The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(I think those jeans sound amazing xD

and I am VERY honored to be on your list of two classy guys. Who's the other? xD )
(( They ARE amazing.

There's only one other dude, but I've never talked to him before....although, I accidentally jabbed him in the back with the back of my pencil in the hallway today...Idunno if that counts--OH YES I HAVE TALKED TO HIM BEFORE. HAH. In spanish of all classes...damn. We were assigned as partners...yeah...I suck at spanish (couldnt even get into Spanish 4 x'D) so like, he ended up doing that whole paper himself and I felt really bad, but I TRIED TO SUDDENLY KNOW SPANISH AT THE TIME BUT THAT DOESNT JUST COME TO YOU. Oh well. He still gave me a thumbs up and said "Good Job" in his very monotone/I hate life voice. So, it was all good.

Oh, I refer to him as 'Lil Dyl' he is a very classy young fellow. I always want to tell him I love his outfit, but that'd be totally weird. x'D


But yep, that's it. x'D))
(( Lil Dyl wears tan pants a lot (I know, how can someone actually pull off tan pants? Idunno either.) and like button down shirts. He always looks very lonely and unhappy..sadness.

And I don't care, you're still classy. Writers are fairly classy guys, so. And even though you say you are, you're not annoying at all. Screw it, we'll call it my imaginary V.I.P list. x'D )) 
(( It's already 11:30? time flys by way too damn fast. ))
((NO YOU'RE NOT YOU LITTLE--GR. I'm going to come over there and slap your personally if you say that again. xD

Well I gotta get some sleep in x"D

Maybe that way I won't miss the bus again...bahahah. My life is awkward. Okai. Nighty night.

I'm sorry for annoying those who are just getting notifications and are like STFU SNDNNFNFNFHGVDVDH btw.

xD ))
(Let's just assume everyone got through the moon gate already hahah.)

Faye scratched the back of her neck, still wondering how this whole situation was gonna go down. Although she tried to be positive as often as possible and not consider the negative side of things, now was a difficult time not to do so. She wasn't sure if everyone was gonna be able to make it across that bridge due to its poor state. However, there was no other way they could get to the other side of the cliff and get another step closer to their final destination. Turning back was most certainly not an option, especially at this point in time.

Faye headed back through the woods to the others. They seemed to be waiting instead of progressing over to the bridge as well. She even noticed Varexes...sleeping? She furrowed her brows, wondering why he would choose such a time to doze off. Although, there was a chance he was just resting his eyes. After all, they'd barely gotten any of that lately.

She extended her arm to tap his shoulder, but quickly pulled it back. Instead she decided to speak up. "Varexes? Are you sleeping right now?" Maybe we shouldn't attempt crossing anytime too soon if he's so tired, she thought to herself, knowing it would be a bad idea if he was crossing that bridge half asleep.

"Well, I checked out the bridge," she said, turning her attention to the rest of the group, "it's definitely not in great shape, but it's our only way to get to the other side of that cliff. Blake was's certainly dangerous...the cliff is extremely high up and if you fall it'll be to your death." As she spoke, she realized she was probably worrying everyone immensely. Then again, she herself was rather worried. "Ah, well we'll manage to get across. We just need to be really careful," Faye reassured them.
(I could make excuses, but I just didn't want to role play. I was and still am more interested in finishing this book so I can see this movie. I have around 150 pages left. I think. Also I have been very tired due to trying to focus on my teachers standing in front of the room and talking. I am not an auditory learner and focusing is not my strong point. And change is also bad which is why a new school is adrhagobjvkbap anyways back to rp)

Juniper looked over at the sleeping form of Varexes. He cradled his arm which made her think maybe she should help to fix it. She walked over and gently placed her hand over the poorly made splint. She hadn't looked at it closely before. It was clearly made by someone who had no idea what they were doing. If his arm was a held in the wrong position while it healed, the bone could heal crooked. She should have fixed the splint earlier, but it was too late now. She focused onto the wound and waited for it to heal before removing her hand leaving the splint still on. A splint left on a healed wound would hurt, but it wouldn't do any damage.
(( And I know what you mean xD I just draw a lot in the boring classes hahah. Fortunately I have a lot of humorous teachers so it's not too bad. xD ))
(yes, all healed. It will get better when they start teaching and using the white board and projectors and all that jazz. It's just at my old school I only had three classes a day. Now i have six. They are crazy short. I feel like I'm running all over the place.)
(( :o 3 classes?? That would be nice xD I could go for 6 short classes too hahah.

I have 6 45 min classes and one 1 hour and 45 min class. The long one is called 'long period'. It switches off everyday so that every class is long period on a day A-G. THANK THE LORD I DON'T HAVE GYM LONG FINALLY THOUGH. Like, every year I'd be part of the unlucky bunch with gym long on a day of the week, but this year it switches off so I get commons long instead :'D Gym sucks. It's the dumbest thing ever, it's not making any fat kids any less fat which is their goal, so they should just stop. Lolol. Like, gym doesn't even count for honors, you just need to pass so you don't need to take two gym classes the next year.

If taking Child Development next year and carrying around a fake crying baby doll all day gets me out of gym for a quarter, I am going to take it most certainly x'D ))

I started at Faye's voice and saw Juniper walking away from me. Confused, I stood up and brushed myself down. "Yeah, I'm awake. I was resting my eyes." I stifled a yawn by coughing over it and making a groaning noise over it, but I wasn't entirely sure if that had worked. "I'm sure we can make it. I'd like to try and make repairs to it, but I don't think it's possible... and even if it was it'd take too long." Thinking for a moment by staring directly at Faye with a blank look that often creeped people out, I shook my head to clear it. "We'll be fine. As long as we work together we can cross." I smiled and thought about what Juniper may have done while I was sleeping. Mentally shrugging, I decided it wasn't worth it. She'd probably just passed me by while walking around the gate.

(I have 6 classes, the first is 55 minutes and the second is 65 minutes (to make room for announcements) and every other class is then 1 hour long. 4 classes in the morning, lunch for 40 minutes, then 2 more classes after lunch. Gym is optional (there's like 4 PE classes).) 
(Sorry for late reply btw. I had a field trip this morning and after that I got picked up for a hospital visit. (routine meds, nothing to worry about, i promise) so I didn't bother bringing my backpack to school, and at the hospital i had no internet.)
(I have 5 or 6 clasdes, all of which range from 1 - 3 hours long, which are staggered throughtout the week and which give you a syllabus with all the dates you must turn in your work on. And most of them base your grade soley on tests and quizes)
(( OMG. LUNCH FOR 40 MINS? I wish. Lmao, we have it for 25, but by the time you get to the cafeteria you're left with like 20. And gym optional...? Wtf, why isn't it optional here? Apparently, I can test out next year but you have to do like 9 push ups and run a mile and shit. Like, I can run a mile whatever, but for some reason I cannot do push ups correctly x'D How the hell do people go like all the way to the floor? I bend my arms slightly and it's like, NOT COMFORTABLE. x'D Whenever we do those stupid tests and I'm on my third push up theyre just like OKAI THATS ENOUGH. and I'm like :( I wasn't done ;w;

lolol. I hate gym. It's not making me in any better shape. I might not be healthy but whatevs, I'm skinny. I'll start working out once I get fat lolol.

And Alcat, did Varexes not notice his arm was healed yet? xD

Oh, and Zeyro suggested I create a new sign up thread for this roleplay for some new roleplayers. Anyone else in favor? xD 'Cause I'd be willing to do so. ))

Faye blinked, slightly furrowing her brows as Varexes stared at her blankly for a moment too long. She awkwardly twisted her neck to look behind her to see if he saw something over her shoulder, but when she turned back he was already looking away. Mentally shrugging it off, she stuffed her hands in the pockets of her shorts.

"Alright, well.." her eyes wandered in Vex's direction, who was in beast form, "The only problem is that I think we're going to have to ditch the supplies...the majority anyway. There's no way we can get all that across, especially since Vex has to go in elf form obviously. We could take a light bag, each of us, but other than that..." she allowed her words to fade off there, knowing the rest was explanatory. Faye eyed the others with an apologetic expression, knowing it wasn't really something they wanted to hear. This bridge was certainly going to be a pain in the ass.
(Yeah, but we have over 1000 students and the lunch people can only get food for like, 40 at a time, so we have to cycle through. It takes about 20 minutes to get through the entire line, minus the people who wait 20 minutes so they don't have to wait in al ong ass line.

Also, the CREDITS aren't required, which is why it's optional.

From what Dreamer said, I assumed that his arm would still hurt due to the splint, so he wouldn't realize it was fixed.)


I looked at Vex and the supplies that were loaded on him. "Could we try to make several trips..?" I suggested, thinking maybe I could do it, Faye would definitely be able to I knew. I gauged the amount of supplies and how much we could both carry, but I gave up on the mental math. I was too tired to try that. Too many sleepless nights recently had taken its toll on me. I shrugged off another yawn and stretched and shook my head to wake myself up. "We'll figure it out. Let's get to the bridge before it gets dark." I said, setting off into the forest towards the bridge.
((And that is why I bring my own lunch..

xD No but, we have three lunch waves during long period. They switch depending on if you're in house 1, house 2, or downstairs. Plus, there's not TOO TOO many people at my school. Well...lately there is because the freshmen this year are like...omg there's too many x'D same with sophomores. My class is actually the smallest hahah. Thankfully.

They think PE is gonna help kids become less obese or something, so its mandatory here even though it doesnt count for anything important. I hate sports, so I don't know why I need to learn all about a field for softball (eyeroll). It's so pointless hahah.))

Faye scratched the back of her neck, not knowing if it was a good idea to just cross back and fourth on that bridge as if it weren't thousands of feet from the ground and in a terrible state. Well, actually she knew it was a stupid idea, but at the same time it would be awful having to just leave all their supplies behind. She knew she'd take her own small bag of things along and maybe someone else would carry some food.

She allowed the thoughts to settle in the back of her mind for now as she followed Varexes out through the woods and back over to the bridge. There was no doubt she was still wary of this, especially since Blake even said he just barely made it across--and that was Blake. How would their group do getting across? Should they go one at a time? It was hard to think about without being pretty nervous.

"So...." Faye started quietly, "should we start...making our way across?" She looked at Varexes, blinking patiently.
((At my school, there are seven hour-long periods in the day. :( (Although, that is including lunch and study hall, which are smooshed into one period.) I live in Illinois, which last I checked is the only state that requires mandatory PE every day. I'm actually reading a book right now called "Sparks" which is explaining why most gym classes are actively discouraging physical activity by grading on ability and not on effort. But schools like the ones in Naperville IL are encouraging physical activity by having things like heart rate monitors and other fancy gadgets that they've mostly accumulated through donations over the years they are able to grade the kids on how much effort they are putting in. The book also talks about the biochemistry of your brain and how exercise actually makes you a better learner. I'm a little fuzzy on that part, but basically there is a chemical that floods the hippocampus in your brain, which improves memory and other things. Exercise is also shown to help with things like ADHD, depression and other mood disorders like bipolar, and anxiety. (Both in disorders and out for all of them. It improves attention, mood, memory, stress, and heart, muscle and brain health. (Without exercise, parts of your brain can actually shrink a bit, the cells can shrivel up and die.) I actually kinda miss Gym, because the only time you don't have to take it is during your Sophomore year. 'Cause that's when you take drivers ed and health. Although I have GHD, and we're beginning to think that because I started treatment for that late, that I may be starting to develop some heart problems as a result. If that's the case, I might not be able to participate in gym the next couple years, at least for the running portions. ;- ;) )

Lanli looked around at everyone talking, before raising her hand slightly, indicating that she had an idea. "We have some rope right? Maybe we could walk off in either direction a bit and see if the drop gets smaller? Then we could just strap some stuff to us and take turns climbing down while the others hold the rope? And then we could just walk across, and then climb back up on the other side?" She suggested, hoping that the others wouldn't think that her idea was dumb.
(They're called endorphins, Vampiric. They flood your brain and make you happier and whatnot when you exercise. That's what helps with all those other things, because when you're happier you can get more sleep, pay attention better, etc. But of course this leads to people overexercising for that euphoric feeling, because it's almost like being high. It's why everyone loves PE so much, because they run around and get those endorphins flooding their brain.

At our school, nami, everyone goes to lunch at the same time and we have 800 people, 200 per grade level. Not counting spec ed and staff.)


I shook my head at Lanli. "It's a good idea, but it wont' work. The drop goes on for a long time in both directions. We'd waste days and we might even get lost, which we can't afford out here. We'll have to try and cross. The ropes are sturdy enough if we have one-two people go at once, but no more. It'll take a while... especially if we want to get more supplies over there. But if we decide on only one-way trips, then we may have to leave personal items behind to bring the important things..." I let that hang in the air for a moment before nodding at Faye. "We should cross. But I'll make as many trips as is safely possible to try and get as many supplies across." My arm felt itchy and I scratched at it gently, a bit surprised when it didn't hurt.
((Ahh, thanks. x3 I think there's also a few other things going on up there that come into play. But I think you're right that endorphins are one of the main ones.

And there are over 2000 kids at my school, I think it broke 2500 this year. Since this year was the biggest Freshman class ever for the school. I eat 800 kids for breakfast. xP))
(You wish you ate 800 freshman for breakfast. From what I remember you're shorter than most of them :P (TEASING YOOOOOU))

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