~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

Lyla looked at all the others, too much was going on for her, hell, she was barely old enough to survive without mom. "Lyla..." she said quietly in response to the question. Lyla stood slowly and looked around, shaking, her tail between her legs. "I don't... I don't even know what's going on..." She whimpers as dogs come and go, unsure what to do.
Bernassi looks around.

"Geez, man. John just loves to throw puppies in here, eh?"

He gently nudges the new puppy (May, but he doesn't know her name) into the kennel where Faith and Lyla were.

"Little puppy, this little girl here is Faith, comforting the other pup which is Lyla. And you are?"

As he waits for the answer, Faith tries to comfort Lyla.

"It's ok. They'll take care of you here. We can be friends. It'll be ok."

Faith smiles and waits for Lyla to respond, or do something.
(Oh god, when did this update so much @___@ do you guys even celebrate holidays?...going back to read...)

Spot scrambles over to the food and sniffs it warily. He notices that a bunch of newer dogs have arrived, the small chihuahua and the big guy Bernassi. He greets them happily before returning to the food, eating it happily. He stops and sits down. Wagging his tail as he watched the others go about their business.
"Your name is Faith?" Lyla said quietly, looking up at her. She looked around, a little less scared. "Where... where am I? Last time I knew I was in a box outside, all of my family got taken but me..." A quiet whimper escaped her throat again as she tried to be more brave. "Faith... what's gonna happen?"
( Eh…Not really lol)

Faith was unsure how to answer Lyla's questions. She decided to ignore the first one, as it might harm Lyla further. Instead Faith focused on the second question.

"Well, you have to be strong. Lemmy tells me this place is like Hollywood. You gotta put on a show. If you attract attention, you'll be fine. In the meantime, we have free reign of the Pound, until morning comes and we have to attract attention."

Faith tried to be silly, but then she grew more serious

"I'm serious Lyla, you really have to shape up. If you don't attract attention…they'll ship ya out. But let's not focus on the negatives…or the positives. Right now, we can go outside the pound if we're careful, and we have to be back before morning. But really, free reign is sweet. And the dogs are nice too. So lets have some fun!"

Faith yipped and chased her tail a little, but she was really waiting to see Lyla's reaction.
(sorry that i left it is my first black friday that i went to and it was crazy so sorry where are we)
Kleft appears from the hole with another pup in tow. He calls out, "Hey Faith, look who i found at the park." Kleft moves aside and Faith's bother, Spirit, moves over to his sister where he nuzzles her. "I'm glad we are reunited my sis, I was so worried about you," Spirit says. Kleft walks over to Lemmy, with a big puppy smile. "I found him!," he says, very excitedly.

Kleft watches Spirit and Faith's reunion from off to the side as i rest from all the running and hiding he did. "So glad I blend in so well. I ran into a few bigger dogs and some humans decided to throw rocks at me. But i'm unharmed this time," he reports to Lemmy.
May looks around at the others and thinks {i am so scared} then she lays down almost quivering but she doesn't because she doesn't want to show how afraid she really is
Lemmy smiles at Kleft's excitement at his achievement. He knew that little dog was great. He liked both Kleft and Faith, and hopefully he would like Spirit too. Lemmy was actually proud of Kleft, and he realized he really did like these newcomers. It wasn't the same-old, same-old that he'd been introducing throughout the months. This group was special. And Lemmy liked special.

"Great job Kleft! I knew you could do it! You're gonna turn into a promising young dog someday."

His eyes gleamed with pride.

Faith nuzzled her brother, Spirit.

"Oh Spirit! I love you! I love you! What have you been up to?"
May thinks as she looks at the others {they don't notice me so a i like just another dog here hmm that is good i suppose and bad but at least i won't be beaten up}
Bernassi walks up to the puppy he nudged into the kennel. He was becoming fond of her.

"Hi there sweetheart, do you have a name? Mine's Bernassi, and I won't hurt you."

El Peso walks up next to Bernassi

"Nope. This big fella here wouldn't hurt a fly, little one."

Bernassi nuzzles the puppy gently as he waits for her response. He thought she needed some love <3

(BTW the puppy is May, Bernassi doesn't know her name yet)
"Thank you Lemmy," Kleft says. He then walks over to May. "I noticed you, i was just occupied at that moment. How are you coping with being here?," he asks, worried bout her well being. Kleft also looks over at Lyla, hoping she is doing good around here as well. He nuzzles May so that she doesn't feel as afraid anymore. "I'm new around here too, and I am flourishing," he informs her as he smiles big.

Spirit continues nuzzling Faith, missing her scent. "I was wandering around, lost, but in search for you sis. I was so worried about you after I couldn't find you. I'm glad you are safe and that Kleft was able to bring me back to you. I love you too sis," he says into her fur. He thinks about how lost he was, having walked for a long time in search for Faith.
(I put lotsa love into this one, guys)

Faith feels truly happy, truly whole after being reunited with Spirit <3

She knows this isn't a true happy ending, like at the end of a story. The night is still young. But right now, all Faith wants to do is lay with Spirit all night long, two puppies, together. Almost like soul mates, and if they weren't related perhaps they would be soul mates. But soul mates doesn't have to pertain to love, Faith supposes. It pertains to two dogs who share a soul, and that's what Faith was feeling right now. She smells Spirit's scent, and can't get enough of it. She lays next to him and sniffs his sweet, warm scent. Faith feels like she belongs now, in a warm, happy heap <3
Kleft worries about May, nudging her softly and carefully. "You ok? I won't hurt here. And I don't think they will either," he tells her as he gestures at the big dogs.

Spirit can feel Faith's happiness rolling of of her in bright waves of energy as she cuddled against him. "I'm here now sis, and although I don't know what will happen, I will help protect you to the best of my abilities," he reassures her as she nuzzled up closer. Spirit himself was feeling much happier now that he found her as well. He now feels much more at rest than ever. He forever feels in debt to Kleft
Bernassi understands May's hesitance. He was used to being judged by his size. He walks around the pound and in a few minutes he returns with a blanket and wraps it gently around May.

"I may be a big dog, but that doesn't mean I'm mean, a nuzzle is better than this lifeless blanket, but you might be afraid of me, and that's ok. But I want to earn your trust someday."

Bernassi ends his odd little rhyme cooked up on the spot, and El Peso howls in approval. He only hopes May will understand and trust him someday. He wasn't much older than her, though he was bigger. He was barely out of puppyhood, really. And he really, really loved May and wanted to prove she could trust him. He was going to become May's bodyguard. But first, he needed to hear her response to his rhyme.
she yawns tired from all the running she did to try and not get caught

Then she looks at Bernassi and says , " Well you do seem nice "
Kleft walks away from May and over to Lyla, knowing that Bernassi will take care of May. Klefts sits down next to Lyla, trying to help comfort her.
"I am tired" she says with a yawn (I gtg for now so) she curls up in a ball and goes to sleep still alert
Lyla looks at Kleft, a scared look still in her blue eyes, "How much do you know? What type of pup are you?" She sat and pawed at Kleft, whimpering still.
"What I know is we are in the pound, you are scared, i'm here to comfort you. And as far as I know, I am just a normal black puppy...though I seem able to sense other dog's thoughts," Kleft answers Lyla, nuzzling her in a hope to calm her. He also hopes that admitting what he can do doesnt effect how the others think of him.
Lyla shook herself, her demeanor changing. "Ok. Well, I am a Wolf mixed with some husky." She looked over the black pup in front of her, then decided to tackle him. She got on top of him and pinned him, belly up. "I doubt you can read my mind, unless I allow you to."
(Just realized I haven't used Lemmy in awhile :o )

Lemmy strides over to where Lyla and Kleft are laying. It seemed that Lyla was sort of broken in, though she still seemed frightened. Kleft was trying to comfort her.

"Hello Lyla, I'm Lemmy. If there's anything any one of us can do for you let us know."

Lemmy smiles and glances over to where Spirit and Faith are laying together. Then he waits for Lyla's reaction to him.
Kleft reddens some at being pinned by Lyla. "I don't usually read other's minds, usually they just speak loud enough that I hear it." He paws at her face playfully. "I'm glad you feel are feeling better than you were earlier." Kleft smiles at her. "Do you have something in your mind that you are trying to hide?," he asks, taking her statement as a bit defensive.

When Lemmy walks over, Kleft reddens even more.

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