The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Hello... Random Time (kind of...): So I was looking at what Mobinogi was about because it sounded like a fun game (even if my computer is worth crap =_=) and I was reading from the yahoo answers but I just had to laugh at this one comment... "it's just about the most violent, crude, hate-mongering games in existence. this ish makes roman gladiators look like pansy school girls experimenting on each other." Anyways I still need to do more 'research' on the game before I actually start playing... Ok Random Time done!)
(( Lol! Most violet, crude, hate mongering games?? More like the total opposite x'D Hahhaah. I don't think there's any blood at all actually. You shoot an animal and it just dies. xD And it's really fun and all the people I've talked to on there are crazy nice. And you're gonna start playing it soon? :o Well, if & when you do lemme know so you can add me xDD ))
(Ok and that is why I was laughing xD The comments above talked about it being kid friendly and all of these other things about it being safe for children then that post came along.)
(( Too bad I don't have like 2 of me. If I did, I would have my clone go to school with you everyday and make sure you stay smiley xD

With all this technology there should be a way to clone myself, like seriously. ||D

And sliver, there's always that one person that writes a really stupid review x'D ))
(Mabinogi just isn't a game that I'd like. I prefer Vindictus. I'm not much for the cartooney and kiddy games. While I dislike the level design (it gets SOOOOO repetitive) of Vindictus, the gameplay and graphics are amazing.) 
(If we could make clones of ourselves, I'd send my clone to school and stay home and sleep.) 
(If I could make a clone of myself, I'd send it to school and just sleep all day.)
(( Aweh, I think the graphics are cute in Mabinogi xD And you can still do like everything and anything. Plus, I like the way when you talk to any of the hundreds of in game characters they have like an anime picture that pops up when they speak. xD So, it's not all bad.

I can overlook the fact that the graphics aren't --amazing-- since the game is incredibly fun. xD )) 
(( I hate sleeping. xD

Whenever I wake up at 12PM I feel gross, but I have to keep sleeping until then and I hate it -___- ))
((I think I'll give Mabinogi a try. :3 Although probably not today, my mom has decided that it's "Family Fun" day... So that means having to go out and actually do things.))
(I'm with Alc, I liked Vindictus but it was waaaay to repetitive for me to get into...they really need a level randomizer or something -_-

Mabinogi seems too cartoonish for me, I will play Minecraft though even though it has the slight cartoonish style; it abstracts every aspect of an RPG just to the point where it is interesting but not overwhelming. It is also completely random every time, but still never manages to give you a terrible spawn point. And I think the 32-bit textures give it a nice retro flare :P

Have you ever played World of Warcraft Alc?)
((Just curious, though. What would be a good class to start with? Because I kinda want something combat oriented, because I'm not sure how the more average skills would be useful. :P
((I know you weren't asking me, sorry for butting in.. But WORLD OF WARCRAFT! *Foams from the mouth*

Okay, I actually know next to nothing about it, but it looks like a lot of fun. Only 2 problems: I don't have the money to pay for it. And my mom is a nut about WoW, because she says that I'll get addicted to it and never talk to anyone again ever.))
(There is a starter edition that lets you play every expansion free for 30 days.It is amazing, just the right blend of fantasy and cartoon along with some steampunk and sci fi in some places)
(( If you actually play Mabinogi you'd like it. I just don't see how you cannot like it, since it's a never ending world, so there's always places to explore, new creatures to see, and new characters to meet. It may look 'cartoonish' at first, but if you start playing it the graphics are actually not bad at all for an anime style computer game.

And I honestly don't understand why everyone likes Mincraft. It was *all the rage* or whatever, so I sat down and watched someone play it and I was shocked. It was pretty much a bunch of blocks everywhere and they weren't doing anything fun, they walked around the corner and saw a bunch of block cows and they got excited. I was like, lolwut. xDD

I've never played WoW but I have a friend who did a lot, but she said she got bored of it after a while and you have to pay.

Annnd Vamp, well each class has their own type of goals. You can do anything you want really, but whatever class you choose is your main talent and your quests will be more so based around what you do with your talent. I chose archery, it's a bit difficult during training....okai, it took me a few hours to figure out wtf the guy wanted me to do and I got really frustrated x'D...but it was worth it. I tried tailoring with a new character to see what it was like and it was actually kinda cool.

Buuut yeah, I haven't tried any other than archery and tailoring because archery's always my main choice. I guess close combat would be another good choice. I'm curious about Puppetry though x'D ))
(You guys would OOC to the ends of the earth.)(I spent the day at my new school and everyone assumed I am a freshmen. I'm not that little.)
(( Well, I'm waiting for Zeyro to respond to Blake.........................................

and Dreamer, are you a sophomore or a junior?))
(Alright, I will type a response soon.

They were probably excited because to kill the bosses you need to enchant stuff, and to enchant stuff you need bookshelves, which are made of books, and books come from leather and sugarcane, and you can get leather from they were like "Oh yay! I lkilled all the cows near my spawn point for food, so now I found some I can farm for leather!"

It's all the rage because it is RPg/Adventure/ even lets you create circuits in the game so you mae really advanced stuff..even computers 0_0) 
"I said I was busy!" She yelled back, Blake looked pretty angry, but Cerah didn't give it a second a thought. Blake may have been upset with her before but he never seemed to do anything about it, even when she sent people to the healers house at least once a week. The elf taking shelter behind the door had retreated into the house locking the door. 'That won't save you' She put her hand on the know and began to channel her magic into a shock touch. The lock began to heat up and liquify slowly. She readied her other hand with a bolt of electricity read to strike.
Blake sighed silently to himself, holding both of his hands out. Right as he did so, a stream of shimmering water came gushing out of his left palm. It quickly reached the door knob and once the liquid made contact with the handle, he twisted his wrist and the water turned to an extremely thick layer of ice around the knob. Meanwhile, a heavy but rather dull icicle came shooting from his right palm towards Cerah's hand. It smacked her hand, but it was made so that it would only injure her hand slightly rather than cut it off.

"Leave the villager alone, Cerah! You've caused enough damage! Don't you understand not only how much trouble and danger you've brought to all those innocent elves back there, but how much pain you've caused Ava especially?! All she ever did was take the blame for your absurd actions, but you're much too oblivious to realize that!" he yelled with a stern tone, his jaw clenching.
(He's talking to her like an adult, but she's like 12 xD )

Blake had never used his magic against her, or stuck her for that matter. She had always slightly looked up to him, but now all that washed away as hate flooded her. The icicle smacked into her hand causing her to lose control of the magic, stray bolt shot the porch of the house, creating a small scorch mark. The ice around the knob (and Cerahs hand) melted quickly from the heat of the lightning and the strength of the magic creating it. "Blake, you trained me...I am at least your equal!" She called to him. She flash stepped backward away from the door and landed facing Blake, and quickly shot out a lightning bolt at his legs with her good hand. She had no intention of killing him, but losing a leg might teach him a thing or two.
Juniper felt magic in use nearby. It seemed to be coming from the direction Verexes had run off too. She followed wondering if he had found who he was looking for. 
(Btw, new promo.)
Jess stood watching the whole scene in her wolf form, a growl wanting to escape but she silenced it. 'How could a, what, 12 year old? Sure. How could a 12 year old be so fudging brutal.' She though to herself, looking on with angry yet also worried eyes. The anger going to Cerah and the worry going to Blake of course.
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(( She's 12? xD I assumed she was like 14-16 hahah. Plus, Blake is very mature and he doesn't baby anyone xD ))

As Cerah shot out lightning bolts towards his legs, he clenched his fists tightly just in time so that a large thick shield of ice formed in front of him. He kept his eyes narrowed on Cerah the entire time as the bolts of lightning ricocheted off the shield of ice and back at Cerah.

"And I regret training you," he told her with a steady tone, "considering all you do is use magic improperly. A true mage wouldn't misuse magic the way you do, Cerah." 
(( Oh and Dreamer, did you finish the video for your promo? If so, I'd like to see it :o ))
(Yep, she is really, really violent xD )

Cerah raised her bad arm in defense, it was unimportant which arm she used, all she needed was a physical medium for her magic. The bolt split and arced around her dissipating over her skin. "I use it to do what I want. That is why it was given to me!" She put bother her hands out and focused two separate bolt on one point in Blakes shield, hoping to melt through it. Cerah didn't even notice anyone else, didn't care really. 'I've got to get closer, then I can flash step behind him and get him at point blank' The ends of her hair rose eerily into the air as magic pulsed over her back and through her arms, her eyes were filled with fury.

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