~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

(Sure, join right in. And aww, poor puppy.)

Kleft watches the newcomer and feels sadness when he notices the puppy only has 3 legs.
The sun falls down behind the horizon and Kleft can hear the pound workers locking up. "We can explore now. Just be back by dawn."
(Shall i Pop in? )

Scooby, A 4 legged black lab puppy., Walked into the pound with blood on his face, and got put in his cage, He just walked over to his corner, sat down, and cried.. "I miss her..." (His sister just died in a car accident, he was healthy enough to run away, but got caught by the pound..) He than thought that he might be attracting attention so he stopped crying and walked up to the front of his cage. "H-Hi.. G-guys, My name is S-s-Scooby.." He said shivering.

Kleft stays facing the hole in the wall as he watches the new puppy. "Hello there. My name is Kleft." He looks at Scooby in the eyes. "I am sorry for your loss."
Scooby looks at the dog named 'Kleft' and gives him a sad face (I almost just typed faic xD ). "It's no problem." He told him, and said and shivered, "I'm cold.."

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