The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye looked across the bridge to see Varexes, Juniper, and Jess all about ready to get on the bridge together. She was so puzzled by what was going on, unsure of how no one was thinking about how terribly dangerous that was compared to going one at a time.

"All three of them can't cross at once...what are they thinking?" Faye asked aloud, turning to Lanli for some sort of explanation.
Jess bit her lip as she very faintly heard Faye speaking, a prop of having enhanced hearing, the logic in her words hitting her like a punch to the gut. "Crap... Faye is right." She muttered under her breath before looking at Varexes. "All of us going at one time would be a lot of weight and I don't know if the bridge would be able to support it." She looked at the destroyed bridge and held in a grimace. "Or at least what is left of it." 
(Oh and Nami, all of your signatures are so hypnotizing!)
((I think your siggie is still reigning champion of cute, Sliver. xD ))

Lanli turned to Faye and simply looked at her worriedly for a few seconds. "I don't know, I mean, at least Varexes isn't carrying them. But still... This will break the bridge, there's no way they can do this safely." She worried aloud, turning to face the group on the other side of the ravine, anxiously hoping that they would be okay.
(( Oh, I didn't realize you guys responded xD Good think I checked. Dang notifications T^T

I had to change my gif to a Hell Girl one x'D I found that and was like *-* I keep going around saying "Ippen...Shinde miru?" 'cause it sounds so awesome especially after hearing Hell Girl say it for like 40 episodes lololol. But I feel creepy 'cause translated to English it means 'Care to give death a try?' o-o Whatevs, if I mumble it in school no one will know that x'D ))

Faye crossed her arms and shook her head, taking a step forward. She cupped her hands around her mouth so that her voice would travel further. "Guys! You can't all cross at once! The bridge will collapse!"

Faye put her hands down, both a look of worry and frustration on her face. If only Varexes had just stayed over with her, Lanli, and Nova there would be less a chance of the bridge wearing out. She scratched the back of her neck nervously, eyeing the bridge again. It was this close to being done for. Faye worried that the whole bridge would snap and fall to one side. (( *cough* you should make that happen 'cause it'd be fun. *cough* x'D )) Well, at least if that was the case she hoped it would at least hold up on one side. That way they could just climb up like a hanging ladder. The thought still made her shudder, not wanting it to get to that point. They'll be fine, she reassured herself in her mind, lifting her chin up slightly.
( xD I was thinking the same thing about the bridge collapsing from one side... and that was very subtle by the way Nami.)
(( Hahahah x'D I wanted to do that earlier, but there were others who needed to cross lolol. HEY, THIS COULD BE WHERE VAREXES FAILS AT DOING SOMETHING. Somehow he manages to make the whole bridge collapse from one side. Hahahahah. It'd be so exciting. Like, I got dis all playing in my head as some epic scene...

and it was subtle, wasn't it? xD ))
( xD Very subtle, in fact is was so subtle that I hardly even noticed it! But what I am wondering is how that would happen if they now have to go on one at a time... you know so they won't all possible die.)
(( Well, Varexes could always tell Jess & Juniper to go, thinking it'll be fine. Then he starts going across or something, and it breaks. xD Lololol))
(( x'D I'm sorry, I'm just over here making random suggestions

I got these epic scenes in my head, I'm sorry x'D I can't help but share |D

You can do whatever you want though x'D Hahaha )) 
(( This roleplay feels lonely, guys. xD ))
(( Oh, is that what we're waiting for? I've been wondering why no one's been posting. Well, someone can roleplay as her for now xD We can also do like a 'Vex' sort of thing with her. Where you just kind of assume she's following and what not. Earlier we decided that her and Ruineth had already crossed, like we were gonna assume that, but then Dreamer returned and made it so Juniper hadn't xD Hahah.

Ekim & Dreamer have kinda vanished lately. They're probs busy now that school's started and what not. ))
((Yeah, this poor thread has been alone all day while we've been paying attention to the new puppy. (The Enchanted thread. :P ) Poor Fayland thread. :c))
(( Yeah, we should do that xD Like a Vex thing basically. She's kinda just...there. xD

And bahahah I know, I'm still laughing at her signature x'D The end where Oprah's dancing and smiling behind all the bees makes me crack up so much. x''D )) 
Faye scratched the back of her head nervously, eyeing the others from across the bridge. At first she wondered what was taking them so long to make their way over, but then she remembered the entire situation. They were about to cross a bridge that was in a terrible state and not to mention, thousands of feet above the ground. She couldn't blame them for taking their time. On the other hand, she feared that the bridge would just spontaneously fall apart before they even got across...which would indeed be an issue.

"Are you guys gonna cross?" Faye yelled from the other end, waiting patiently. "Make sure you go one at a time!"

At Faye's comment I nodded. "We are now!" I turned to Jess. "Jess, you go first. Then Juniper. I'll go last." I said to them. "Go now, before the bridge falls apart any more."
(Looks like Jess will have to be apart of a different near-death experience... -sighs dramatically- And I hope you start to feel better soon, Alcat. Sleep might be what you need since you said your really tired.)

Jess nods her head adjusts the packs so she can be a little more comfortable. Once that was done she takes a deep breath, counts to 3, and walks over to the rope. 'Just don't think about how high up you are... or dying... or how long it will take to hit the pavement. How about I just stop thinking altogether!' She bends down and holds her arms out, making sure she has a good vice-like grip on the rope. Once she does that she slowly levers herself down until nothing is supporting her underneath. She crosses her arms over each other as she carefully inches her way to the other side while desperately trying to distract herself so she wouldn't be caught off guard. 'Just keep swimmi-no that doesn't work. Aha! Just keep climbing, just keep climbing, just keep climbing, climbing, climbing...'
(( Dear Lord, our homecoming theme is 'Bedtime'. Can people get any more less creative than that? We finally get the entire cafeteria to decorate with a theme and they choose bedtime. "We can hang stars from the ceiling." How original. -__-

Sorry, I needed to rant slightly somewhere. It's just...the LACK OF CREATIVITY IN THIS WORLD.

I freaking had to vote for 'Prehistoric Times' because of all the themes, that was the best. Lmao. Honestly, I'd rather decorate the cafe with dinosaurs than Rasta or Bedtime or any of that crap. Hahaha. Gr! ))
(( Hahah well, I probably won't go to Homecoming 'cause it's always five hours of standing around for me, not mention everyone around you is sluttin' it up lolol. But we have like four different themes for each grade. Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. The Freshmen get House 1 to decorate with their theme, Sophomores get House 2 to decorate with their theme, Juniors get the cafeteria, and Seniors get the Main Hallway. It's always super awesome, the main hallway and the cafeteria are always the coolest. Like I think Seniors did like 'End of the world' or something last year and it was all cool in the Main Hallway. But anyway, we finally get the chance to decorate the cafeteria cool this year and they pick such a stupid, unoriginal theme lmao.

I think the Freshmen last year did jungle...and it actually was surprisingly good xD The teacher who loves monkies took all their decorations and put them in his room lololol. So now he's got like stuffed monkies and fake palm trees in his room. xD ))

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