The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Nichole said''its ok Jessi....'' she swung on a branch and summer saulted and landed near the house. she sighed and went back for Jessi. she picked her up going back to her house.
Nichole sat her down in a chair. She poured up some juice and gave her some of the left over food from dinner. Nichole sat down eating too.
Roland lay on the hard ground. All he could remember was his breath being knocked out of him. He sat up slowly and looked around.
Roland slowly picked himself up, trembling. He swiveled his ears forward and started walking.
Roland shrugged, picking himself up. "I-I have no idea..." He said, shaking his head. (I will only be able to post a little bit...)

Roland squirmed, feeling a bit insecure. "I'm fine..." He said.
Nichole put her hands on her hips. "you dont look fine..." she looked at his eyes. "hmmm let me see..." she checked his reflexes and stuff. (its ok but what happened?)
Roland yawned, looking at her. "I really am." He smiled. (I got a horse. A lot of work. Plus I have a stupid job. And I have sisters to help with crap. Oh well...)
(I know. No time for myself. :3)

Roland stretched, looking around a bit. "Wanna go back?"
Roland, finally realizing that Nichole had licked his cheek, blushed. "A-Alright." He said.
Roland was laying against the wall sleeping peacefully.

Syke was sitting near a window, gazing outside.

Leo was napping on the floor, sucking his thumb.

Nikki sat in the corner of a room, dully staring at the wall.

Jace was sketching in his sketchbook.

Xandi sat on the floor, hi tail twitching.

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