The Place We Call Home

"hopefully." He replied.

Meanwhile, the leader of the humans Climbed out of the jeep carrying connie. "Medic!!" He yelled. A doctor came Running. She Was surprised to see a neko, but figured it was ok. They carried her away to a room and laid her on a bed. They hooked her up to machines. Eventually connie woke up. "w...why..are you...helping me."
Onyx looked at Maine and replied, "Why? It's more dangerous that way, and if one of us got hurt, we wouldn't be able to find each other as quickly."
"yeah but you have zack so you can heal yourself. And besides, splitting up might be better that way we find it faster
David looked outside. It was very dark and he could not see well. "hey X do me a favor can you actually walk on the ground please?" he asked. "...*sigh* flashlight to the rescue...." X said, almost sounding depressed. Xavior hovered close to the ground, lighting up a small area around them
Maine growled at the rustle in a plant. A neko walked out from the plant shyly. "please dont hurt me!"
Suddenly, there was a loud scream that echoed the forest. David jumped startled. "That does not sound good."

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