The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Do people generally dress up at your high school depending on the theme? I didn't go to homecoming last year, so I have no idea. xD ))
((Well, during the day yes. Like, the themes just apply to how we decorate the school for the day of homecoming, then we have a pep rally and all that. But at night is homecoming...and you don't dress up applying to the theme 'cause that'd be weird xD

But I highly doubt I will be wearing pajamas to school that day ahahaha. Everyone's just lazy, that's why this theme was chosen lmao. They all just don't wanna have to get dressed in the morning, and all the girls will go out and buy matching pajamas. I swear, this theme is used way too often. ))
(Define "sluttin' it up" because at my school that means like, the girls are beginning to strip. Which doesn't happen unless they can sneak away with their boyfriend.

We don't have themes for our homecoming, we have them for Winter Formal and Prom. None of which I'm going to this year xD )
(( Well, I'm talking about grinding xD Ya know honestly, I don't wanna see a hundred kids grinding each other all around me for five hours straight. Even if I'm talking to someone chances are they're gonna be in the middle of grinding some dude, which is just extremely awkward. And they legit get in these massive lines and just all grind each other.

This is why I will probably be going to laser tag and a movie with my friends the night of homecoming instead because that's always ten times more fun. xD

And I would like to go to prom....but it is highly unlikely I'll have someone to go with, so whatever. xD ))
(There's this girl I asked to prom, but she lives in Wyoming, so it's highly doubtful she'll be able to make it for me. Soooo I'm not going to prom. xD

When it comes to grinding... yeah, that happens a lot. You get like... circle grinds, and then you get a guy in like every other person... It gets bad. But we have like, no joke, 15 monitors/teachers/adminstrators all walking around to make sure nothing happens... I got yelled at for kissing my (ex) girlfriend while sitting down at a table. The people here are so strict about some things but so lax about others...)
((My brother is so evil. I had a big cookie and he saw it and he's like "Give me a piece" and I'm like "No! You weren't supposed to see it!" and so we argued over it (while laughing) for like ten minutes and then hes like "What did I buy you recently?" and I'm like "Nothing." and hes like "That is true..." so he sits there and thinks for like two minutes then goes, "Oh! Remember that time I bought you iced coffee!" and I'm like "But you wouldn't throw it out for me." and hes like "I knew you were gonna bring that up." so he comes and steals the cookie and I'm trying to get it back and he accidentally throws my phone at my cat and my cat like jumps through the hole in the blanket and runs away. And my brother got half the cookie and then said he didn't even like it -___-

One cookie can cause so much trouble....

--story of the day--

Annnd I hope you don't mind me asking, but where'd you meet this girl from Wyoming? xD Like at school? did she move or something? //just a curious cat//

And Vamp, that's true. xD Which, I never have anyone to go with. //is such a loner// ))
(I met her at a camp in Colorado called Roundup River Ranch.

I'm not allowed to go to dances anymore. If I do, there's a high chance someone's gonna fucking kill me.)
(This kid died last year in a car accident during finals. He was the quarterback of the football team and the school announced that if they felt overly depressed about it they could skip their finals and go to the counselors. So many people who didn't even know him took advantage of this to get out of finals.

Also, people who were not associated with him in any way were saying things like "Empire's gonna be soooo different, I can't believe he's gone :( " and I'm like "god damn assholes, you barely even knew the guy. you're taking advantage of the situation to A: gain popularity, B: get out of finals. Shut up and deal with his death like a normal person."

This wasn't to the people who DID know him (like his gf and the football team) but to everyone else who pretended to care more than they did. Somehow this turned into a game of telephone where everyone thought I said the guy deserved to die and all this shiz. I got kicked out of school for 3 days by the principal for "my own safety." What a load of crap, right?

Well, now I have this reputation of being an asshole throughout the entire school. Games, dances, anything like that is honestly a danger for me.)
(( That's awful! Not what you said, but what the other people were doing. That would've irritated me as well. I probably wouldn't have said it any of their faces, more so just to my friend, or if I knew someone that did that I'd probably say "It's terrible what happened, but you didn't even know I don't see why you need to skip finals.."

I'm surprised they actually had a thing where you could skip finals for that. It's sad, but I mean obviously there's gonna be a ton of kids taking advantage of something like that. And that's terrible that that's what everyone thinks now :c

Those other kids are just insecure losers if they're gonna be mad at you over that, after all, they know you're right. ))
(I said it on Facebook.

Also, it pissed me off because if it had been me who died, I wouldn't have even gotten an announcement. It was ALL because the kid who died was quarterback and was really popular. Like, since when does death have to do with popularity? If the guy died, say "Hey, i'm sorry he died. If you have a mental breakdown, you will be pardoned from taking your final until you've calmed down. You may have time extensions to finish if this happens." If that had happened I'd be okay. But I know that this was all because the kid was popular. If it had been me or one ofm y friends we wouldn't have even made it into the announcements.

Also, they had a candlelit vigil that night for him and all this other stuff. This other girl died a few years back and she has a little bench memorial in the middle of campus. But I know that she was really popular too. I'm just thinking about how this is such special treatment for some guy who was quarterback and didn't wear his seatbelt on the interstate.

I remember hearing about how entire CLASSROOMS emptied that day because of the whole "you can get out of finals!" part. It pisses me off so much, and then nobody was willing to listen to my side because rationality doesn't fucking exist.)
(( That's terrible :T I think it's a little odd that they did the whole 'you can skip finals' thing, like my school wouldn't have done that no matter how popular. Sure, if you started crying in the middle of the exam, or if you were good friends with the guy and needed to stay home, that's a totally different story. But classrooms of students gone that day? What a coincidence on the day of finals...

People can be so heartless sometimes...taking advantage of someone's death? That doesn't even sound right, because it's not.

I honestly think this whole generation in general is screwed up..I don't think parents are teaching their kids rights from wrongs which is really annoying to me. And then when you've got a ton of parents not teaching their kids to behave properly, you've got a ton of stupid kids who pressure the good kids into becoming one of the stupid kids, lmao. It's just getting worse and worse.

Well, I have a new life motto and it's "Smile at your enemies and lead a life of positivity" I actually got that from a song, but it inspired me so much. Plus, I did that today and I felt really good xD I smiled at all the people I dislike today and it added my heart..and, that was totally cheesy I'm sorry x''D

Shit, I wrote a lot again, we need an OOC thread.......x'D )) 
(( I rant a lot too, man..x'D I apologize.

I feel so bad when I write a lot 'cause I feel like it bothers people for some reason xD ))
(I pointed that out. I phrased it slightly wrong though, but everyone lost their shit at me. Some guy actually went for my throat, and I had people asking me "why aren't you wearing blue to honor his death?" I didn't know the guy... would he wear purple for me, since purple is my favorite color? Fuck no! Why the hell should I do it for him? His death was a tragedy to those who knew him. Let them mourn him.

My motto is depressing. "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment." Isador Akios, Blood Ravens Third Chapter.

Quit apologizing for typing, your rants are interesting :P )
((And then the Gods and Goddesses of RP where so busy talking and not controlling their characters that everyone on the bridge fell off and died.

(( Your favorite color is purple? *o*

xD But yeah, I see where you're coming from. I dislike those people who care enough to question you things like that. It's like, why do you care what I do? It's not affecting you.

Like, last year I had this one girl say to me when I walked into home room, "Are you goth?" because it just so happened that I was wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black shoes, and black eyeliner. Like wow, I guess that makes me goth. But I go, "Hah, no." and she's like "Are you sure?" and im like "Yeppp, I'm sure." and she's like, "Are you suure?" and I'm like "yes..I'm sure..aha.." and she GOES "Are you suuuure?" and then I glared at her for a moment and said, "I'm sure." Which in my mind it was more like "MOTHERFUCKER I AM SURE. I DON'T EVEN TALK TO YOU SO WHY ARE YOU QUESTIONING ME REPEATEDLY ABOUT MYSELF? x-x" Gosh, some people... xD Like, for the millionth time I'm positive I'm not goth. If wearing some black means you're suddenly 'goth' then call the police, my goodness.

Ugh, sorry. That girl...ugh..just bothered me so much. xD


oh wait Faye's not on the bridge. =^^=))
(Sorry I haven't been posting much on anything really, just don't really feel like I have anything to post right now so I guess I will just respond to previous posts. I honestly don't have much to say about the whole death thing that happened at your school, except that everyone at your school is an asshole, because personally, I didn't know the guy and his death didn't affect me in any way, shape, or form. Even if I did attend that school I would say my apologies to anyone who actually knew him (friends or possibly even family members) and wish the best of luck to them before moving on since that is all you could really do. I mean you can't resurrect the dead now can you? Anyways, Nami your rants don't suck! If someone did have a problem with them though then all they would have to do was skip over it...Oh and by the way if that did happen VampiricPotato, I would be the only one who would really die since I am the only one on the bridge right now ._.)
(Ugh I hate it when people do that. They don't even know you and with one glance they think the have you figured out =_= -mumbles to self- Stupid judgmental people.

And xD it's fine VampiricPotato.)
(( Well, I'm glad you people don't hate me for ranting x'D

This is always just a nice place I kinda just TYPEANDTYPEANDTYPE 'til I can't type no more--

okai no. If I typed 'til I couldn't type no more you guys would srsly hate me. x'D )) 
(( And I know!

FOR HEAVENS SAKE I CONSIDER MY STYLE PUNK IT'S A WHOLE DIFFERENT THING, PEOPLE. And that day when she said that I wasn't even dressed up. I just happened to throw on all black attire. If I was 'goth' I would be wearing black lipstick, my hair would be dyed black, I'd be wearing crazy clothes with massive black boots with buckles and there'd be chains and spikes all over me. I love spikes, but I don't wear 'spikey collars or bracelets' and I don't wear tubes of blood around my neck or crosses..okay I wear crosses and skulls, but it's a whole other category! -__-

Is it a crime to like skulls and the color black these days? I wear what makes me feel comfortable, so whatever. xD )) 
(( I'm frightened by the fact that this roleplay isn't moving along x'D

(( I can't believe we're on page 460 *-* <3 ))

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