The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Lanli's got dis.))

Hearing some commotion from behind her, Lanli turned around to face the bridge and was shocked with what she saw. Vex was dangling on the rope by just his ankle. She watched as he managed to correct his position to be upright, but then he was just hanging on by his arms. "When I was out there, I at least had the benefit of having an arm and a leg on the bridge... He needs help." She thought. And with that, Lanli dashed back over to the bridge and, as quickly as she dared, made her way over to Vex. She imitated Varexes's way of walking on the ropes to make her way over to Vex quickly, but nowhere near as quickly as he had been moving on his trip across. "Grab onto my hand!" She told Vex, holding onto the rope with one arm and reaching out with her right arm, leaning forward to reach him.
(See when you can't make up your mind someone will swoop in for you! ... But we could still have the bridge been in an even worse condition like Alcatraz, and Nami, suggested xD )
((Oh you deleted it.

WELL, IN THAT CASE............//slapped// ))

"Oh my god," Faye said breathlessly to herself, now standing right at the start of the bridge.

Her pupils darted back and fourth from the first wooden board back to Vex dangling in the air. If his hands slipped he'd fall straight to his death. She wanted to do something, she really did.

"How do I do this...?" she whispered to herself, swallowing the lump in her throat. She could feel her face burning up with each second that passed. She reached out and grasped onto the two ropes as she stepped onto the edges of the first board. Faye feared she'd screw this all up and put too much weight on at such a time, but she couldn't think of anything else to do. Vex clearly couldn't pull himself up since the boards both in front and in back of him were level with his chest.

She couldn't even feel herself breathing, but she managed to say, "Hang on, Vex.." with a slight crack in her voice.

As she was carefully making her way over to him, about ten feet away now, he finally spoke up. "The rope's gonna break!" causing her heart to jump and her head to pound.

"Just hang in there!" she told him, crossing a bit faster now as she was careful not to slip the way Vex did. She noticed the rope he was holding onto was slowly starting to rip, causing her eyes to widen. Practically rushing over to him now, she gently got down on her knees and held out a hand, holding onto the rope with her other. She quickly glanced at the rope that was gradually splitting as Vex held onto it, but then focused her attention back to Vex.

"Vex, grab my hand!" she told him, feeling her heart pounding against her chest now.

Without another word, he turned his head and carefully began to remove his fingers from the left rope. This made Faye a little nervous, but she was going to make sure she grabbed onto his hand.

"Don't let me fall..." he whispered, finally releasing his hand. Just as Faye quickly grasped onto it and pulled him back, the rope that Vex was still holding onto snapped in half and his hand fell through. Not only that, but the whole left rope dropped, along with Faye's hand.

At that moment, both Faye and Vex gasped as she rushed to grab hold of the right rope. She struggled to keep hold of Vex's hand, pulling him up onto the bridge finally. She was breathing heavily and her face was sweating from both panicking and using so much strength. Just then the boards began to crack beneath them. 
(( Sorry, I had to rush to the end of that.


lololol. ))
(( Well, Lanli could've gone out at the same time and not noticed Faye, since Vex didn't grab her hand yet. So the three of them could all be on there now

which isn't a good thing x'D ))
(( x'D Now there's only one rope to hold onto now too hahah.

And should we just assume Juniper & Ruineth already crossed since I doubt they're gonna post? ))
"Holy shit, I am now going to say that the world is against us." Jess mutters out as she looks over at Vex, Faye, and Lanli all stuck on a bridge that could collapse at anytime. "Get up very slowly and try to continue to the other side, be as light on your feet as you can." She yelled over to them as she paced back and forth. They may even possibly have to get rid of the supplies on their backs just to get rid of some weight. Yeah, Jess was slightly panicking at this point as any reasonable elf would be doing an, which she just noticed, was the fact that she was practically the only person not across or on the bridge yet. She would only add weight on the bridge if she went across right now. "What a great day..." 
(Yeah, let's just say that they already crossed before everything went to hell.)
(( Oh goodness, I forgot Jess hadn't crossed yet. Poor Jess, she's like, FML. x'D

and since the bridge is gonna be completely sideways in a few seconds they're gonna have to cross like they're monkey bars :D

Hahahah xD ))

Both Faye and Vex (I typed Varexes again, I keep getting their names mixed up xD ) were sitting on the same boards now and they were creaking obnoxiously beneath them. Faye wrapped both hands around the only rope still there to hang onto, not including the two on bottom, and pushed herself up. The bridge was beginning to tilt sideways now since there was no left rope to hold up the other side.

She looked up to see Lanli there, who she'd barely noticed until now since she was panicking so much a few moments ago. Faye could feel the boards beginning to crack beneath them and they were about to slip off since the bridge was turning sideways now. Oh dear Lord, she thought to herself as she watched the bridge start tilting.

"Lanli! Start heading forward carefully so Vex and I can move off of these boards!" she exclaimed, considering Lanli was still on the boards they had to jump onto next....if they could even jump.
Hearing Faye's command, Lanli nodded and backed away as quickly as she dared, but still remaining close enough to help them if they needed it. "You guys need to hurry! I don't know how much longer this will hold!" She said, turning her head to look at the ice, which seemed to be starting to melt, if she was seeing it correctly.
Vex went ahead of her, stretching his leg out to the other board and moving his other onto it so that it didn't break. His feet were slipping a bit as the bridge tilted. Faye then followed him, the boards snapping beneath her and falling down the ground thousands of feet below. Her foot dangled off a bit, but then she caught her balance on the boards.

As the bridge tilted even further, there was no way that they could walk on top anymore. The bridge was completely hanging upright now, causing them to all slide right off of the bridge. Faye gasped, grabbing onto the rope as she dangled in the air now. Her heart was racing, almost believing that the three of them were going to die. However, she forced herself to think otherwise. Stay positive! she demanded in her mind.

"Oh God!" she said aloud, her eyes looking down at the thousands of feet drop below them. "Oh Lord, please don't let these boards break or this rope to rip! Please!" she moved her hands forward and around the boards that were now dangling in front of her face upright as she began to head around them carefully but not too slow.

"It's just like monkey bars..." she said, trying to stay positive. "Just don't let your hands slip!"
"NO!" Lanli screamed as the bridge turned onto it's side, with Lanli still dangling with one arm. She struggled to pull herself up, but eventually managed to get her other arm up onto the rope. "Are you two okay?" She asked, turning to Faye and Vex, worry in her eyes. The two of them where both in the same predicament she was. "Oh Gods, don't let us fall here..." Lanli prayed.
Jess continued to pace back and forth but stop once the bridge began tilting. "Oh God..." She let her voice trail off as she watched on, seeing Faye grab onto the rope, kind of like a monkey bar, with the others following suit. In all honesty Jess felt like crying yelling until her voice ran out and just downright falling to the ground in exhaustion but she didn't do any of that. She would be the last one going, wait correction, climbing across and in order to do that without falling to her instant death she had to have a level head and stay calm. What better way to do that than by distracting herself? So she ended up calling out to the others. "How are doing? Think positive if you can and don't look down whatever you do!"
"Yeah, for now!" she responded to Lanli, continuing to move her hands along the rope.

Just then, she felt the rope move down a bit from all their weight. Her heart stopped just as it did so, fearing that the rope would break. "Just keep moving along! We're getting closer to the other side!" she told them, the last one in their little line here. She made sure her fists were tied extremely tightly around the rope, her arms getting more and more tired from having to hold up her weight. Faye couldn't help but think about dying...and she most certainly didn't want to die this way.

Her eyes wandered up to where Nova and Varexes were, a look of extreme worry and fear slapped across her face. 
Just then, her arms were too tired, causing her fingers to begin unraveling around the rope. "N-No!" she gasped, watching as her fingers slipped from the rope. She began falling to her death. "Nooooo!" she yelled, her voice getting further and further from the others. No jk that didn't happen trololol. xD
(That was cruel Nami T^T... You know if Faye were to actual fall off, Jess would jump off the cliff just to b!tch-slap her... then proceed to die herself xD )
(( Hahahah x'D And yeah, you can just delete that post 'cause Faye's still hanging on lololol.

I know, I'm a cruel mofo. Hahahah. ))
(( My brother is so paranoid right now and I'm laughing so much x'D May I remind you, my brother's in college. So, he comes into my room and pets my cat and stuff, and he's like "Why is he staring into my room?" and I'm like "He was doing that earlier for like ten minutes, it was really creepy." My brother's like, "That means there's something in there...." and I'm like "Did you know animals can see spirits?" and he goes, "Stop talking." x'D and Im like, "There's probably a ghost in your room." So he goes into his room and he's all creeped out now and he came and saw my cat staring into his room again and hes like waving his hands in front of him trying to get him to stop staring and he's like, "Ohhh god, there's something in my room..." and I'm like, "Yeah his neck was all the way up earlier and he was looking really creepily in there." and my brothers like, "So that means there's something in my closet?" And he was all wary to go back into his room. Hahahah. He's scared of the dark too, at night when he gets home from work he like races into the house x'D ))

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