The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(You should repost it. I love the idea. Also, having more than one RP is A: good writing practice, and B: will give me more things to do. xD )
(( Oh, but I don't think it'll go anywhere either way x'D There are so many academy roleplays already so :T ))
(( Well, halp give me some ideas then xDD )) 
(( And okai, but don't post it on that character thread up for it now. Ima make a new one. ))
(Well, instead of it being an academy RP, how about the Vyrilians pulled out of Earth a long time ago, and now only a few Earthen descendants have the powers. The Vyrilians begin to pick off certain children who disappear worldwide, and so the government has gathered the children they can track down that remain to a secret location in order to teach them to work as a unit under other descendants who have powers as well?)
(( See, the thing I love about this roleplay is that there's so many different places to explore that it never gets boring hahah. So, I feel a roleplay like this would die quickly since it's in like one location. ))
((Maybe there would be points where the kids are taken "out to the field" for practice, and maybe something could go unexpectedly wrong? And then they would have to explore around the other realm and find a portal back? Of course, that would probably happen later into the roleplay after the characters have powered up a bit.))
((Hm, I actually like that idea. So, we could start off with the academy thing in that case. Kind of like starting off in Fayland in this roleplay. ))
(That's true, but after a while, especially considering the position Varexes is currently in, not much that I can do xD haha.

But the thing is is that what you can do with the Vyrilian rp is that you can take it around to different locations for "training camps." Like, sometimes they'll need to fight under water, or in the air, or in mountains, or in plains. You can lead them around there with instructors and the like. Then, as Potato said, something can happen to transport them to the other world. Between the training and them being shoved into the new situation, the Vyrilians can discover the secret training location and the invasion begins, so the trainees have to move from location to location while fighting the Vyrilians. There's a lot you can do to lead the storyline around to lead them to different areas rather than just a class-to-class academy RP.)
(( Hm, well now that I think about it there is a lot to do. I think when I started it with the other people last time it just seemed really lame because I didn't really like any of the characters for the most part hahah. Plus, it took people 5ever to, every four days lmao. Half the people didn't even post to begin with xD

But yeah, I was planning on having them be trained and what not and then eventually they get sent to the other dimension to (fight? or something Idunno) but yeah, their training could take place in a bunch of different locations and it could involve different types of training each time. ))

Finally, Faye caught up to Blake and he came to a halt after entering a small clearing in the woods. It was a bit strange the way there was a circle of no trees at all right in the middle of the forest. She glanced at Blake, wondering what this was all about.

"So, where's this gate you were talking about? I don't see anything," she told him, looking back at the empty space in the woods.

"Just wait a few moments," he snapped, clearly annoyed by her impatience. However, he was the one not willing to wait for everyone to catch up.

Faye looked at him for a moment and when she looked back to the clearing, something unexpected happened. A gust of wind went by, causing her blonde hair to wrap around her face and the trees to sway to the right. She squinted through the oddly strong force, astonished by the sight of leaves swirling around in a neat trail in the center of the clearing. After the wind died down the leaves flew away, leaving what seemed to be the gate that Blake had been talking about in its place.

There was a large, circular metal plate in between two heavy stones. The stones had glowing blue marks engraved in them, as well as lining the edge of the center platform. Above the platform was a luminous white light radiating off of it, which lit up the majority of the clearing.

Faye's eyes were sparkling again, clearly intrigued by the amazing visual. She'd heard of this before from her grandfather's stories of course, but she didn't know if they truly existed. She'd just seen it appear right before her very own eyes, so now she knew it wasn't just a myth.

"There, it's been activated," Blake said casually, as if it was nothing unusual. "It only appears at a certain time of the day. So, here you are. Once you step on that platform it will transport you to another moongate out closer to Reddell. Of course, Reddell's still very far away, but it cuts off plenty of traveling by using this. Though, I'll warn you right now, that bridge is not easy to get across. Many elves have fallen straight to their death on that. I was lucky that Ava and I made it across. Unfortunately for you, its probably gotten in worse shape over the years. You would've had to cross the bridge eventually, so if you do die don't blame me for sending you there. This is all your decision in the end," he tells her, crossing his arms as he speaks.

"Bridge...?" she mumbles, unsure of what he's talking about. Either way, she's glad that they found this gate. This could make up for all the time they'd wasted staying here in Auchertown as well as all their resting stops along the way.

I caught up to Faye with everyone else in tow just as Blake explained it. "Bridge? What exactly do you mean 'bridge,' Blake?" I asked. "Do you mean there's a bridge on the other side of that that'll lead us to the other gate?" 
(I feel really bad when all I can post is things like this ^

I'm just not sure what else to put ;- ;)
(Its like I tempted fate and it called my bluff...still reading Namis forst post -_-

I'm gonna share some random happiness in my day now: First day of college, found one CS major in Game Design like me, who happens to be a female and in one of my classes. :D )
((You're in college? Awesome! Hope it goes well. :D ))

Lanli hurriedly caught up with Faye and Varexes just at the end of Blake explaining something about a bridge. Fortunately for Lanli, Varexes was already asking the same question that she had on her mind. She glanced over at Faye, wondering if she was mad at her. Lanli frowned slightly and began blushing softly while staring at the dirt ground.
(( Idunno, I just tend to post a lot because I like to get in every detail I can xD Plus, your posts are usually quite big which is fabulous~ But little posts like that every now and then aren't bad either xD Especially since you post a lot in general~

And Zeyro, that's good xD Game Design? That's awesome hahah. Jw, what happened to the 16 year old girl? :o If you don't mind me asking~))

Faye turns, seeing Varexes standing beside them. He must've finally caught up after gathering the rest of the group. She felt a bit guilty for running ahead as well as not saying goodbye to Ava or waiting for the group. Actually, she'd been so distracted that she forgot to say goodbye. That as well made her heart sink.

Blake turned to Varexes and narrowed his eyes, reluctant having to explain things to him. "No, after arriving at the other moongate you will see a very long bridge heading from the edge of a cliff to another. There's a terribly wide gap in between them, so the only way to get to the other side of the land is to cross that bridge. As I just said to Faye, it's a very dangerous bridge and you'll be lucky if you make it to the other side." He eyes Varexes silently for another moment or two before adding, "Good luck."

I stared down Blake as he did me, however with a blank expression as if I were totally confused. However, a spark in my eyes showed that I knew what he meant and understood, as well as the ever so slight challenge to Blake to look down at me more. "Understood. We'll make it across. Thank you for showing us this." I said to him, giving him a slight bow. "Faye, I'll go first, if you don't mind?" I asked gently, turning to face her. "And we should all get through quick, before the time runs out." That sparked a curious question of mine and I turned back to face Blake with a questioning expression. "How long do we have?" I asked. 
(Are you rewriting the Vyrilian rp? Just curious because I finished a CS for it. xD )
(I went to the church and never got to meet her because she was helping witht the little kids. I told her I thought she was cute via facebook and found out that my intel was predictably wrong and she already had a boyfriend. But she wasn't a gamer anyway so this is better, slightly...assuming this girl soesn't have a boyfriend as well...) 
(Can someone link me to this other RP?)
Lanli gulped as Blake explained the situation with the bridge. She could die. Why was she here again? She couldn't remember. The blush that she had a moment ago faded into a sickly pale complexion. She started to shiver and sweat slightly as the grave reality of what she had gotten into began to weigh down on her. She looked around, and suddenly realized that no one else was as worried as she was, or if they where, they weren't showing it. At this realization, she began to calm. She came all this way for an adventure, and she was finally getting what she wanted. If she backed out now, she would fail. Color slowly began to return to her face and she smiled slightly. Even if this confidence was foolish, she didn't care. She was determined to accomplish her goal of finding something more than her boring life back in the Fayland.
(I feel so bad about not posting as much on this rp but life can be a b*tch sometimes =_= I hate to ask for it again but can anyone give me a summery?)
(Erm... well I see that we are back in the woods (right?) and I last left off sometime not too long after Firch was destroyed... if that helps at all.)
(( "Oi, that took 5ever," said Orion.

xD Sorry, I just love Orion <3 But no srsly that did take me a while to tweak that other roleplay and make a new one and update and etc. xD Plus, my dad came in my room and made me sit and watch some archery videos with him lolol.

Okai, the character sign ups are here:

Actual Roleplay is here: ))

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