The Place We Call Home

Theta hissed at them. "your just a mental patient." Theta said rudely. "THETA!" Tex snarled. "that was mean! Say sorry. Your Grounded!" Tex said harshly. Theta seemed scared. "sorry!" He whined. He froze a minute and scanned his Surroundings. He began shivering. He jumped into texs arms and started whining and almost crying. "Im scared! Help me! We need to go." Theta said. Tex looked at him and got up. "whats wrong?" She asked. "its here! It wants to kill us!" Theta said, hiding his face into her shoulder, scared. Tex looked around. There was nothing there. "ok we are going I guess to the bunks. Goodnight you guys." Tex said. Theta was shivering scared. "you'll save me, wont you?"
Onyx's ears flattened, and she looked taken aback. Without a word, she got up and headed to the bunks. Chel quickly followed, "Onyx! Come back!"
Tex laid in a bed with theta. "calm down theta just get some sleep." Tex said. Theta was scared and hid under the covers. Tex began to Quietly sing and eventually he fell asleep. Tex sighed. She laid there looking at the roof
Tex fell asleep. Maine was still awake. He turned and looked at onyx. He climbed out of bed and sat at the end of her bed. "you ok kittycat?" He whispered
Maines ears went back. He laid next to her. "...that bad hm...?" He whispered. He nuzzled her. "I love you."
(i have bad internet)

Maine gently wiped her hair behind her ears. "your much more then just a mental patient, and you know that."
(yeah, it was Today and tomorrow. So far so good. Still my goal to find caboose, there where a few cosplayers but he wasnt there today)

"seems so." He said with a purr
"I stole it from the director. It was originally in a cage...... I let it out because it helped me find you"
"me either..." Maine said followed by a yawn. Maine closed his eyes. "goodnight.. Im going to bed"

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