~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

He walks out of the shadows cautiously. Kleft looks at May, "I'll go, but don't expect me to stay near them long." He opens the hole and waits, keeping to the dark.
She walks slowly to the hole and goes out with Kleft and howls and her friends howl back to her

Her two Friends come and look at Kleft with a weird face expreshion and they say to Kleft," Hi My name is Louis (boy) and My name is Ari (Girl and how to pronounce is Air~e) " They hug May
"Hi Louis and Ari." Kleft shifts uncomfortably. "I came to bring your friend to visit you." He watches them at a respectful distance.
Ari,May, and Louis smile and talk and then May says to Kleft ," so every night you can leave the pound and do what you want to " she says then says to Luois and Ari ," meet me here every night so we can talk and keep in touch" they nod there heads yes
Kleft just shrugs, still rather defensive. "I have others in the pound I have to keep eye on and keep safe. I can't just take off like I did last night." He walks back through the hole. "Remember, be back by dawn," says over his shoulder at May. He walks over to Lyla.
May plays with her friends till dawn, then they hug good bye until the next night and May kisses Louis on the cheek for an extra good bye and air kisses Ari good bye and wiyth that her friends leave and she walks in through the hole and into her cage shutting the cage door behind her
Alexandria, a small Dalmatian with rarely any white spots except for on her bright blue eyes, hazily woke up, dragging herself to her food bowl where she dug her nose in to her wet food. She was rescued from a puppy mill in southern Alabama, and was brought to this small shelter, for no one dared to take in a sick puppy. She was 6 weeks, old enough that she could walk, bark, and eat soppy food, so she was forced in to a shelter. She whimpered quietly, slowly gazing up as a female employee averted her eyes to the caged in puppy.

Selena smiled, twirling the key ring that unlocked cages in one finger. "Poor gal. I'm gonna give you your medicine, then back you go, okay?" She whispered soothingly. She always had a soft side on the animals here, especially the ones that came from puppy mills. She quietly unlocked the cage, and pulled out a small bottle of fluid from her pocket. Stuffing it in to the puppy's mouth, she waited until every last drop was gone, itched behind the puppy's ear, and locked the cage. Selena sighed as she walked away, hoping someone would come for that puppy soon.
May yelps as the mean dog person yanks her out her cage for her shots , she whines and cries until the nice dog poud owner who loves dogs takes hold of her the nice and proper way and she calms down a little as the nice DPO (dog pound owner) slowly and gentley petted her while she got her shots for worms and stuff
Kleft stays hidden since he blends in. "Glad i'm healthy," he mumbles to himself.

Spirit and his sister, Faith, are picked up and given shots. Afterwards they go back to sleep.
May gets a delishious treat and a blanket and gets set down back in her cage with a BIG treat in her mouth and then the DPO says to all the dogs ," Just to worn you all each of you will be needing shots so you might be next to get your shots."

( i gtg for now be back later )
((I'm REALLY, SUPER sorry I haven't been here. After Thanksgiving I had to catch up with Honor's Classes and such. I should be on just about every day to catch up. :D Oh, and Wolfnight, don't drop out!)

Lemmy put on a bit of a show for his regulars that visited during the day, but he really felt like thinking. He had lost his favorite girl when John picked him up, and even though he had made great friends with El Peso, Bernassi, and a lot of the newcomers here, he missed Ave Maria. He slunk around like a hound dog during the night, worrying about when Kleft will pick up on his gift. He saw Kleft has a thing going on with Lyla, and he was happy for them. And while Faith and Spirit were naturals when it came to charming visitors, they hadn't separated yet. Lemmy felt incredibly lonely. If only Ave Maria would walk her incredibly gifted body into the pound right now…he'd be a happy dog. Lemmy slunk out of the pound and howled to Ave Maria, wherever she was, and told his sad story throughout howls. He knew someone would respond.
Kleft watches Lemmy closely, listening to the howls. "So he lost someone too," he thinks, sympathetic. He moves over to him and immediately feels Lemmy close himself off at Kleft's presence. "I'm just here as a friend. not to invade in your thoughts. I still plan on you just telling me what you are hiding." Kleft looks at him with his head tilted.
May stopped crying when the nice DPO (dog pound owner) picked her up and petted her softly trying to calm her down
Selena prances in bright in the morning, a childish grin on her face. She skipped to the DPO, tapping her on the shoulder. "Sorry to intrude, but I was wondering if we could take some of the animals outside? It's so nice out, and I think it'd be good for them!" She squealed, batting her large blue eyes.

Alex yawns, shaking her aching paw. She walked to the bars of her damp cage, yapping a few times at Selena, who was just barely inside. "I'm hungry!" She helped as if the human understood. "My food is all gone! HELLO?!?"
the nice DPO person gave May a small treat to try and calm her down more and then May relaxed abit
Selena shrugged and grabbed Alex, cradling the puppy in her hands. She quietly snatched a spare leash and collar, slipped it on to the puppy, and gazed at the the cages of dogs, figuring she could walk one other dog with Alex.

Alex tipped happily, bouncing about with her tail whipping about. She gnawed at the green leash, bouncing back as it moved.
Pip,a brown and white cocker spaniel with chocolate eyes, cowered in the far corner of her cage, shivering with fear. She had come in last night, and hadn't been able to sleep at all, what with all of the barking and crying going around her. Her breathing was ragged, and she desperately wanted to cry out to anyone to help her. She whined. She wished another dog would be put with her. she hated being alone.
Kleft notices a new dog is cowering in her kennel. Walking over, Kleft makes himself visible so as to not frighten her. "Hello there."
(Pitch black pup with red eyes. Sorry, my discription was at beginning of the rp)

"I am Kleft. I have been here for just a few days." Kleft stops where he is in the light and sits. "Don't be afraid, I wont hurt you. What is your name?" He is keeping his eyes slightly closed so they don't freak the pup out more.
Pip sees the other dog and tilts her head. why is this dog bothering to talk to her. "I-I'm Pip. I-it's nice t-to meet you, K-Kleft." Pip tried to stop shivering, and stood up, walking a little closer to Kleft.
Kleft fights a smile, knowing that Pip has no idea that he can read minds to an extent. "Nice to meet you too. And I am bothering to talk to you because you are frightened and need company. All the others seem...occupied." He watches her walk closer and opens his eyes slowly, attempting to make the red less menacing to look at.
Pip stopped, her ears perking up. "W-well, thank you. B-but...how did you know I was thinking that?" She stopped a few inches away from Kleft, sitting down in the spot. She saw his eyes were a quite peculiar color, but it didn't really scare her much. she used to be friends with rats after all.
"I made an educated guess. And your welcome." Kleft just blows off the question, avoiding conversation about that talent. He watches Pip sit and is surprised but also relieved that she seems to show no fear or disgust about his eyes. "What shall we discuss?" He is avoiding bringing up the rats comment, afraid she would catch on.

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