The Princess's Hand

She waved it off, "I understand..." she said keeping her voice. Eve wasn't allowing anyone to find out, even if they had magic. "I just came to make sure you weren't dead. My friend would be deeply disappointed." She examined him from top to bottom before looking back at him. "Well seems like your ok." Eve knocked lightly on the wall, very thin. "Next time go to an inn with thicker walls. Wouldn't want to hear the acitivty of some of the other hunters." She smirked widely under her hood. She turned away from him and began walking for the stairs, walking to him whithout looking back. (A picture of what the assassin looks like. Since nobody took up the contract, I'll be controlling the assassin. She likely won't see action in this rp again after the confrontation with Travlor as far as I've planned right now.)

The assassin, a kamael angel named Sicyllia who had been stripped of her powers and been left only with eternal youth, crouched atop the roof of a building across the street from the inn. She had hidden herself from view using a mirage cloak which required her to stay still in order to maintain the illusion which allowed her to mesh into the roof. She had been watching Travlor all day today, waiting for a moment when he might be vulnerable. She noticed a lady who had visited Travlor earlier the same day enter the room and exit some minutes later. While she did not know who was behind the hood and it seemed this person was friends with Travlor. At least Travlor was alone now and she decided to make her move before anyone else came by to visit him.

Sicyllia pulled a quartet of bolts from her quiver and loaded her arbalest with one. She took aim at Travlor, lining up a shot at him and aiming for his neck. She pulled the trigger, firing the bolt at her target. It pierced through the glass of the window, shattering a hole in it and going right for Travlor. Thankfully for him, Sicyllia's aim was off and the bolt passed by his neck, grazing the skin but not doing any real damage such as cutting deep enough to even draw blood. Seeing that she had missed, Sicyllia frantically began loading another bolt, placing it in the slot and using the wind-up mechanism to draw back the string. She was so preoccupied with loading her second shot that she had taken her eyes off of her target, leaving her vulnerable to counter-attack for a full seven seconds.
Travlor nodded and moved to shut the door. At least it seemed that he was not completely alone here. He smiled at her words as well. Yeah that was probably a good idea. The elf began to move away from the door when he heard a noise. He went wide-eyed as a bolt flew passed him, just barely grazing his throat. He grabbed him bow and ran to the window, drawing it.

Because Sicyllia was loading and thus moving, her cloak was not working. Travlor hoped he made it in time and let the arrow fly. He aimed to wound his attacker but he couldn't be sure if it would happen.



Zeira was upon the ground, body trembling and numb, only shivering occasionally when the breeze would pick up, cooling the sweat glistening upon her dirtied skin. The handmaiden only panted, eyes trained forward in a blank stare that seemed not to express the anger within her, muffled by exhaustion. There was a faint throbbing upon her muscles, distant and almost unfelt, though seeming to intensify once she attempted to move her hand. But there was no pain, no feeling, not outside, not within. The tiredness even managed to still her raging thoughts, something she was greatly glad of.

Despite this, the handmaiden rose to her feet, unsteady and wobbly, she'd almost stumbled into the sharp branches that she'd created in the process of destroying half the forest. Though, she did manage to get herself cut in a few places, particularly her legs, which was exposed due to the lack of maid clothing she'd discarded when it had become to heavy to move about. Which left her with the usual assassin attire that she'd long since hidden under the bagginess of her dress. Consisting of only a pair of shorts, a small shirt with sleeves ripped away, the brown clothing didn't exactly provide much protection from the vegetation. Not that she minded, more pain means more distraction.

She had no desire to have her mind wander to
him at this very moment.

Zeira's breath was as ragged as she looked, no healthy rhythm, no long intake of breath, no slow exhale. She knew she was on the verge of passing out, though she was still outside of the palace and the gates will close in what she guessed was a few minutes. Zeira knew if she cannot get within the gates between that time, she would not be able to sneak back in in her condition. She was already making so much noise, crashing through the bushes, she would not be surprised if someone else had begun to follow. Not that she cared...


The princess, for the second time that night, fell upon her knees, feeling her legs had already begun to grow numb like her chest had gone. She felt the tears of fear begin to cascade down her pale cheeks as she choked back sobs that threatened to rip from her throat. Lierah leaned over her father's fallen body, bringing her trembling hands to his face and cupping his cheeks as well as brushing back stray strands of graying hair. Though, as he had uttered her name, she felt her heart clench harder, noting the rasp of his voice and the sheer effort it took for him to speak.

"It's me, Father..." Her mouth didn't opperate as she wished, her words seemingly rushing out and choked, forced through her teeth as she forced down the urge to run, escape from the nightmare that'd begun to play before her eyes. The princess drew in a shaky breath as she spared a glance at the door, where Louis stood waiting, as if he'll help. As if he can erase the horror. But of course, she knew he cannot, not now, not today. But as she turned back to her father, she found herself fumbling with the blankets, draping them over his shivering body, mumbling reassurances to him-- or rather to herself. "You'll be okay... I'll have Mother send for a healer. You'll be well in no time, right Father?"


Sicyillia took the arrow right in her right shoulder and gasped in pain. She wondered how she could have been so careless as to let her guard down and allow herself to be spotted but it didn't matter now. She had been wounded and even if she tried to run, she would likely leave a trail of blood in the streets. She fired the second bolt at Travlor but the chances of it hitting would likely be very low since he knew she was there. Her chances had run out as the pain in her shoulder prevented her from moving her arm enough to reload her arbalest and using one arm to reload it would be impossible. Still, she tried to escape or at least see if she could hide away and get some attention from a healer. She stood and hooked her arbalest onto her belt. She jumped down off the roof, using her free arm to try and cover the wound to stop the bleeding.

Sicyllia's pace was slow however once on the streets as she did not deal well with pain. Living like a mortal was far different from the life in the heavens which she had lost and had been accustomed to. She made her way into an alley and and sat behind a stack of crates to try and hide as she pulled the arrow out of her shoulder. Her attempt at hiding was in vein as she left a trail of blood behind her as she had feared. The pain was sharp and she gritted her teeth but she managed to remove it without any pieces breaking off in the wound. She sat where she was and waited to be caught.
Travlor looked at the woman and frowned. He made his way outside and to her though it took a while. Thankfully she was still where she was when Travlor had shot her. He grabbed her by her shirt and brought her up close to him.

"Are you after my bounty?"


The King was silent for a couple minutes but then he spoke, coughing and breathing heavily.

"No good. This is....her work." He knew his wife was not what she had appeared but she was strong and beautiful and had worked her magic on hiim. He could not leave her or harm her if he wanted to. The moment they wedded she was in control. But he could do this one thing for his daughter. Save her like he could not save his sons.

"Lierah, darling I need you to listen to me. You have to go. You must leave." It pained him to say this. To do this. He knew that if he did not die soon he would probably die shortly after Lierah left. "I have arranged for you to be taken in by my other daughter. She says she would be happy to have her half-sister with her."

He was happy that at least she had lived. Atra had sent her off pretty far but she was alive. That meant he had a chance to do the same to his other one. His daughters would be safe together. "You must go soon though child. I fear what may happen if you stay."

He smiled warmly at her. "My beautiful, wonderful child."
Eve heard a crash and gritted her teeth under the hood. "Damnit, I knew there someone else." she growled angerliy to herself as she rushed down the stairs. Once outside she found the two right away, his attacker was lying on the ground bleeding and Travlor was standing over her. It seemed as Travlor got her shoulder, he was woundless. She walked over to behind Travlor, who was holding the woman by her colar by now. "Seems as someone saw the bounty before my friend could tear it down..." She could see how much pain she was in. Eve wasn't angry at her for trying to take the bounty. Because Eve used to do the same thing. In a villiage like this you'll do anything for food. "Well interrogating her while she has a fatal wound won't help. She'll die before you get your answer, and you wouldn't want that." Eve didn't move from her postion behind Travlor.
Sicyllia gritted her teeth in pain as Travlor pulled her up close to him and clutched her shoulder, maintaining the pressure she was applying to keep the bleeding down. Being pulled up off the ground wasn't exactly helping with the pain she was experiencing or the bleeding for that matter. "Yes, I was after the bounty." She shut her eyes tightly and turned her head away. She was expecting him to kill her in a fit of rage or something after she had tried to kill him. How many people wouldn't want to? But she was wounded badly anyway and likely wouldn't survive the night without medical attention.

When she heard footsteps, her eyes shot open and looked in the direction which the sound was coming from. She was hoping that it would be someone who could help her but she was wrong. She recognized Eve as the one who had seen Travlor at the inn twice already. She thought to herself that now she would surely be killed for her attempt on Travlor's life. When she heard Eve mention the thought of having her wound treated, Sicyllia nodded before she said frantically "Yes yes, I'll tell you whatever you want once I am well enough to. I swear on whatever honour I have."
[MENTION=1923]Zekeziel[/MENTION] Does your character know it's Eve or does she just know it's a woman?

Eve smirked under the hood.
"I myself have no intention or interest in killing you, but I can't say the same for Travlor." When she mentioned his name she turned her head to him. Eve gently laid a hand on his shoulder. "May I heal her, or would rather I not?" She could feel her hood shifting off, but dropped her head a bit to stop it from dropping completely."She's just a mere bounty hunter, no need to waste your time killing her." she said nonchalatly, but there was a hint of kindness in it.

(She just knows it's a woman. I used your character's name for reference to ensure everyone knew who I was referring to.)

Sicyllia bit her lip, hoping she would be left alive. She was dreading more and more ever having anything to do with mortals as it was her involvement with them that caused her to lose her powers and stripped of her status. And now because of that, she would likely die in the streets of this forsaken kingdom. Had she not known that her fate after death would not be very pleasant, she would probably have asked them to kill her and end her suffering. She decided to try pleading with the two, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Please spare me, I'm just an unfortunate angel who was robbed of her powers and forced to live in the mortal realm! I take whatever work I can get just to get by! I can tell you who put up the bounty! I saw the person when they came in!"
Travlor listened to the two woman talk and he sighed. His anger at being attack was fading and if he did want to know more he shouldn't kill the woman...yet. He let her go and turned and nodded.

"Heal her. I want to know what she has to say," the elf said. He waited for her to do what she was going to do and blinked as a figure moved past him. Liselle looked at Travlor and for a moment they just stared at each other and then Liselle was gone moving towards another inn. Travlor shook his head. No time for pretty woman.
Eve smirked unde rher hood as she brushed past Travlor and kneeled down to the wounded woman. "Count your lucky stars I used to be like you, or I wouldn't be doing this." she whispered sternly to the woman, so that Travlor couldn't hear. "Ok this will sting a bit..." she said aloud before closing her eyes and placing both of her hands over the wound of the woman's shoulder. Eve had to concentrate hard to do this task, the incident from earlier still had her a bit drained. After a couple seconds of concentrating her magic surgered through Eve's body and to the woman's wound. It healed the wound and knoted the skin back together. Eve's was right, It took alot from her, even from such simple magic. Eve stood up and staggered back a few feet, holding her hand to her head, which was under her hood still. Her eyes glowed the special bule again. 'Here comes the headache....' she thought to herself.
Sicyllia move her arm around a bit after Eve had healed her. It felt like she had never been hit by the arrow in the first place. "Thank you." She rose to her feet before reaching to a small pouch she had attached to her belt. She opened the pouch and pulled out a white flower which gave off a slight glow. She handed it to Eve as she said "Here, it's a special flower which replenishes mana. I picked it earlier today and was planning on selling it but I think it should be a nice way of expressing my thanks to you." She returned her attention to Travlor and sighed. "So what exactly would you like to know? For starters, I can tell you who put the poster up. It was that messenger who works for the royal family. The same one who is in the competition. I think his name was Louis if I'm correct."
After Eve had regained her balanced a plant was in her hand, she examined it closely. Eve was not familiar with plants or toxins, because she never saw a point of learning about them since she never used her magic anyways. Eve went over to the two, they only thing she heard was the woman saying it was Louis who posted the bounty. She shock her head lightly, "Either your information is wrong or your lying to us. I-" She noticed what she had said right away, flnching at her words, Eve coughed slighty before picking up where she left off. "My friend said she knows it wasn't Louis who posted the bounty. She could feel that magic was at work at the time, but took no notice to it." Eve said this with a bit of boredness in her tone. But the thing that interested the most to Eve at the moment was this woman, and the man from eariler. 'This stupid competition is bringing out all the weirdos...' she thought to herself.

Sicyllia shrugged. It didn't matter to her whether her information was wrong or not but she was telling them what she had seen. "Here's the thing. Louis is who I saw so if it was someone else then I'm clueless as to who posted it. I was sitting at a table when he walked in, posted the bounty and walked out. Along the way, some drunk guy bumped into him. Shortly afterwards, I saw a boy come in and tear the poster down."
(@Evangeline : by the way, just so you know, the name is Heldar, not Herald

Heldar heard the hiss as he waited, but the strain of the shade was nigh invisible behind his eyes. This was why he rarely cast the spell. That hiss always meant that the queen's 'pet' had arrived. A snake, and he loved snakes, especially the frost Cobras from his homeland. One bite began to freeze your insides, and in seconds you were in a state of paralysis, feeling frozen. The snake them pulled you back to it's lair for a feast. a slow and painful death, but one Heldar had subjected others to before. Then the queen mentioned a spy in their midst. "Of course i will, after all, it shouldn't take too long to uncover them.

With that on his mind, he left the room, searching for any hints that might lead him. And so he went into town. That was the first he heard of some new 'embassy'.
"Auro’Nian" was a country he was unfamiliar with, but word was , it was in the frozen North. His homeland. This was worth looking into, and so he went to the 'embassy'.

it was barely worthy of the name. It looked like it had been cobbled together over a few hours from an old shop, and wasn't even finished. even so, he knocked on the door and awaited, the emblem of the queen upon his chest.

Geraldo's men had the camp surrounded, 34 battle hardened veterans, and his magicks told him there were only two people in the camp. time to drop semantics. "Heldar, can you dispel as many of their enchantments as possible? i want to make an impression, we mean business." "Thaat sssshould be possssibllle" the shade said, weaving the flows of dark magic. the spell rolled over the encampment, and each spell it touched, every ward, every weapon, even simple cantrips, were affected. many downright collapsed, others wavered and betrayed their true forms, still others were simply battered and weakened. "it isss donnne" "Good. Men! move in! capture, do not kill. the queen wants them alive, so we'll do it. i'll kill the one who kills a prisoner myself!"

and so they charged, still keeping a full perimeter of the camp.
Malyss watched as his wards were revealed, some being destroyed and others being damaged. It was the worst time for Amaya to be out of the camp but he believed the two could handle the soldiers for a reasonable amount of time if not win. Even if these soldiers were veterans, it did not mean anything great when one had allies in the Crow and especially against one of the two masters of the Trackers but the fact remained that the soldiers outnumbered them greatly. He said quietly out of the side of his mouth "It looks like we'll have to fight our way out."

Shui Khan nodded in response. He quickly brought his palm to the ground in front of him, a seal forming on the ground and one very similar to what Takashi had used to summon his raven. He removed his palm from the seal, having used the charge of mana he had prepared. In seconds, there was a puff of smoke and standing where the seal once was, was a monkey soldier wielding a staff. The soldier was the one who had taught him and he believed that it served the Monkey King but there was no way to be sure. It did give him a sense of pride however, believing that his teacher was taught by a god.

Malyss saw as Shui Khan summoned his old teacher. It was time for his part. He released his spell charge and created a small storm of shadow magic to block vision and prevent the advancing soldiers from getting too close while he, Shui Khan and the soldier remained safe in the eye of the storm. "I have bought us a little time to prepare. This spell is quite draining so hurry!"

The monkey soldier and Shui Khan used their mana to create duplicates of themselves in much the same way that Takashi had made a clone from his shadow, six in total being produced. These duplicates could not take hits as well as the real ones but they possessed all the strength and agility of the originals. As long as they could avoid taking too many hits, they would be fine. Shui Khan pulled out his mask and the necklace he could use to ensure he maintained control. He put them both on and said "Ready." The soldier nodded in agreement. He placed his palm on the ground and focused his mana into a summoning spell. Three small statues were created from the soil. These statues were the size of babies and they sat on the ground doing nothing it seemed. One covered its eyes, the next covered its ears and the last covered its mouth.

Malyss nodded before he used the same spell which Takashi used to split into his multiple crows. Instead of converting his entire form into crows, he caused one to split off from him. He cast an invisibility and silence spell over it before sending it off to find Amaya and Liselle. He had to ensure that they knew what was going on at the camp and the possibility that he and Shui Khan might not be returning. He sighed before switching the ring with the three shards of red crystal on it had on his left ear to his right. He was wrapped in shadows which snaked up from the ground and onto his body for a few seconds before they faded away. His appearance has changed, his hair having turned from blonde to black and various markings appearing on his face being some of the more noticeable changes.

Malyss stopped fuelling the storm, allowing it to subside and drawing whatever shadow magic lingered in the air after the storm had dissipated back into his body while Shui Khan, the monkey soldier and their copies formed a sort of barrier around him. They planned to defend Malyss while he used his magic purely offensively. Even if they could not win, they planned to inflict as much damage on the enemy as they could. In the event that they lost, they would raze the camp to prevent anything of importance from being taken.

Meanwhile, Amaya followed a short distance behind Liselle. She had noticed when Liselle looked at Travlor and as she passed, looked to him as well. She wondered if Travlor might have mistaken Liselle for someone he knew and vice-versa. It was possible as you do come across a lot of people if you travel a lot and some do resemble each other. (Malyss new form.)
[MENTION=1178]Prof Tatori[/MENTION] : I'm soooooo sorry. > <" I was kind of speed reading, I wasn't exactly pay attention.))

​Lierah felt her chest continuing to constrict, but she no longer allowed for her tears to cascade. Instead, she provided for her father a broken smile, spreading about her lips as the pain continued to pound from her heart, seeming to make her hands tremble as she pushed back her father's greying tresses. The proud man that was her father, a strong man that had ruled her home for decades, now upon the ground, ceasing to breath and smiling his last. Lierah pressed her lips to his forehead, touching both her index and middle fingers to his eyelids, closing them as she stood. And though her knees felt wobbly and unsteady, she forced herself to her feet, dragging herself towards the door where she knew her father's former messenger awaited her exit, but she had no desire to feel. Soon, she knew, she'd be numb...

The sight of Louis still sent her heart pumping faster, harder, but the motion seemed to pain her more than anything else. The princess collapsed upon him as she stepped out of her father's chambers, allowing her walls to crumble once again as she bawled, burying her face into his strong chest in hopes of quelling the utter agony that took over her chest, her cries carrying down the empty hallways of the castle that no longer held the presence of home.


Travlor listened to the woman as she spoke. Louis? Why would he post a bounty for him? He did give the Princess good gifts and could of won her favor but he didn't think he did better than some of the others. It didn't make sense.

Then Eve spoke and Travlor was more confused. So it wasn't really Louis? Why would someone pretend to be him? Well there was reasons. Still it didn't sit right with the elf. It meant someone was trying to stir things up in the competition already. Travlor was concerned. Things were not going well and so few things had occurred. He would have to be even more careful when dealing with the other suitors.
Thoughts whirled around in Louis’ head after the girl had run to her father’s side and in a fit of utter annoyance he punched the wall beside him. With a sigh, he let his head come to a rest next to the light indentation he had made; he felt like an idiot. He had kidnapped the princess…and for what? So she could see her father die in front of his eyes! Lierah was young, and Louis knew this would mean a lot more to her than losing a father, as he had only seen her closer to her maidservant. Roughly weaving his hair back with his fingers he sighed, pushing away from the wall.

A decision between Lierah and her father was not something he had been prepared to make, yet he made it with the snap of his fingers. Hopefully, the girl would forgive him but he simply just kept beating himself up about it. Every minute that the two spent talking in the room, Louis remained pacing outside and paranoid enough that he stared the servants down as they passed. The man was still unsure about telling the girl inside the room, but telling anyone else would result in the same reaction of the maid previous.

The same maid who was still missing… Despite the fact that the woman was yelling after him when he swept his princess away, she was nowhere to be found. Maybe he had run off too fast…or worse, the girl could be getting help. The man covered his mouth at that, feeling queasy when imaging himself on queen Atra’s bad side. The hand quickly dropped when he heard fast footsteps approaching the door, and his eyes turned towards the girl.

What he saw clenched his heart in a way he wasn’t used to, immediately feeling sympathy for the dishevelled girl. His arms were already open and she fell upon him, and he immediately wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. The girl was bawling and he slightly lowered his head into her hair as tears sprung to his own eyes, and he tried to blink them away. It was hard with the wailing girl in his arms, whose back he now rubbed soothingly, and his dead king on the other side of the door.

The man shook slightly, and he buried his face in Lierah’s hair, “I’m sorry…” he noted, his voice slightly catching before he tightened his lips. The man kept a hold on the woman though, still trying to comfort the girl despite his own shock of the situation
Sicyllia bowed in respect to Travlor and Eve. She would have curtsied but she wasn't wearing a dress or anything even close to that. "If that is all then I will just be leaving. Bounties to take up and all. I have to keep the gold flowing." She flapped her wings a few times before jumping into the air, using her wings to gain her a bit of extra distance upwards. She landed on the edge of a rooftop before saying "goodbye" in the form of a gesture which looked somewhat like a salute. She took off running, leaving to go about whatever business she had.

Amaya kept close behind Liselle though at a reasonable distance to ensure that the chances of a connection being established between the two was low. She whispered "Do you know that man? You two stopped and stared at each other for a bit of a while."
([MENTION=1923]Zekeziel[/MENTION] dude, having your guys summon a Chinese god, then each of themselves splitting into thirty ravens doesn't seem overpowered!?! i could see evading me, but still, come on that's way too godmody)
(Pro Tatori is correct Zekeziel. Either cool down the powers of characters you didn't even have in your sign-ups or I will either make you get rid of them or kick you out. I don't mean to be rude)
Eve nodded her head slowly as her eyebrows raised. After the woman left she turned to Travlor. "I guess I was right that she's not human, either a demon or..." her voiced trailed on as she realized that he was probably confused or wondering who was actually the one to post the bounty for him. She placed a hand on her chin and thought for a moment. "Hmmmm...." Eve said aloud as she thought. Louis had no motive, besides both of them being competitors, and they never talked to one another before expect today. The person she had in mind fit the discription of the person to post the boutny. And Eve was pretty sure she felt magic being used around the time the bounty was posted.
"What are you thinking," Travlor asked. After being attacked he was a little hesitate to be around someone he didn't know the identity of. And now he was unsure about this fellow suitors. Someone had it out for him. That much was clear. But why? Travlor was not a threat at least not a big enough one to warrent a bounty on him. He just wanted to finish the competition without too much problems. He doubted it was going to be that simple.


Liselle shrugged. "I don't know. I mean I've been in jail for twenty years. I really don't know anyone let alone some random elf guy. What I do believe is that he might be a competitor. I heard one of them was an elf."

She had also a vague description of some of the competitors as well along with the Prince and Princess who she had never met. Then she shrugged. "But why not get to know him? He could be helpful in getting me into the castle."

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