The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Ah, thanks! It's working now. :3 And sorry I haven't been posting, I fell asleep on the couch for like, five hours.))

Lanli continued to follow Faye solemnly, not saying a word. She simply watched what Faye was doing, in an attempt to be respectful of what had just occurred. When they stopped by the girl's grave, Lanli walked off slightly to give Faye some time alone, as she was certain that her presence must have been annoying her by that point. So, keeping Faye in sight, Lanli walked off over to a tree and leaned against it, sliding to the ground.
(( That was deep, Alcat. xD ))

Faye stood in the same spot, watching as Varexes kneeled down before Cerah's grave. She wasn't quite sure if he was praying or not, but that's all she could assume he was doing. As she looked at him settled there, she felt that unusual aura coming from him that she'd seen the night before when he left the scene of her death. He seemed genuinely sad, after all it was a death of a young girl and he'd watched it happen right before his very eyes. However, she felt there was more to it than just that. It went deeper than that, it had to.

Faye glanced at another section of the ground, unsure of whether she was making Varexes feel uncomfortable with her watching. She clasped her hands together in front of her lap, allowing thoughts to stream through her mind. She honestly didn't have any more prayers for Cerah, no matter how young. She'd caused everyone so much pain for so long and even tried to kill Blake. Truthfully, Faye didn't believe the girl was worthy of any more than flowers being placed before her grave. In the time Faye knew her, she only saw traces of evil. However, who was it that had told her a long time show evil the utmost respect? It was her grandmother, who'd passed away much earlier than her grandfather. However, other than those very words from her, she'd mostly been taught to not tolerate evil. But at the same time she still had her grandmother's words in the back of her mind..

Faye sighed softly and unclasped her hands, knowing she'd shown Cerah as much respect as possible for her. If it wasn't for Ava's sake, there's a chance she wouldn't have placed flowers in front of the girl's grave to begin with. Well, maybe briefly since she'd seen her die. For some reason, Faye wasn't quite fazed by the violent visual she'd scene...knowing it was just the enemy in the entire event. If it wasn't Blake dying, it would've been Cerah. She would've rather had Cerah die than him, so in a way she was relieved. She'd seen other dead bodies before, of those who she deeply cared for. So, maybe death was becoming a usual thing for her now. 
(( It's working? :o Awesome sauce! :3

and hahah thats okai xDD ))
Nova opened his eyes slowly,

"Good morning" a cheery voice rang through his ears,

he tried t make out the face of the person in front of him but focus eluded him.

"How are you feeling?" The voice continued,

it was clearly female but not one he recognized from the party. Then again, he wasn't even sure who all was in the party anymore, nor could he bring all their names to his mind at the moment.

"I guess...I'm okay?" He mumbled.

"Good, you can at least speak." Said the voice, Nova could barely make out a smile on her face.

"Where- ?"

"You are in the healers house, and you are Nova, I am Aradia the healer and no you are not going to die. that should answer all of your questions for now, I'll give you a moment to process all of that before you ask again, like everyone else." The face moved out of view. Nova pulled himself up, and almost jumped when he saw the scar on his arm; a black-ish streak ran from the back of his hand all the way up to the top of his shoulder, the flesh beneath was sunken in in a wide gash where the actual bolt had traveled up his arm, the skin was a charred brown color on either side of the gash. Aradia noticed Nova's shock.

"That will probably never heal entirely, the skin will probably heal to a darker shade of its normal color, but the gash will stay."

"Ugh....why am I here...?" Nova asked, still in a bit of a daze from waking up.

"Someone brought you here last night saying that you just suffered a hit from Cerah, I'm pretty adept at treating wounds caused by her. I get patients on a regular basis that she has injured, but I rarely see ones as severe as yours. I admit I was very relieved when you woke up, I was afraid the damage might have been too much for your body to take."

Novas vision finally cleared, the room was tiny with a single chair, there was a small window directly to the left of his bed and a doorway about two feet away on the right. Aradia sat in a wooden chair just inside the door. Another chair would not have fit inside the room. Dark curtains were drawn over the window, casting shadow on the entire room. Even through the thin veil of darkness Nova saw that Aradia was clearly almost Orions age. Aradia stood up, "Now that I'm sure you'll live, I have to attend to the other patients. Feel free to leave if you can stand up, you don't have any open wounds so you should be fine, but I want to treat your arm one more time tomorrow." With that Aradia left.

Nova was able to shakily stand. He fumbled his way out of the room, down the hall and into the tiny lobby which contained only a desk, two chairs and a bright-eye young girl. She greeted his as he entered. "Hello there, I'm Megido, I saw you come in here last night, you were in pretty bad shape!"

" was quite a...shocking experience...." Nova said. 'Ugh, such bad humor, maybe it will annoy her into shutting up.'

The girl let out a high pitched laugh that could easily be mistaken for the wail of tormented spirit.

"Funny; I think your friends are leaving or something, I saw a couple strange elves heading for the wall." the girl informed him and pointed, indicating which direction.

"Thanks" Nova called, halfway out the door already. 'Wow, No, no, no, definitely not!' He thought as he made his best attempt to run toward the wall. 'Why are they heading that way if they're leaving? That's where we entered'
(Was it? I thought it was kind of cheesy, but it suited Varexes.)


I thought about Cerah's death. Did she truly deserve it? She wasn't evil, she was misunderstood. Something must have happened in her past to turn her into such a person. Nobody was born inherently evil, they were taught to be by an authoritative figure or some event that afflicted them. Without knowing her past, there was nothing that could be said for Cerah. She wasn't evil, and she was a child. Her death... I wasn't sure if it was necessary or not.

I was sad that it had come to her death without any other options being explored first. Again, I didn't know what she had done in the past and what had been her various punishments, if any, but there didn't seem to be much of an exploration of options. Such a sudden and permanent answer when there may have been another secluded one. But the past could not be changed, and the dead could not rise. Was I a partner in a murder? Or had it been justified? Could there have been another answer? These questions, I knew, would haunt me for the rest of my life. There would be no way to escape them. Nothing anyone could say would make them go away. These thoughts were engrained into my skull like no other, just like the image of my grandfather.

Severing the links to my tendrils of thought, I stood. "Rest in peace, Cerah. Live well in the afterlife, and let it bring peace to your soul. I am sorry..." I didn't know what I was sorry for. That she was dead? That I had opposed her? That she had been a violent mage and had potentially killed people? It was open ended, and I realized that it would be open for interpretation. If she heard me through the veil, then perhaps she would understand better than I. Perhaps she could explain when I followed her beyond the veil...

I walked away, not looking at Lanli who was standing off to the side, nor Faye who had been beside me, nor Nova as I saw him exit the healer's house. I simply strode away, falling into a ticking stride that was faster and longer than normal and quickly took me out of view of Cerah's grave.
((It looks like German to me, but I know no German other than how to say "Butterfly" (But not spell it. :c). So I'm not a very trustworthy source.))
(( I thought it was deep x'D And I doubt anyone would gaf about Cerah if it wasn't for the death. xD

And Zeyro, that's Swedish. The band is from Sweden so xD Though, that's the first song where they've actually sung in Swedish hahah. ))

Faye took a step back as Varexes stood and exited the area, heading back down the street. She looked after him, this very movement of his proving to her that he wasn't exactly okay. It made Faye feel strange, seeing him looking so affected by this. Despite his lack of emotion on the outside, it was clear that he was most certainly affected by the death more than she would've expected.

Faye slipped her hands into the pockets of her shorts, about to head after him, but stopping herself. He probably just needs to be alone, she thought to herself. As he vanished from sight, she turned her attention to Lanli who was settled by a tree nearby, then to Nova who was heading in her direction. Other than the two of them, she didn't see anyone else. She figured that the others were asleep still...or they just had no interest in being around Cerah's grave. She moved forward a few steps so that she was in between Lanli and Nova's presences.
(Eh, if you think it was deep. xD Not sure what else to post now.

and it pisses me off how it only gives me email notifications for one post after i do, so then i miss out on all of these other posts. -_- )
(( xD I set it today so I get notifications from Tapatalk on my phone, which is quite convenient xD And yeah, 'cause they assume you're going to read the post that you were notified about, so they don't send you anymore notifications until you read that post xD

I guess it makes sense. ))
(( xD Well, Idunno if there's an option for that. But wouldn't you read the post they notify you about anyway? x'D 'cause if you do that then they send you the next notification.

Annnnnnnd crap, I should probably get that thing with Birch out of the way. Can't just forget about him and leave xD I'd probably have to control him or something though for this post.

So many characters to control in this town -___- lmao ))
(Why don't we leave Birch behind since he's no loner got a roleplayer? We can say he caught up or something if warlock comes back.)
(I can control Birch if you want, say something about how he finds you and says that he doesn't know if he can keep going, especially with his wounds and doesn't want to drag you back, so he's going to stay behind in auchertown?)
(( Yeah, we decided Birch is staying in Auchertown. And also, Warlock -is not- coming back this time xD trust me.

And also, we can't just -forget- about Birch and continue without saying anything about it. Faye & Birch are/were extremely close so it'd be really unrealistic if she just forgot about him xDD

We need some Firch closure here hahahahah ||D

And Alcat, sure. I love calling you Alcat. That was actually my nickname before. x'D Because my name is Alex and I like cats. Well, it was more of a joke than a nickname xDD

But anywho, sure xD Should I post first or you? ))

I searched around the town, stumbling around with a blank look wondering how to say what needed to be said. I saw the burnt house and realized that I hadn't been around to help, not that I would have been any use if I had managed to be there. I was just a cook, and a socially awkward one at that. I couldn't go on... I strode through town, eyes looking blankly for Faye until eventually I went around the edge of the wall sometime after dawn. There I found Faye who was standing by some fresh dirt with a sign that said, "Cerah" on it. "Faye..." I muttered as I walked up to her, sidling closer and keeping my eyes on the ground.
Faye turned, surprised to see Birch walking in her direction. Although her features brightened up as soon as she laid eyes on him, she felt slight disappointment towards him. He seemed to just vanish all the time, not to mention during events where she was in a lot of danger. She knew he couldn't do much, but whatever happened to promising to protect her despite that? She shook the negative thoughts away and hastily walked over to him.

"Birch!" she exclaimed, slipping her hands out of her pockets to pull him into an embrace. She held him for a few moments before pulling away, keeping her hands on his shoulders. She looked into his eyes, unable to hide that slight frustration. "Where have you been this entire time...? You just disappeared..." she said, raising her eyebrows with wonder.
((I loaded up Mabinogi and selected Puppetry as my talent. But once I actually entered the game I got hit with such bad lag that I couldn't figure out how to move, my camera was spinning, and everything was a grey blob. D:))

Lanli looked up and saw Faye standing between herself and someone who looked like the previously unconcious elf. "I'll need to learn his name at some point.." She thought to herself. Not wanting to bother Faye to much, Lanli continued to sit on the ground while looking at her, waiting to see what she would do next.

((Did anyone see World War Z? I "saw" it last night. But I fell asleep right after (Spoilers. D:) they crash landed and entered the W.H.O.

So now I'm looking for kind of an overview of the movie so I can figure out what I missed... >_<))
(( D: It didn't go away? :'c But it worked before that? owo Did you try restarting the game up?

Annd nope, I didn't see it but my parents saw the movies on a date......o-o

lol xD I feared blood, so I didn't go see it. Though, they said there wasn't a lot of blood lol. ))
((Auugh, scratch that post.))

Lanli looked up to see Faye embracing someone, it would seem that she had a boyfriend. Lanli let out a small sigh and looked up at the sky through the branches of the trees. She never looked at clouds much when she was younger, but now she had recently discovered it to be relaxing. She watched as all of the clouds continued on their way, sometimes getting close, and other times just passing through. In the end though, they all continued off down the same path.
(In the WHO the man character (i can't remember his name) basically talks to the doctors there about his theory how those with fatal illnesses are safe from the Z's because they ignore various people whenever they attack due to the nature of their hunting: they go for the healthy. But in order to test it, they have to get fatal disease strains from a part of the WHO that's been infested with zombies. So he has to go there and get them, and then he gets trapped in the freezer room where they're kept. He injects himself and his theory turns out to be true. He escapes and spreads the word and the humans begin mass producing fatal-illness strains that are spread around, however they're also given vaccines that are to be used after a certain amount of time or some stupid shit like that to make it work.

He winds up meeting up with his family in Nova Scotia with 0 transition. The end is the worst part of the movie, besides the Resident Evil rip-offs in every single location.)
((From what I saw, it actually wasn't that gorey. All you saw was the zombies going RAAWR, and then you backed out when they bit someone. I can't remember one genuinely gorey scene from everything I saw.)) 
((I know nothing about resident evil, I only played a bit of the fourth(? I think.) game. So I just know that CROWS ARE DEADLY AND CARRY FRIGGIN' GRENADES.

How did WWZ rip off Resident Evil? o:))

I embraced Faye in my slight arms and then stepped back and stared at the ground, slightly toeing at it. "I'm sorry... I can't.. I don't handle well under stress." My voice was barely above a whisper, and I couldn't look at Faye. "I went for a walk and when I came back I saw the wreckage and knew I'd been useless... I've been trying to find you..." I finally worked up the courage to look her in the eye as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm so useless all I'll do is hold you back..." I swallowed as I tried to find the courage to say what needed to be said, but just couldn't. "I stopped at the inn for a while and talked to the innkeeper, who's also a cook..." I said quietly, looking back down at the ground, cursing myself mentally as I wiped the water streak off my face. I couldn't bring myself to say it.
(( I would hate the whole zombie thing, since it's pretty much the next 'vampire' thing, but I saw Warm Bodies and was totally okay with the zombie stuff after that xD I love that movie *-*

I just hate vampires and werewolves. I think that whole concept is just really annoying and overrated xD ))
(I love zombies and I ONLY like the evil vampires. Not pussy twilight vamps, and I hated the idea of "warm bodies." I like the gruesome gorey stuff xD

and WWZ ripped off Resident Evil because the part when they're in Philadelphia, going through the city? That was RE2. The WHO? That was RE1. The top of the hotel was a scene from RE4, and the part where they're in Israel was basically from RE3. I'm talking movies, btw, not the games. 
(wimpy* -_- freaking censors.)

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