The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Ever had a chocolate covered cricket before?

Or fried tarantula legs? Oooh, fried scorpions. Those are yummilicous.) 

I heard something snap and looked out to the bridge. I stepped up to it and called out, "Lanli! Don't look down! Take a deep breath, close your eyes, concentrate on my voice!" I called, wondering how dangerous it was to walk behind her to help her.
(-waves hand dismissively to Alcatraz and Nami- Psh ok, whatever you say.)

Jess grabs at an empty backpack as Lanli goes across the unstable bridge, trying to do something to distract herself from gruesome images planning to invade her brain. She grabs at the more helpful supplies such as extra canteens, some food, any medical supplies, etc. She continued to do this until the bag was all full. She slung it over her bag but she lost any thoughts she had as she heard a deafening snap, her head turning so fast to the bridge that getting whiplash wouldn't surprise her.

(And Alcatraz stop talking about eating bugs and such... it's just nasty xD I remember getting a lollipop with a scorpion in it and I gave it to my friend who ate every little bite of it, all in front of my face =_= I mean you could hear the crunching sound as she bit into it! -shivers- ... ew.)
As Lanli continued to walk, the boards continued to creak loudly. "I bet they can hear it from back there..." She said, and she turned around to see how much progress she had made. But as she did, she accidentally glanced down. And then that was all she could focus on. Lanli froze up completely, her entire world started to spin, and as she moved one hand off of the rope to cover her mouth, her weight shifted and the board that her right foot was on snapped.
(LOL, I would so do that.

Also, there was a dead Bark Scorpion in my first period class once. My teacher flipped out and when we walked in she was in the opposite corner and asked "are there any brave guys in here who would like to take out a dead scorpion" and it came from her pile of pillows so now everyone's afraid to get pillows. I used tissues to take out the scorpion and I felt bad because the legs were caught in threads from the carpet so its legs and tail got ripped off :(
(Don't feel bad Alc, to my knowledge bugs don't have high level thought so it probably never missed them anyway)
(Yep. I'm going to assume Lanli is far enough across for this post make sense.)

Nova walked quickly to the edge and looked straight down, letting the fear wash over him. 'I have to...conquer it...' He started breathing heavily as his blood ran cold. Resistance was stronger than he thought, yet Lanli could do it. He glanced across at her, 'The light at the end of the tunnel' he thought. He then looked back at everyone else, their faces filled with projected judgement, 'Nope, no turning back either.' He took the first step, a wide one. 'First step...longest stride' It didn't help that he had no choice but to look down to see the slats.

A quarter of the way across the bridge, one of the slats gave way and Novas foot fell through, sslending a violent shock through the whole bridge causing it to wave wildly from side to side. The bag of supplies fell from Novas hand l as he reached to grab the ropes and pull himself up. "I hope there wasn't anything important in there" he called back, his voice very shaken.
(I shall make a more dramatic fall! That is my new mission... and if that happened to me I would go over and look at it, maybe even poke it with random things, but only if it was dead. If it was alive then I would most likely find a broom and smack it while screaming as loud as possible. But that is just how I am!
(It's a Bark Scorpion, one of the most venomous scorpions ever. So if it were alive I'd have used a folder to carry it outside. But it was dead, so I just picked it up and carried it to the trashcan.)
((I would just burn my house down. Good thing there aren't scorpions in Illinois. :D ))

Lanli held onto the rope with her right hand so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She was just pulling herself up when she heard a scream from behind. She whipped her head around and saw Nova walking behind her on the bridge. "I can't stop now, I must keep going.." Lanli thought to herself. She pulled herself back upright and began walking forward, this time faster than before. Eventually, Lanli made it to the end of the bridge. Once she had finally made it, she hopped off the bridge and collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.
Nova pulled himself up and limped across the bridge, the splintered wood had scratched the upper part of his thigh. The cut wasn't derp but it was enough to make navigating the swinging deathtrap quite a challenge. His vision blurred slightly and he felt he might pass out, but then remembered that that meant certain death and tgat in a sense tge others needed him to make it across so that it would bevsafe for them to cross. He called to Lanli "Is the grass any greener over there?!"
(It's like WoW in some ways, it also has multi-classing which is fun. I felt the dungeons were uninteresting, the quests and graphics are okay. The mini bosses seemed challenging and I never tried PvP. It just way too generic to hold my interest.)
(( Sorry peeps, I fell asleep last night ;u Annnnd Alcat, I hope you were being sarcastic about scorpions being 'yummilicious' or whatever. xD //disturbed// If I saw a scorpion I would be swearing...a lot. I'd probably be laughing too 'cause I laugh in most situations when it's not necessary. I can't scream hahah, it's more like a silent gasp and cursing beneath my breath xD Oh, and I'd be in a place where it couldn't get me x'D Alcat, only you would feel bad for a dead scorpion lmao. Fortunately, there's nothing poisonous around here xD Just lotsa bears...but I don't mind them 'cause they're harmless.

Oh, and GOOD JOB ON MAKING THIS BRIDGE THING INTERESTING. And yes, someone needs to have a very frightening 'hanging on for dear life' fall 'cause what's the fun without that? lolol.

And no, I've never played Runes of Magic. Once again, I only play Mabinogi xDD They remade Filia and it's fabulous *-* ))

Faye gasped, taking a step forward as a board broke while both Lanli and Nova were crossing. When it broke on Nova, the entire bridge began shaking back and fourth due to his weight as the board fell beneath him. Not only that, but the bag of supplies slipped from his grasp and dropped all the way down to the bottom. Actually, she wouldn't be surprised if it was still falling.

Faye dug her nails into her arm, trying to calm herself down a little. Her level of panic had risen some now that such situations had occurred for the only two who had crossed the bridge so far. Her eyes turned to Varexes and she mumbled, "No one's crossing this bridge to go back for's just too much of a risk that isn't worth taking."

She turned away and moved over to the supplies, grabbing her bag of items she brought from home and tying the string around her waist as tightly as possible. Faye shook around a little to ensure that it wouldn't slip off as she was crossing. After finding that it wouldn't, she headed back over by Varexes. As she looked up, she noticed Lanli had finally made it safely to the other side. She let out a sigh of relief, feeling extremely grateful. 
(( oooooo, I feel special with this author banner thing around my avatar x'D ))
(Mabinogi was actually heavily criticized for its dungeons. Dungeons are important to me RAWR, NetHack! )
(( Why?! I love the dungeons!! )) 
(( You get so many goodies from there xD I actually need to go back 'cause I want more gold. I only have like 5,145 or something and I want 10,000. ))
(I read that they were a series of square rooms where you encounter groups of monsters every other room until you get t a boss

Watched a video and yeah....they kinda suck. I programmed an app for my phone that actually used something almost identical to that algorithm. I considered this my 'BS' algorithm to later add to....significantly.)
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