The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(I guess if they entertain then they have accomplished their purpose. But they are still nothing compared to what they could be. Absolutely nothing. , y = lim 1/x, x -> ∞ )
(( Well, I enjoy them so xD

ALL THAT MATTERS. And the dungeons are only a little teeny tiny part of the game. There's so many other things that make up for the dungeons being not so great. ))
As Nova neared the end of the bridge, the shock waves pulsing through it dampened and the bridge returned to rest in its suspended state. Nova saw the ropes begin to fray and almost split under his weight. 'that fall must have weakened them' He tried to press on but the ropes continued their slow process of unraveling. When he heard them actually start to split inside, he sent a surge of magic up a short portion of the rope, freezing it and strengthening it, "Oh no you don't" He said to himself, as if taunting physics and the test it had laid before him. Finally he reahced the other side and collapsed beside Lanli. He took a second to steady himself before say "Nice job, took everything I had not to faint. How did you do that?"
((Lanli had a "hanging on for dear life" fall, although I don't think I expressed that properly. xD (She was hanging on with one arm.) I had to uninstall Mabinogi, 'cause I had no idea what to do, and I changed my mind about playing a puppeteer and wanted to be a merchant. But I couldn't figure out how to do anything at all in the game whatsoever. So I couldn't even resign myself to being a puppeteer, because I couldn't figure it out. ;- ;)
Lanli, still breathing heavily, turned and faced Nova, smiling. "I have no idea... You did really well out there too, though." She paused. "That thing with the ice... Will it hold?" She asked, worried about the others.
Nova slowly recovered his nerves. "Thank you, I think you dealt with much worse than I did. Its magic, it'll hold for a little while, but I would imagine that it will make it more difficult to hold on to. Why would anyone even build a bridge like that anyway?!" Nova exclaimed, kicking a nearby stone over the edge, he had stood up by now, regaining his calm demeanor. His breathing had almost leveled out but his legs were still light with adrenaline. "...I guess it doesn't matter, are you alright?"
(( You need to go to training to figure out what to do xD It's a bit frustrating, but in the end it's really helpful. And you can rebirth if you wanna change your talent xD I rebirthed once already 'cause my elf got super fat lololol. ))

Faye turned to the others around her, knowing it was her duty to ensure everyone else got across safely first. They still had Ruineth, Juniper, Jess, Vex, Varexes, and herself to get across. She noticed that Valandil was missing, but assumed he was staying behind in Auchertown with Birch or something. Right now they just needed to focus solely on getting everyone across this damn bridge.

"Alright, someone else go now," she ordered, not wanting to give the bridge anymore time to weaken.
"Yeah.. I'm alright, thank you." Lanli said, standing up. "It was probably built like this to keep people out.. But if that where the case, either elves on this end weren't planning on leaving, or there's some other way across.." Lanli speculated. Even if she turned out to be right though, it wouldn't matter. Another entrance would be very hard to find, and it wouldn't be likely that they could discover it in a reasonable amount of time. 
((I'm eating tacos. Sooo delicious. ^w^))
(I tried playing Lol once.... I failed miserably but my brother still plays and likes to ramble about all the characters and new skins to me =_=)
((The only thing that keeps me from trying LoL out is that I've heard that the fanbase can be a bit rabid, depending on who you are up against.))
(League is so much fun. It gets repetitive if you play the same champs over and over again, and it's hard to get into, but once you know what all the items do and who they work well with, then it gets fun. There's over 100 champs and I have like, 60 of them, so I never get bored. They all play differently, and those minor little changes are amazing.

My favorite champs are easily Riven and Quinn. Riven's a given, but Quinn... her passive makes it so much fun. The synergy between it and her W are freaking amazing. Sorry for those who don't understand xD )


I turned to the group and nodded. "One person at a time now. No more duoing, otherwise that bridge is going to collapse." I swallowed hard and took a step forward. "I'll go next." Turning to Faye, I looked at her for a quick second. "I maybe able to come back for more supplies..." Without waiting for a response, I grabbed four bags of supplies and tied them together around my neck, distributing their weight evenly, then I stepped onto the bridge. Holding onto the rope lightly, I placed one foot at each end of the board, directly above the rope and began walking along those, looking down to make sure I didn't misstep. I wasn't afraid of heights, I just really wanted to drop stuff off the bridge and see what would happen. Resisting the urge, however, I continued my funny little walk and quickly made it across with no accidents. Dropping the supplies on this side I beckoned someone over. "Walk on the sides, directly above the rope! I looked stupid doing it, but it supports your weight better! Step lightly!" My heart rate was slightly elevated, but it quickly calmed. I was quite all right in these sorts of situations, I just hoped that everyone else could remain calm and not break the bridge. "It's sturdy enough if you do that!" I called out to Faye. Turning to Nova, I asked him about the ice on the rope. "I felt it and saw it. How's it going to hold? Could you actually do that to the whole bridge to make it sturdier?" I asked him.
"It should hold well, its a bit stronger than normal ice because its magic. But it does break. If I do it to the whole bridge you wont have anything to hold on to" Nova said to Varexes. 
(I suck at league, I personally like Kha'Zix and Vi...Rumble was fun but I haven't played him in so long.... just getting back into league)
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(Kha'Zix is fun, but since his nerfs he's harder to play. Vi is a lot of fun, I insta-bought her and played her nonstop for a week. Rumble's really good, you just gotta make sure you build tanky ap.

I've been playing a lot of Malzahar and ADC lately, usually Quinn and Lucian. I do mostly ranked, so do you want me to show you a few tricks? My summoner is Alcatraz01)
(( How on Earth did Varexes tie all that around his neck and get across? Hahaha in my mind all these bags are like weighing him down xD And I'm also wondering why Nova's yelling to Varexes who's right beside him xD

ANNND I want Faye to cross last because I wanna do something fun...but everyone has to cross first xD

Here, while I'm waiting I'll be Vex and have him cross xD ))

Faye observed the way Varexes crossed the bridge, wondering how he managed to easily do that with four bags of supplies tied around his neck. She watched how he stepped on the boards in an awkward manner and although it took her everything not to laugh at such a time, it seemed his odd technique worked well. He called from the other side and told her to do just as he did, but she was already planning on it before he spoke.

She turned to the others and said, "Alright, who's next?"

Without waiting another second, Vex raised his hand and made his way over to the bridge. He wasted no time at all as he stepped on the edge of the boards and began crossing just as Varexes did. However, he seemed to be going a bit faster. In this quick manner he managed to slip a bit, the heel of his foot landing on the next board as he stumbled backward.

Faye gasped, moving forward even though she knew there was no way she could help at this point in time. Her heart stopped as his back touched the boards behind him harshly. Right as they made contact the boards broke right in half, leaving Vex laying on nothing but air. The one board with his heel seemed to be holding up all of his weight as well as the rope he was gripping onto tightly. He swayed his dangling left leg in the air before swinging it up onto the board. Doing so, all that weight seemed to finally put an end to that board.

Faye's lower lip was trembling with fear as she watched helplessly, seeing Vex dangling in the middle of the bridge where there were no longer any boards. Goes to show you how much damage one little wrong step could do. Not only that, but it seemed he was moving along to quickly to begin with.

Now Vex was just holding onto the two ropes for dear life, allowing his legs to dangle uselessly in the air. If his fingers slipped off he would be sent to his death as well as if the ropes broke in half. Additionally, if the ropes broke in half the handles for the rest of them to cross would no longer be existent. 
(( Oh, that ended up being a fun post too. I didn't really mean to, but oh well x'D ))
(Wait, what did I miss? When did everyone get across? I thought only Nova and Lanli made it so far...?)
(( No, Varexes made it across as well xD No one else has though. )) 
(( And yeah I couldn't help myself, so Vex is currently dangling in the middle of the bridge. xD ))
(He got across in that one post -_-

And he got across because going a certain speed, stepping lightly and being dextrous, as well as distributing weight evenly across the body makes it "lighter" when in reality the weight is just spread out over more area.

Take a stack of 300 pieces of paper. Individually they're super light, but then you pile them up and they get heavy. Now imagine that you were carrying each piece of paper on a different part of your body. You would still feel the same weight, but it's on different parts of your body. So the weight is spread out, so it's not as heavy. By placing that weight on the point of most resistance (right on top of the ropes that hold the boards) then that weight is effectively diminished, so less force is placed onto the boards.)


I just wrote an enormous paragraph saving him x'D )) 
(( You did that too easily, man. Too easily. x'D ))
(( Oh wait, I just read the end and you stole my idea you little whore.

Just kidding you're not a whore, I'm actually laughing a lot right now. x'D ))

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