halberd wielding guards,and the wall that protected the dry moat around the keep was host to archers,who were all aiming at them,while the halberdiers blocked the bridge. Soren raised an eyebrow,and asked, "Is it the corpse?"
"I think you just forgot to bathe again," Kris joked, her voice level while she pulled the bounty poster from the sheaf she'd just barely stowed away in her satchel. One of the guards was obviously still in training, the polish to his boots was just off, against the pattern of the metal, only a novice would make the mistake, and it showed when he denied access while the other allowed the bounty hunters through.

"Be careful, never know how many bounty hunters are going to try crossing today," she said sarcastically, not bothering to break stride as she crossed the bridge.
With strength like steel, the Queen spoke. “Leirah, other competitors wants to offer you their gifts.” She exhaled and ran her white hands through her hair; it looked like white doves going into the shadow of a wood. The wounds or anger the Princess was trying to uproar in Atra did nothing. She wore her wounds like stars, unbreakable as iron. The only reason any sort of emotion had slipped out was because of the anger towards her son. However, she pushed it aside for now. Filing it in her bookcase and stamping it with a due date, so as to remember when she would deal with it. Her eyes folded like a white rose-leaf.

“Next,” She re-opened her eyes and made a shooing gesture at the servants. “Thank you for your assistance, you may all leave.” She smiled, her eyes becoming as bright as the moon, “Take a week of vacation,” she suggested.
Louis cursed himself once again, passing a stranger when he made his way into the throne room, silently making his way to the end of the line. The man had no idea how he ended up being late to the castle, but he was berating himself in his head for almost missing out. For there, stood his beautiful princess in a gown that she probably hated, with her hair up in a way she probably hated. The man had stolen glances of her from a long time ago, and he came to know her in his own way. He very much doubt he recognized him though, as his face still only peaked through the shadow of his cloak; then again it was the same cloak he had worn for the past years as the royal messenger.

Apparently Louis hadn’t missed much as the suitors before him were only simply presenting gifts to the princess. There was a girl next to him, and he assumed she hadn’t gone yet, as there was only space at the end and the beginning of the line. Unless, he was the last to come in…and that would mean he wouldn’t see anybody before him, he silently wondered if someone had given her the same gift. Then he found himself questioning why the man had left as he was coming in, suddenly getting antsy with everything.

It was a feeling of nervousness, and he sighed audibly, the first noise he made since he came in, to try and calm down. Then, he finally recognized the man that was certainly taking his sweet time up there, Louis had delivered a message before…His name would not come to the sandy blonde though, and he was snapped out of it by the queen’s menacing words. There was some truth in what she said, but he didn’t really enjoy her expression of it; she had called next though, so he offered that the girl next to him step up.

“Ladies first...” he noted, still a gentleman despite the competition situation of it all.
The long dirt road stretched for miles leading into the gates of the capitol and along it were many caravans hopping to get rich with all the commotion in the city. Everyone wanted to watch the competitors duke it out with each other and whatever creatures the queen might send at them. Among the masses of carriages was one large four wheeled being pulled by four horses. The men on the horse were hired mercenaries from top rank guilds paid to escort Lite Rige, the lord of the western keep.

Lite arrived at the capitol today. He was content with just getting things over with. Sign ups? assembly line? Nothing seemed to cross his path so he continued forward, following the sun finding warmth and guidance with it over him. As he walked the city a ray of light shined down form the sun and shone its bright light upon him and he glowed like a celestial being walking the grounds of the city.

Lite searched for a place to prepare for the competition.
Takashi slowly made his way out of the throne room, slipping out silently and without anyone taking notice immediately. He walked outside of the castle and continued on. He wasn't going to miss much while he was outside of the castle he thought. What he needed now was a dark alley or something. Anything would suffice so long as it was a dark area where nobody else was. He headed to the same alley as before when he had summoned the raven and thankfully, it was empty once more just as before.

He channelled mana into the spell he was using to create his temporary duplicate, only using enough to make one. A translucent copy walked out of Takashi, looking like a ghostly version of him. The copy took Takashi's appearance which meant it appeared to be wearing the same black robes as him. It stopped a foot away from Takashi before turning to face him. As the casting of the spell and channelling of mana into it came to an end, the copy took on solidity.

Takashi looked to the raven on his shoulder and said "Guide him to the forest where I am to meet Liselle." The raven nodded before flying onto the copy's right shoulder and began directing him, cawing and pointing in the direction he was to go. The copy nodded before heading out. Takashi turns his attention back to the castle and walks back to the throne room, wondering if he might have missed anything important while he was out for those ten or so minutes.
Travlor stepped forward this time a little nervous. He wasn't sure how his gift would go over but he didn't go back. Now that he had started to approach he must continue. So Travlor walked over to the Princess.

He bowed to her smiling at Lierah. Then he stood up straight and drew his own gift a small book with long beautiful writing on the front. "My gift to you is a book of elven songs. Elven is such a beautiful, elegant langauage especially when singing it so I thought it would fit someone who is equally beautiful and elegant." Travlor was true in his words. He did love the langauge of his people and he had heard the Princess had a beautiful singing voice. "If you do not know the language I can teach you."
Zeira's green eyes narrowed at his leaving, her gaze upon the male clad in black. The raven wasn't alarming, as she'd seen black magic before, this man was no different. Only reason to feel uneasy about his presence was the fact that he was near her princess. Which was a definate no-no. Zeira outwardly scowled, though the thick bangs that had slipped into her face as to shroud her features hid her scorn well. Though, she was sure the twisting of the hem of the skirt of her dress was quite visible to the others. She did not like the man, he was much too mysterious for her princess, and she could only hope the naive girl can see this.

But of course, the princess was much too dense to sense Zeira's silent lectures of caution, or rather, she did not give the time to heed it. Which displeased Zeira very much, and her irritation grew more so when she'd spotted the raven-man slip back into the room, he wasn't very descrete. A girl such as she would not notice his absent if he had trained himself enough to slip in and out of a room without being seen. She frowned at this. What business could he have outside of the throne room?

Lierah didn't seem to notice, though, her eyes were trained on the new comer. A male she hadn't seen enter with the others. Though her gaze didn't linger very long on his face. Zeira watched her princess fiddle with her rings, one of whichshe'd given to her on her 16th birthday, when she'd finally earned enough money to buy the small thing. Of course, the princess was delighted, for it held a blue stone, a color no one ever suspected she'd adore. The princess looked out of place among the others, like a lost spirit for she held a glow like no other. She often marveled at this, how childish the girl can be, yet how mature she can appear. Zeira felt as if she needed to protect that beauty, to never allow it to be marred. And it was for this reason that she'd strayed from her duties as a killer, straying from her job like it was merely something she can shrug off. But no matter, she cannot do anything about such a thing today.

Lierah did noy return to her seat, instead, she chose to wait for the next gift before the stairs. And like Zeira had previously done, her eyes were upon the floor, appearing timid, humble, as if she did not belong in that elegant dress. Of course, Zeira agreed to this sense. The princess did not fit into elegance, for she was the elegance. She needed not the most glamorous of dresses. She'd have been dazzling in a simple green dress, without all the frills, laces and gleaming jewels. Right now, she looked like an overdressed porcelain doll. Zeira crinkled her nose.

Though, as the next man presented his gift, Zeira gave a jolt. How could such a simple man know of her obsession with music? And in elven language no less. Zeira's eyes flickered towards the princess, whose own optics glowed with such desire to open its ivory pages. The maid knew this would gain the man such an advantage. Songs, written in a language the princess had often begged her to try and find books of, for once she'd read of the elves within the story books only she provided, she'd taken much interest in them.

Lierah's small hands wrapped tenderly about the backbone of the book tenderly, a smile bright and adorning her lips. The brightest smile she'd the princess provide this whole day. It startled her, to say the least. And when she spoke, the poor child sounded dazed, it send Zeira's stomach doing flips.

"You are too kind, M'lord..."
Takashi saw as the princess smiled as she received the book of Elven songs from the next suitor. He thought to himself "This man surely knows her well. My week of spying only turned up her like of sweet foods and reading of romance novels. This may give him an edge in this part of the competition but I intend to win even if I must begin eliminating the competition with my own hands. But then again, why get my hands dirty when I could have someone do it for me and take all the blame as well?" He smirked and resisted the urge to chuckle as a plan came into his mind.

He had however noticed Zeira's gaze. It seemed as though she was the only one who noticed him slipping in and out of the room. She could be a potential liability he thought. He couldn't have her killed or kidnapped but if he could infiltrate her thoughts then he might be able to erase a few of her doubts and suspicions. That was his plan for her. He would come at night and tamper with her memories. Now he was especially thankful he had made that copy as he would be unable to meet Liselle tonight in person.

Meanwhile, the copy was well on its way to the forest with the crow directing it. The two travelled by means of the spell Takashi had used earlier to transform himself into a flock of crows which sped up the journey quite a bit. As the flock landed in the forest, they fused to form the copy with the raven on his right shoulder. He set out to find Liselle in the forest, the raven directing him to find her.
Zeira's suspicion was confirmed at the time of the male's hasty return, green eyes catching his slight movement as he chuckled to himself. Upon his lips was a smile of malice and mischief, an expression well deserving of suspicion. This man had already caught her examining him, yet he still moved with such carelessness. But of course, she was the only one watching him. This gave him reason not to worry, for a lowly maid like she would never dream to take on a man such as him.

Only problem was, she was not as she appeared.

Lierah slowly, almost reluctantly, handed Zeira the book, who in turn retreated back to the table. Among the other gifts, thisone looked particularly eyecatching. Only because the lid over the necklace was upon it, she supposed. Zeira frowned. Of course, she did not think Lierah would actually find any of the suitors appealing. She was rather typically childish and thought the idea of marriage rather "icky," as she said. But with her reactions to the last two, she'd been given reason to doubt her own words. The princess was bending, like the queen wished.

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