The Princess's Hand

Eve laughed lightly as she turned back to Travlor, her hand still on her chin. "I'm thinking of a lot of thing, but that's beside the point." Removing her hand from her chin she crossed them before speaking. "I don't see any reason why Louis would target you, but..." Her voice trailed on as she thought for a second before asking her question. "By any chance, do you have any history with that freaky diplomat, the other competitor." Eve wasn't sure if they had meet, or had any problems in the past, but she wanted to make sure before she started threatning people.
Zeira felt only panic, hitting her like bricks upon her chest as her ears picked up the princess's screaming. A sound she was just utterly unused to. A sound she never wanted to hear.

Even sick with fear, the handmaiden's footfalls were silent, sticking to the shadows as to have the shade shield her body from view. She knew not who was out, or the time of night. She'd made the potentially fatal mistake of staying out much too long, Atra would have a fit if she knew one of her maids had been out after curfew. More so when she noticed the level of activity about the perimeter of the palace, as if the queen had ordered for another wall of protection, keeping whatever it was that she wished to keep out, outside. But for what reason, Zeira cannot fathom. There was no unusual activity
outside of the castle. What could possibly have Atra on edge?

But that was a matter quite unimportant at this very moment. Zeira's focus was on the princess, and finding her. But the winding and twisting of the halls was not helping her one bit, especially with her screams bouncing and echoing about the walls, seemingly endless, seemingly with no source. Which worried her to no end. What if this was merely a matter of trickery? Trickery woven by a caster within the castle. Though she cannot quite figure out who was about, for it was in the middle of the evening.


Zeira sped her pace, treading close to the darkness, brushing her fingers against the wall to "see" through the blackness though she could see quite well if and when she would use a cast. But in a night like this, she cannot risk it. If Atra is not just lounging about doing whatever business kept her busy, she was sure to be able to sense power, perhaps this screaming was what had put drove her to thicken her defenses. Perhaps something had laced its magik about the walls, and this was her response.

But it was not as she'd hoped.

As Zeira neared the King's chambers, the cries faded, dissolving into loud hiccups and sobs as she turned the corner which would lead to the hallway outside of His Majesty's quarters. The princess was weeping. The former assassin felt rage explode from within her as she surged forward, almost stepping into the light that streamed into the darkness of the corridor, for one thought crossed her mind. Louis had caused the princess pain, his end will not be pleasant. Though, she halted in her tracks, eyes following the golden ray of illumination into the King's bedroom only to be met by the sight of a corpse.

Immediately the princess's name left her mouth, having absolutely no time to react to her own impulse
Kiel shuddered and stopped where he was. He turned to face the hall he had just walked down. Something was wrong in the castle. He moved towards the direction and then paused. Would it matter if he went to see what had happened? He would learn of it eventually anyways, so why bother at all? Still the young Prince was tempted to investigate. He moved down the hall again, moving slower than he usually did.

As he got closer he could hear noises. The main one he focused on was the sound of crying. What had happened? He was near the King's bedroom. No. Could it possible be that? Kiel paused and waited not quite there yet. If the King was dead than this would be an interesting turn.


Travlor shook his head.

"No. I don't know any of you. I lived my life in peace away from the city mostly hunting. I have not met any of the suitors. Who ever did this has no good reason beyond causing trouble."

Travlor narrowed his eyes at the mysterious woman. "Everyone seems to have their own agenda here. I cannot hope to understand it all."
Eve mentally stomped her foot. There went her theory. But she still had doubt it wasn't Louis. When Travlor mentioned the last part she raised her eyebrows under the hood.

"If your accusing me of something you must be daft boy. I wasted about half my day helping you with your bounty, when I could have been getting money for my family." She said in a stern tone.

It kinda ticked off Eve that he was accusing her of something fishy when she was helping. But you had to think that way if you wanted to live a full life in this city, or kingdom to be exact.

Not sure on what to do now, with having no leads and the person she was trying to help accuse her Eve had no other plans.

Shrugging her shoulders she spoke in a nonchalant tone.
"Oh well, I tried to help. At least that's what I'll tell her." and with that Eve turned and started to walk away from Travlor, wondeirng if he was going to say anything more.
([MENTION=1178]Prof Tatori[/MENTION] Waiting for your post. I edited my post about a month ago to fix it. Tell me if there's anything still wrong with it.)

Amaya shook her head. "You have quite the choice in who to use to get into the castle. That elf is marked for death. A bounty had been placed on his head by your liberator. Still, he may not die as easily as some would hope. I have connections and could get you into the castle if you had just asked but I'll leave you to do as you see fit." She couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right but she had to remain focused on the matter at hand.
([MENTION=1923]Zekeziel[/MENTION] This rp is inactive for a reason. Legendless requested that it be killed off, so I moved it here. Guess I still needed to close it...)

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