The Path From Fayland - Official RP

("Do what you are afraid to do"...dammit why did I read all those proverbs?

Alright, tell me where we are and explain exactly how a character like Cerah, designed to be an unused weapon of extreme power can help me practice following a plot arc, considering she sorta created one unintentionally...//not sarcasm// ) 
(Wow, sorry Alc :/ Goodnight. I've had that happen to me before, so I know it you build a tower with someone and they push it over on you to make room for someone elses.)
(( I think one way or another Cerah should die. Either she gets killed, or she kills herself. After all, due to everything that's happened because of her there's not really a choice. She can't just hang around nonchalantly now. Plus, once we leave Auchertown soon anyway, all the minor characters won't be used any longer.))

Faye slowed down her pace, eyeing Varexes with a puzzled look. She was surprised at how well Varexes had taken that, not the least bit embarrassed by it. She wasn't sure if that meant he had feelings for Juniper or just friendly ones. Without realizing she was smirking, a brief laugh escaped her mouth as the thought crossed her mind. She quickly shook her head, trying to move on.

"Yeah, sorry," she said in response, but couldn't stop smiling as she spoke.
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(Originally I was going to have her asdume Faye ran away in fear and Cerah would hunt her to the ends of the Earth; therefore tge party would never see Cerah again because she was chasing an imaginary Faye. However, she could also return in the next battle and get killed, or she could get arrested and of course resist and be killed there)
(We need you Zeyro that is why.)(I have no idea what is going on OOC. Is it a fight? Why is there quitting? Do I want to know? don't tell me.) 
Juniper looked at Faye. "What's so funny?" she asked confused. It was a strange moment to break into laughter. She tried to brush her hair out of her face in habit, but it only fell back.
((Well, there's no actual reason for her to get arrested, so she should just die instead. She could feel bad and kill herself, shocking the group of elves, or she could try and attack, making them have to kill her in self defense. Either way, it'd be a pretty epic scene. ))

Faye turned to Juniper, her lips curving into a larger grin. Considering Varexes didn't want her to hold back the words again, she said them casually this time around. "Nothing, it's just Cerah hates Varexes because she thinks you two are together."

She shrugged, slipping her hands into the pockets of her black shorts. A strong breeze went by, causing chills to crawl up her spine. She shifted uncomfortably, her cheeks a rosy shade of pink from being in a tank top in such cold weather.
(She burned a house down and almost killed five people. Maybe Blake should hunt her down? He seems pretty mad at her)
Juniper chews on her lip. She still didn't understand what was so funny. "I know. I was there." she stated. "she threatened to kill him, I don't find that funny." she replied and continued walking.
(( True. And she physically harassed Juniper. But it'd be better if we had a death anyway. And sure xD ))

Blake walked out the door of Orion's house, Ava stepping out after him. "Blake, where are you going?!" she called out to him.

"Don't worry about it, just stay there," he ordered, continuing to head out.

He was sick and tired of Cerah's bullshit. There was no way he was going to sit around and wait for her to cause more damage. Even if he barely knew those new elves, he didn't want them to put their lives at risk any more than they had by being around her. He always ended up having to deal with Cerah and her trouble...Ava always had to take the blame for it all, too. He was officially done with putting up with all of it and having the girl tear Ava's heart in half. Ava has been his friend for a very long time now and he was finally unable to see her feeling so broken because of Cerah.

As he continued to head down the street, he spotted just who he was looking for. "Cerah!" he yelled, coming to a halt as his hands rolled into angry fists. 
Faye nervously scratched the back of her neck, her smile fading. Well, that made life awkward. She sighed to herself and turned away, deciding to just keep quiet next time. Too soon, she thought to herself, closing her eyes with regret.

"Hey, at least Varexes being mistaken as your boyfriend isn't a bad thing," she said with a slight chuckle, once again regretting speaking up. She had a feeling that wasn't going to help the situation either, but she felt like she needed to try and lighten the mood a bit.
When an elf Valandil did not know walked out of the burnt house, Valandil did not know what to do. He then saw a elf down the road. His thoughts flashes to earlier today when they were getting their hands marked. Elwe said "I think I should be going." As the elf tried to walk away Valandil held on to his collar. "You should stay here and watch. I can't tell how strong these two are, but we may need all the help we can get. The elf tried to pry Val's hand off before giving up and moving closer to everyone else. Valandil then turned his attention to the two, waiting for their next move.

(Idk if anyone is going to post tonight, but I have to go to bed. Good night)
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Faye laughs very briefly to herself, looking away. "Just..never mind," she murmurs, seeing that Juniper was clearly not following or interested in her idea of lightening the mood. She understood that both the recent events and current situation were both not things to be happy about, but Faye always tried to look on the positive side. When others insisted on shooting her down with negativity it made her stomach churn.

Silence arose in the air between them, tension most certainly rising. She figured she should probably walk away before she said another stupid thing.

"Uh..well, I'll...go over there," she mumbled, managing a half grin as she headed a few yards away and slipped into the shadows. Faye sighed to herself and placed her hands on her head. Everything was just going so terribly wrong lately and it was giving her a huge headache.
Juniper watches Faye walk a few yards away. She didn't understand why she had decided to do that. It left her feeling like she had said something wrong. She rubbed her arm not sure what she had done to hurt Faye's feelings. She decided to keep walking and let faye keep her distance. Maybe she wanted to be alone. Sometimes Juniper felt that way too.
Cerah stood on the porch of a house, its owner cowering behind a door as she interrogated him. "Cerah!" Blake caught her off guard, she spun around when she heard his voice. Static crackled all around her, "What is it? I happen to be a little busy!" 
(After doing a little digging, I think this is actually the largest active RP on the site 0_0 )

Internally I was shocked. Had Faye really seen it before I did? But to prevent her from gaining any points to tease me with, I kept calm and shrugged it off, knowing that Juniper was just too socially awkward to understand. I went to follow Juniper when suddenly I heard Blake shout Cerah's name from behind me and I whirled around. Sprinting into the shadows, I steadily began to creep my way forward around the edge of the house, silently moving into position.
(( Yaaay xD I love how I was just sitting in my friend's room one day and said "I wanna make an elf roleplay" So I found this site and made one, which I totally made up as I was typing it hahaha, and now it's gotten this far owo And after going through a lot of different roleplayers I think the ones we have now are going to be our permanent ones finally--which is good because I love you all x'D ))

"Cerah, get your ass down here now!" Blake yelled sternly, his eyes narrowing on her.
(YOUR SIGNATURE IS AMAZING... but it's not as mesmerizing as the bouncing bear.

You love me? *faints* I'M LOVED!!!)
(( There's actually a lot of different dance moves of that other gif x'D But I saw this one and I fell in love with his sailor outfit so I had to use it ||D Hahahah.

And yus, you are loved! x'D ))
(( Are you having another bad day? :c )) 
(( And know what's cray? I'm making a lyrics video and I was searching for a font and I came across a Rilakkuma font! Rilakkuma Bear is what my signature is! Of course I'm not gonna use that font for the lyrics video x'D But I still downloaded it! :U

Look at this...what are the chances of coming across such a font... xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/RILAKKUMA.PNG.ae0fddbc97acaa76a47fb57199582f63.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/RILAKKUMA.PNG.ae0fddbc97acaa76a47fb57199582f63.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ))



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(I do too Alc, I feel like life isn't defined by the bad stuff, but rather how you deal with the bad stuff. )
(I think part of it is the fact that I go to the hospital this upcoming Friday for meds that I get every 6 weeks. I'll be fine after that.)

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