The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye eyed Birch carefully, her expression falling as he spoke. She noticed the tear streaming down his face and her heart started racing, wondering what exactly was the problem. She knew he still felt useless, despite all her attempts to try and make him feel the opposite.

She tilted her head to the side a bit, using her fingers to push her long bangs out of her vision. "You're not useless.." she told him quietly. Other than that she didn't know what else to say. She noticed the way he was acting seemed rather strange, as if he was hiding something. So, she decided to ask, "Is something else wrong?"

I looked at her and tears began to stream down my face. It was all I could do not to scream at her. "I am useless!" I said with force. "I can't help you fight! I'm not strong enough to! I can't use a bow, I can't use magic, I can't fight like Val can, I don't know how to use a sword... there's nothing I can do to protect you! My promise was pointless..." I stared at the ground as my shoulders shook while I tried to control my sobbing. "I'm staying behind at the inn, so I can do some good..." 
(Btw, I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing Birch justice here. Lemme know if I go overboard xD )
(Vampires bug me when EVERYONE is a vampire. They're supposed to be kinda rae so why are there like 10 on the same block?

Werewolves I think are neat when they're fighting vampires. Zombies are just lame imo...always in post-modern apocolypse stuff, but they belong in fantasy.

Biological weapons acting like zombies is fine, as long as there is some explanation for why they behave like zombies...even a chemical that alters the brain to recieve psyionic signals from some central overmind and act only on impulse not precise movements would brle fine for me.)
(( Aweh, a lot of people didn't like Warm Bodies because it wasn't disturbing enough to watch...which puzzles me....but I thought it was really cute and had the right amount of blood xD

..And might I add, Nicholas Hoult most certainly pulled off the main zombie, R, very well. xD

But I hate Twilight. I dislike the idea of it, the actors, and the crazy fan base xD I mean, I personally don't find any of the actors attractive so I don't know why everyone is drooling over Robert Patterson and Taylor Lautner xD

...Especially Robert Patterson. //cringe//

xD And you can tell Kristen Stewart is like a major drug addict with her emotionless expression throughout the whole thing. Although I remember her being in this movie 5ever ago that I loved so much...damn what was it was some spy movie with these two other dudes.

I'm remembering all these movies I used to love as I kid xD Nostalgia

Oh sorry, I just realized I went on a Twilight rant xDD )) 
(( And you should've made Birch more like -_- "I'm staying, sorry.." instead of crying, that way I could've made Faye be mad at him so it was less hard for her to leave him behind xD but it's all good, I got dis.

Actually hold on, I need to shower super quick then I'll post~

BRBZ. ))
((I always thought that zombies should be caused by parasites that live on the brain. Everyone would have the parasite, so you would either need to just die for the parasite to take over, or you would need to be bitten. Because the parasite would turn a zombie's saliva into komodo-dragon type saliva, completely filled with bacteria. So the bite would kill you, but not actually spread the disease. Because everyone is infected. >:3))
(A parasite would need a living host to take over or the tissue would die too quickly. Eclipse Phase has a form of zombie caused by a nanobot swarm that alters the body internally.)
Although I remember her being in this movie 5ever ago that I loved so much...damn what was it was some spy movie with these two other dudes.
I'm remembering all these movies I used to love as I kid xD Nostalgia
(The movie is called Catch That Kid)

(I liked warm bodies. Horrible title, just like mortal instruments. They sound so inappropriate. Anyways I loved how they used R's thoughts in warm bodies -- which they should have done for the hunger games-- Without the thoughts, that movie would have been just okay. The one thing I didn't like is that they fell in love in the end. I can't see any human falling in love with a zombie, especially one that killed a loved one.)
(( CATCH THAT KID!!! YESSS LOL. Am I the only one who loved that movie?? x''D

And I loved how they used R's thoughts in Warm Bodies as well. I thought it was cute how they fell in love<3 However, after R killed the girl's boyfriend I was like, well now this is awkward because I know that girl and R are gonna fall for each other...even if he just killed her current boyfriend x'D

But whatever, I got over it 'cause I mean, if I were her I'd fall for R as welll. //slapped//

Well...then again maybe not considering he's a zombie and xD

Oh, and I thought The Hunger Games was an amazing movie. Can't wait for the next one in November(? I believe). )) 
Faye looked at Birch, her eyes widening slightly as he told her his decision. She began to shake her head, unable to process what he was saying completely. "Birch, you're not can't stay behind..." Her voice cracked a little as she added, "You promised we'd have our can't just stay behind.."

She swallowed the lump in her throat as her jaw clenched. Tears were stinging behind her eyes as she fought to hold them back. Not only was she utterly heartbroken, but she felt betrayed. All these promises...they were all just lies. You can't just promise someone something and let it slip through your fingertips without even trying to keep it. You just...can't...right?

I looked down. "I can't keep my promises. I'd only get in the way and... and if I got you killed I would never forgive myself." It's not like I wanted to... there was just nothing that I could do to help, and I'd only get in the way, and there was no way that I'd survive.. I didn't want to do that to Faye. At least... at least here, I could live and pray for her. I could be her support... I hated myself for not being able to voice it all, but something within me prevented me from saying more than I had already.
Faye looked at the ground, allowing a tear to fall from her eye and plummet to the dirt road. She used her leather boot to erase the mark it made, not wanting to know she was crying. Of course, she couldn't help but cry. She was crying because even if Birch could, he wouldn't stay by her side. She was crying because she knew it was best for him if he stayed in Auchertown, but she didn't want him to. She was crying because he'd broken all the promises he made to her.

Finally, she moved in and embraced him again tightly, burying her face in his shoulder as she allowed herself to cry. She knew she couldn't change his mind and even if she did he wouldn't feel happy, but forced to do something he didn't want to. Faye had no idea if she'd return to this town or not or even if she'd live to see him again. Either way, she would've wanted him to be there when and if she did die along the way, but it looked like that wasn't how it was going to be. On the other hand, she'd rather Birch be safe than not at all...and continuing the journey was certainly putting his whole life at risk.

He had left her when they were kids and he was leaving her all over again. They'd practically just reunited, but he was willing to tear them apart already. She understood how he felt, however. The question was, did he understand how she felt? Maybe they were just too different. Faye wanted everything to do with adventure and Birch wanted nothing to do with it. When they were younger he was interested in it, but now that they were older he'd changed.

After a few minutes, she finally released him and wiped her dreary eyes with her bare arm. She nodded slowly, unable to look him in the eye. "I understand your decision," she said. "I guess this is goodbye." She managed to look up at him and crack a smile, considering she didn't want his last image of her to be without a positive expression. "We're leaving very soon, so.."
(Can anyone give me a summary of what happened around after Cerah died? Sorry I wasn't on at all, I had to clean. All. Day. Long. =_=)
(( xDD

Well, Blake went and buried Cerah by where the elves had entered the town, Faye went and waxed her bowstring, then everyone fell asleep, morning came and Varexes went to Cerah's grave and placed flowers there, then Faye did, then Lanli came and is just hanging around nearby watching everything happen, Nova made his way over there, then after Varexes said some prayers in his head or something he left the scene without saying a word and went off somewhere, then Birch (Alcatraz is controlling him for now since Warlock isnt in the roleplay anymore--like, I consider after not posting for a week+ without warning dropping out--)) came over to Faye to tell her he's staying in Auchertown and not coming with them on the rest of the journey and he started crying, so Faye started crying and shiz, and now she's saying goodbye to him. And soon they'll be leaving. ))
(It wasn't prayer >.> it was his way of saying good-bye without voicing it. Put yourself in Varexes' shoes. How would it look to Faye if he had said that he wished there had been a way to save Cerah? How would it look to Varexes with Faye there? Also, while I haven't stated Varexes' beliefs, he doesn't believe in the Gods. He believes in an afterlife, but not the Gods. Whether it's some other world that mirrors this one and they relive their life in a new form, or if it's reincarnation or if it's simply a place spirits go after death, he believes in an afterlife. However, he thinks that what with all of the suffering and pain in the world, how can there be Gods?

He doesn't pray. Instead, he thinks. While you may consider it prayer, it isn't to him, which is what matters.)


I embraced Faye for a long time, hearing her muted sobs and feeling her shudder as she cried into my chest. I put my lips to her head and kissed it. "I... still have feelings for you, Faye." He said. "I want you to come back. One day, you'll come back. I just... I can't go with you. I don't think I'll make it, and I'll only get in the way, and I can't imagine how I'll feel if I'm the reason you're dead..." I finished lamely, stuttering my way through the words. "Without me, you'll be safer, because you won't have to worry about me... come back and find me. I'll be here." I tried a smile, but it came out as more of a pained grimace. I leaned in and stumbled slightly, slamming my lips against hers firmly, creating an awkward kiss of sorts, but I quickly fixed my posture and kissed her softly and fully, wanting to convey all of the things I had said and hadn't into that one simple action. All of the feelings I felt and all of the regrets into this one kiss.

(Too much to say "i love you"?)
(( I just didn't know what to call it so I called it a prayer... xD

And lol, I laughed at the fail kiss x'D Dat awkward moment.

And nope xD After all, Faye could die after this so. May as well while he can xD lolol. ))

Faye kissed him back softly and when she pulled away she forced a smile, but there were tears streaming down her face. She still had feelings for Birch as well, but for some reason she couldn't say it aloud. As much as she told herself not to, she felt so betrayed by him. He could show her all the affection he wanted, but it didn't change the fact that he was letting her go. I might not come back, she thought to herself, but on the outside she just continued to look at him.

Her expression was fairly content at the moment, other than the tears, but she felt empty inside. She knew she shouldn't have built up feelings for another elf rather than stay independent because now she was crushed. How good would a heartbroken leader be?

"I understand," she said again, a slight crack in her voice as she tried to quickly wipe away her tears. She didn't tell him she'd return because unlike him, she didn't want to make a promise she knew she may not be able to keep. "Well uh, you should say goodbye to the others..." she mumbled, sniffling as she looked away. There were other members of the group standing nearby, so she felt a bit embarrassed crying. "I should go get my things ready and uh...go talk to Ava..." she said, moving around him.

As Faye walked away, more tears stung behind her eyes and she bit her lip. Stop crying, she thought, noticing a few villagers eyeing her curiously. However, she cried softly to herself as she made her way back to where Vex Varexes was to get the supplies tied to his back.
When Faye finished talking to her boyfriend, of whom Lanli didn't know, Lanli hurriedly stood up and started walking behind her. At the same time though, she kept her distance. She knew that Faye was clearly very upset, but she didn't know why. All she knew was that Faye probably didn't want to be coddled at the moment. So Lanli walked close enough to Faye to be there, but far enough away to avoid smothering her.
(I saw that Nami >.>)


I chased after Faye and grabbed her hand. "Faye... before you go... one last thing.." I took a breath and looked at her. "I love you."
((I don't think she knows what else to do. x'D She is a simple lass.))

Lanli turned when Faye's boyfriend reappeared and grabbed her hand. Lanli looked down at the dirt, pretending that she wasn't there.
(( Trololol. ||D

...and I think I've officially come across one of the weirdest hell girl episodes ever. And that says a lot. Season 3, man...some weird shit. xD ))

Faye turned suddenly, feeling someone grasp onto her hand. She came to see that it was Birch, her eyes widening with what he had to say. She just stood there frozen, unable to speak. Why did it take her so long to answer? Maybe it was because she was so hurt inside already that it hurt to confess such feelings when all that was going to happen was their separation.

After hesitating a few moments, she looked down and responded quietly, "I love you too..." Her heart ached with each word she said aloud, feeling it wasn't a good idea to fall for someone this hard. Unfortunately, she already had.

Tears continued to well up in her grey eyes and she reluctantly slipped her hand from his, using it to wipe her eyes. She took a step back, allowing her bangs to fall into her vision to hide the solemn look in her eyes. She didn't want to feel like this anymore. She needed to go before she could talk herself into doing something wrong, like staying here in Auchertown with Birch. She had to continue her journey, that's all she ever wanted. But if that was the case, why was she having thoughts that went against her dream? With that, she backed away and began heading back where she was going. She couldn't take another look at Birch.

She pulled away and walked away and I realized the pain I had caused her. Shutting myself from the outside world, I strode back to the inn slowly and silently, head down and holding in the tears. I knew the pain and suffering I had caused Faye and there was nothing I could do. Even if I went back and told her I would go, it wouldn't be the same. I just couldn't do anything right... I went into the kitchen and said hi to the cook, who didn't bother asking what had happened as I had explained earlier what I needed to do. Instead I got right to work, making everyone in the group food for a few days. At least I could be of some use...
(( <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/crying-meme-face-tumblr-5911.png.03606964e002f0dd79ced0f05bb384a1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/crying-meme-face-tumblr-5911.png.03606964e002f0dd79ced0f05bb384a1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)) 
(( Damn. I have to get up in 5 hours to go to an archery match. But I'm not tired -______- Bleh, well I must force myself into a deep slumber xD Well, goodnight my peeps~

But seriously, all them emotions. xD ))



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