The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Oh God I think I died laughing when you said that Lanli couldn't even be a smooth talker... I just couldn't even imagine her like that anyways xD )

Jess nodded her head at Varexes request. Getting firewood shouldn't be that hard to find in a forest plus the task was as easy as a piece of cake, a simple as a walk in the park. "Yeah, I'll be back soon." She turned away from the group and wondered into the thick and lush forest, happy for a small distraction from her thoughts and about how they day could of turned out. Jess shook her head to get rid of scenes playing out in her mind about what would of happened if the bridge collapsed earlier than it did, the rope breaking before they could do anything about it, and picked up decent sized pieces of any firewood she could find.
(I'm talking to my teacher about it, I just want to know if you guys can figure this out with me and see if it makes sense.

Basically, there's a box on a flat and solid surface. This box weighs 35 kilograms. I'm pushing the box at a constant rate, meaning Ffric = horizontal force, which I need to find.

Finding horizontal force, the equation is

coefficient * normal force = friction force (aka horizontal force)

so if coefficient = zero, then friction force = zero, meaning horizontal force to push the box at a constant rate = 0?

This is what is confusing me, because theoretically you need a force to push the box in the first place...)


I looked agape at Juniper. "N-no, that's not what I meant. I was just asking because using the rocks to catch the extra pieces that fall off the spit, we could make a stew. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that.." I couldn't look at her. I didn't mean to degrade Juniper like that... My tone was regretful and it was obvious I hadn't meant it like that. Feeling terrible, I stood up and looked Juniper in the eyes. "Forgive me, please." Not sure what else to say without being awkward, I swallowed and went off to search for rocks, mentally kicking myself for being so stupid. 
(My friend just told me I'm right, the horizontal force = 0 meaning the box isn't moving... which I didn't realize. christ i'm stupid -_- )
Juniper watches Varexes reaction surprised. She raised her eyebrow when he asked her to forgive him. She runs after him when he starts to walk away grabbing his elbow. "hey, I didn't mean it. It was only a joke." she states not sure if it actually was, but she felt guilty for making him feel bad.

I turned to Juniper. "Still.. I guess you just saved my life and I feel bad for asking you to find me rocks... honestly you all look exhausted, I should've gone to get everything, not ask you guys to do it." I was asking for so much just in the past 10 minutes it bothered me. Honestly, they had just saved my life, and what do I do? Ask them to gather sticks and rocks for me so I can cook. I was probably the most energized out of all of them, and I should have just gone to get everything myself.
(( Because we're all really gonna need all that in the future ^^^ xD

If that were my homework I would've laughed and gone, "WHAT IS THIS?" //writes down random bs// ))

And I suck at science more than anything, so. xD

I'm currently in bio-tech now and it's pretty easy though, we're gonna get to watch Jurassic Park apparently which is awesome because I miss those movies and I freaking love my pterodactyls.

But my friend and I already screwed up the first two parts of a lab lolol. x'D Whatevvvs, man x'D AS LONG AS YOU TRY, RIGHT? lolol.

I'm just gonna wait to take chem next year and take forensics the second half of this year.

So in all, I have no freaking idea wtf any of that said because the last thing I want to be is a scientist or a mathematician.

and Vamp, we all love Lanli, no worries. xD ))

Faye nodded willingly in response to Varexes's request, heading over to the piles of supplies. She leaned down and rummaged through the bags, searching for what they needed to cook. She was grateful that Varexes was able to cook something up for them in place of Birch. Not to mention, it would probably turn out better than anything Birch could cook! ((Sorry, she's such a Birch hater now. xD I blame Warlock in multiple ways for this.)) Okay, there was a possibility. Birch could cook well, she'd give the guy that much credit. But either way, she no longer had any desire for his meals.

Faye found the bear meat and the seasoning, placing them in her lap before she closed everything up. She then lifted the items into her grasp before standing up and heading over to where Varexes and Juniper were. She awkwardly stood to the side as she slowed down her pace, not wanting to interrupt whatever was going on between the two.
Juniper watched him turn around. She wondered if he herd her scream his name when the bridge broke and suddenly felt embarrassed. It was a strange thought to occur while he was talking. He didn't try defending himself, which she found odd. Instead he tried to convince her that he was wrong. Her eyes wandered to his wounded hand and lifted it up slowly. She had forgotten about the splinter during all the panic. "You asked for help gathering rocks, but not for this?" she asks. If she wasn't insulted before, she was now. It was the one thing she was good at and he had never asked her to heal him once.
(( I'll stick to college level classes and then my one applied geometry class lolol

IT'S THE TEACHERS' FAULT, I SWEAR. I got my first good math teacher ever last year. The first one I had was evil and yelled at me when I told her I didn't understand something, so it scarred me and I never asked a question ever again xD

Like legit, shes like "If anyone has questions PLEASE ask. PLEASE." so I raised my hand and go, "I'm kind of confused on how to do this.." and she was like "WE'VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK AND NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU DON'T UNDERSTANND?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! EITHER YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION OR STAY AFTER SCHOOL WITH ME!" and she just went back to teaching what she was teaching. She yelled at me in front of the whole class too :'c (this was in middle school btw xD )

then the next teacher was foreign and...yeah, that didn't go well... xD either she quit or she got the next one was finally a great teacher. And I did well finally. *-*

Now you know about my math struggles. x'D Well, in applied I do well 'cause it's easier and what not so xD

and I KNOW. x'''D I might have to change it real soon though because I keep almost choking on my animal crackers (yes, my motherfucking animal crackers) every time I see it. I just love it. <3)) 



x''D hahahahah sorry, I just couldn't help but laugh at the irony. ))
((I did really well in math UNTIL Algebra 2 hit. That class was evil, and my teacher yelled at me and called me lazy and said that I was only staying after so he could do all the work for me. ;-; (Which wasn't true at all. I just had no idea what was going on in the class, so I had questions on pretty much every question of every homework assignment.) But at least my current Geometry teacher is nice. :3))
(( Why is it so hard to find a good math teacher? xD My friend has back problems to the point where she can't even go to school sometimes, but fortunately she's been going to therapy for it often and she doesn't miss school rarely ever anymore, but last year when she did have to miss school quite a bit because of that her math teacher complained to the office that he couldn't handle having her in his class because she was absent too often and he didn't want to have to teach her everything that she missed. She was really unhappy after that, but she got transferred to a different teacher's class....if that teacher was able to teach her still, why wasn't that other dude? -.- ))
(The math isn't hard for me. It's figuring out what equations to use and how to rearrange them to get what I need.)


When Juniper grabbed my hand my first instinct was to pull away, but something made me let her do it. "Well... it wasn't that bad. It bled a bit, but it stopped. I didn't think it needed healing. And I don't want to bother you to heal something so small like this.." This brought up the strange healing of my arm. "But I guess I owe you thanks... for healing my arm. I figured it out right before I crossed over..." I said quietly, but gently. "Thanks... you don't have to heal my hand, but if you want, who am I to decline?"
(( Crap, I need to sleep. I literally accidentally put hand soap on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste this morning. Right as I pressed the button and the soap went onto the bristles I was like :u "shit." x'D Fail.

Well goodnight, my friends! ^^ ))
Juniper nods her head slightly "I was afraid it was healing wrong." she mutters not wanting to insult the splint he had created as she focused on his hand until the skin healed over. Lifting her head from his hand she looked at his face still holding his hand. "I guess I should get those rocks now." she states.
((Your friend wouldn't happen to have Generalized Anxiety Disorder would she? Because if that's the case, her and I are going through almost the exact same things. Only my teacher didn't complain to the school about not wanting to teach me. (At least, not to my knowledge.) Sorry, if that's too private of a question to answer, you don't have too. :c

Although I think Imma head off to sleep. Good night all. :3))

I looked at my hand as it healed, then turned back to Juniper. "Thanks, Juniper." I said. "You don't have to get those rocks if you don't want to. I can get them."
"How about we both get them" she replies finding a suitable solution. She drops her hands to her side realizing she was still holding his and felt a little embarrassed.

My hand dropped and I blushed a little bit as Juniper released my hand. "Uh... sure.. I guess."
Juniper brushed her shoes over the dirt looking at the ground for rocks. She wandered around wondering where they would accumulate in a place like this. Her eyes wandered around the ground. "Varexes, did you want to continue those self defense lessons?" she asks bending down and picks up a rock. She looks it over and brushes off some dirt before placing it in her bag.

I began to walk around, finding the large and flat rocks I was looking for. There weren't many, and I only found two. When Juniper spoke it took me a moment to realize what she was talking about. "If you want to, sure. I'll train you if you want."
Juniper nods "I'd like that" she states with a delayed response finding it hard to talk and look at the same time. She bent down every so often and placed a rock in her bag with the others. Thinking she collected enough rocks she returns to Varexes and pulls them out of bag handing them to him. "I'm glad your okay." she states having never acknowledged his near death experience. She wanted to say more, but the words didn't come. It didn't seem like enough. "I mean I'm glad you didn't die." she bit her lip, no that was worse. She should have left it with those four words. Maybe there weren't any words that could express her feelings. The way it felt to see him dangling from a this rope.

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