The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( Yay! The fun part came! xD ))

Faye gasped, taking a startled step forward as she reached out slightly in a desperate attempt to do something. Of course, there was no way she was able to be of any help from over here.

She couldn't believe the bridge had just broken in half. It was already hanging on one side, but now it was just like a ladder of some sort. Not to mention, Varexes had been on it at the current time of the fall.

Faye's heartbeat sped up as she watched the bridge swing forward, smashing into the side of the cliff they were all on. She was barely breathing and hadn't yet realized it, her head dizzying slightly as a number of boards cracked and fell down the never ending drop. Without wasting another second, Faye dropped to her knees and leaned over the edge just enough to ensure that Varexes was still alive and hanging on. To ensure furthermore, he called up to them that he was alright.

Finally, she allowed herself to sigh of relief while her arms and legs relaxed just a bit. He's okay, she thought to herself gratefully. She then looked down and saw him near the bottom of what now seemed like half a ladder and half just rope.

"Hold on! Do you think you can climb up?" she called down to him, her voice echoing around the area a little. "We'll make sure the bridge stays together on this side!" she assured him with a weak smile, praying that they actually could. Her pupils fell onto the ropes next to her hands, seeing that they were quite frayed and worn out looking...which didn't help her fear any more.
Juniper gripped the rope slowly making her way across. Her arms ached, but she ignored it slowly pulling herself across. She felt the sturdy rock that meant she had made it to the other side and pulled herself up onto the stable ground. She had barely made it off the bridge when she herd cracking and turned to watch the bridge break with Varexes' hanging on. "Varexes!" she shouted in panic before she knew she had even opened her mouth. She herd him scream and felt her breath catch in her throat as soon as it stopped. Hearing his voice shout that he was alright she relaxed a little bit before scrambling forward and peering over the edge. If it was someone light like her, they might easily be able to climb up the few boards left. Although she wasn't sure they would support Varexes' weight. He was taller and more muscular which might help with.. she frowned trying to come up with a solution instead of calculating every variable.

I nodded at Faye. "You do that! I don't feel like falling today!" The joke seemed hollow and empty, which made me bark out once in laughter. Also, had I heard Juniper shout my name..? I couldn't remember, my mind was too busy with the current situation. Taking in one shaky deep breath, I decided against thinking about it in case it distracted me and focus on climbing up, so I began to inch my way upwards before realizing that the supplies I had were still tied around my waist. "Well, there's some good luck for once..." I said to myself as I climbed my way up, using the wall as a sort of "floor" to step up while using my hands to pull myself up the rope. But once I'd climbed a little ways, I couldn't do this because of the boards. Most of them were splintered and cracked, or weakened to the point where I knew they couldn't hold my weight. I was only glad that my bow and quiver were on the side with Faye, at the top of the cliff. I still had about 10 meters are so to go before I made it to the top... but between there was still quite a few rotten boards. Trusting my right arm to hold myself up, I used my left to tear off the boards with some loud cracking noises. I winced as a splinter went into my hand and nearly lost my grip, grabbing the rope suddenly with both hands, driving the splinter deeper into my palm. "Faye, I've got a problem. I don't think I can climb anymore, these boards are in the way! And..." I hesitated and gulped. "I have a splinter. My hand is bleeding and shaking. I don't know if I can keep my grip for much longer." 
An idea struck me and I began to use the blood from my hand to make the rope a little bit sticky, and then wrapped my right arm around the rope several times so it had a better chance of supporting me. After I did this I quickly shouted up, "Faye! I managed to secure myself, but I'm going to have a hard time climbing up! Is there anything you can do?" After a moment of looking down and gulping, I tried to see if I could see her at all. "Any ideas?"
Jess climbed across and let out a breath of air, Juniper right on her tail. She was close passing out on the floor when she heard a scream coming from behind her. She swirled herself around just in time to see, more like hear, Varexes being slammed against the side of the cliff. She thought that the impact might of made his release on the rope break from their hold but let out a sigh of relief whenever he called back.She wanted to say something, anything but didn't know what so instead she listened to him as he spoke. 'He's injured, bleeding, and literally hanging by a thread within an inch of his life. ' She continued to listen to him speak before she finished off with asking for some ideas. Any ideas... any ideas...' Jess thought for a minute before turning to Faye with a worried look in her eye. She couldn't think of anything that would help him. "Faye, we need to do something quickly. Do you have any ideas?" Jess hated the fact that she had to turn to Faye in a time like this, putting more pressure on her shoulders but she have any clue of what to do.
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Faye peered over the edge, her blonde hair falling around the sides of her worried face. She didn't know what he was doing at first, but once he called up that he'd managed to secure himself she was relieved. On the other hand, he was still a ways down and apparently unable to climb up much further. She couldn't deny that her heart was racing, just waiting for the damn bridge fail it's final test. No, she thought to herself quickly, shoving the negative visuals from her mind, the bridge will hold.

"Uhhh...." Faye muttered aloud, glancing around her and down at the bridge for some sort of idea. She sat up, rushing her hand through her hair doubtfully as she continued to scan the area a bit more. What could I do to help?! she wondered, honestly not knowing if there was much they could do.

She stood up finally, turning to see Vex standing nearby. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. It might've been a little risky, but there was a possibility it wasn't as dangerous as leaving Varexes hanging on that bridge.

"Ah--hold on!" she said, stammering a bit as she gave Varexes one last glance before racing over to where all the supplies they'd dropped was.

Her grey eyes scanned the few things they had until she spotted the large load of rope used to tie the supplies around Vex. Fortunately, they had quite a bit of it left still. Without wasting another second she grabbed the rope and raced over to the large tree closest to the edge of the cliff.

Faye was breathing slightly heavy as she rushed to tie the rope around the tree a few times. She used all her strength to tie an extremely tight knot before tugging on it hard to make sure it held well. When she found that it did, she made her way back over to the edge of the cliff while holding a section of the rope in her hands.

She got back down onto her hands and knees and peered over the edge of the cliff again. She opened her mouth, but then hesitated before closing it again as her brows furrowed together slightly. "Hang in there a little longer....okay?" she pleaded, sitting up and holding the end of the rope before her.

Faye took the end of the rope and brought it around so she could tie it to the section about one and a half feet above the end. She worked hastily, but carefully at the same time. Eventually, she'd created a large enough loop to fit around Varexes's waist, tying the knot tightly once again.

"Okay! I'm gonna bring down this rope--do you think you can get it around you without falling?" she called down, a look of both hope and fear in her eyes. However, it was Varexes...she had faith in him. "I secured it tightly around a close tree, so you should be okay! I'll hold the rope though just in case and try to help pull you up! Do you think you could do this?" she began dropping the rope down to Varexes.

I didn't see Faye, but I saw Jess who quickly disappeared, probably to think of something. Taking a deep breath, I prayed that something would happen. I couldn't just die here, not now. Suddenly I heard Faye's voice from above. It took me a few moments to process what she said, but I nodded. "That'll work. I'll try. Are you strong enough to lift me?" I asked as I saw the loop being lowered.

Suddenly I noticed some rope a few feet above me that were fraying fast. I could actually see little tendrils of the rope beginning to come off. "Oh god..." I said. Gulping, I reached out for the loop, hoping it would get here before the rope... and it did. I slipped my left arm through the loop just seconds before the rope snapped and almost the rest of the bridge collapsed into the chasm. I held on tight with my arm and wrapped what rope I could around my arm to give myself more security, but for the most part I was hanging entirely by the rope Faye held that was apparently also tied to a tree. "Faye..? Problem. I can't climb anymore. The bridge fell, if you didn't hear it."
((Sorry! Hahah, but technically the answer to that question is still yes xD ))

"Jess, could you go back near the tree and pull from back there when I tell you he's ready? I want someone to be near the end of where this rope is tied, just in case something were to happen," she suggested, glancing at the girl standing beside her. Of course, she didn't think the rope would untie after what she'd done, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
Juniper stared down at Varexes struggling to hang on. Heights didn't bother her. It wasn't looking down over the cliff that seemed endless that made her uneasy. It wasn't even the thought of death that got to her. It was the fact that it was Varexes that was in danger. She herd Faye leave, but didn't lift her head to see what she was doing. Juniper's eyes stayed on Varexes the entire time. She watched the rope lower and herd the dreaded noise the bridge made as it broke. She felt herself panic only able to watch as it all took place below her. Relieved that Varexes was still hanging on, she stood up and grabbed some rope behind Faye in order to be of some help.
Without warning, Faye heard the ends of the rope on the bridge snap. Her eyes widened as she gasped aloud, seeing the bridge collapse completely. Her heart was racing a million miles per hour as she peered over the edge of the cliff, thanking the lord that Varexes had fortunately caught onto the end of the rope. As she looked down, she could see the remains of the bridge plummeting all the way down until she could no longer see it clearly anymore.

"Yes! I can see that!" she responded in a panicked voice, wrapping her hands tightly around the rope. "Guys, start pulling back on the rope! Use all of your energy and strength!" she yelled over her shoulder, leaning back as she took her own orders.

I cursed my bad luck. "Idiot... if only you'd stayed on this side... how could you be so stupid? You should've trusted them..." I said this quietly enough that no one could hear, and IF they could then it would only be Faye. "You're a liability... how could you do this? First your arm breaks due to your own stupidity, you lose your bow, you almost get Juniper killed by Cerah..." My voice choked when I said the name. "Now this... what's going to happen next?" Sighing, I gripped the rope tighter with my right hand and put my feet on a cracked ledge on the chasm wall to brace myself. 
I looked up at the sound of Faye's voice yelling at everyone to pull and I sighed in relief, despite absolutely despising myself at that moment. I'm saved... they saved me. Damn I'm useless... I thought to myself, but glad that my friends were pulling me up. Looking down I considered letting go, letting myself die so that the others wouldn't worry about me. At that I kicked myself in the shin. Hard. Don't think that! They might not need you but they want you! Besides, what about Faye? What would she think if all of a sudden both Birch and me left? What about Juniper..? I didn't finish that last thought and just gulped, looking up. "Hurry, please!" I called out to Faye.
(I'm still all for Viper xD ... just saying. -whistles while walking away nonchalantly-)

Jess nodded her head and rushed over to where the rope was tied. "It's always better to be safe than sorry." She muttered under her breath as she stopped walking when she was right in front of the tree and rope. She grabbed onto the rope with a firm grip, twisting her hands around it a few times to be a little safer, and looked up to Faye. She was just about to tell her that she was ready when the bridge collapsed completely. "Shit." She nodded her head over at Faye even thought the elf couldn't see her and began to pull the rope backwards, the shout from Varexes only making her work faster.
Juniper gripped the rope with both hands and dug her feet into the ground trying to pull it backwards and lift Varexes to safety. The progress felt slow and she quickly felt the rope ripping through her palm. The rope stung her hands, but she pulled anyways not sure if she was of any help. It was better then sitting and watching. She couldn't tell how far they had pulled Varexes' up or how much longer it would take to drag him onto land which made her feel a bit on edge.
At Faye's command, Lanli grabbed the back of the rope. She pulled hard on it and gave herself enough extra rope to tie around her waist. "Okay... Now that we have an anchor, it'll be easier to pull him up." She though. "Okay, on the count of three we will all need to pull him up at once! One! Two! Three!" She shouted before pulling back with all of her weight as hard as she could. 
((Wait, people already started pulling? Shoot. Scratch that part of the post. :c))

My feet suddenly left the ledge, and it was quite unnerving being dangled in midair and being hauled up. Luckily within just a few moments they had pulled me up high enough that I'd made it to the top of the chasm. Grabbing the side and bracing myself, I scrabbled my way on top of the edge and, as fast as I could without knocking anyone over got several feet away from the edge, breathing deeply and then laying on the ground, splayed out with the rope still wrapped around my arm. "I'm alive.." I said out loud, then I began to laugh. It wasn't hysterical, it was just the laughter of someone who had escaped death. "Oh man that was fun. Terrifying, life threatening, and a bit painful... but fun." Laughing some more I stood up and walked over to Faye, embracing her for a quick moment. "Thank you." I said in her ear, then repeated the motion with Juniper, Lanli, and Jess. It was me showing how much I owed them, how much I thanked them, how much they meant to me all in that quick hug.
(( It's clear Viper is no coincidence. I catch the little details here and there. "It was the fact that it was Varexes." xD ))

Faye could hear Varexes mumbling some things to himself down below, although she couldn't quite hear correctly. She figured he was either panicking, praying for life, or trying to lighten the mood as he held onto a rope with his bare hands over a drop that was thousands of feet above the ground. As she began using all her strength and energy to pull back the rope, she heard Varexes's pleas for help.

She was unable to call back any sort of reassuring phrase due to the fact she was too busy giving her everything in order to make sure he made it up to them. It was odd...hearing Varexes sound so helpless. Usually, it was the complete opposite way around. It was often that Varexes was the one to be saving the others and sounding confident and brave. He was brave--one of the bravest in this whole group, if not the most. It wasn't difficult to tell he had plenty of courage.

Faye's hands were burning from the texture of the rope and having to pull it back with so much force. Her feet slid forward a few times and she breathed heavily, but she managed to get right back into place. There was no way in hell she was going to give up, especially on Varexes's life. They were about several feet back from the edge now, which meant Varexes was getting closer to the top. "Guys, keep pulling! He's...almost up.." she called back to the others in between breathes.

Eventually, he was up to the top and over the edge. At that sight, she allowed herself to fall backwards and breathe. Her arms ached terribly, but she was so very grateful.

She managed to stand up, her arms shaking slightly still. Gradually, an ecstatic smile formed on her face. "Oh, you''re alive! Oh, thank goodness!" she exclaimed, still in between breathes. She took a few steps forward to go embrace him, but she had zero energy left and almost fell onto the ground again. Fortunately, he had the same idea when he came and embraced her instead. She smiled gratefully, returning the hug tightly with what little energy she could manage. A few moments after he released her, she dropped to her knees and fell onto her side.

"So...much energy....gone..." she mumbled, laughing a bit at the same time. She covered her face with her hands, realizing there were tears in her eyes. Tears of joy, of course. "Teamwork..." she said, still smiling as she laughed some more.
As soon as Varexes had been pulled up out of the chasm, Lanli let out a sigh of relief. She eyed him a bit strangely when he began to laugh, but let it go. "After all, he did just escape death." She thought. But the real surprise came when he came by and started hugging Faye, Juniper, Jess, and then herself. "Y-You're welcome..." She said, eyes wide before falling down onto her butt from exhaustion.
Juniper dropped the rope as soon as she saw Varexes safely on the ground. She ran to him, but he already had his arms around Faye. She stood back awkwardly watching the exchange. Then he turned to Juniper and hugged her as well. Her heart raced in her chest and she wrapped her arms around him grateful that he was okay, but he pulled away much too quickly and repeated the same gesture to Lanli and Jess. Her heart sank and she bit her lip not sure why it was it made her so uncomfortable that he was hugging her friends. 
(what? viper isn't real... you guys are totally seeing things that aren't there. O.o )
(( HAH



And is anyone actually feeling like this sensational relief for Varexes as well? Like I know Faye and everyone is, but I mean like, as a role player I'm really taking this to heart over here, guys. xD ))
(I get annoyed when my friends hug other people all the time. That doesn't mean I have a crush on that friend. If it did, then I'd have a crush on about 6 or 7 different girls, lol) 
(I was so tempted to do what you did and say something about how Varexes lost his grip and fell, Nami. xD )

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