The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( ...Wait, who loves PE? xD Lolol. It's so pointless, I just can't stand how pointless and a waste of time it is. I'm there at school for an ACTUAL education. PE is not the type of education I'm there for. And ya know what, if people wanna get fat, let them. No one should be forcing those kids to exercise in school. If the kids really want to lose some weight they'd go home and run. And if you wanna play softball and all that crap, stay after school for sports. There's absolutely no need for gym. All it does is make me late for my next REAL class. Lmao.

Either you're athletic or you're not and I'm not. All my hobbies and talents involve sitting around and being creative with technology and I like it that way. xD Gym class isn't going to change that. And Alcat, you must have one big cafeteria x'D ))

Faye sighs with a shrug at Lanli's idea. She looked a bit hopeful that they'd find her idea of some use, but it really wasn't. After all, that drop to the bottom was thousands of feet...they didn't even have rope long enough to reach down to the bottom. Their only option was crossing that long, weak bridge and praying they didn't fall to their death.

"We're gonna have to do what Varexes, who's going first?" she asked, swallowing the lump in her throat. 
(( Btw, put up the new Fayland sign up thread. ))
((There's a new sign up thread? So that means... MORE PEOPLE!? :D ))

Lanli caught Faye sighing at her idea and winced. She began to blush from embarrassment, but then shook her head slightly, trying to calm herself down. But when Faye spoke, Lanli had an idea. "I... I'll go first." She said, trying to appear much braver than she was.
(I'm honestly with you. But it's fun when you get to play games like capture the flag and dodgeball.

Actually we don't. We only fit like 100-200 students into the cafeteria. People just go to classes and outside and stuff. xD )
((I found a picture for Lanli! :D It doesn't fit perfectly, particularly with the clothes. But it works:

(( Ruineth & Lanli are so alike xD I get them mixed up at times. Like, I was reading that and then it said 'Lanli' and I hesitated a moment and go "OH. RIGHT. Lanli. xD " plus, you and Ekim's avatars both have you have a potato and she has an orange..ya know..x'D

And the only things I enjoy in gym are hockey and Omnikan ball xD I'm actually pretty good at hockey 'cause for some reason I get really into it, unlike most sports xD and Omnikan ball I get into as well 'cause I mean, you have to get into that. Hahahah.

And hopefully someone new will sign up for the RP! xD Also, that's a cool picture for Lanli :D Hoorah, I'll put it up under her on the site ^^ ))

Faye's eyes expanded, a little surprised that Lanli was willing to go across the bridge first. She looked like a pretty strong girl even though her personality seem quite fragile. Although, she wasn't completely sure if Lanli really meant she wanted to go. Then again, who really wanted to cross that bridge in the first place? For the most part they were stalling even if they didn't realize it.

"A-Are you sure?" Faye questioned, stammering a bit.

I turned to Lanli and nodded. "If she crosses first, carefully enough, then she can help others get across. The weaker people." It made sense to me, my only worry was if Lanli was dextrous enough to cross without slipping. "Just go slow and be careful. Don't forget to take supplies. Don't look down." I said in an encouraging voice and a smile.
Faye nodded at Lanli as well, sending her an encouraging smile. She kept as many positive thoughts in her mind as possible. "Just be careful," Faye added once more, just to make sure she knew. Obviously Lanli was already aware of this, but Faye felt she had to say repeat it anyway.

Lanli paused, but then looked back at Faye and immediately nodded in agreement. She turned over to Varexes and then nodded again, listening to what he was saying intently. "Alright, better now than later..." She said, walking over to the bridge. She reached out and placed a hand on each rope, and with a slight hesitation, she put her foot down on the first plank and...


Lanli sighed with relief, and then slowly began walking across the bridge. The boards creaked with her weight, but she followed Varexes's advice and avoided looking down. She stared directly ahead, internally counting her steps as she slowly made her way across the bridge. 
((AH! BEETLE! Break its hateful little head open!)
(( Actually, I don't know what to do now 'cause the creepy little shit's on my lamp now and I don't wanna break my lamp. Idunno what to kill it with either.'s so gross... xD ))
Nova watched Lanli cross the bridge. 'If she can it I can do it.' He took in a deep breath and exhaled violently, moreso than he expected. "I'd like to go next if you guys don't mind...." Nova said, slowly inching forward, but waiting for Lanli to get to the other side.
(It's a beetle, don't lose your shit over it. I saw a freaking spider today at the bus stop and it dug a hole and then crawled its way inside that hole.

Also, look up "hobo spider" if you want nightmares for the next month. They are the ONLY spider I find creepy.)


I nodded at Lanli as she started walking, then turned to Nova. "Sure thing. When she goes across." I handed him a bag of supplies. "Take these with. Be careful. Don't look down." I knew that me repeating myself was going to get annoying, so I swallowed my tongue after that and stayed silent, looking around to make sure nothing came up on us and surprised us.
Faye watched as Lanli began crossing the bridge, not realizing she'd been holding her breath the entire time. Finally, she choked a bit on the air and pat her chest before letting out an obvious sigh of relief. Just seeing Lanli hanging over a cliff thousands of feet from the ground made her eyes want to roll to the back of her head so she wouldn't have to see any further.

She then turned to Nova, nodding her head gradually. Her eyes then wandered back over to the bridge where Lanli was, not knowing if she could handle the suspense of each elf going across.
(I'm back~! -starts coughing vigorously- Sorry for my lack of posts, which seems to happen a lot, but I am getting sick... or am already sick. Anyways! I'll post very soon cause I'm already caught up... man aren't I annoying ._.)
(( It's in my territory, so I will lose my shit over it. My cat and I, we have our territories and when there's unwelcome visitors it's a real issue. xD

And the last thing I'll do is look that up. Lol. ))
(( WELL YOU'LL BE GLAD TO KNOW THAT I'M LETTING IT LIVE ITS LIFE. I think it went behind my calendar, long as it doesn't crawl into my mouth at night...I mean, if that was the case then we'd most certainly have an issue. ))
As Lanli continued to walk, the boards continued to creak loudly. "I bet they can hear it from back there..." She said, and she turned around to see how much progress she had made. But as she did, she accidentally glanced down. And then that was all she could focus on. Lanli froze up completely, her entire world started to spin, and as she moved one hand off of the rope to cover her mouth, her weight shifted and the board that her right foot was on snapped.
(Ever had a chocolate covered cricket before?

Or fried tarantula legs? Oooh, fried scorpions. Those are yummilicous.)

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