The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Princess walked down the street quickly, a red hoody pulled over her head, she saw a few Pound Keepers (?) and she quickly jumped over a fence and pressed herself against a house and listened to them run by the house, she sat in the grass and sighed with relief then looked around and shielded her different colored eyes from the sun's rays, she sat there for a moment then stood up and walked along the side of the house and looked around the side to the rest of the backyard.

Sam ran into the junk yard quickly, and dove behind a few cars, the Pound keepers ran past him and he scratched the back of his head lightly and let out a relieved breath, he carefully snuck across the ground the climbed into a broken down school bus through a broken window and growled with pain when a piece of glass cut his palm, he lashed his tail and sat against one of the seats, the sun pouring in bright, and he shielded his eyes from the rays.

(First time doing this ever i need some pointers xD )
(lol ok hold on) Nichole left out after checking on leo. she stretched and started jogging some. her ears twitched and she saw a neko she hasn't seen before. Nichole tilted her head she jumped onto her roof looking down at her.
Princess quickly walked across the yard, her ears flicking back and forth at every noise, she heard a hiss from an ally cat, she she quickly launched herself up a tree, her tail lashing with fear, she looked around and sat against the tree, she wasn't used to this area and wanted to be careful, then looked across the yard and saw Nichole, her tail lashed with anger and fear, she didn't like being watched.
Nichole shrugged jumping down. she hummed skipping down the path a basket in her hand. she picked some fruit and berries and washed them. she skipped back up after she tied the tires around her waist again. she dragged the heavy tires with ease. she sat down in the front yard eating some of the berries.
Jessi walked behind Nichole quietly picking up some berries she dropped and eating them, she licked her lips the peeked around the corner of the house shyly, and slightly afraid, her black ears erect, and her belly rumbled lightly with hunger.
Jessi stepped forward shyly and took a few berries then ran behind the house and ate the quietly and peeked back at Nichole again "J-Jessi." she said quietly, a shy blush crossing her cheeks.
Nichole said''i-i'm you can have the rest.'' setting them down for her. she stood and dusted her skirt off before jogging tugging the tires behind her.
Jessi watched her leave then she crawled towards the berries and sniffed them, then she ate them happily and licked the sweet juice from her lips, she was still young and didn't know where she was, she looked around and then took a bite of a sweet fruit and smiled.
Jessi was near by, she had been following her all day, she grabbed onto Nichole's shirt and winced, she was young, but she still tried to pull her up the cliff, she sat there holding her by her shirt "Don't worry!" she called down loudly "I won't let you fall!"

Sam heard a scream and looked out the window of the bus, he quickly jumped out of the window and over then fence and ran towards Jessi and Nichole, Then he looked down the cliff and reached for Nichole, Jessi jumped back releasing her grip on Nichole. "NO!" Sam yelled and then jumped after her and grabbed her by her shirt, one hand holding Nichole and the other holding the edge of the cliff, he grunted as he lifted her up slightly, "Your gonna have to climb." he said down to her, digging his nails into the cliff side.
Nichole said''WHAT?!" dangling. Nichole swung some and said''i gotta time this just right...''aiming for a low hanging vine. she grabbed onto it and struggled to climb it.

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