The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(These OOC conversations are so entertaining xD and the 'Dug Hug Me I'm Scared' thing is really creepy xDD But the song is actually quite catchy which means it gets stuck in my head a lot =_=)
(( And I go to this haunted graveyard thing every year and it's awesome, I love it, but I think I'm literally the only one of my friends not afraid of it xD I remember the first time I went with my brother and there was this dude standing in the line and he was moving like a mechanical skeleton thing, so my brother stares at it and he's like, "That's fake," and he goes to touch it and it jumps out at him and hes like WTF. x'D

That guy is there every year and I love him. x'D )) 
(( I know, I just watched it and at first I was wondering if I got the wrong youtube video, but then it just suddenly turned into this sketchy thing with muppets putting glitter glue on hearts and shit and I started cracking up like, "WTF is this?? x'D" ))
(( Hahahahah x'D I love that there's people with enough time on their hands to create this random shit...)) 

I had to render this like eight freaking times 'cause it kept freezing at 75%, but I fixed the issue. There's still some subtle things I could've fixed, but I was like SCREW IT.

Well, I finished my lyrics video for my lyrics video channel. One of my best so far, I think. It's a very pretty song too.


[/media] ))
(( Hoorah! xD Hahahah )) 
(( Am I the only one that's really freaking bored right now? -____- ))
(I never get a chance to be bored. I literally have 3 freaking convos going on right now. I barely get a moments rest.)
(( Let's see how many conversations I'm in right

Oh, that's right, zero.

x'D //not including OCC//

I'm just watching Bryan Stars interviews and they're long as hell and I hate sitting around watching youtube videos so this is terrible x.x And then I go on Facebook and there's funny Vines everywhere and I'm gonna die of being surrounded by too many videos. ;c )) 
Faye knew it wasn't a good time to head over to Orion's house, considering Blake had just carried Cerah's dead body over there. Plus, she didn't want them to feel crowded--they needed some space. Faye was perfectly fine with staying out at night, after all that's what they'd been doing every night for the past week or so. Although she could use a little bit of comfort in such a town, she felt it wasn't right to have such after recent events.

She decided to try and block out everything that had happened, turning her attention to something different. Faye pulled her bow off her back and observed the string, seeing that it was beginning to get quite frayed. She bit her lip as she eyed it carefully, knowing exactly what she needed to do. With that, she headed down the street until she spotted Vex*******sleeping in the place where Ava's house had fell to ruins. After Nova had rid of the pile of timber with magic, there was a large clearing in the woods now for all their supplies to be dumped.

Faye padded along silently to the pile of supplies, doing her best not to awaken the sleeping beast. She shuffled through the bags of items quietly until she found hers and pulled it out. She hung it over her shoulder and walked a bit further away until she found a nice big, smooth rock to take a seat on. After settling her bow in between her legs, Faye searched through her bag until she found the wax she'd packed. She pulled it out and began rubbing it against her bowstring in all the frayed areas. After applying the wax, she used her thumb and index finger to smooth down the bowstring and rid of all fraying.
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(( No, but I did actually! I didn't catch that the first time though, but then I was bored so I reread it again after a few minutes and noticed that and THEN I went OHWAITSHITNO and you'd already seen my fail x''D Hahahah

Oops! ||D

But seriously, Varexes --you can't blame me x'D ))
(( I'm going to purposely say Varexes instead of Vex next time.

"Faye grabbed the rope and began tying the supplies to Varexes's back." ))
(( But the supplies tied to his back will be much too heavy for him to be able to do such xD ))
((I dislike Halloween. It's freezing cold where I live around that time, so my hands always feel like they are gonna pop off. And nobody ever talks to me while trick-or-treating, so it's kinda depressing. T_T And CERAH IS TWELVE?! I thought she was in her late teens at the LEAST. O_e Couldn't we have put her in some kind of magic-prison type thingie? D:))

Lanli ambled behind Faye, unsure of where else to go. She got a better look at the person who burned down Ava's house, and it turned out to be a young girl. She watched in shock as the girl was knocked out and stabbed through with an ice spike, which came from the same guy who had made an ice path earlier. She watched as they walked off, carrying the girl. Suddenly, Faye stood up and started walking back to Ava's old house, where she began digging through the rubble. Lanli watched quietly as Faye dug, when suddenly she grabbed something from the rubble, and began walking off. Lanli was getting awfully tired by this point from all the walking combined with blood loss. As Faye plopped herself down on a rock and began working, Lanli sat down on the dirt and worked on trying to stay awake.

((Also, did anyone else see the Evil Dead remake? Two words: Gore. Fest. The Conjuring was better in my opinion as a horror movie because, well, the Evil Dead remake wasn't scary. (And the Conjuring was.) It sure was uncomfortable to watch though... That vine scene was just awful. ;- ;) )

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