~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

"Just a few days myself. However, Lemmy has been here the longest of any of us, but I don't know exactly how long." Kleft watches Pip slink closer out of the corner of his eye as he looks around the pound. "We get free run of this place at night, but we have to be back in the kennels by dawn, otherwise our freedom is over." He lays down and rests his head on his paws. "The hole is over there in the wall if you would like to venture outside, but remember to return by dawn."
Pip looked over at the hole in the wall. Freedom was exciting to her, but frightening as well. "I think I'll stay here for a while; at least until I get used to everything." Pip copied Kleft, closing her eyes, accidentally dozing off.
"That should work, if that is what you want." Kleft laughs softly as he senses Pip copy him and opens his eyes when he hears deep, relaxed breathing, indicating she fell asleep. "Poor pup, the situation must of wore her out."
Pip was well aware of what was going on around her, but the dream occupying her right now was what she was paying attention to.

A family. A little baby to play with, and a house to live in. They're coming for me.

Pip awoke, heart pounding. A little tear fell down her face.
Kleft feels sorry for Pip and doesn't know what to do. He watches her wake and a tear slide from her eye. "You okay?"
Pip sniffed, then sneezed a the dusty air. "Huh? O-oh, yeah, I-I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Pip tried to play it off as if nothing had happened, and she laid her head back in her paws.
"Well, you obviously had a dream or nightmare that got to you emotionally." Kleft watches Pip sadly. "Keeping it bottled inside will only make it worse, trust me."Kleft he watches her, waiting for her to talk about it or to fall asleep again.
I snarl as the warden drags me in. i plant my paws on the ground ancoring myself so he cant move me. 'Come on girl.' he encourages. i growls softly. i can smell other dogs in this place but she wasnt a normal dog. the warden continues to tug on my lead hoping it will urge me forward. i give a little slack and slowly walks forward. i see a rat in the car park and go to tear off after it. the warden holds the lead firmly and doesnt let go. i gives up on the rat. instead of struggling i allows myself to be led forward. the warden goes up to the desk staff. 'We go a new one.' he says to her. 'Yeah ok you will need to fill in the paper work.' the woman hands something to the warden. she holds her hand out for the lead. 'I better keep this one she's dangerous.' the warden says shaking his head. he goes over to a chair and sits down. 'Hhmm lets see name Timber well thanks what ya owner said. age 2 years old breed um well ya owner said you pa was a shepherd and ya ma was a wolf. well that explains ya name.' i whine at the mention of my owner. she hadnt wanted to give me up but i was "too dangerous" i sigh and sit down. once the man has finnished he hands the pen to the desk woman and leads me down a corridor. i pass lots of dogs and s few pups. the warden leads me to a cage on my own and puts me in. he clips my paper work to the cage door and walks away. i whine softly and lay my head on my paws. i close one eye and relax a little
Pip sighed. "I hate being alone, Kleft. Sometimes, I wish my family had never bought me. They left me at their old home, and never came back. I think my life would be much better if they hadn't picked me. But then again, I wouldn't be here with you if they hadn't have picked me." Pip's ears perked a little, and a wolfish grin spread across her muzzle.
Kleft notices the new pup, obviously part wolf because of her viciousness, but decides to keep his distance and let her come to the others on her own time. Kleft looks back at Pip and smiles impishly for a pup. "Well I am sorry that your family left you behind. But that did bring you here." He looks a little unsure how to continue. "How am I the benefit of this though?"
Pip tilted her head at Kleft's statement. "Friends are my light. And, Kleft, I'll let you in on something. You have been my only friend." Pip stood coming as close to Kleft as she could, and snuggled up against him. "I know we just met, but I like you, Kleft."
Timber noticed the other dogs. She stood up and trotted over, she sat down and watched them curiously. They were both chatting so Timber tried to make herself unknown. She sank down to her belly and cocked her head watching silently.
(sorry I haven't posted recently, haven't been on much)

"I am proud and happy to be your first friend." As Pip moves closer, Kleft notices the new pup move closer, sticking to the shadows. "I do notice you Timber, shadows are my friends and I have learned to be observant." He looks back at Pip and then eyes widen as she snuggles against him and she admits she likes him. "Didn't even hear that one coming," he mutters to himself then looks at Pip and speaks to her. "I like you too." Kleft looks around the pound, hoping the others don't notice his uneasiness at not knowing what to do.
"It is okay Pip. Timber has no wish to attack us." Kleft feels her shaking against him and licks her cheek.
Kleft keeps an eye on Timber, waiting to see what she will do next. He lays down and rests his head on his paws. "So what shall we talk about now? I think it safe to say we have plenty of time to talk." He is trying to help cheer Pip up by lightening the mood.
Kleft looks up at the darkening sky. "Night will be here soon. Then we can roam...at least until dawn comes again." He watches Pip lay down and then watches the shadows grow and creep closer to him, like an old friend reaching out a hand, as the sun drops behind the horizon.
Is it ok if I pop in?

Sierrah the 3-legged golden retriever pup hobbled into the pound, next to a dog catcher. The catcher plopped Sierrah right into a cage.

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