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Fandom The Plague


Junior Member
Time: Approximately 10:00AM on February 12th

Jacob Lord

Location: Arena -> Mess Hall
Wearing: Jeans, combat boots, camp shirt.
Mood: Thinking rebellious thoughts.
Tags: Danidify Danidify (If Lynne is at the table), koala koala (mentions Kjell)

Jacob’s life wasn’t one filled with variety. Usually, it consisted of the same general activities - wake up, mess with his siblings, train for a few hours, pick a fight with a Hephaestus camper just to see who would win, train some more, dinner with his siblings, and sleep. A simple life, perhaps, but for one who, due mostly to his parentage, craved the thrill of victory more than any other feeling, it was a worthwhile one. One that kept him happy for over four years. His favorite brother, Mitch, was the first to fall ill, shortly after he'd returned from his first quest. He'd been the counselor of the Ares cabin, and had immediately relinquished his title to Jacob himself, to ensure that they remained on top as always. After all, a competitive streak like that never died. But unfortunately for the cabin and for the camp, Mitch died, signalling the darkness to come. This wasn't an enemy they could fight, that they could even see. Despite the combined efforts of the Athena, Hecate, and the remaining Apollo campers, no headway was being made, which just made bad moods worse. Camp duels, which used to be for fun, lighthearted, solely for educational purposes became violent fast, alliances were made to try to avoid the ill, which did nothing to help. Despite the quarantine that was put up in the training arena, people were still getting sick, there was no way to avoid it, it seemed.

That was where Jacob found himself that day. Sitting outside the arena, watching his diseased siblings roam around, cough, suffer. The arena was the home of many of his siblings, long before the quarantine was set up. It was where their limited talents shone more than any other's, where they couldn't be defeated. To see it being used as a home for the dying was... well, disheartening, to say the least. The mess hall, which should've been bustling by that point in the day, was almost silent, those remaining campers that were willing to be around others quiet, barely speaking to even their siblings.

Jacob had spent every morning staring into the arena, protected by a magical boundary set up by the Hecate campers as well as something similar to plastic wrap, like the CDC would use in a real quarantine, likely stolen by the Hermes campers. By that point, he'd spent already an hour and a half there that morning, signalling that it was time for him to get up, go to breakfast, try to pretend anything was normal in camp. He, like most others, had joined to be safe, to protect those he loved. How much safer was it than out in the real world, where the enemies were right in front of him and felled with a sword?

As he'd predicted it would be, the mess hall was sparsely occupied, a few people from each cabin, almost none from Athena, Hecate, or Apollo. Most of the Apollo campers were sick, the rest constantly working for the cure that didn't seem to exist, as were the others. The Ares cabin was fuller than most, most of his siblings were too stupid to understand that large groups of people were dangerous, but even they were quiet, just eating and leaving. Not Jacob, of course. Chiron said they should behave like nothing was wrong? Fine. He could do that. He didn't go to the Ares cabin, instead taking a seat at the Aphrodite cabin, which was rivaling the Ares table in what percentage of the healthy were there. They couldn't resist the gossip, he supposed. "Say I wanted to... Raise spirits a bit. Any suggestions?" He asked one of the older campers there, who also happened to be an ex-girlfriend of his. He slung an arm around her shoulders, though she immediately pushed him away, looking disgusted.

"Stay away from them? It always makes me happy when you do." She replied.

"Aw, that's just rude. You used to think differently. Kinda crazy about me, in fact. And crazy in general, but we don't have to talk about that. Seriously, someone give me a plan here, because I'm losing my mind. I need something to do. One of you throw a party or announce a campfire or something, because being out here is currently no better than being in the arena. Capture the Flag has been cancelled until... Whenever Chiron decides differently, and that's my main source of entertainment." At that point, he was mostly talking to himself, but he didn't really need anyone else to have a good conversation. He was a rambler, after all. "I mean, seriously, if nothing happens within the next... Like twelve minutes, I'm going to just grab a few people, write my own prophecy, and have a runaway quest. Who's with me? I know I got Kjell, but we need some more variety to the group." He grinned, though he was only half kidding. He could definitely convince Kjell to join him, and he'd probably get Alexander, who never went anywhere without his sister, Olivia, that was already a decent group. Then again, they still needed more people, and probably an actual prophecy, but the Oracle wasn't exactly... Cooperating.

Kiara looks up from her meal at the Hecate table, seeing Jacob enter the mess hall. Maybe he’ll do something to distract her. It’s still early in the morning, and her head is pounding from the effort she’s put into trying to find a new spell. Some new protection, or gods be willing, a cure. Nothing.

She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes. She’d need to get close to someone infected to really figure this out, and at this point she has no idea what that would even do for her dying friends and family. Helplessness is making her push herself too hard, and the only reason she’s putting any effort into eating and sleeping well is because she knows her immune system will suffer if she doesn’t.

She sighs, bringing her plate to the fire, and offering up a prayer to her mother for inspiration. She needs a way to save them. A spell, a potion, an artifact, a ritual, something, damn it all! She can’t keep going on hope alone, she needs a plan.
Alexander and Olivia Kilner

Alex stared at the food in front of him, frowning slightly as he did so. "Incredibly unsatisfying, don't you think?" He asked his sister after a moment, causing her to jump and look around guiltily. As usual, she was ogling one of her many crushes around camp. One of the side effects of having her emotions control her completely, she really couldn't help it. Where others might simply realize someone was attractive, she fell hard. "Who is it today?" He asked, letting his curiosity get the better of him.

"Don't look." She muttered, blushing slightly. "Jacob." She added after a minute.

"Jacob Lord? He's a moron." He said abruptly, causing her eyes to widen slightly.

"Jerk. Anyways, what were you saying? Unsatisfying?" She prompted, cutting into a waffle.

"This." He replied, gesturing to the food in front of him. "We have goblets who we can command to summon any beverage we want, unless morally, we shouldn't have it. Anything I'd like, as long as it isn't alcoholic. We have a wider assortment of food than most people will ever see in their lives. No effort put in, and yet some people still complain. It's annoying." He explained.

"Well, I think the Demeter campers would argue that plenty of effort is put in, it's just not our effort." Olivia shrugged, the problem clearly not bothering her.

"And the drinks in particular are mind-boggling. A physicist would have a field day with it, any scientist would. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, and yet I have an empty glass here that, on command, will fill with a beverage that previously didn't exist." He continued, not really caring that she was no longer paying attention, her focus drawn to Jacob Lord once again. "You don't care at all, do you?" He asked, a smile almost touching his lips.

"Not particularly. But you can keep talking to yourself, it's adorable." She mused, eyes peeled as she skimmed over the mess hall.

"Kjell isn't here yet, then?" He asked in a slightly mocking tone of voice, and immediately she stiffened. "Don't deny it. As much as you ogle at Jacob Lord, you have a special place in your heart reserved for Kjell, for some reason."

"Because he's hot. And sweet. And funny." She argued.

"You've never spoken to him. How would you know-" He began, frowning slightly.

"I just know!" She insisted, immediately convincing him that it was none of his business and he should shut up.

"Okay then. Well. I'm going to go speak to Jacob, see what he has up his sleeve. You... Have fun with that. If I see Kjell, I'll say hello for you." He offered, abandoning his plate and walking toward Jacob, ignoring his sister's protests and threats behind him. "You realize you aren't an Aphrodite camper, right?" He asked as he approached the son of Ares, who looked massively out of place compared to the literal beauty queens of the Aphrodite table. "You don't have the looks for it at all. What you do have the look for, however, is someone who's scheming something, unless you just enjoy tormenting the innocent children of Aphrodite." He shrugged. Jacob was an... interesting character. There was really no telling what his motive was, or if he had one at all. Fortunately, he seemed to be a generally straightforward kind of guy, he usually didn't try to hide his reasoning for doing most of what he did. Even Alex, with his social incompetence, could usually keep up with him, he was pretty simple. In a kind way, of course.

Tags: Thanatos Thanatos koala koala (Kjell)

Loading file for KJELL. . .

Morning didn't come as easily as normal for Kjell. The night before was spent staying up with multiple campers from other cabins--all of them attempting to come up with a solution. He, like the rest, were completely stumped as to the plague's origins and cause. At first, everyone believed it was something unearthly but no amount of magic abilities, spells, or potions helped. Later, people began to speculate that perhaps it was a mechanical issue, and that led to children of Hephaestus falling ill one by one. All of Kjell's brothers and sisters that were his age eventually became unable to leave quarantine, leaving him the position as camp counselor.

Truth be told, he was offered the positions many times over the last two years. People believed he had the capabilities physically, mentally, and socially. As much as the guy appreciated the sentiment, however, he never enjoyed leadership-type positions. Even during his normal life outside of camp as captain of his football team, he hated all of it. It was just too much pressure for a guy that liked going with the flow of things.

Instead of moping about becoming Hephaestus counselor, however, he changed for the better. Kjell became more proactive in helping everyone and went as far as meeting with the ill. While he was advised not to do so for fear of losing one of the most valuable fighters, he continued to do so.

"How ya feelin', Teagan?" Kjell asked from the opposite side of a barrier, his face glowing but filled with concern. He placed a gentle handle against the invisible force field, the faint feeling of another's warm hand touching his own. One of his younger sisters, Teagan, attempted a lively smile.

"Shitty." The blonde replied bluntly, earning a chuckle from them both. There wasn't much to say, considering Kjell had been visited all his siblings and some of his friends every morning. It'd become a routine for him to wake up, work out, and then chat with those that had fallen. He knew he'd have to stop eventually though.

"Right," Kjell grinned before trying to lighten up the mood, "but hey, I think we're getting closer to figuring this out." Lies. He hated lying and he knew Teagan wasn't dumb enough to believe him. The girl was intelligent enough to be the next Steve Jobs, but she only smiled. They both were well aware of the truth and where things were heading. "Take care of the youngsters, okay?" The male finally sighed before getting up and heading towards the mess hall.

With each step, Kjell's posture went from low to glow. His smile was becoming brighter and he had rather comfortable aura around him. The campers that walked by greeted him with equal positivity, some of them even running up for a few physical signs of affection. It wasn't long before he stepped into the mess hall, forest eyes scanning the room like a predator. When he noticed the familiar mops of hair sitting with the Aphrodite cabin, Kjell couldn't help but make his appearance known.

"Ayee, if it isn't my favorite duo." Kjell half-exclaimed, half-sang as he wrapped his arms around both their shoulders, forcing Alexander to sit down with him in the process. The room got considerably warmer after his arrival, likely due to the Hephaestus blood in him. In fact, a lot of his siblings radiated heat like personal body warmers, which was why the winter never bothered any of them.

"I met a little birdie on the way here and she told me you're up to no good." Kjell stated before sitting normally and resting an elbow against the table. "Don't know, don't care, but you know I'm in, dude."

Then out of no where, the quietest voice piped up. At the Hypnos table, only a few feet over, sat a lone girl.

"I-I'd like to join as well... if that's alright..."
Outfit: xx, camper shirt underneath

Location: Hephaestus Quarantine > Mess Hall

Date: February 12th

Time: Approximately 10:10 AM

Mentions: -

Interacting: Jacob Thanatos Thanatos , Alexander Graecus Scum Graecus Scum , Rika (incoming post)

Loading file for RIKA. . .

There really wasn't much for Rika to do, especially without everyone sick and practically dying. She'd been trying to train on her own time, but it was hard with no one to really guide her. Her older or more skilled siblings were either sick, on leave, or out doing something really important. That left her alone to train using techniques she'd basically mastered already. Although that didn't really say much since she was still on her training wheels.

In fact, for the last hour she'd just been sitting in the mess hall alone trying to tune in with her abilities. A few things would pop up in her head or even in front of her, but the action usually ended up in a sputter of black or her feeling momentarily dizzy. Things didn't get interesting until a rather familiar face popped into the eating area.

His name was Jacob Lord, and like his friends, he was relatively "famous" around camp. Everyone knew him because of his good looks and was ranked among the top five most attractive campers. Rika couldn't really see it though. Perhaps she wasn't really attracted to men or may she just hadn't given him a good enough look. After all, she'd spent most of last year looking down and only recently became able to hold stable eye contact.

The topic of a quest came up, and Rika immediately perked up at the word. She sat up higher and began paying attention, rather nosily. Well, nosily wasn't really the right word. Jacob was loud enough and the mess hall was empty enough, that his voice bounced from one wall to the other. It was kind of hard not to listen in on the conversation.

It wasn't long before a few other voices piped in. She recognized one of them as Kjell since he was rather known too, and he'd even taken it upon himself to put her name to her face. Her siblings told her not to get her hopes up though since he was the type of guy that tries to know everyone. Of course, Rika didn't really understand what they meant by "not get her hopes up."

Um... uh... the girl thought as she awkwardly twirled with the ends of her hair. She kept turning towards the group and turning away, as if she were some broken carousel. A part of her really wanted to join them so she could actually grow, but the other part of her was so scared of screwing up that everyone would hate and make fun of her. Finally, she just blurted her thoughts out.

"I-I'd like to join as well... if that's alright..."

Oh crap.
Large grey camp shirt, black leggings, black Nike tennis shoes

Location: Mess Hall

Date: February 12th

Time: Approximately 10:10 AM

Mentions: -

Interacting: Jacob Thanatos Thanatos , Alexander Graecus Scum Graecus Scum , Kjell

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Jacob Lord

Location: Aphrodite table
Wearing: Jeans, combat boots, camp shirt
Mood: Buzzed
Tags: koala koala Graecus Scum Graecus Scum

And just like that, Jacob had purpose. Not that dramatic, probably, but he was surrounded by his friends and admirers, a feeling which was beyond familiar to him. He barely had time to prepare a sarcastic remark for Alex when he saw someone who was arguably his favorite person in camp, which was saying something considering his soft spot to hot daughters of Aphrodite. “There’s my boy!” He said, grinning crookedly.

“Well, specifics haven’t been planned yet, since these lovely ladies were less than cooperative. That’s okay, don’t need ‘em anyways. There was a campfire planned tonight, it got cancelled due to... you know, half the camp being locked away to save the rest of us.” He explained. It was easier to joke about it, to hide the helplessness he felt every time he saw his siblings cough up blood or when he had to set fire to their shroud, something most people didn’t dare get close enough to do. He wouldn’t let them be refused their rites out of fear, even if it meant that he was the next victim.

“So I was thinking, botch the campfire, they’re boring. Lake party. I have a mortal... acquaintance, she can set me up with liquor, she leaves it right outside the boundary. A bunch of half-naked teenagers, drunk in a lake after dark, what could go wrong?” He laughed, shaking his head. He paused when he heard a volunteer, and rose an eyebrow when he saw her. He recognized her, of course, he made a habit to know everyone in camp. But, based on what he did know about her, it felt like inviting the worst Debbie Downer to ever exist.

“Ah... right. You can come, open invite, of course, we don’t leave anyone out. Alex, don’t tell anyone, you have a tendency to make parties sound like the most boring things in the world. Get your sister to come, though. She ain’t half bad to look at, and we get the added entertainment of watching her stare at Kjell. Think she’ll spout steam if he goes near another girl?” He snickered, nudging Kjell. Messing with Kjell about Olivia’s obvious, and occasionally terrifying, crush on him was the closest he could get to getting along with Alex, since even he seemed to find Kjell’s ignorance hilarious. “I’m just saying, man, it might be your chance to get some, she’s clearly into you.” He shrugged, stealing a piece of bacon from one of the Aphrodite kid’s plates.​
Alexander and Olivia Kilner

Alexander grunted slightly when he was pulled on to the table, grimacing as he shrugged Kjell’s arm off of him. One glance at the table he’d abandoned showed that his sister was trying desperately to hide her staring from the moment that Kjell joined them. She’d been crushing on him hard since they’d met, and it clearly didn’t help that Jacob was still around. He almost felt bad for her, she really couldn’t help it.

“Please stop talking about checking out my sister. Or sleeping with her, for that matter.” He said, raising an eyebrow. “Just because she’s obsessed with Kjell doesn’t mean he should ever take her up on that, she’s clearly mentally disturbed.” He said straight-faced. He nodded at the newcomer to the group, noticing how Jacob didn’t really spare her much attention. That was enough of a sign to him that he should.

”I don’t believe we’ve met. Alexander, son of Janus.” His words were polite, though distant, which was his usual tone of voice. He knew for a fact that he’d never spoken to her, he never forgot a face, but it tended to freak people out when he remembered details from encounters years before.

“I guarantee you, I won’t be advertising your underage drinking party, my goal is to keep my sister away from you two. She makes it difficult enough by being smitten with you.” He scoffed, shaking his head slightly. Jacob and Kjell would be terrible influences on her, she was incredibly impressionable. Hell, he could feel her eyes glued to him even then, waiting for him to do something to embarrass her.
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[div class=box][div class=img style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/4ce0d9fe89241d7b1f90a35b3f8c2f3b/tumblr_oz6qv3DOYC1sqstgio7_400.gif'); background-position: 60% 0%;"][/div][/div]
[div style="border: 1px solid #eaeaea; padding: 7px; background-color: white; margin: auto; width: 80%; height: 250px;"][div class=scroll] Jordan had been working constantly, reading, researching, doing all that she could in collaboration with especially the Apollo campers to try find some sort of cure; or at least a cause. But the sleepless nights had no results, and instead she would lay in bed, mind ticking away, or with a book in her hands. It was a miracle with how often she visited the quarantine areas to help study the plague that she hadn't fallen sick herself. And yet, Jordan with all her intelligence that she valued, could not figure out anything. The degrading thoughts plagued her mind whilst she prepared for the day ahead.

A voice came from across the Athena cabin. "Jordan, what can I do to help? I finished the data collection of the sick." Sometimes it felt odd having the younger Athena kids come to her. Many of her older siblings, and younger ones too, had perished or been infected by the plague, and thus it was a short amount of time before the mantle of the Athena Counselor had been passed to her. Jordan blinked, surprised at the small child that now stood in front of her for a moment, before letting a reassuring smile spread on her lips. "Try this book," Jordan picked up the small, archaic book, handing it to the ginger girl, "Maybe you will see something I didn't."

After watching the positive girl skip off to do her best with the epidemic at camp, Jordan's stomach grumbled surprisingly loud. Though, now that she thought about it, she couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten proper meal. So even though there were more books that could be read, Jordan weaved her way through the silent forested camp. It was eerily silent; usually Camp was bustling with activity, but majority of the activity these days was coughing.

Even what should've been the center at camp was dangerously quiet on her arrival, save for the one voice dancing across the room, leading Jordan's gaze to none other than Jacob himself. She stood at the entrance momentarily, glancing to her own table, to see only two of her siblings there, reading more books on plague and sickness, especially by now the more mythological related ones.

But she really needed something else to think about. She'd spent countless days and sleepless nights thinking about one thing, and she knew, judging by the group forming that they would serve an extremely needed distraction. By the time Jordan had approached the table, she heard Jake, her least-favorite favorite camper animatedly discussing the party he had no doubtedly come up with now. The boy had no idea what the phrase 'planning ahead' meant, she swore. "A party, Jacob Lord?" Jordan shook her head sarcastically, tsk-ing as though she were a disapproving parent - which in some way, she certainly was, "First, everything could go wrong. And second, Alex here has the right idea to stay away. But I’m in, there needs to be some sort of responsible supervision, right?” Jordan had a almost imperceptible playful smile and a raised eyebrow to compliment her condescending tone. The grin quickly faded, leaving just her judgement remaining. Though she definitely intended to have a good time she equally intended to make sure no one was too idiotic. She was going to be there whether he liked it or not. The daughter of Athena let her eyes fall on the other female in the group - though she had no idea what the meeker girls’ name was, nor did Jordan know what she said, so a polite nod to acknowledge her existence was the best she could do. “Also, stop bickering about Olivia. She is literally right there.” Jordan pointed out the girl’s position with some exaggerated hand gestures followed by a roll of her eyes.
[div class=name]JORDAN[/div]
[div class=info]
outfit;; xxx location;; athena cabin -> mess hall
date;; feb. 12th
time;; 10:10am
mentions;; Rika, Olivia interacts;; Alex Graecus Scum Graecus Scum , Kjell koala koala , Jacob Thanatos Thanatos
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location: Arena -> Mess Hall -> Aphrodite Table

Being a counsellor wasn't easy. Especially when you happened to be the one in control of a very, well, theatrical and dramatic bunch. If a mere spider in the room could cause for chaos, one couldn't nearly imagine what a sudden deathly disease-thing could induce. It was stressful. Very stressful.

Despite remaining as one of the more crowded cabins, Aphrodite's children had not wholeheartedly managed to avoid the oddity. Some, particularly youngsters, had fallen ill to the unknown disease, only to be caught in the crowd of the contaminated. It was a tragedy, one that made Lynne feel completely helpless. She wasn't of use in the desperate search for a cure that might not even exist, so all she could do was attempt to keep her cabin at bay.

And so she tried.

Lynne started her morning with a visit to the few ill boys and girls that belonged to her cabin alongside some of her friends from other cabins. It was disheartening and rather shocking to see familiar faces in such a helpless state, but thinking about that simply made her feel even worse. She tried to remain optimistic as per usual, claiming that everything would be alright despite not believing that herself.

After having paid her visit to the ill, Lynne slowly but surely made her way to breakfast, hiding whatever wariness and sadness she felt within behind an artificial smile. Considering she portrayed herself as happy pretty much all the time, it would probably and hopefully remain unnoticed. Being late, however, was not quite her style.

Entering the Mess Hall, Lynne's eyes quickly glanced over to a commodity at the Aphrodite table. It wasn't a spectacularly surprising sight, to be fair, but interesting nevertheless. Lynne went in headfirst, only hearing the rough mentioning of 'bickering about Olivia' before she appeared at the table. She immediately noticed Jacob Lord sitting at the table, to which she wasn't even nearly surprised. The counsellor had been a topic in many conversations held within the Aphrodite cabin, granted most were not always all that positive. He had good looks at least, although they debatably did not quite rival those of the others sitting at the table.

"Well well, is the troublemaker back at it again?" she stated playfully, eyeing the bacon thief upon appearing at the opposite side of the table. She carefully leaned her hands down on the wooden structure, her eyes moving from face to face in an attempt to somewhat getting more of a grasp of the situation.

She could see that some of her cabinmates weren't quite pleased with the intrusion, whereas others seemed rather intrigued. She herself, belonged to the latter. "So, what exactly brings you all to our lovely table? " Lynne would eventually add, tilting her head slightly while she awaited an answer. Quite an odd bunch of people had collected themselves here after all, which would surely have a good reason.

Interactions: Thanatos Thanatos ShadyAce ShadyAce Graecus Scum Graecus Scum koala koala (Anyone at the Aphrodite table really)


location: Mess Hall

Aaron, to put it simply, wasn't quite in a good mood. Not only was it the morning, which automatically put him in a state of internal despair and anguish, but he had also spent his past few days staying up late. He was never really good at processing less fortunate situations, so the realisation that some of his closest friends were now stuck behind some barrier and left up to their own fate was very startling. Emotions weren't really his area of expertise, and he felt extra exhausted from having to deal with them. Life just had to go on, though.

Whereas tragedy loomed through the camp, the Demeter Cabin looked as organic as usual. The flowery decorations had been extra neatly maintained by Aaron and several others, mostly because it kind of acted as a distraction. It gave a sense of relaxation, something which was farfetched to find right now. Those moments of peace did not last for long, for there were gaps in his life that he failed to fill with soil and plants.

The young flower enthusiast wasn't the most social around, causing him to very often stick to his cabinmates. He did know a fair share of people around camp, and there were most definitely a few that he took a liking of, but his days were still filled mostly by the familiar faces of fellow instinctive gardeners. Unfortunately, some of those faces had suddenly fallen away.

With some of his closest friends being cut off by illness, the reserved camper was even less interactive than usual. Aaron felt lonely and fearful, fearful of what would happen to the people that had stuck with him for the past three years. They had taken him in as one of their own right from the very start, so it was slightly heartbreaking to see them in such a state. That's why he was barely capable of even looking at the arena, and why his friends had barely seen him as a result.

Sitting sluggishly at the Demeter Table in the Mess Hall, Aaron blankly stared at the food in front of him. He played with his food at the lack of an appetite, his fork slid through the food in slow sweeps. He listened to the conversations held by the ones who had torn him out of bed and made him come to breakfast. If it had been up to him, Aaron would have just cooked something for himself, but apparently, he wasn't allowed to isolate himself. As a result, he was now packed in a comfortable white hoodie, his head tightly packed in the hood while he struggled to keep his eyes open.

At the sight, or rather the sound of action boiling up at the Aphrodite table, Aaron merely gazed into its direction. He wasn't quite sure what was going on over there, but he was too tired to even focus slightly. Releasing a heartfelt sigh, Aaron turned back to his scarce bunch of companions. "How can they be so energetic." He complained in his mind, returning to shoving around his food.

Interactions: none yet (Laying dormant for a little bit)

  • full

    Violet Evslin
    Daughter of Apollo
    Location: Dining Pavilion | Interaction: Jordan | Tags: ShadyAce ShadyAce Thanatos Thanatos koala koala

    In short, Violet was exhausted. As one of the only remaining healthy campers in the Apollo cabin, it was Violet's job to keep her siblings calm and focused on trying to find a cure to the plague. However, since she was also one of her cabin's best healers, it was also her job to take care of the sick and somehow not catch the plague herself. All this paired with normal camp activities and trying not to lose her mind over all the illness was taxing on Violet's mental health. She hadn't gotten a decent's night's sleep in far too long. If Kevin was still alive, he wouldn't have recognized her, with dark circles under her dull brown eyes and worry lines instead of a bright cheerful smile. Though she tried to keep a bright optimism in front of her siblings, by the time she managed to get an hour or two of sleep, that smile would fall so far off her face she was never truly sure if it would appear again.

    That was all probably why Violet woke up late this morning, shooting up out of bed at approximately 10:10 a.m. with a frantic glance out the window, only to find that her father had indeed ridden his chariot across the sky again. Leaping out of bed and using far more energy to do so than she should have, Violet threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, making sure her sun-shaped birthmark was completely hidden from sight. It wasn't that she was ashamed or anything, but how could she expect anyone to listen to her when they were too busy staring at it? Honestly, if demigods had larger attention spans, this wouldn't be a problem. But they didn't, so it was.

    It wasn't as if she missed much once she finally arrived at the dining pavilion and slumped down into her seat at the very much abandoned Apollo table. A wave of sadness swept over her; what was once a bright, cheerful table full of her brothers and sisters was now just an empty piece of wood, bearing no sign of ever having housed the sons and daughters of Apollo. Violet closed her eyes and tried to block out the faces of the siblings she'd seen fall to the plague these past few weeks. Many were still in quarantine, but a few had died, leaving her feeling helpless and weak. How on earth was she supposed to help her healthy siblings when she couldn't even cure the sick ones?

    So lost was she in her helpless thoughts that she barely noticed the commotion by the Aphrodite table. It seemed as if Jacob, son of Ares, was planning something. Violet was curious, but not enough to talk to him. Instead, she approached Jordan, a daughter of Athena who had been helping her find a cure for the plague. She knew her the best out of the circle that was gathered, though how could she not have heard about Kjell? In any case, as soon as Violet reached Jordan, she was ready to sit down at any table and just press her face into the wood. "What's going on, Jordan?" she murmured tiredly, yawning. "What are you all planning...?"

Loading camp for KJELL. . .

"Ah, so it's going to be a brofest?" Kjell asked with a lop-sided grin, eyeing the daughters of Aphrodite from the corner of his eye. He could tell they were somewhat taken back by his sudden appearance and even more so by the slight hint of disappointment in his voice.

One of the girls coughed and shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, nudging one of her sisters. The sister, a rather pretty brunette, eventually spoke up. "Well," the brunette began, pretending that she wasn't suddenly interested in a lakeside party, "that's because you didn't have an idea to pitch. Now that we know you're planning a lake party, why wouldn't we go?" The girl tried not to make eye contact with any of the guys as she spoke, her eyes mostly directed towards the side or ceiling.

Kjell then directed his attention to the petite girl not even ten feet from them. Her long hair was in a loose bun and she were a casual outfit consisting of an oversized camp shirt and leggings. The sight of her forced him to laugh quietly since she kind of reminded him of a little mouse. Vaguely remembering her name to be "Rika", the Swede chose to stay silent as he let his best friend deal with her. He could tell from Jacob's demeanor that he wasn't too pleased with a quiet mouse joining the party.

"I seriously don't understand why you guys say she likes me," Kjell retorted, shaking his head as he stole a slice of red apple as a hint of his Swedish accent broke through. The male glanced at Olivia before acknowledging Jordan and looking directly at Jacob. "I'm almost positive she likes you." To ensure that nothing foul was said, he took it upon himself to smile and wave casually at the Janus female before returning to the bowl of fruit.

"Yes. Thank you, Queen Jordan. Please scold them. They are constantly bullying me." Placing a hand over his heart, he pretended he was actually hurt by their words. Of course, that was the last thing he felt. The two guys always made it their job to bring Olivia up whenever she was in the vicinity, which was always since she and Alexander were an inseparable pair. At times it got a bit annoying because he was 100% sure there was no way she could ever like him. The thought of someone actually liking him was weird in general, which was why people called him a bit naive and dense.

Two more girls soon approached the table, one obviously an Aphrodite and the other Kjell recognized as Violet. While he wasn't very familiar with Lynne since he chose to steer clear of the Aphrodite cabin---they were a vain lot--Violet was someone he knew but never really spoke with. It was just kind of his job to know everyone, especially people who'd been at camp for a long time.
Outfit: xx, camper shirt underneath

Location: Mess Hall

Date: February 12th

Time: Approximately 10:10 AM and counting

Mentions: Rika, Lynne, Violet

Interacting: Jacob Thanatos Thanatos , Alexander and Olivia Graecus Scum Graecus Scum , Jordan ShadyAce ShadyAce
Jacob Lord
Location: Aphrodite Table -> Janus Table
Wearing: Jeans and a camp shirt
Mood: Planning Trouble

Jacob grinned crookedly at Lynne, a girl he'd... paid some attention to for a while, not that he’d admit it. "Don’t act like you aren’t happy to see me, sweetheart, you know I’m your favorite asshole." He smirked, though his attention returned quickly to Alex and Kjell. “One, she does like me, but she’s obsessed with you—“ He began, pausing when Jordan and another girl whose name he couldn’t recall joined the group. Oh, joy. A girl who had the bravery of a blade of grass, an Athena girl, and... the other one. What a fun event it was beginning to be. “Sorry, brainiac. No parents allowed. You can only come if you promise to encourage underage drinking and idiocy, them’s the rules.” He shrugged helplessly, though his usual playful smirk occupied his lips. He could’ve passed for a son of Hermes if it wasn’t for the fact that he was built like a tank.

“Now, Lynne, of course, you and all your siblings are welcome, as long as you agree to enjoy yourselves, the usual.” He continued, nodding graciously. This was his element, surrounded by people as willing to get into trouble as he was. Endangered species, with the current tension. “On a more serious note, however, I do need to borrow you two for a moment.” He said, eyeing Alex and Kjell. He knew without a doubt that, no matter how much he might complain, Alex would be on his side with what he had in mind. Kjell, however... well, he might be a wild card. Well, both of them were, if he was being honest. Alex could be a staunch rule-follower when he chose to be, and they both had those pesky morals. “No pressure, of course, just prove your love and losalty to me, your godly cousin or something.” He chuckled, nodding toward Alex’s nearly abandoned table. “Ladies, we’ll be back.” He promised, winking at them as he got to his feet, deciding to leave them all wondering. He was dramatic that way.

He strode to the Janus table, taking a seat across from Olivia and smiling pleasantly. “How’re you doing, Liv? Doing good?” He asked.
Alexander and Olivia Kilner

Alexander just smiled slightly as Jacob spoke, planning trouble. “I hate to say it, but Jacob’s right. She’s planning your wedding. Jacob is a much less serious obsession.” He shrugged, looking up as Jordan and Violet approached. He’d worked with both of their cabins on trying to find a cure, though he’d had just as little luck. It was frustrating to have so little success, to have a problem he couldn’t solve through thinking it through. In that way, at least, he was a lot like an Athena camper.

He jumped slightly, pulling himself from his thoughts, when he realized Jacob was speaking directly at him, and immediately nodded. He got to his feet, following Jacob back to his own table, something that didn’t really surprise him. When Jacob did act serious, something that was rather rare, he preferred to do so without an audience, and Olivia would never talk ill about the guy.

He took the seat beside Jacob, smirking slightly. Olivia was sitting at the end table, leaving the closest seat to the two guys right next to her. Olivia, of course, realized this immediately, and shot him a death glare. “I’m fine.” She muttered to Jacob. “What’s going on?” She demanded.

“Excellent question. Jacob, what’s this about?” Alex prompted, though he knew that the son of Ares wouldn’t say a word before Kjell caught up.

koala koala ShadyAce ShadyAce Thanatos Thanatos AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

Loading file for RIKA. . .

Rika shuffled awkwardly as she attempted a friendly smile, though it mostly came out as a shy and twisted mess. At least her eyes were the doors to her emotions, however. Anyone that wasn't glued to her lips could at least read her emotions through her dark, doe-like orbs. In fact, someone who was really paying attention would've noticed the slight change from hesitant to joyful.

When Jacob had said it was okay for her to go and everyone began speaking with her, she allowed a wave of warmth to slither its way into her stomach. It was an odd feeling, considering how isolated and along she'd been before Camp Half-Blood, but she'd been exposed to it a lot ever since.

”I don’t believe we’ve met. Alexander, son of Janus.” Came one of the well-known twins.

"I know!" Rika ended up blurting, her face immediately going read as she waved her arms and looked all over. "I-I mean, I know who you are. Everyone does! I'm not a stalker or anything." She attempted to explain, only to realize that she probably made it sound ever worse. Face still read and this time eyes looking downwards, she attempted to explain her case one more time. "Sorry... you're just famous among my cabin and since I don't talk much I've adopted the habit of people watching..." Rika bit her lip as she silently cursed at herself. "I'm Rika... daughter of Hypnos."

With a sigh of relief, Alexander quickly went off with his friends. Though comforted by his absence, she also felt a bit saddened knowing she could've stretched the conversation out a little longer.

It's okay Rika! She thought with modest determination as she sat down to continue her brunch. You'll make friends this year for sure.
Location: Mess Hall

Date: February 12th

Time: Approximately 10:10 AM

Mentions: -

Interacting: Alexander Graecus Scum Graecus Scum

Loading file for KJELL. . .

Kjell didn't really pay too much attention to the conversation once Jacob got swept into his with Lynne. Instead, he started to zone out as he thought of new designs for his siblings when they were cured. If they cured, he thought bitterly as his eyes glossed over for a split second.

His body immediately returned to the presence, however, when the Olivia conversation continued. It was seriously hard for him to understand why someone could like him. The fact that his two friends were so adamant on convincing him only furthered his denial. "Wedding?" Kjell chortled as his smile stretched from ear to ear. He shook his head at the thought and how unbelievable that sounded, even though he knew Alexander was joking. The joke made him consider being friendlier to Olivia though, but he was afraid that might encourage her feelings or project false emotions.

Raising his eyebrow curiously, Kjell shot his friend Jordan a quizzical look before following Jacob and Alexander to the Janus table. Alexander, who thought he was so funny, made it to where he and Jacob were practically forced to sit next to Olivia. Poor girl, Kjell thought with a smile as he chuckled to himself quietly.

"Alright," Kjell said exasperatingly as he plopped down in front of Jacob, waving towards Olivia and offering a casual 'hello'. "What's with the secrecy, Jay?"
Location: Mess Hall

Date: February 12th

Time: Approximately 10:10 AM

Mentions: Jordan

Interacting: Jacob Thanatos Thanatos , Alexander & Olivia Graecus Scum Graecus Scum
[class=background] background-color: #fafafa; max-width: 580px; padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; margin: auto; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=rightbox] height: 280px; max-width: 280px; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; padding-left: 10px; background-color: white; margin: auto; [/class] [class=box] border: 1px solid #eaeaea; padding: 7px; background-color: white; height: 62px; width: 62px; display: inline-block; float: right; [/class] [class=name] font-size: 24px; color: #272727; display: inline-block; height: 62px; width: 100px; color: #aa83c3; text-align: center; line-height: 3; margin-left: 8px; [/class] [class=box] border: 1px solid #eaeaea; padding: 7px; background-color: white; height: 100px; width: 100px; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=img] height: 100px; width: 100px; background-repeat: none; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 0%; [/class] [class=scroll] overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; width: 100%; padding-right: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; font-size: 12px; color: #272727; [/class] [class=name] font-size: 24px; color: #272727; display: inline-block; color: #aa83c3; text-align: center; line-height: 4; margin-left: 35px; [/class] [class=info] width: 70%; height: 100px; font-size: 12px; color: #272727; margin: auto; padding-top: 15px; [/class] [div class=background]
[div class=box][div class=img style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/7371eaadff46ec361231e8d21d4ca288/tumblr_oz6qv3DOYC1sqstgio6_400.gif');"][/div][/div]
[div class=box][div class=img style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/b71874ffbfeec6d37dba20fafb90f351/tumblr_oz6qv3DOYC1sqstgio8_400.gif'); background-position: 65% 0%;"][/div][/div]
[div class=box][div class=img style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/4ce0d9fe89241d7b1f90a35b3f8c2f3b/tumblr_oz6qv3DOYC1sqstgio7_400.gif'); background-position: 60% 0%;"][/div][/div]
[div style="border: 1px solid #eaeaea; padding: 7px; background-color: white; margin: auto; width: 80%; height: 250px;"][div class=scroll] Gods, Jordan wasn't quite expecting everything so fast. Though, she really should have with the camp's resident fraternity brothers together. "Alright, whatever you say." Jordan lifted her hands in mock surrender. The name braniac echoed in her mind, with her knowing no one would call her that other than Jacob. Sometimes that boy truly got on her nerves, but Kjell's comment on 'Queen Jordan' quickly diffused any anger bubbling under her skin. Not because it was a better nickname, she merely liked the person using it more. Jordan playfully elbowed Kjell, and she couldn't help the grin on her face. "Keep talking." Her tone implied the second half of her sentence, I dare you.

It was then that an Aphrodite female that approached the chaotic group. Someone Jordan didn't recognize. But soon after came Violet, someone she had known due to their long times spent at camp. The pair had been spending more time together in recent weeks due to the epidemic swallowing Camp, after all, the Apollo and Athena children were at the forefront of the solution, which unfortunately never came. It hurt to see Vi so tired; something insomnia gifted Jordan all too often was a lack of sleep, and so Jordan understood the fatigue well. "A party, which you should seriously not attend if you're already yawning." Though, it seemed Jacob had already moved on from the party, gathering up both Kjell and Alex.

Kjell gave her a momentary puzzled look, to which she merely raised an eyebrow, before letting her eyes follow the small group of men approach the Janus table. As they walked away, Jordan called out to Jake, "Please, don't return anytime soon." She glanced back at the group of mismatched female demigods, unsure of what to do. She hardly knew majority of these girls, and had a feeling, despite not being fond of the ratio 3 males to 1 female, especially with Jacob involved, she would not be so welcome over at the Janus table. Her dark eyes landed back on the evidently drowsy Apollo female, "So, Violet, have you considered sleep recently? I hear it's quite essential for basic human functions."

As she wait on a reply, Jordan eyed Rika, the sheepish daughter of Hypnos she'd only just heard of. Jordan grasped Vi's hand in her own, dragging the female who she assumed would stumble after her. "Rika, is it?" she cocked her head slightly, before sticking out a hand - perhaps a tad formal, "I'm Jordan, a daughter of Athena. I don't think I've seen you around before? Are you new or?" Jordan sat down and motioned for Violet to do the same if she wished.
[div class=name]JORDAN[/div]
[div class=info]
outfit;; xxx location;; mess hall
date;; feb. 12th
time;; ≈10:10am
mentions;; Olivia, Alex
interacts;; Jacob Thanatos Thanatos , Kjell & Rika koala koala , Violet AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

  • full

    Violet Evslin
    Daughter of Apollo
    Location: Dining Pavilion | Interaction: Jordan, Rika | Tags: ShadyAce ShadyAce koala koala Thanatos Thanatos Graecus Scum Graecus Scum

    "A party...?" Violet mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "I probably wouldn't go anyway, I have so much to do..." Certainly, Violet would attend a party if it meant making new friends or forgetting, for the moment, all that was happening. Unfortunately, she couldn't very well do that to her siblings who needed her help finding a cure. If she wasn't so busy trying her hardest to work on a cure, if this plague wasn't ravaging the camp... maybe then a party would interest her. But Violet didn't have the luxury of dwelling on "what ifs."

    One moment, Jacob and Alex and Kjell were there. Violet blinked, and they were gone. She was confused about this, until she realized they had moved to the Janus table to do... whatever it was they were doing. Only when she realized they had moved did she also realize her blinking was slow this morning. Possibly another after-effect to her lack of sleep. A slow mind was also apparently a side effect, because it took her a few moments to realize Jordan had been speaking to her. "Hm? Sleep? Of course I've heard of it. But right when I try to catch it, it runs away..." Her voice had taken on a dreamy quality that it got only when she was incredibly tired. She could only hope that didn't lessen the effect of her attempt at a joke. The plague had cast a dreary pall over the camp; if her joke could make Jordan smile for even an instant, then it was worth it. Everyone in camp deserved to smile every now and again.

    Suddenly, Jordan had taken her by the hand and was dragging her over to another girl, whose name she wasn't sure of until Jordan said it questioningly, as if to confirm. Rika. That was a pretty name. Jordan, of course, began to formally introduce herself, and Violet tried her hardest not to sit down and press her face into the table, which she'd been wanting to do all morning. That would be extremely rude, especially during introductions. When her friend motioned to her, Violet smiled and said, "I'm Violet, daughter of Apollo and one of the camp's healers. Please excuse my slowness; I didn't get much sleep last night." As if to demonstrate, she began to yawn again. This... was going to be a long morning.
Jacob Lord

Location: Janus table
Mood: Ambitious
Wearing: Camp shirt and jeans
Tags: Graecus Scum Graecus Scum koala koala

Jacob grinned when he had his audience, curious and demanding answers. Just how he liked them. "Patience, children, patience. Now, as we all know, I do love some good, old fashioned trouble, but I'm not intending on throwing a party just for the heck of it. You each have a job tonight, one of grave importance. I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick of watching my siblings die. If Chiron won't send a quest, then we stop waiting for him to. Tomorrow, at noon, the three of us are scheduled for a border patrol, I volunteered us. If there isn't a prophecy before then, we're leaving. The three of us. Plus Olivia, because I know you won't go anywhere without her, Al, don't worry. Plus, I really think she and Kjell would look adorable together." He added, unable to resist poking fun at Kjell.

"So, our jobs. Me, I provide the distraction, I'm oh-so-good at it, nobody can know what we're up to. Olivia, you're in charge of provisions, you need to pack enough supplies for a pretty large group of campers to be away from camp for... A while, I guess. Weapons, nectar, ambrosia, medical supplies from the infirmary, everything. Steal it if you have to, nobody can know it's gone until we are, too. Which leaves you two." His smile broadened as he looked at Kjell and Alexander. Kjell would probably go along with it if it meant helping his siblings, and Alex... Actually, Jacob really had no idea why Alex put up with them, so he could easily back out. "You two are in charge of socialization. I could've done it instead of Alex, but that sounds way less entertaining. We need to get a nice, well-rounded group of campers that can help us." His brain was whirring, using his natural ability at battle strategy to think it through, which he'd been doing for almost three weeks by then. "We have priorities, of course. A smart person other than Alex. Preferably an Apollo kid. Some more fighters. Go for people who won’t be noticed immediately if they’re gone." He paused for the first time to take a breath, eyes wide with excitement.

"Guys, we don't have a choice. If we don't go, people keep dying. And if we do, there's a chance that we'll be, like... Expelled, if we fail. So we can't screw up. I won't blame you for backing out, and, if we're being realistic here, I could probably find other people, but you're my brothers. And... Sister, I guess." He kept forgetting about Olivia, he'd really just made up a job for her, he was mostly all packed, but he didn't want her to feel left out. "Come on, you with me? Wanna be rebels with a cause? Saviors of the camp? Alex, Olivia, I know you've been doing research on this, tell me you've got something that can help us." He said hopefully, looking between the blonde siblings. He didn't know how Alex would react to any of this, but he knew for a fact that they'd be screwed without him, and probably without Olivia. Unlike any of the guys, she was just likable, she didn't seem to have a problem with anyone, and she probably knew most people in camp, she'd be useful. And Alex was the smartest of the three of them, no doubt, and a lot smarter than Jacob himself. He needed the brains to his brawn.
Kiara has been listening carefully, and at this point, she gets up, glad that the Janus and Hecate tables are so close together. “Let me come with you.” She says softly, back and to the right of Jason. “Please. I’ve tried every spell and potion I can think of, at least with ingredients I have access to. I’d be far more useful out there than I am here.”

Kiara is usually never one to break the rules if she can help it, but her family is dying, and she’s not going to just stand by and let that happen. She’ll drive herself insane waiting here.
Alexander and Olivia Kilner

In an instant, Olivia went from confused to stunned, her fork slipping from her fingers and clattering loudly onto her plate while Alex straightened, eyebrows raised.

"Let me get this perfectly straight." Alex said slowly. "You want to sneak out of camp..."

"Possibly resulting in getting us expelled." Olivia added.

"Go on an incredibly dangerous, life-endangering quest to solve a problem we know nothing about, and... What, wing it?" He asked, shaking his head slightly. Before he could continue explaining how stupid of an idea it was, a quiet voice behind him made him jump, whipping around. He looked at his sister, tilting his head slightly, but Olivia just shrugged.

"Kiara... We're not going anywhere. This is just another of Jacob's stupid schemes." Olivia said slowly.

"It's not a terrible idea." Alex mused, changing his mind in an instant. "I'll give him that. If we don't go, if nobody does anything more than what we're doing now, the camp will be gone within a few months, we'll all be dead. No matter how much effort we put into the quarantine, it won't stop the spread of disease forever. Eventually, someone will slip up. The only solution is to go, find a cure." He shrugged, shifting his gaze to look at Jacob. "I have an idea that I've been working on, something I haven't wanted to mention to the other campers." He said as quietly as he could, making sure the daughter of Hecate couldn't hear him. "I'll show you later. But we're in." He nodded, looking at his sister.

"I'll tell people to come to the stupid party, make sure all the Apollo campers and Hephaestus campers are there so I can... Borrow some things from the infirmary and forges." Olivia muttered, giving Kjell a slightly awkward look, like she was worried he'd chide her for stealing from his siblings. Not that she'd blame him, she wasn't much of a thief.

"What about you, Kjell?" Alex asked, figuring it was up to Jacob if the Hecate girl came.

"If you're going, I can tell you the best people to invite." Olivia shrugged.

koala koala Thanatos Thanatos Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Loading file for KJELL. . .

Kjell stared at his best friend, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. He knew Jacob was reckless and a daredevil, but he'd never imagined the guy would come up with something so... dauntless. The briefest second was spent thinking about his siblings and how he shouldn't leave them since he was one of the oldest. However, being one of the oldest meant he had to. What other Hephaestus child could handle the job better than him?

The Swede glanced at each of the four figures before him from Jacob, to Alexander, to Olivia, and then to Kiara. As if he was convinced from the very beginning, the male's body relaxed and his green eyes flickered with both mischief and determination.

"Give me some names." He stated, lips curved into a lop-sided grin as he leaned on the table. "Also," Kjel added as he turned to Olivia, "You might want to leave the forge to me. We installed some new traps a few weeks ago. A Hermes kid lost all his hair."
Location: Mess Hall

Date: February 12th

Time: Approximately 10:10 AM

Mentions: -

Interacting: Jacob Thanatos Thanatos , Alexander & Olivia Graecus Scum Graecus Scum , Kiara Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Jacob Lord
Location: Janus Table
Interacting with: koala koala Graecus Scum Graecus Scum Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

There was a split second where Jacob was worried. Everyone had a moment where they looked like he’d suggested streaking naked through the woods, and he was sure they’d tell him he was crazy, they were out. Instead, after that moment of disbelief, they were in.

“Oh, thank the gods.” He muttered, shaking his head. “Okay, you have your jobs. Olivia, you’re in charge of supplies and the screening process, find the best people to recruit. Kjell, get supplies from the forges, then you and Alex get the people Olivia says. I’ll cause mayhem, get any information I can. And Alex, I want to know your idea, just not...” He trailed off, looking awkwardly at Kiara. Yea, he had to deal with that, now.

“I’ll be blunt here, because I feel like I should. I don’t know you. I’m not going to take a stranger on an incredibly dangerous and secretive mission because you know how to eavesdrop. And just in case you threaten to tell someone, go ahead. If they believe you, and that’s a big if, then we’ll just leave early.” He shrugged, unfazed.

“Unless, of course, you can give me an actual reason we should bring you. And not just because you know magic tricks, that’s not going to cut it here. I need to know I can trust every person that comes, that they won’t cause problems. You don’t fit in that category.” He continued, subtly resting his hand on the jolt of his sword. He didn’t like magicians, most children of Ares didn’t. Fighting up close and personal, that was honorable. Fighting with a bow, that was tolerable. Saying a few magic words to wipe out an enemy? That was nothing but cowardly. He and his siblings preferred a direct approach.​
Kiara’s eyes narrow slightly, not particularly fond of Jacob’s tone. “Firstly, rude.” She says, dipping her head to his sword hand. “Secondly, having someone around to make everyone else more powerful would be nice, Yeah? Or maybe someone who could defend against magical attacks?” She glances over at Kjell. “I mean, Hephaestus and Hecate team ups tend to yield some impressive results, at the very least.”

She takes a deep breath, hoping he’ll let her help. He seems like a bit of a jerk thusfar, but at this point she’ll work with anyone if it means saving her siblings and cousins.
Alexander and Olivia Kilner

"Oh, if you can't handle him being an ass, this is going to be a crappy trip for you." Olivia scoffed, eyeing Jacob for a moment. She figured she had less than thirty seconds before he said something over the line and got turned into a mushroom or something, so she should probably... Intervene. "I don't have anything to do until tonight. Why don't we go for a walk, Kiara? Like he said, we don't really know you, but the best way to fix that is pretty obvious." She offered, raising an eyebrow before turning to Kjell and Alex. "Get Jordan from Athena and Violet from Apollo. They work really well together, and they're crucial to this. Alex, that girl you were talking to over there, Rika? Talk to her, figure something out, she could be really helpful, and you'd probably work best at trying to get Jordan, you guys think really alike. Start there." She instructed before getting to her feet, smiling at Kiara. She was good at reading people, she could tell Jacob wasn't exactly going to give her a fair audition, so Olivia could take care of that.

"Rika..." Alex mused quietly, turning to look over at the girl who he'd spoken two sentences to, and who was bothering him immensely. Famous. She'd said he was famous. He and his sister weren't well known, and if one of them was, it wasn't him. They were the only current set of twins in camp, and the only children of Janus, but... Other than that, which wasn't exactly enough to scare up a reputation at a place like Camp Half-Blood, there was nothing. "I'll talk to her." He nodded, pursing his lips slightly. "And Jordan, I guess." He'd spoken to her a few times, he'd donated hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of his time to try and help the Athena and Apollo cabins make headway, it wouldn't be too difficult to get her to come if he explained the circumstances. He could wait and do that during the 'party,' but his curiosity was getting the better of him when it came to the other girl. "Excuse me." He muttered, getting to his feet and walking toward the daughter of Hypnos, temporarily ignoring the other girls she was talking to, something that felt rude even to him.

"What did you mean by your famous comment?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. He nodded in greeting at Jordan and Violet, but his attention returned immediately to Rika, eyes narrowed. "Jacob and Kjell, they're well known, I'm not. So what did you mean?" He simply couldn't not know, it would irritate him to no end. And he could've just sought out another child of Hypnos to tell him, but he figured she didn't seem the most confident, he'd probably be able to tell if she was lying.

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