The Princess's Hand

The two both turned almost in sync at the mention of Lierah's name, Leirah out of curiosity and Zeira with suspicious annoyance, displeased with the thought of having to deal with another suitor. If the raven-man, Takashi, he'd said, returned to try more of his trickery, she'd lose it. But the maid was wrong, for what met her eyes were flurries of white and eyes of blue so bright she'd almost froze. Almost... No assassin is allowed to be so affected. She'd be damned.

Lierah was quite startled, goosebumps rising on her arms as the male approached. And with appeareance nothing short of dazzling, she felt her heart leap once again, very like it had done when she'd once again met Louis as her green gaze would settle upon his taller form. Only to feel as if she were tiny, a small child looking upward at one much older, though his features seemed more chiseled than old. Having only a height of 5 feet, she wasn't very tall, but standing before this man only seemed to add onto the feeling of being almost ant-like compared to everyone else. Lierah only managed a pleasant smile, despite the blood rushing to her ears, the utter need to jump about just to release the energy that seemed to built up for whatever reason.

Zeira noticed this, of course, though the man didn't seem to send off warning signs. Nevertheless, she had to be cautious, he was of a foreign land, and whatever nonesense he was spouting at the moment could've just been a trick to woo the princess. Charm had become her main weakness as of recently, she'd already seen that of Louis. But of course, complements weren't enough, as Zeira observed. Simple gifts, she'd already knew, always caught the eye of the princess. In fact, the poor girl was so delighted when she'd once brought home a blue ribbon that she'd wore the thing in her hair for weeks upon time. Though, only until her mother had terrified her into hiding the small thing away. Zeira threw a sidewards glance at her princess, completely and utter concerned for her well being. The girl must be losing it.

The princess wasn't allowed one word, though, like every other minute of today. But she didn't seem to be bothered. Instead, she appeared breathless, maybe even as breathless as the snow-caster, a s they had always called it. Lierah's second most appealing gift, an offer to escape, which of course was something she'd seen in books. Of course, it never crossed her mind to do so, but the idea wasn't as bad as it had sounded at first. "Trapped in her own fairytale," he said. Such wording. She didn't' quite know what he'd meant by that, neither did she really pay much attention, for he'd held her gaze with those blue eyes. Her favorite color too, she mused.

And seeing as her princess was much too occupied with obsessing over the deep blues of the male's eyes, she was the first to reach for the rose, taking the delicate thing into careful hands as she curtsied her thanks to the male. Zeira had been wondering if this male had been invited by the queen or had he just heard of the competition, he had come rather late. If so, the queen will be surprised at the thought of a man in such stature. And the thought of which actually seemed to add onto her suspicion. Perhaps he was only about to steal away Queen Atra's kingdom. Zeira narrowed her eyes at the male, still, of course, not knowing his name.

What moronic mistakes for these people, all who'd presented the princess gifts all seemed to have forgotten to say their own names. Zeira had crinkled her nose for every time the suitors, all but Louis (who didn't seem to need to do so, for she'd seen the spark of recognition in Lierah's eyes) and Kiel, were all unknown to the poor girl. And now they wished to marry her. What use is it to wed a woman when she still does not know one's name?

But as soon as the man, who she'd assumed to have originated from the north, having recognized the wolf hide upon his shoulders, had turned away to leave, she resumed dragging the princess away. Who, quite irritatingly, lagged behind, eyes once again in a daze, stumbling after the maid with steps ungraceful, distracted by whatever thoughts Zeira didn't care to examine. She already knew Lierah's mind was in a mush. And more so when one of the men in her thoughts appeared... Once again.

Zeira almost groaned.

Lierah, however, seemed to jump at the contact with the male's hand to hers, as if a spark of electricity passed from his skin to hers. Typical reaction. But she didn't pull away, because, for the second time in the span of five minutes, she was trapped in a prison of awe, and utter admiration... And what Zeira dreadedto suspect was... Love. Eck, even the thought of the word made her shudder. But of course, with charm that only these two seemed to possess, it wasn't impossible. Lierah was always one to swoon over the thought of one expressing love to another, as she'd read in her books or seen bellow her balcony.

A stable boy, the man explained, one distasteful to most, though it didn't seem to bother the princess much. It could've been an act of trickery, to win over the princess through pity and tales of how he had left his world bellow to join the higher ups because his "love" for her. But the sincerity and pain, hidden well by the hood he'd tugged off his head, within his eyes had completely startled her. Zeira glanced towards the darkness in which enveloped the other side of the hallway, shadows in which can hide a man such as he, seeing as he did wear the darkest of clothes. how long had he been watching? The way he was talking made it seem as though he'd given up the idea of having the princess chose him. Perhaps he'd seen the ice caster and the gift he'd presented the princess...

Of course he'd seen it.

He proceeded to explain himself, right down to the very first time he'd met Lierah, and perhaps the first time she'd seen him as well. And he'd concluded his speech with words that startled her. "I loved you that first day, Princess and I will continue to even if it is one-sided…" he said. Ands he couldn't help but pity the man, how painful it would be if he was forced to watch the princess chose someone that his not him. How painful it would be to know she'd been close enough to touch, yet too far to have. Zeira almost choked at her own thoughts. No, she must not feel anything for these men. She must not allow any attatchments. she will protect the princess at all costs. But before Zeira could stop the princess, so that she could help reason with the former stable boy that the request simply wasn't fair, Lierah had already blurted out her answer. And so squeaky was her voice, Zeira could almost compare the slight sound with one that a mouse would utter. She'd always found this cute, but queen Atra would cast a disapproving glare in her way, for one such royalty must speak with clear words.

"Of course, Louis!"

Zeira chided herself for such a late reaction, but she must stop this from advancing further than it already has. Zeira summoned what she hoped would appear to be an apologetic smile as she curtsied before the man, muttering an apology as she grasped the princess's arm, tugging her along, towards the direction of her chambers. She already knew the male was aware of the ball tonight. She must dress the princess... And speak with her. The princess was already as scatter-brained like never before.

And true was Zeira's thoughts, for the princess was in fact lost in her own thoughts. Leirah hadn't even noticed the arrival to her own chambers until she was pushed to sit upon her own bed. And whilst this, Zeira had already begun to shuffle through the large wardrobe the Queen had managed to fill up yesterday with gowns she, miraculously, gave the princess a choice of wearing. All of which vary in color, of course. A fact that seemed to be a blessing, considering she was fairly sick of having to deal with green, green and more green. Wasn't it enough that her eyes were green?

Zeira threw a glance over to her princess, gaze full of concern for the poor girl, for she had not been allowed a moment's breath since this morning. The princess frowned at such an expression, however, disliking the slightly pitying smile of her maid, but she said nothing. That is, until Zeira muttered, "Princess Lierah should not tire herself so much while thinking of such things..." Lierah opened her mouth to protest, cheeks of snow white darkening to a soft pink as her maid, having been close enough to her to know such thougths in which crosses her mind. Zeira knew she still lingered upon the memory of Louis and the other man, and Lierah was quite flustered to realize this. But before her words can exit her lips, Zeira continued. "Perhaps the garden would provide your highness ease before the ball."

Lierah almost grinned as she stood, taking the small hand of her maid into her own, and speeding towards the path in which they knew would lead to both of their sanctuary.
(Seems 2 suitors have won over the princess using their charms. That means Takashi might have to get even more underhanded in his approach to try and secure a victory. This is bound to get interesting.)

Takashi thought to himself as K'tano bumped into him "Great. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. At least the ball shouldn't be too unbearable." For Takashi, learning how to dance those years ago was something he thought would never be useful to him. After all, he was an assassin but now that he was a suitor to a member of a royal family, it was a necessity. Thought he despised having to learn it, at least he knew he was well enough off in terms of skill. His instructor had been one of the Xzia diplomats by the name of Kimiko, one with fame and renown in four nations. With such a proficient teacher, how could he not do well?

He sighed before exiting, relieved when he stepped outside to no longer be forced to deal with the noise and drunken patrons of the tavern. That bounty note should attract a significant amount of bounty hunters. Hopefully ones with skill as he wanted his target's death. Elves were well known for being skilled in archery and magic. If it came down to it however, he would make the assassination attempts on the targets himself but he preferred not to get his hands dirty when it could be avoided.

He walked hastily to one of the back alleys, looking into them as he passed to find one which was dark and empty. After a few minutes, he found one such alley and walked in the shadows coating it. While hidden by the shadows, he changed his appearance back to how he had looked when in the castle during the gift portion of the competition. Now that his illusion spell was set again, he headed for the castle once more.

One of the suitors had to Takashi's knowledge, won over the princess using his charm and another had won her over by giving her a gift which suited her likes very well. He needed to get an edge over the competition again. He still found it hard to believe that his week of spying on the royal family turned up nothing more than two of the princess' likes and dislikes and the information regarding Liselle. He did also find that Atra terrified the princess at times but she had that effect on most people it seemed.

Takashi thought back to a few tales he had heard regarding princesses wanting a "knight in shining armour". He did not believe every princess would have that preference and neither did he take it literally. He interpreted it to mean that they wanted someone who would defend them and usually, said person was to rescue them from some situation or another. How he wished now that he had simply made his attempt on Atra's life earlier instead of entering the competition. It was no use complaining now as he was in and he intended to win by any mean necessary. What he lacked in charm and romance, he had in cunning and finesse.

Upon arriving at the castle, he entered but kept an eye out for Zeira. While his intent was to attempt talking to the princess, he knew it would likely never succeed with Zeira always pulling her away. While walking, he glimpsed Louis and the princess. To avoid being seen by them and Zeira who was undoubtedly nearby, he cast a charge of a combination silence and invisibility spell to mask his presence completely. He then proceeded to enter the hallway and observe what was occurring. It was obvious Louis was planning on using his charms to win the girl's heart and the maid seemed to be doing nothing about it. At this rate, it appeared that Takashi would have to get the princess away from Zeira if he was to make any progress.
"You do not presume to touch her without her leave," Kiel said as he came upon the scene after his sister left. Although he had no wish to marry his sister he still cared about her. He also was not comfortable at watching these men fall all over her.

"It is unbefitting of her suitors to come and find her. The Princess will come to you when she wants or call you to her. You may be guests in the castle and the Princess's suitor but I will not allow any of you to try something with her."

Kiel wasn't sure why he was saying this or what he thought he might gain but enemies among the suitors.
'You already are the number one enemy. The Queen will work to make you win. You are what stands in their way.'

Kiel smiled though, his dark aura pulsing about his though it had lessen from earlier. Another servant had gasped and run the other way as he approached the group.

"Though I do wish to know who I will be competing with. I am Prince Kiel, not heir to the throne. Who are you who dare to profess their love to my sister?"
Takashi turned as he heard Kiel's voice, now facing the direction he heard the voice come from. It seemed now that the prince might inadvertently end up assisting Takashi in dealing with Louis by keeping him and other suitors away but what of the other suitor the prince mentioned? Apparently, one had arrived late and spoken with the princess while Takashi was out posting the bounty note. This was by no means good for his plans. Either way, even if he could not initiate conversation with the princess then at least it would serve to keep the others away from her.

After feeling Kiel's dark aura, Takashi smirked and an idea came to him. What if the darkness inside the prince were to manifest and wreak havoc later in the competition? If he could cause such a thing to take place then he might be able to eliminate the prince. However, that was unlikely as he knew Atra wanted Kiel to be the victor. The best that could happen is Atra ending up being wounded by Kiel's rampaging aura and Kiel being disqualified as a result and the worst that could happen is Takashi being caught. Even if the later happened, he could simply use the illusion spell he usually maintained to cast the blame on another suitor who would be punished or disqualified instead.

([MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] Sorry if it seems I might be going overboard with Takashi's scheming. If I'm doing anything that bothers you or anyone then feel free to tell me. I wouldn't want to end up getting anyone frustrated or anything.)
Eve had gave her horse back to the stable boy before heading into the tavern. When she did the first thing she noticed was a white haired man, he looked as if he ran miles without a break. When he grabbed his keys from the bartender and stumbled up the stairs, she waved to him. "Hey Gared." Eve made her way to the bartender, she leaned on the counter. "Who was that?" She stuck her thumb in the direction the man went. He grinned before answering. "My favorite customer." He was wipping off the beer bottle and putting them away. Eve made and overly dramatic gasp. She pointed to herself. "I thought I was your favortie customer." They both laughed. "You were my favorite, till you took a job were you get no money." That's wat Eve told everyone. She took a job that gave no money, there was no way she was telling them about her being a competitor. Eve still had her cloak on and finally noticed it. She pulled back the hood, but kept the rest covering her. "Just give me my keys." The bartender grunted, but did as she asked.

Eve walked past Ian,
"Farm boy..." She said nonchalantly as she continued her way to her room. She wasn't sure what Ian said, but was probably asking her how it went. As she pulled herself up the stairs she saw the white haired and blue eye man go into the room across from her. That made Eve wonder what made this man so tired, or was he just another drunk. She sighed before heading into her room to change. The dress was annoying her to the point she;d go stark naked instead of the dress.

Ian chatting and laughing away with the other drunks when he head Eve call him by his nickname.
"Hey, how did it go?" He yelled to her, but she didn't stop to answer. He sighed thinking it went bad. Ian looked around the tavern, that's when he saw him. It was a guy he saw in the throne room before he left. He was posting something on the bounty board. Ian waited till the man left to get up and see who he put a bounty on. The man made the bounty look very appealing, even Eve would take it if she wasn't busy. "Hmmmm...." he said as he read it over. Not knowing the person's name, Ian ripped the bounty off the walla and walked over to the bartender. He waved the piece of paper in front of him. "Do you know who this man is?" Gared grunted before ripping it out of his hand and quickly reading it over. He handed it back to him and continued to serve out beer. "By what I know, he's a small time hunter in his town. I also heard heard he's a competitor in that stupid contest ." He scoffed a bit before leaning on the counter. "No way he'd win though. I mean come on, he's competiting with some rich morons." He waved off Ian before pasiing out more beer. Ian was shaked his head realizing why the bounty was up. 'He's taking out competiton...' That's when the idea dawned on him. Eve was competiting too, this could happen to her too.

Ian ran up the stairs, causing him to stummble. He pounded loudly on the door.
"Eve?" He asked when she didn't answer. He pounded louder and yelled her naame a bit louder. "Eve?"

An annoyed sigh came out of her mouth when someone knocked at her door. She decided not to answer, which only made the person pound louder on the door. She realised it was Ian.
"What is it Ian?" Her voice sounded annoyed Ian noted that. "Some guy from that competition put up a bounty on another competitior." He tried to keep his voice down, but he had to say this through a door, so his voice was a bit loud. Eve stopped what she was doing, and slowly let the information sink in. But then she scoffed. She knew someone would play dirty and try to elminate compition. "Who's the bounty on?" Eve's voice didn't indicate that she cared about the person, only the information. "Travolr, some hunter..." His voice drifted as he waited for her response. Eve didn't need to know the name to know who posted it. "Takashi..." She said angeryly to herself. Eve knew something was wrong between Takashi and Travlor, and this just gave her more reason.

She finished dressing in her usual clothing and opened the door to a bored looking Ian.
"Let me see it." She said holding out her hand. Ian looked at her her with a confused face, but did as she asked. She looked over it quickly. Eve lifted her head at Ian. "I'll be back soon." Takashi made the bounty look appealing, the reward was big, so that was trouble. She lifted her hood over her head before rushing down to the bartender. "Hey, where does that hunter boy?" Her voice had some urgency in it. "Where do you think Winter, the place all hunters live. That inn in the next town." Eve nodded her head before jumpping on her horse and made her way to the inn.

Ian stood in the hallway, a very confused Ian at that. "
What was that..." He asked himself. But shrugged off the question and went back to the drunks, and his drink. "Gared, you better hurry before these men have a revelation about beer." He yelled at his friend. Gared slightly shaked his head, but was grinning at the joke.

(Edit: Got confused as to who he ran into, and who he thought it was. My bad)

(Double Edit: I see someone snuck in a post before me and took the poster... ok fixed now)

(Triple Edit: ....
is really getting annoyed at having to fix things. Probably best not to read and post at 2 o'clock in the morning)


K'tano leapt up out of bed, soaking a pool of sweat and water. Part of this was from undoubtebly from his body actively drawing inmoisture and energy from his surroundings in order to regenerate his vast energy reserve. This process gave the room and icy chill, that he hadn't ever gotten use to.

And while the large expenditure of energy always gave him a restless sleep, he knew that there was much more to his inablity to rest than simply being drained. He turned his feet to the side and dropped them off the bed. As his body rotated, he turned and set up on the side of the bed, pushing his hands through his soaking white hair. "How could I of been so stupid...."

"You can't deny your true self..."

A chuckle came out from behind K'tano that startled him, causing him to leap out of his bed and drop flat onto the ground. What had started as a simple chuckle now turned into open laughter as Desdanya watched his comrade reaction.

Desdanya was often sneaking up on people, and not all time was he meaning to. Years of training inside The Order had taught him to be silent in all things; it seemed that he couldn't quite escape from those old habits of slow breathing, soft steps, and minding his surroundings. Rising from his seat, he wandered around the bed and looked down at K'tano.

K'tano barked at him, "Just when the hell did you arrive anyways?"

Desdanya knew that his friend just hated surprises. "Only a short time ago, honestly. So what were you so stupid about?" Desdanya reached out his hand to K'tano and pulled the man up off the floor.

K'tano smiled as he recalled his encounter with the princess, nodding to himself approvingly as he walked over to a water bowl that had been left out for him, undoutedbly by the bartender. His hands reached into the cool water and slowly washed his hands. "Oh you should of been there Desdanya, I...was... AMAZING!"

"Uh huh... and then you got stupid?"

K'tano's smile vanished as he let out a long sigh and mumbled softly, but audibly, "I... forgot to tell her my name."

Desdanya almost doubled over in laughter, tears being brought to his eyes. K'tano turned and pointed a finger over at the man, blowing a gust of snow right in his face. Desdanya paid it not heed as he just continued to laugh. "So, the great King K'tano... makes this huge entrance, streaking in like a falling star. Then he goes and says all these sweet things and says sweet words... and forgets to tell her his name."

K'tano at this moment was heartbroken, feeling that he had blown his chance with the princess at that moment. He looked down at the waterbowl. His own reflections seemed to look up and scold him, just as much as Desdanya was doing.

Seeing that his friend was genuinely upset, Desdanya walked over and leaned up against the opposite wall and faced him. "Hey, princesses really like the whole
Mysterious Prince who comes to rescue them routine. Trust me, it was for the best that you didn't mention your name."

"You really think so Des?"

Desdanya looked back up at his friend and smiled in as much a genuine manner as he could muster. There was only one other person he had allowed to refer to himself in that manner, but it had been many years since he had seen her.

K'tano nodded and felt more confident in himself at that thought as he splashed his face with the water before reoriented himself to other matters. "Well, the council insisted that I should start opening diplomatic channels with others while I'm here. Where do you suggest I start?"

As K'tano was taking a piece of cloth and drying off his face, Desdanya was pulling out a piece of paper that had the information of the people of import inside the city. "Well, there's Takashi Karasu. He's a diplomat inside the city representing the Xzia Empire, and there could be valuable trade openned with him. Watch your back with him though, diplomat isn't his only profession... Oh and he's also a competitor."

K'tano nodded as he considered the information and motioned for Desdanya to continue. "There are a couple of leads we could follow in concern to establishing relations and trade with Azador. The King here is greatly ill, and I suspect being poisoned by the Queen, probably best to avoid her as much as possible." There seemed to be much more there than Desdanya was letting on, but knowing that his friend never liked to discuss his history with him he was content to let it go.

"Her son, Kiel, holds considerable influence and should he win the competition would be in line to be King." It was a simple, cold observation that K'tano had come to expect from his spymaster. But this was one observation that he didn't appreciate, which he let the Desdanya know with a hard glare.

K'tano rasped his fingers against the hardwood in thought. "Ok, let's get us a place in one of the cheaper areas of the city so that it can serve as a embassy. Me and you will go and begin to fix it up, hiring out some of the poor to assist with the task. That will speed up the process as well as help out those people. While we are doing that, have messengers sent to find both Takahashi and Kiel and request an audience with them to come to our new embassy to begin diplomatic and trade talks."

K'tano nodded to himself as he reached over and grabbed his long fur cloak. He had dropped it at the foot of the bed, when he had dropped on the bed earlier. With it flung over his back, he tied it around his neck and proceeded out of the small room.

He paused and looked over at the board and recalled the man from before. The connection wasn't made at the time, because he was so drunk with love and exhausted. But thinking back, he was positive that he had seen the man that put up the note just a short time before. "Hey... Des, as I was... making a fool of myself to the princess... there was a hooded man that I bumped into at the Palace. And then when I came out, I saw the same man... I think... put that up on the board."

With a gesture of his hand, he montioned to the spot where the note had been on the board. the note on the board. Desdanya had already examined it as when he entered, so he knew what K'tano was talking about fortunately, despite the fact that it had been taken down recently. However, he didn't think to look at the bounty in any careful detail.

Desdanya took out a sheet of paper on a block of charcoal that he carried with himself for the purpose of copying down documents. K'tano gave the man a curious look and Desdanya just smiled back, "A man of many talents, is always prepared." With that, the spymaster pressed the paper up against where he had seen the note before. Then, he placed the block of charcoal and rubbed gently rubbed up and down agianst the paper. A copy of the old bounty slowly became clear on the sheet of paper.

Taking the paper down, Desdanya examined the bounty notice more closely now. He noticed the name of Travlor, a contestant of the competition , and who was a simple man that had very little reason to have any enemies. Something indeed was strange about the note and Desdanya decided he would look into the matter. If someone was threatening the competitors, K'tano would certainly be high on their hit list.

"K'tano, I'll go to this rendevouz and check it out. You just go and take care of the embassy such. Besides, a pretty boy sneaking around would just be suspicious." He cracked a smiled back at K'tano, and then turned and walked out the door to check up on the bounty.

K'tano linked up with Siro and Snowflake outside of the tavern, and proceeded towards the poor district of the city to begin work on their embassy.
(And this is why it is a good thing that Takashi disguised himself as Louis earlier. Still, it seems that having a raven on your shoulder now means you're up to something. Then again, a four-eyed demon bird isn't exactly subtle.)

Takashi wondered how long it would be before the ball. If it was some hours away as he anticipated then he could rest a bit and replenish his energy while he waited. He used the "wall passer" spell and as the name implies, walked through the castle walls while still invisible and with his movements muffled. His destination was the castle roof as it overlooked the surrounding land and made a good place to rest. It's central location also made it a good rallying point for his ravens and crows. There was also the rather attractive option of doing some spying along the way. Who knows what he might listen in on along the way or stumble upon.

After passing through the various floors of the castle and listening in on many a conversation as well as investigating a few documents he found in locked rooms, he reached the castle roof. Before removing the spell he used to make his movements completely silent and cause himself to become invisible, he scanned his surroundings. As usual, nobody was there. The guards seemed to leave the roof unguarded most of the time for some reason. Maybe it was because they doubted anyone could even get up there without being detected on the lower floors? Whatever the reason, it was deserted and that was what Takashi wanted.

He undid the spell before splitting into a flock of crows in the same manner as before. This time however, the flock divided into three portions. The first portion consisted of only a few. These crows were to keep an eye on the other competitors as well as the princess. The princess' inclusion in the list was for the purpose of gathernig intelligence. The second and third portions were roughly equal in size. Their tasks were to nest and gather food respectively. This way, Takashi would be rested when the ravens came back and at the same time avoid hunger (people have to eat and drink at some point). These three groups then set out about their respective tasks.
[[OoC: Please be aware of Space/Time, Zekeziel. I’m not sure how much of Louis’ conversation Takashi caught, but if K’Tano bumped into him at the bar, and Louis started talking right after K’Tano left the palace (so figuring in K’tano’s journey, as well), then he might of caught the request to dance? And that’s just a maybe?]]

To Louis’ delight, the princess had accepted his proposal and he grinned charmingly at her, loosening her hand so the maid could drag her away. Then his love was finally dragged away into a room, which he was okay with, for right now. After all, he had been promised a dance with the girl of his dreams, and that only meant working his magic more.

A cold voice sounded behind him, and his green eyes slightly shifted to meet with that of the Prince’s, only to slightly smirk. Righting his hood, he noted, “Is she was uncomfortable, I would take my leave…” which was ultimately true. At his next point he merely gave the prince a rather bland look; after all, he himself had to be here for some reason.

The dark aura hit him, and Louis rolled his shoulders slightly, giving no other instance that he felt the thing; the Prince introduced himself and asked for his name in turn “Louis Sterling, sire” he noted. There were really no ill intentions in him for the boy in front of, but Louis seemed to be doing something that was bothering Kiel.
([MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] I am aware of the whole space and time thing but to a certain point. I would expect that Takashi would end up missing a part of all the happenings at the castle during his journey to and from the tavern though. Also, my reason for having Takashi rest and eat during the time between parts of the competition is because in my first post, I noted that he had not slept the night before since he spent the entire night infiltrating the castle to get information on the princess' likes and dislikes as well as anything Atra was planning.)
([MENTION=1923]Zekeziel[/MENTION] I wasn't saying anything about him resting and eating, my post just happened to be after yours (I typed that part up before you were done posting). It was more about the bar shenanigans.)
"Louis Sterling." Kiel nodded and he soften just a bit. "I hold no ill will towards you or the other who was here. Wanting to marry Lierah for love is the noblest cause that you will find beyond maybe the girl's. I certaintly have no wish to marry my sister for love or for any other reason than I must."

He knew that some of the others' reasons for competing might be darker. It was no secret that people hated Atra and that would draw people to this competition to try and kill her. Fools most were. His mother was strong and hard to kill. If she was not Queen Atra would be dead already with the number of attempts on her person. Kiel then studied Louis again.

"But I may ask how can you love a person you do not know?"


Travlor waved to the innkeeper as he entered the Dancing Maiden. He headed to the room that he had bought not knowing that they would be given rooms in the castle. He went through his things but eventually stopped. The ball would not be for some hours as it was only midday so he did not have to get ready now.

Travlor sat on his bed and looked at his bow. He would be sure if given the chance to put one of his arrows through Atra's heart. His reason for competing was simple. He wished to bring Atra down and rid the royal line of darkness before it became too late. But he had little hopes of winning if today was any indications. The other suitors were bringing their A-game too. If he wanted the crown he would have to work hard.


"Do I just put it on and imagine what I want to look like or tell you," Liselle asked looking at the small piece of jewerly.
Eve finally made it to the inn. "Dancing Maidens." Most hunters and assassin stay here, but most people try not to believe that. Eve had the bounty poster tucked in her boot, not wanting it to be in the open.

Even though most people didn't see her face at this inn, they knew her clothing. Some shouted and waved for her to come, but she ignored them. Eve walked up to the desk, he smiled lightly at her.
"Welcome to the Dancing Maidens, do you need a room-" but Eve cut him off by holding up her hand. "Can you tell me what room a hunter is staying. His name is Travlor?" Her voice was a whisper so no one else could hear, by over the shouts and hollars, it wasn't that easy to hide her voice. "I'm sorry but I can't-" Again she cut him off with her hand. "I'm a friend of his, he told me he was staying here, but not what room." The innkeeper smirked a bit, thinking of something else than Eve. "Oh, so your that kind of friend. Room 12, i think he just got back." He winked a bit. Eve noticed the tone of his voice, and the wink. She sighed lightly, but she nodded before finding his room.

After a couple minutes of looking around she found his room. Eve knocked loudly on the door. She wondered if he would answer, or just ignore the knock. She shrugged at the thought, this was for his well being, not hers.
Travlor almost drew his bow at the knock but he had neither an arrow nor a reason to. Or at least he could assume he did not. He placed the bow by the bed and walked over to the door. He opened his mouth to ask who was there but then decided not to opening it.

Outside of it stood someone. He could not tell who it was with the hood but the figure implied it was most likely a woman. He was hesitant to let a stranger in and he wished he still held his bow though he could try and defend himself without it.

"Can I help you?"
Eve smirked when he didn't know who she was, she hoped for that. Eve also noticed his hesitation when he answered, he did live in a place for hunters and assassin.

She held her hand up before speaking. She talked in a hoarse voice so he couldn't tell it was her
."No worries, I have no intention of killing you. I have a gift from a," She paused for moment, thinking of what to say. "friend." Eve reached down in her boot and pulled out the bounty poster and held it up to him. "She also advice being armed at all times, like her." It was true, Eve was armed all the time, no matter what. At the throne room, she had a knife strapped to her leg.
Travlor looked at the woman before looking down at what she had. He took it and opened it up. As he looked over it he frowned. Someone had placed a bounty on him? But why? Was it because he was a competitor? Did one of the others want him gone? He didn't think he was a threat to most of them.

He looked up at the hooded woman and nodded. "Thank you. Whoever you are and your friend. Or was it my friend?" He smiled slightly. "Either way thanks to you both. I suppose I should be armed now if someone is trying to get me killed. Did you notice if anyone saw the bounty before you took it?"
"You can be sure that others took note of the bounty." A voice spoke softly to the two inside their minds, but for the moment the voice chose to remain hidden. Desdanya had chosen to remain seated downstairs at a table, to keep an eye out for any possible trouble that was coming in.

After a short pause, he continued, "My Lord is most interested why anyone would want such a simple man killed... Go to the Kredo District. Once you are there, you will be directed to a safe place. The young woman can come if she wishes as well, but you must leave here Travlor. There are others in this bar that do not harbor such good will towards you."

Suddenly, a quiver of arrows came floating up the stairs and stopped just at the entrance to his door. "You will need these." The voice said simply, before dropping them in the doorway. "I must be going, I will meet you in the Kredo District, just off the marketplace under the old bridge."

And just as soon as the voice had come, it was gone.
([MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] Ah, sorry. I misinterpreted what you were saying.)

One of Takashi's crows had found the tavern Travlor was staying at and landed on the windowsill to watch him. It noticed a hooded female at the door when Travlor opened it. Takashi thought at first she was there to claim the bounty by murdering Travlor but when the crow saw her hand the bounty note to him and advise him to arm himself, he knew otherwise. This crow flew off after a few minutes, cawing to call another of Takashi's scout crows to follow this disguised woman who had tipped Travlor off about the bounty. Hopefully, a good amount of bounty hunters had seen the note before it had been taken down.

Malyss says "Just put it on and concentrate on what you want to look like. Once that is done, just nod or something to indicate you're finished formulating your disguise and I will take care of the rest."
Jarek first felt the severity of his wounds when he'd entered through the kingdom's gates. Of course, he'd bled all throughout his whole journey from Mab, having taken it upon himself to murder the remainder of Kaito's family, of course for reason's no one but he and those he'd ended knew. Jarek's dull eyes of black was forcused forward as he'd walked, ignoring the stares and whispers that seemed to revibrate in the back of his mind as he passed by the local market, leaving trails of crimson in his wake.

He hadn't had much thought of when he was required to have moved into the castle, whether it had been yesterday or months away from today, he simply did not care. Jarek did not have anything to pack anyways... Nothing was left for him but his sword and the many scars that marked his history. He'd unconsciously allowed his hand the motion of stroking the scar upon his face, one that crossed his left eye, before yanking away his hand, as if the thick tissue burned his fingers. Jarek scowled, limping towards what he could see as the town square.

But of course, the swordsman did not quite make it, for his legs had disobeyed his orders once again. And against his commands, his knees buckled, hitting the solid ground hard enough to force a groan through his cracked lips. But that wasn't all. No, in fact, his body seemed to want to toture him further, so upon allowing himself momentary rest, his lungs manage to cough up whatever blood seemed to plague his insides, spilling onto the multi-colored rocks that make up the road. And so much had splattered upon the earth, that he vaguely thought that his body wanted death for him. Jarek almost laughed... Bitterly.

But of course, kneeling upon the road wasn't a very logical thing to do, so he'd force himself to his feet once more, only this time he almost appeared to be pretending he was a hunchback. He'd walked towards the trees, or rather stumbled, roots and stones seemingly set on tripping him. And he didn't stop until he'd reached the thick, strong trunk of a blossoming willow. His blood had already begun to soak into the soil, feeding the grass his crimson liquid, staining the dark face of the tree. But Jarek knew he will not die today, he will not allow it... His final job was not finished.

Jarek's dark eyes landed upon a bridge he didn't seem to notice before, the gentle arch of the structure catching his eye as he'd allowed them to drift about in its haze. He squinted at it, his vision growing ever blurrier, ever more unclear. He could swear that he could feel his blood draining from his body, as if his heart made it so he can hear its dying breath. Jarek closed his eyes.

Just a little rest...
Travlor almost dropped the bounty when he heard the voice and glanced around as if to see where it might be coming from. The hooded woman said nothing and did not seem to notice it.

Travlor made a wait here motion to her and went to get his bow and arrows and a few other things incase it was a trick. There had been a bounty for him after all. Then he told the woman what he heard.

"Should we go? I see no reason not too besides people might want to kill me now."


Liselle nodded and put it on. She wondered at first what to make herself look like but then ideas began to form. She wanted to look simple but not ugly and she wanted to make sure that she could come and go from places. Someone forgettable as well. She finally imaged what she wanted changing race, eye color, hair color, and a few other things.

She then nodded again. "
I know what I want to look like."
Upon seeing Liselle's second nod, Malyss knew she had decided on her disguise form. He channelled a portion of mana into the gem set into the ring. The stream of mana coming out of his hands was black with flashes of red in it. After the channelling was complete, he brought his his arms down to his sides before saying "It is done." Liselle would now look and sound exactly like how she imagined. Her safety from the guards searching for her was now assured for the most part.
Eve made a hmm sound when she heard the voice, she wasn't surprised by it. "Someone studied in the mental arts." She said lightly. "I've never seen the person before, so I can't tell if he's being honest." She placed her hand on her chin. Thinking and making sure she had never meet this person. Eve turned back to Travlor. "If we go, we go now. Wouldn't want to be late to the ball you have to go tonight, would you." Eve said this smirking under her hood. She made her way to the stairs, stopping and turning back to him. "Shall we go?"

Ian decided after a couple drinks to head back home, he wouldn't see Eve in awhile. He used a bridge that wasn't used all that much to get home. To his surprised he saw a man, blood was dangerously leaving him. He ran over to the man and kneeled next to him. Ian quickly looked over his wounds and sighed. "Where's Eve when you need her..." His voice drifted off as he looked at the man's face. "Hey, can you hear me?" His voice was a bit stern. Ian reached into his pocket and reached out a small vial that Eve had given him after he got wounded badly on a job. "Here goes nothing..." He said softly to himself before pushing the man over on his back and pouring a small amount of the liquid down his throat. Ian saw the wounds disppearing slowly, but steadly. he let out a sigh of relief.
The Prince softened just a bit, and that made Louis relax visibly in front of him, his hands had been twitching for use before. Kiel made note towards he and K’tano’s cause, calling them both noble in the pursuit of their hearts. The man was studying him though, and Louis slightly straightened up under his scrutiny; not expecting the man’s next question.

There was a long pause as a confused look crossed his face as he mulled over the question in his head, “It’s hard to explain, what one doth not know…” he noted, “When an angel calls your name you are bound, thither nay be an attraction so fine. Yet a girl only 8… goddess divine” he stared at Kiel meaningfully “Love has not a single definition, her ebony locks and her emerald eyes; purity, sincerity and kindness. A girl, neigh, woman every man should know” he explains. Then with a second thought, “Lucky enough that only thou are here, men should flock to her like a hawk to prey” a short nod.

Louis only hoped that his love truly got across in the message; it was spoken in Iambic pentameter*, something that he had grown close to. A love of Shakespeare and his plays has shown him a great deal of things, including how love of star-crossed lovers could work out. It made his somewhat smile under the shadow of his cloak, he should really take it off soon…

Time for the Knowledge is Power part of my post; Iambic Pentameter is a meter that you use in verse or verse drama. Each line (before pause) is usually 10 syllables of stressed and then unstressed words/syllables. So the rhythm goes [da][DUM][da][DUM], but I wouldn’t recommend reading it like that… “WHEN an ANgel CALLS your NAME you ARE bound”. Imagine it how you would read Shakespearean! :3]]
"Well my sister is all those things," Kiel said. He listened to Louis and a small but very faint smile played on his lips. He seemed so passionate and sure of his love for Lierah. It was both endearing and odd to Kiel. Kiel had never loved anyone beyond his mother and that.... Kiel did not wish to think of it just yet. He knew he would be dealing with her soon enough. He had been expecting her to appear any moment to chastise him for his gift.

"What do you think of our dear Queen, Atra?" He wanted to see if this lovestruck boy wanted her gone as well or what he thought. Most people either hated her, were afriad of her or a combination of both. Atra said that was the way it should be. She cared little for the smallfolk beyond keeping them in check and toying with them.


Travlor nodded and he headed downstairs. The innkeeper looked up at him and he smiled.

"I'll be back later Jon. Me and my friend have things to do."


Travlor went onto the streets looking around first. Then he nodded and started towards his destination.


Liselle looked at herself. It was weird to look human but still feel like a neko. But she knew that anyone who saw her would not think of the neko guard who competed and lost again Atra. At least those who still remembered.

"I am ready to go then," she said, her voice now a bit lower than it was before and younger sounding.
Two crows, both of them being from the group he had assigned to watch the competitors, flew above Eve and Travlor. They watched the two and stayed a reasonable distance away to avoid tipping the two off that the birds were following them and not just simply flying past. One of the crows sent to find food had picked up on the scent of blood coming from Jarek and followed the trail he left on the ground until it found him. The crow landed on him, hopping from place to place on his body as it searched for any still open wounds as the amount of blood on the ground had convinced it that the man was either dead or dying.

Malyss nodded before calling out "Amaya, Liselle's going to be heading somewhere." Amaya rushed out from her tent at the sound of her name and stopped a few feet away from Liselle. Malyss turned and walked off to his tent, leaving Amaya and Liselle. Amaya looked Liselle up and down before turned her head slightly and calling back to Malyss "You did well as usual." She returns her attention to Liselle as she asks "Where will we be going? Into the city I assume." Amaya was appointed by Takashi to be Liselle's bodyguard so knowing where Liselle planned to go as well as knowing her current location were two of her priorities as a result.
Atra was quite displeased.

Displeased with the lack of respect from her own daughter.

Displeased with her son's lack of sense in a woman's desires.

Displeased that she was unable to see the whole of the presentations.

And now... An escapee.

Atra scowled at the palace workers' incompetence, steps angry as she clacked towards the meeting place. The queen kept her body straight, hips swaying in her usual high-status gait, as not to allow a sliver of anger to show, despite the growing scorn that marred the beauty upon her face. And dark was her mood, enough that the shadows within the halls seemed to grow in size, as if her emotions effected the palace. But Atra knew better, it was that her ability to refuse her power the pleasure to harm the nearest object... Or person, which would be much more pleasurable, of course.

The walls, hawever, began to narrow as she neared her destination, walls and ceiling tilting inwards as if to close her off, preventing her arrival towards the meeting place. But that wasn't quite the case. It was Atra's magic, warping her surroundings as to create her entrace, of course. She was in no obligation to make a whole trip, she was much too lazy for that... Not that she will ever admit.

But it didn't take very long for her to arrive, considering the circumstances. And as she'd entered the room, the cloak that shielded the utter menace hidden behind the severity of her appeal almost thrown off. The area, of course, as well as her features darkened more than it had already been upon her entering, whatever dim lighting seemingly flickering off in her presence. And in voice smooth, though laced with venom, she spoke.

"The matter with the prisoner is being handled, yes?"


Jarek didn't have much time to stop his own actions. His awareness was thrown so far back into his own mind that he didn't quite know exactly what had went on in reality. Only that he felt his hand lock on what he assumed was someone who was stupid enough to near him in such a dangerous state. But he didn't quite care about whatever lack of sense he had at the moment, for he was quite preoccupied with attempting to block out the screams, echoing in endless repeat in his head. And even as he covered his ears, they still penetrated through his hands, as if they were merely as thin as tissue, stabbing through his ears and generating pain throughout his whole body, which of course was all in his mind.

What seemed to be Jarek's outer self was already upon his feet, eyes of crimson, previously pitch black, glaring with hatred into Ian's, as if he saw the men in which plagued his dreams. As if the man before him now was one of the many that caused his hatred to engulf him fully. As if Ian had caused his agony. But of course, despite Ian's innocence in the situation and his display of kindness in offering Jarek a repair in his torn body, he'd lifted the man off his feet by the neck, fingers digging into the flesh as if to break skin and draw blood.

Jarek's outer body scowled, seeming to tremble as tears, of what seemed to be blood, trickled down his dirtied cheek, as if he was being torn from the inside out. Though it certainly seemed the case, for even with the sliver of medicine provided, the pain was still pulsing through his veins like poison. And beneath the swordsman's feet, cracks begun to spread from tiny fissures that seemed to be caused by the blackness of what could've passed by a darker form of shadow magic, but it wasn't quite. Jarek was a whole new thing entirely.


"Princess, I thought we were going to the garden..."

Zeira hissed under her breath, eyes of emerald flickering towards her superior as they passed through the borders/bushes that separated the forest from the palace grounds. But Lierah didn't seem to hear-- or rather, didn't seem to care, for she proceeded to run, dragging her maid along. The princess did not want a thing to do with the palace as of this night. She will escape its darkness even for a little while. And the sanctuary fit for a desire such as this was her special hide away, which she knew was where Zeira also found her peace.

Lierah weaved through the vegetation, giving no care to the new tears of the night gown she only had seconds to tug on before she ran off towards the treeline. A smile was upon her face, later breaking out into a grin as she could hear the faint rush of the falls. And as they neared, the area about them cooled, skin and hair almost immediately dampening at the moisture that hung about in the air.

Lierah stumbled into the clearing, however, breaking her almost graceful entrance with a simple misstep, having had the habit of pretending to be a returning princess everytime she entered her imaginary kingdom. How childish it was to think of such things as she was already princess, but Lierah simply could not help herself. She grinned, allowing her small hand to slip out of Zeira's and spun about. The hem of her dress flowed with her movements, fluttering around her as she spun. Zeira laughed, allowing herself to plop onto the pillow-like grass as to watch her princess in her delight.

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