~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?

"Kleft, we have no shame here. Look at us. We're the lowest of the low, boys. In the plaster-dusted, dumpy, rusty Pound. If you keep blushing, you'll be a red puppy and not a black one."

Lemmy smilies.

"And I don't mind you're whole mind-reading gift. I have secrets, gifts, and surprises of my own."

Lemmy's smile fades and he winces, as a memory just punched him in the heart. He quickly recovers himself. Under his cool demeanor, he is hiding something. And eventually it will break out.
Kleft looks at Lemmy from under Lyla. "Whatever your hiding, don't hold it in to such an extent it hurts. And I will find out what it is my friend," he says with a wicked smile.
Lemmy looks over at Faith and Spirit laying so peacefully, and realizes day is on its way. He quickly ushers Bernassi and El Peso out of the Hole in the wall, with promises that they can come back tonight. He locks everyone safely in their kennels, and then he locks himself in his. This gives him some time to think about how to best guard his secrets and memories from Kleft.
Kleft is seperated from Lyla and herded back into his kennel with Faith and Spirit. He moves to the back where he curls up in the shadows to rest until he is needed. Before he falls asleep, he thinks of all that has happened that night and what he has learned.

Spirit lays down and curls up around his sister so they are close to each other as they fall asleep.
Lemmy drifts into a uneasy sleep filled with haunting memories, lost passions, and so many secrets swirling about. All are orbiting the core; his gift. He tosses and turns until daybreak.

(Gtg, I should be on tomorrow :D )
Lyla whimpers again when Kleft and her get separated. She curls up in a tight ball of cute and slowly dozes off, breathing slowly and deeply. Lyla dreamed of the box, of her brothers and sisters, of how they played. She looked most like a wolf, so she didn't get chosen. Then the man came, and next thing she knew she was here. With another whimper she squirmed whilst asleep.
Kleft hears whimpers from Lyla as she sleep and he moves to the closest part of the kennel he can be to her before laying down and sleeping, hoping that being closer will help her relax.
(@___@ Maybe I should drop out?)

Spot goes for a brisk walk alone, he needs time to think, and the pound isn't the place he really wants to be. He rounds the corner and sniffs a trash can, it smells of food. Table scraps that have been thrown away. He gently prods it with his paw and it falls over with a clang. He nuzzles through the contents and finds what he is looking for, munching happily and wagging his tail.

Once he eats his fill, he walks the concrete sidewalk absentmindedly, he comes to a sitting position under the streetlight. All is quiet, few are awake except for the skutterings of small creatures like mice and the occasional giant human machine that whizzed by the street. It was an odd world to travel alone, usually he did it with his master. It wasn't her fault or his fault she lost him.

He remembered the big man, he had dropped him off far, far away. He threw a tennis ball, thinking it was a game, and when he went to get it, the big man was gone. That was right after the lady of the house disappeared, before she left, she had smelt sickly and unstable. After that, he was never really the same. Actually, he had hated him in the first place, but it was okay. The big man tolerated him because of Annie and the lady. They wanted him to stay. But after the lady left, they all became sad, more depressed. The man grew spiteful and hateful towards him, even blaming her leaving on him. It was days later that he got lost, when the big man threw the tennis ball. But when there was nowhere to come back to. The tennis ball fell from his jaws, and bounced away, bouncing into the gutter and never returning. He was frozen, afraid to move.

It was days later he arrived to the pound, how he wished he could have Annie back. He got up and walked back in the direction of the pound, shrouded by the shadows again as he made his way back.
Kleft hears movements and opens his eyes. "Morning May. How are you today?" He looks around to see everyone else his sleeping, his eyes lingering on Lyla.

Spirit shifts and unwraps himself from around his sister who still sleeps. He walks over to Kleft and looks around as well. "I must thank you for being me and Faith back together again." Kleft shrugs, "It was nothing my friend. Just being helpful."
"Im fine, still getting used to being here in the pound. I can't wait for it to get dark again though. That was fun." Kleft has a little madness in his eye for a second. He shakes his head then looks to see who else is awake so far.
" i don't like it here at all i have no one here at least on the street i had friends that were so close they were like family " May says almost at the point of crying

a small tear falls from her eye and when it hits the floor it shines a light blue then disappears
"Don't cry May. I'm sorry your friends arn't here, but there are others in here who might be willing to let you be their friend or family while we are all in here." Kleft looks at her in a kind way. "Please cheer up. Most of us just arrived in the past night as well."
Lyla wakes up and stretches, she jumps high when she realizes where she is still. Lyla whimpers slightly and backs into a corner, looking around for Kleft.
Kleft hears Lyla's whimper and he walks to the wall closest to her. "I'm here Lyla, don't be scared. We just need to be in the kennels during the day. We are...free...at night." He wishes it would be night time all ready, wanting to be near Lyla.
Lyla looks over where the voice came from, "Ok..." Lyla said shakily, "I just don't want to be in here at all..." Lyla stayed in the corner, her tail between her legs. "Free at night or not... It just... it sucks."
"I understand. Maybe it better than we think, but from the looks of the room service, I doubt it." Kleft laughs, trying to lighten the mood. "And I will protect you as much as I can." He tries to send some good feelings and energy to Lyla.
she howls out a window and another dog howls back to her and May begins to feel better knowing that som one, her friends on the outside, are still there

she looks at the others and says , " hey guess what! "
"What?," Kleft asks. He and Spirit are standing at the door of the kennel, watching the sun go down behind the hills in the distance. "Almost time my friends," he says excitedly. "Who is ready to be free for some time again?"
"me and as i was telling you my friends are out there close by don't you hear them?" Howls again and again a howl answers her
Kleft listens and then shivers in fear. "They are your friends?" He backs up into the safety of the shadows, not wanting out tonight after all. "I'll stay in here if you don't mind," becomes invisible in the shadows when he closes his eyes.
"Don't worry they won't hurt you mostly because they are smaller than you come on you have to meet them please" May says useing her puppy eyes that are the cutest in the world
Kleft looks her in the eyes, his red eyes seeming to look deep inside her spirit. "Those that they hang with have...a bone to pick with me. I can't remember why though." The sun finally drops behind the horizon and the pound closes for the day.

Spirit opens the kennel then walks around letting everyone else out of their's before returning to his siter's side.
" They are nice and if your with me they won't hurt you come on pretty please they are my only other friends and just between you and me " whispers this next part "I am afraid to go by myself " howls again and they howl back

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