The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((//feeling mentally drained after shooing 30 targets//

It was my dad, my grandpa, and me, and this skinny old guy named Ray with this really thick French Canadian accent. You could like barely understand a word he said but he was hilarious. He wasn't even shooting but he went around the entire coarse with us xD my grandpa lost an arrow(well...many xD ) and Ray went to get one and hit like a bees nest and these bees are swarming around his head and he's like "AHH!" In this monotone voice as he likes runs away in slow motion.

I couldn't help but crack up.))
(( well I just got home from my match and I need to shower since I was around second hand smoking for like a half an hour and I don't need my friends thinking I was smoking or something when they come over later xD

Lemme just say, second hand smoke is nastay. Like legit, it was so gross.

Anywho, I'll try and post in a bit. ))
(I really hate the notification system on this site sometimes. I get on my email and it says that there are only a couple posts. Then I get on the actual site and it says that there are only 6 posts. And when I finally get on the RP there are like 50 posts. Can I have a summary?)
(( What, Firch? xD

and sorry guys, my friends slept over so I couldn't post last night. They just left so I'm free to come back to rpnation xD Hahah.

Okai, Ima start typing a new post.))
(I don't think it's dying... I just needed some time to myself over the weekend. Stress has been killing me lately.)
Faye headed back over to where Vex was asleep, eyeing the rope that was settled among the large pile of supplies beside him. She pulled it out and shook Vex's head gently with her hand to awaken the beast. After a few moments, he grumbled softly as his large eyelids opened gradually. He looked up and once he saw her he snorted reluctantly before standing up on all four legs.

Without saying an apology for waking him up, she began to get everything onto his back. Faye flung the rope over the bags and went to tie it. She seemed to be getting the hang of doing this on her own, so that was an upside. Finally, she had everything tied down to his back. Normally, she would've pet Vex's fluffy head as a thank you, but she didn't.

Instead, Faye turned away from the beast and started making her way back down the road. Her sharp bangs covered her eyes giving her a strange look, but she was able to see through some strands of hair as she walked along the dirt road. Her face was overly pale and she was frowning dreadfully, not caring about anything going on around her. She was unaware of the positive side of things.

Eventually she found herself at Orion's house, pushing through the door without knocking as she entered the home. She looked up, not seeing anyone other than Blake standing by the front counter. He turned to look at her, probably startled by her sudden entrance.

"Is there something I can help you with?" he asked plainly before adding, "Do you need a stamp?" She held her hand up in response, displaying the tattoo of the town symbol in her palm. Despite it being barely visible, he was able to see it. "Ah, of course you're already a resident," he said. "I've just never seen you around before."

"It's Faye," she snaps, not even recognizing the clear frustration in her tone.

"Faye? Oh, I barely recognized you," he told her, moving over to Faye.

She sighed, deciding to finally sweep her bangs out of her vision. Her eyes were a bit bloodshot with dark circles beneath them, but she didn't care who saw anymore. She was terribly sad and it was perfectly fine for her to be after everything that had occurred.

"I was just coming to tell you that we're about to head off," she told Blake, glancing up at him shortly.

"Where do you plan to go once you leave? You have no map," he states, causing Faye's eyes to widen with confusion. They'd gotten all the way to Auchertown without a map, so why did that matter now?

"Uh..well, we're just going to keep moving forward from the town..." she said, stammering a little between her words.

"All you'll come across after leaving this town is woods, woods, and more woods. It will take you ages to get to anything other than such."

Faye narrows her eyes, not understanding what he was trying to say. It was as if he was attempting to get them to stay, which didn't make any sense to her. If she wasn't staying for Birch, she most certainly wasn't going to stay because Blake told them to.

"Sorry, but we're going to keep going on our journey. We can't stay," she tells him flatly, beginning to turn away with a huff.

"I'm not asking you to stay at all," he assures her, "I'm telling you this because I'm going to help get you further out to a place far from here. That way you'll have a whole chunk of walking cut from your journey."

Faye stops, hesitating before turning back to Blake with curiosity. She wasn't quite sure what he meant by that. "How do you plan to do that?" she questioned, raising her brows.

"I know that there's a moon gate nearby. It will take you to a place leading closer to the home of Dark Elves. Of course, this means that you're ten times more likely to come across bandits and such. However, just because it's a dangerous way to go doesn't mean I'm going to talk you out of it like most elves would. This is your decision and I know I can't convince you into stopping yourself. I'm not interested nor concerned with a single thing you do outside of this town," Blake says, moving past her. "Now, if you follow me I can lead you to the moon gate." With that, he heads out the door of Orion's house.

Faye stands there for a few moments, surprised by his words. However, she was extremely grateful as well. She headed out the door as well, beckoning for Vex to follow. Blake continued to walk down the road, putting his hand against the cold wall surrounding the town and letting himself out. She picks up her pace, slowing down a bit as she comes across the other elves in her group.

"Guys, we're heading out right now. Blake's taking us to something that will bring us closer to Reddell, so let's go," she orders, moving quickly once again. She places her hand against the wall and allows herself out into the woods, rushing to catch up with the tall boy. 
(( If no one wants it to die, then people should post whenever they can. )) 
(( But in general, it's not dying. I won't let it. Annnnnnd Alcat, I'm sorry you're stressed :c I understand if you need time away from the roleplay every now and then~ I know you guys have school and all as well, so. ))
(I didn't need time away from the rp, I just needed time away from people. I spend too much time talking to people and not enough letting myself relax. I always have this urge to go play videogames, but when I do I always get flooded with messages, and I feel like an ass if I don't respond. Yesterday I basically spent 0 time on facebook or on here. But I'm back and I"m rejuvenated >:3

I feel guilty about what I did to Faye though... ;- ;)

As I strode aimlessly around town, my somber solitude was interrupted by Faye. She gathered us together and walked out of town, following Blake. Hurrying to catch up to her I held out a bag that was in my hand. "This is for you, Faye." I gave her a knowing look that said, I know what happened and I'm sorry. With that, I coughed and turned back to the town, holding open the portal. "Are you sure we have everyone? Juniper, Jess, Ruineth, Val..?" I was still having a hard time keeping all the names of everyone in our group straight. "I don't want to leave anyone behind." This was my attempt to make her realize her position as leader of our group and remind her that she's supposed to be the one to care about everyone.
((Holy fudgemonkeys, that's a long post. o_e.))

Lanli was surprised by Faye's sudden declaration of the group leaving.Lanli hurried to catch up to Faye, clearly concerned. "Are... Are you okay Faye?" She asked, eyes wide with worry. "And what, and where, exactly is Reddell?" She added. She hadn't been exactly jumping up and down about staying in this town, but leaving so suddenly was so... Well, sudden. Then something occurred to her. "Am I allowed to come with? I mean, we just met and all.. So even though I would really like to travel with this group, it isn't my decision."

((My post is inferior. X_X))
Faye was walking with a stern expression among her face when someone came up beside her and spoke. It seemed to be Varexes's voice and when she turned to him, her eyes widened with slight interest as he handed her a bag of some sort. She eyed it curiously before looking back up at him. He gave her an apologetic look as if he knew what had happened. Her face reddened a bit as she looked away, her eyes narrowing at the thought.

"What is this?" she asked him, keeping her cold gaze focused on the path ahead of her. "And you can make sure everyone's following." She kept her chin held up and her tone steady, but it wasn't too hard to tell that she wasn't okay.

When she heard Lanli approach from her other side, sending questions at her that felt like bullets at such a point in time, she sighed. She wasn't in the mood for explaining things right now. Faye brushed her hand through her blonde hair, pushing back her bangs momentarily before they dropped flatly over her eyes again. She attempted to flip them out of her vision, but just as quickly they managed to bother her again.

"You can come along with us," she told Lanli before speaking to Varexes again. "Varexes, would you mind informing her about where we're headed?" she asked, not looking at him once. She didn't want anyone to see how she looked currently.
Juniper followed everyone out of the town. She felt a little more at ease now that she was outside the walls. She looked around at the group silently. She would be glad to get away from the town. It would be easy to walk away without looking back. Nothing had gone well in that town. It was a stop she wished they had never made. Her bag bounced against her side as she walked down the path.

I stopped where I was and stood there. "Faye..." I said softly. I turned away from her to let her reveal for herself that in the bag was all of her favorite foods and a short letter of apology from Birch. It was only a few sentences long but the final sentence was, "I believe in you and I'll be here waiting for you." I turned to make sure everyone was behind while speaking to Lanli. "Reddell is the home of the Dark Elves. We're going there to try and broker some sort of peace treaty." I said it distractedly as I thought of some way to break Faye out of her funk.

I was upset about Cerah dying. But Faye was upset because Birch was staying behind. I'd managed to get the whole story out of him and so knew exactly why Faye was so upset. However, if she continued on like this she would become a liability to the group. Something had to be done, fast.

(Her posts are occasionally uber long like that because she has to not only describe what her character is doing, but also progress the storyline.)
(( Exaaaactly. xD ))

Faye continued to walk, but slowed her pace down a bit so she could open and look inside the bag Varexes had handed her. As soon as she saw food and a note she already assumed it was from Birch. Her heart ached as she closed the bag, not bothering to read the note, at least not now anyway. The fact that he figured food could make up for breaking his promise hurt her a little more.

She sighed to herself, holding the bag by her side as she ensured there were no more tears left behind her eyes. Finally, she was able to speak up quietly. "You said thank you to Birch, right?" she asked, giving Varexes a quick look. She used her free hand to brush her long bangs out of her eyes again, but as usual it was a useless motion.

I didn't turn to Faye. "We're close enough to town. You should do it yourself." I said it in a gentle tone, not meaning to offend her. "He was thinking more of you than himself. He wanted to come, but he was afraid you would die protecting him. This way you know he's safe and he's waiting for you." Turning to face her head on I sighed. "I left an implied thank you, telling him that you would say it if you could. He only made enough for you. Your favorite food. That's not his peace offering, that's his way of promising that he'll be waiting for you and he wants to do more to help." I stepped closer to Faye and leaned over her shoulder, whispering, "Don't take it harshly. He's alive and well and waiting for you. Make sure you do what you can to return to him in one piece. In your current state, you're going to get us all killed." All of this was said in the same gentle tone, but the final sentence had slightly more emphasis on it. It was my initial attempt to break down her stolid manner, and I knew it would fail, but it was more to gauge her reaction than to actually break it. Testing the waters, if you will.

After I finished my piece, I stepped away and walked back. "Make sure you don't go too far ahead." I warned her before bounding back towards the wall to make sure everyone was all right. Besides, I wanted to talk to everyone, see if we couldn't all come together as a group to help Faye...
((I know, I was just impressed. xD ))

Lanli winced slightly at how Faye reacted to her questions. She silently shunned herself for bothering her when she was this upset. She blushed heavily, and was so busy shaming herself that she almost didn't realize that Varexes was talking to her. "Oh, I see. Are you guys a group of envoys then?" She asked nervously. The only dark elf she had ever met was Ava, and she wasn't even a full dark elf. And from what she had heard, pure Dark Elves where not the most friendly folk.
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Faye listened carefully to each word Varexes said and she knew all of it was true. Well, the majority anyway. She was well aware that Birch was still doing what he could for her, but she just didn't want to deal with the weight of another's concerns on her shoulders anymore. All she needed was to protect her group, whom in return would help protect her in times of danger. The point was that they were all in this together--to accomplish a very huge goal of hers. All she wanted was to make her grandfather proud. Even if he had passed away, he was still watching over her.

As she continued to walk, this very thought hit her hard. Her grandfather was watching over her, so what would he think of her actions right now? She was acting like a negative elf, no longer even being herself. Then again, all she wanted was to go back to her usual state, but it felt too difficult to fake right now. Very soon she would at least need to try and fake her happiness for the sake of the others in her group and for the sake of her grandfather.

Faye silently cursed herself for straying from her main goal and falling for someone by accident, wishing it hadn't gone that way. In the end, she was simply left in pieces as if she were smashed with a bat. And after something has been smashed with a bat, it's quite complicated to put all the little pieces back together in order for it to be useful again. After all, what good is a bunch of glass shards scattered across the ground?

She barely realized she'd ignored Varexes's orders to not stray too far from the rest of them, turning to see that he was no longer beside her. She looked back, seeing him over at the wall surrounding Auchertown to gather the others around. She stopped momentarily, but when she turned the other way and saw Blake still walking ahead she rushed after him to catch up. She narrowed her eyes with slight annoyance, wondering why the boy couldn't just walk slowly or be a little patient.

I glanced over my shoulder at Faye who was hurrying to follow Blake. Rolling my eyes, I hurried the group on. "Hurry up, catch up to Faye. I'll be right behind." I said as I held open the portal for the other elves. Glancing behind them I saw a familiar figure who stood off to the side awkwardly on their own. I waved and gave him a thumbs up, showing I remembered my promise. He nodded and walked back towards the inn as I grimaced. Once everyone was through the portal, I waved good-bye to Ava who was standing nearby. She waved back with a sad smile and I let the portal close, knowing that if anyone of us was to return it would be Faye. "Good-bye, Cerah..." I said under my breath as I followed the group.

(sorry about Ava part. I can delete that if you want. I thought it might be okay since I didn't read anything about you saying good-bye to Ava.)
((Oh, I forgot about that xD Oh werl. But no, it's fine of course xDD And I guess we'll just assume the rest of the group caught up so we can get moving forward xD ))
(( Hahah xD I made that RP a while ago but it went nowhere so xDD It was Warlock's idea, he just had me put everything together as well as the storyline and what not. The Path From Fayland is the only successful roleplay I've been in really xD ))

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