The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(school sucks xD haha, and sorry. honestly i forgot about this yesterday!)


Nodding at Blake I did as he said and went through the portal, closing my eyes on reflex as I did so. I kept them shut as I went through the portal and I felt a little breathless, but before I knew it I was through. On the other side was a small clearing rather similar to the one I had just left, however it... felt different. The wind was different, and there was a smell on the air. The sky was the same blue, however the clouds were all different and seemed to be moving faster and were ever so slightly darker.

Moving out of the way quickly, I observed everything around me and made sure that I had my quiver and drew a single arrow, leaving my taut bow strung and slung on my back.
(( //Is heartbroken that you forgot about this// xD

I drew Ai Enma (Hell Girl)! :o

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1003788_715837485098169_1399739707_n2.jpg.352446312490a472597679c438f3d8c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1003788_715837485098169_1399739707_n2.jpg.352446312490a472597679c438f3d8c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The group watched as Varexes stepped onto the platform, the light brightening around him as the glowing blue lights on both stones flashed briefly. Everyone was silent as they waited, the light finally dimming. Although Faye knew what to expect, it was still odd seeing that Varexes had completely vanished.

Woah, she thought, her eyes widening slightly. Magic was least she assumed this was some sort of magic.

"Faye," Blake said suddenly, causing her to turn.

"Huh?" she blurted.

"Your turn," he stated, nodding his head at the moongate.

"Oh," she said," right." With that, Faye walked up to the gate and stepped up onto the platform. Honestly, she was actually beyond excited to transport through this. Realizing she had barely any time left before she was gone, she rushed to speak up. "Oh, goodbye Blake! Thanks for everything! Say goodbye and thanks to Ava and Orion for me as well, will you?" As the light began to brighten around her, she was able to see Blake respond with a simple nod before everything was completely luminous around her.

Faye squinted her eyes, no longer able to see anything around her. She felt as if she was standing exactly beneath the sun's rays, but it was the brightest spot on the planet. However, it wasn't hot at all. Actually, it was incredible. She squinted a bit as everything flashed for a few moments. Finally, the light died down and she was introduced to another section of a forest. Standing there was Varexes..and only him, proving that she had made it to the other moongate. Not to mention, when she stepped off the platform everything seemed a bit different for some reason. Sure, it was the same old forest but everything seemed a bit more silent and eerier. Maybe it was the fact that they were closer to Reddell? Either way, it made her pull her bow off her back warily.



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(I will probably post tomorrow, got the wifi working on my laptop, but tonight I need a good nights sleep...which I havemt had in who kniws how long.)
(I'm sorry! I was stressing about physics ;- ;)


Turning around at a flash of light I saw Faye. As she stepped off the platform I nodded. "It's different. We've definitely transported a long way. The forest looks the same, but look at the light. The sky, the clouds, the wind, the smells, the general feel of the air. It's... different." Turning away I scanned the treeline around us. "And there's one more thing. That smell." I said quietly under my breath. Sniffing subtly, I walked around the moongate but couldn't locate exactly where it was coming from. It almost seemed to be surrounding us. Shifting my arm and making sure my bow was secure, I went back to the moongate and stood next to it, awaiting the rest of the group to arrive.
Faye moved over by Varexes, not having noticed a smell in the first few moments she'd arrived. She took a second to sniff the air, noticing what he was talking about. She crinkled her nose and scanned the area around them, wondering why it was in the air.

"Did something die around here?" she mumbled, keeping her bow up and ready for anything that may attack.

Although it was silent around here it was still a little sketchy, making her quite wary. She turned to look at the moongate to see if anyone else had transported yet, but no one had. Once everyone was here she'd be ready to search for that bridge. Of course, she was actually rather reluctant to cross the bridge since it was apparently beyond dangerous, but they had no choice. She at least wanted to take some time to observe it.

I turned to Faye. "I don't know. I'm going to look around for the bridge. I won't go too far past the treeline, promise." I opened my mouth to say more, but covered it up with a small cough and turned. "I'll be right back." At that I stepped quickly into the forest and took a few steps forward, then began to walk around the moongate, just barely able to see it through the brush. Keeping it at an angle to me, I walked in cocentric circles around the gate until I found an opening and saw the bridge.

It was decrepit and looked very unsafe, with rotten boards where there WERE boards and holes with somewhat large gaps. The ropes seemed strong, but upon closer inspection they were weather-worn and frayed. Strong, but they wouldn't be able to support much weight. Testing about half my weight on one, I heard a creaking from the posts it was attached to and decided against it. "We'll have to strengthen it..." I said to myself.
After observing both Varexes and Faye go through the portal, Lanli strode forward towards the portal. "I don't really know you, Blake. But thank you for everything." She said before stepping through the portal. Suddenly Lanli was enveloped with light. Everywhere she looked, she could see nothing but beams of sunlight. When, just as suddenly as they appeared, the lights vanished. And Lanli found herself standing in another part of the forest, looking at Varexes and Faye. "That was odd..." She said, glancing back at the portal before stepping out of it's way. "How does it look?" She asked, eying the bridge up ahead cautiously.

((Nami, I'm really sorry to keep bugging you, but was I accepted in the other thread? If there was something wrong with my character, please tell me and I'll fix it. :c))
(( I didn't accept your character? :o I thought I did! Well, your character was perfect so it's accepted of course :3 ))

I went back through the brush to the clearing with the moongate and walked up to Lanli, who had now come through the gate, and Faye. "The bridge doesn't look good. It's falling apart, the boards are rotten and will probably fall down at the first gust, and the ropes are frayed and brittle. It's going to be extraordinarily dangerous getting across." I said with my brow furrowed. "We might be able to make some repairs... maybe Ruineth can, if we can get her to weave some sort of strengthened rope and have the lightest person inch their way across, we can repair the rope, which would mean we can just use the rope to get across by standing on the lower rope and using the upper for balance." (I'm assuming it has "four" ropes, two on the bottom to hold the planks in place and two at the top as a railing.) "Or we could cut some wood and fashion some makeshift planks. But we just need the rope really." I was tossing out ideas, unsure if anyone would be able to follow through with my suggestion.
Nova exited the healers house after she finished her final examination of his arm, it seemed like everyone had forgotten about that and tried to leave without him. So Ardia had given him some potion to help him run without staggering half the time. The group wasn't too far out of town when he caught up with them, Blake was taking them somewhere and no one had told Nova anything the destination.

As they approached he cringed at the magic aura he felt, it was like a shrill ringing in his ears that echoed through his mind. 'I've heard about these, only at the academy though. They look stunning, but their defiance of the laws of nature has a profound impact on life around them. Trees can't even grow in the clearing around them, the grass is only sustained by special magic to keep the gate from being too obvious. I don't like this.' But he didn't say anything about it, he guessed Faye had already set her heart on this and she was the leader after all.

Nova wasn't too afraid when Blake mention the bridge, 'I've been hit by lightning, what are the chances of me falling off a bridge too?' So he went through the gate and arrived to see the other talking about ways to get across the bridge. Varexes was talking about repairing it. Running to the bridge would take too much energy so he said "I have an idea, Is there water below it?"
(( Yeah, the bridge has four ropes. Ya know in those movies where they have to cross that massive weak bridge and below is like super super far down and if you fall you die? xD And the bridge is really long 'cause it's like between a huge cliff or whatever? That's what I imagine it as xD

Like here's some examples lololol.

So like, just ignore the dude in the suit xDD. But yeah, a bridge like this hahaha

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/a_businessman_walking_a_dangerous_bridge_SM18757.jpg.2f4b226871093ea52ddda03f1783fd34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/a_businessman_walking_a_dangerous_bridge_SM18757.jpg.2f4b226871093ea52ddda03f1783fd34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

and then like, if you fall you're screwed......why are these dudes always in suits? lolol.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1203_Cliff_calculator_630x420.jpg.1a08e2a81668d459d44321ac5dcedc2a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1203_Cliff_calculator_630x420.jpg.1a08e2a81668d459d44321ac5dcedc2a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

annnd btw Zeyro, you said Nova left the healer's house last time and walked down the road where everyone else was. A bunch of stuff happened and you still hadn't posted for Nova, so we couldn't wait to leave so we assumed the rest of the group came along by saying 'once the group had arrived to the moongate. So, he was technically already there unless he wouldve just ran away last minute xD

But, we can pretend he never left the healer's house hahah..))

Faye greeted Lanli with a nod, awaiting for the others to come through. Just then, Varexes walked back over and spoke. He suggested a few things such as repairing the bridge, but she wasn't sure exactly how to do that. What kind of bridge was it, exactly? Was it over a river of some sort? Although that didn't sound too dangerous, maybe below was a river with a violent current or something.

The bright flash behind her snapped her out of her thought process, turning to see Nova walk out. He must've heard the last sentence considering he jumped right into the conversation. Reading her mind practically, he wondered if there was water beneath the bridge.

"I'm gonna go take a look," she said, turning away and heading through the woods.

It didn't take long for her to come across what seemed to be an enormous cliff. Her heart jumped a little before cautiously making her way closer to the edge of the cliff. She leaned over a little, her eyes expanding when she saw just how high up they were. It was nothing even close to how high they were in Ava's house, this was like thousands feet more. She stepped back a little, causing a small rock to fall from the edge of the cliff and tumble down into the bottomless pit. She watched carefully, seeing the rock vanish from sight. After a number of seconds passed, she saw it land in the river down at the bottom. However, it was so far down that she was unable to see or hear it splash.

Faye stepped back, now eyeing the extensive bridge that crossed over this cliff to the other side. The bridge was certainly in weak condition, but there was still a possibility that they could make it across if they were careful enough. The planks were spread out a bit and the entire bridge would probably wobble when crossing, but if it got them to the other side that's all that mattered.

Suddenly, Faye felt a little wary...not to mention sick to her stomach. She rushed her hand through her blonde hair and sighed turning around. This would be possible...right?



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(He left, walked down the road, and had to go back early because the healer wanted to check his wound tomorrow, but everyone left today.)
(Nova is so quite anyway, you can just say even the narrator didn't notice his lack of presence xD )
(Have you guys started any RP's beyond the other one I last heard about that most people joined? Excluding myself)
((Nope, just the Enchanted one. :3 At least, that I'm aware of.)) 
((Also, Nami. Have you stopped following the Enchanted thread? You haven't been posting. Sorry for bugging you. x_x))

I nodded and sat down, my back against the gate while Faye went to go check out the bridge. I was fairly certain I could cross it alone, but with the entire group I wanted it to be as safe as possible. It would take some insane balance and light-footed stepping in order to do it successfully. Not only that, but with the weight of supplies and Vex... there wasn't any way to get across safely without repairing the bridge. I sighed and rested my eyes, cradling my arm in my lap as I dozed lightly. While my eyes were closed, my mind was well aware of everything around me, and every sound carried and was registered.
(( Wait...people have been posting?


and LOL. Vex crossing the bridge = problem. He'll have to go in human form, meaning they'll have to ditch the supplies. :x ))
(Or you guys can carry supplies across individually in their separate containers. More trips = more risk, but you could get the supplies across.)
(( Well, I'm assuming getting across this bridge is going to be extremely dangerous and someone's gonna fall..because like, if no one falls where's all the fun in this bridge? lololol. (and when I say fall I mean, fall but not off the bridge to their death xD )

So like, I think it wouldn't make sense to go back and fourth carrying supplies. Also, I think it's even more dangerous to even carry supplies on such a bridge. ALSO, I think it'd be more interesting if they were forced to ditch all their supplies. I mean, they could take like one bag that they can carry on their shoulder or tie around their waist or something, but other than that I wouldn't think so. ))
(( Hahahahah, I love how you just suggest that Ruineth specifically should fall. But she's kinda like a Birch in a way, so I see where you're coming from...has she posted lately..?

and am I the only one who strongly dislikes the name 'Mhoram'?

It's of those names.

Yes, I'm picking on your taste in names, Alcatraz. xD ))

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