The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( "And those were Alcatraz's roleplaying words of wisdom!" //closes book and the crowd goes wild//

But seriously, that was fabulous roleplaying advice.

And Zeyro //pats head// you're fabulous for taking his advice so well and being so understanding :3

:0 See, I love games where you can run and around and go to a bunch of different places. Plus, I love being an elf xD Mabinogi is actually a lot of fun x-x I love it so much, but I have no one to play with so :T I tried asking some of my real life friends, but they don't really care xD And I'm too awkward to talk to random people in the game x'D But the world is massive x-x And you get a free horse now to ride around on..and an eagle xD lmao.

And all the talents for this roleplay you can have in the game, and some more I didn't add to this roleplay like Puppetry for example. xD You basically complete little quests and stuff and you can kill animals and what not to gain experience and what not and you get things out of it. I actually find it fun killing the animals with my bow and arrow xD However, going through the training part was a pain in the ass x'D It really helped in the end though.

And Sliver, yes, your signature is actually quite adorable. Note, I strongly dislike dogs, so that says a lot xDD

About Warlock, Idunno, he talks to me sometimes on skype still but I think he lost interest in this roleplay along with the characters in it. I think he just gave up on it. But oh well. Even if I reminded him of it and he came and posted, he wouldn't post after that for a long time, so it's pointless. Also, is it bad that I'd rather kill off Birch than have him tag along? xD I mean, Vex gets to be a beast so he doesn't need to talk, but Birch has been more of an important character for Faye, so it's odd if he tags along but Faye pays no attention to him whatsoever. ))
(I don't want to get offended znymore. I'm sick of the fighting...I want to reach victory, getting offended by criticism only prolongs the fight. )
(Well it's just what I've noticed that you do Zeyro. If you want to know what's wrong, that's what's wrong. I have absolutely no issues telling you what you're messing up on if you really want to know. But I'm not going to sugarcoat it either, I'm going to say it as I see it.

The truth hurts. This is a fact of life. It's good that you can accept that though and get over it. I think we can all move past this ^_^ Me and Nami are always willing to help you out if you need it. We'll give you pointers on what you could do better if you like. So you're welcome for pointing it out. I explained it because you said you didn't know what you were doing wrong. Now you do, and we can work with you to make it better.

Cerah ran away, not sure. She's somewhere in the village, probably.)
Juniper stood on the street talking to Valandil who asked who could have caused that fire. It had to be someone who could preform magic strong enough to burn down a house. She watched a few more people tumble out of the house, before she could think of an answer the house collapsed on itself. She stared surprised, she had no idea what to do. Everything was happening so fast. She looked around trying to make sure everyone was alright. She was reluctant to start using her holy arts again, but she knew that it would be hard to come out of a predicament like that unscathed.
(Ava's house burned because Cerah started the fire. Varexes and Faye had to work together to get everyone across before it collapsed. Lanli fell and Varexes went down with her to help her while Blake stood at the top and helped the remaining people across. At the bottom Varexes ran into some issues with his broken arm and had to get his arm realigned and resplinted before he could move again, and they barely made it out from under the house before it collapsed with Blake still inside. Then we got into some drama about Zeyro's posts, and apparently I gave good RP advice ;- ;)
(( You're sick of being offended..? :o we're not trying to offend you, Zeyro..

Oh, but Blake's alive, no worries peeps.

And I'm still trying to decide what to do with Birch //strokes chin as I head into a deep thought process//

xD ))
(Do what Sliver suggested. Keep him around like Vex. If Psycho comes back he can take control. *shrug* this way you can cause more drama later >:3)
((I just realized that all happened within one night xD I feel like they've been in this town 5ever

OH, that reminds me of something..

and cause even more drama? x'D Well, I honestly don't believe Warlock is coming back. That's the thing. He says he doesn't feel motivated to post in this roleplay anymore :T

To be honest, I was kind of hoping Birch would vanish that last time //slapped// because I didn't want their relationship to become...well, a relationship because I felt Warlock would eventually stop posting anyway, so then Birch would just be a burden for Faye.

Annnnd wataya know he stopped posting xD ))
(Well that sucks :/ *shrug* I suppose we could keep Birch around then... we could use him, or maybe you could say that he feels at home in the town and you have to leave him behind? That way Faye knows that he's still alive, but is just upset because he wants to stay behind.)
((I have no idea who Birch is, but Alcatraz seems to have a good idea.)) 
((Also, Nami. I'm a little confused, is Mabinogi a village-type MMO? Or is there actual battling and stuff going on?))
(( HMMMMMMM. That's actually....not a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all...

Firch has died, but oh well xD If I turned this roleplay into a book I would've switched the details around anyway and not have had Birch & Faye have something to begin with.

and Vamp, it's like....well, you go on quests and stuff and sometimes you have to kill a bunch of shit. xD It's a lot of fun. Like, depending on how good your skills are some things can kick your ass xD And there are dungeons that you can go to where you battle like giant spiders and stuff. And they carry nice goodies... xD It's like a lot of different things all rolled together. You can pretty much do anything. Here's a full description of it that's ten million times better than mine x'D ))

Faye looked at Varexes for a moment before making her way over to Ava and Blake. When she arrived beside the two of them, Ava looked up at her with a smile that showed she was grateful that Blake was alive. Faye returned the gesture, grateful for his survival as well.

"Blake, are you alright?" Faye asked, looking down at his weakened state.

He simply nodded in response, forcing himself to stand up. "Yes, I'm fine," he stated flatly.

"I'm really sorry about your house, guys...I wish there was something we could all do..." she said softly, feeling terrible about what had happened. She knew it wasn't any of their fault though, and there was one elf who truly needed to apologize. However, she highly doubted she would.

"Cerah needs to go, that's what needs to happen," Blake responded sternly, his eyes glowing with rage. This would usually be a moment where Ava protested, but she didn't say a word. That right there concluded that it was everyone's wish.

Faye nodded in response before Ava spoke up, "I'm sorry we can no longer provide a place for you to stay...maybe Orion would let you all stay at his home as well as Blake and I. We're going to start heading over there, so come over when you wish.." With that, Ava and Blake began gradually heading down the street.

Faye scratched the back of her neck, her eyes closing with frustration. She wondered if this was partially their own faults for even entering this village in the first place and angering Cerah. She felt awful for causing Blake and Ava so much trouble...even if it was Cerah's fault truly.

Faye looked at me while I glared at the ruins, wanting nothing more than to shove my fist into Cerah's face. How could you do this to your own home, to people who cared for you... I thought angrily. As Faye stepped forward though, I glanced around and felt that no one was looking. At that, I went up the walkway to retrieve my bow, that was luckily still in good shape, and slung it across my back after testing the tautness with my right hand. It was difficult and ever so slightly painful, but I managed it and felt better once I had the familiar feeling of a bow slung across my back.

From there I slipped away from the group, going towards where I'd seen Cerah before Faye had called me over and looked at the tracks that she left behind. Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I began attempting to follow them as I saw the first rays of dawn appear over the horizon.
(Thank you for your jonesty Alc. I truly wish people would stop sugar coating things for me. Would help me see a lot clearer. But I've already quit)
(You don't have to quit Zeyro. We can move on like it didn't happen and we can work together to make sure that your rping gets better :) it would honestly suck if Nova left suddenly, because that leaves zero conflict within the group, which makes for a not-so-good story. If everyone gets along, that would be boring.)
((Quit?! :o )) 
((Although, I have this good visual of Varexes killing off Cerah.

However, I don't wish for Zeyro to leave the roleplay or Nova to vanish from the story :c ))
((Aaand Lanli is still on the ground covered in enough splinters to be considered a porcupine. xD ))

After the explosion died down, Lanli slowly uncurled herself from her balled up position. Wincing in pain, she realized that her arms and legs where covered in large splinters. Carefully, she began removing them, trying to remain as quiet as possible to not draw any more attention to herself. Once she finally pulled them all out, she realized that she was actually starting to bleed pretty badly. "No worries... We're going to a healer soon anyways, once we stop there I'll just privately ask the healer for some bandages." Lanli thought to herself, hoping that no one else would notice the puncture wounds in her arms and legs.
(Varexes won't let Juniper because he doesn't want her to waste her power on him, or make her feel like she's only there for healing purposes. Also, he won't go to another healer because he doesn't want to make Juniper think that he is just going to go to someone else when he's injured. Trust me, he wants healing, but he won't get it to avoid hurting Juniper or pushing her away.

If Juniper wants to, she'd better find a way to trick him into letting her. Or do it while he's sleeping. xD )
(( Aw, I forgot about that..

Hm..well xD ))

Faye stood there with her arms crossed, noticing Varexes slinging his bow across his back and heading out somewhere. She tilted her head to the side, strands of wavy blonde hair falling into her vision. She began rushing after him quietly as she brushed her hair out of her eyes. It seemed her bangs were also growing out much too long. The sharp edges would be past her eyes in a few days. It was only now that she realized how much her hair had grown.

As Faye approached Varexes, she slowed her pace and began walking beside him. "Where are you headed?" she questioned, eyeing him carefully. 
(( Aweh, how caring of Varexes x'D


xD ))

I spun when I heard the foot steps and put my finger to my lips. From there I pointed at the ground in front of me and pointed at the gravel. "Tracks. Cerah's." I whispered to her in a breathless voice. "Track her, find her, take you to her." I whispered while walking slowly.

(I'm assuming the roads are gravel/dirt or something.) 
(imma cut you)
(( Yus, dirt roads xD

and okai, cut me xD But you can't change my feeeeeeelings~ Hahahah))

Faye's eyes wandered to where Varexes was silently pointing, seeing footsteps which must've been Cerah's, according to Varexes anyway. She looked at him, her mouth opening slightly as she wondered what his plan was once they found her. Something told her it wasn't going to simply include asking for an apology.

"If she sees me she'll probably try to kill me," she whispered back to him.

I looked at her and nodded. "Go back. Or follow further back, around a corner. If I find her, I'll get loud and you'll know. That way you can hide and listen."

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