The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I looked at the rocks she gave me and smiled. "These are perfect. We put these in the bottom of the fire to collect anything that falls, put it in a stew, put in a few spices... mmm." My mouth watered at the thought, but then Juniper said something out of the blue. I wasn't sure what she meant and gave her a quizzical look, but when she said she was glad I didn't die I smiled. "So am I." She bit her lip and my face flushed red, and I rubbed the back of my neck. "After all, if I died, how could I train you?" I tried to play off my blushing as a joke, but it came out awkward, and I was pretty sure she knew that I was messing around. Sighing inwardly, I pulled Juniper into an embrace and held her for a bit. "It's hard to say it without sounding awkward, but thanks for the heals Juniper." I said in a whisper as I held her. Even after I said that I still held her for about a minute before letting go. "Come on, let's go make dinner." I said while smiling at her.
Juniper found herself taken off guard by the strange joke he made out of the situation. Realizing he was blushing, she realized it was a common occurrence with him today. Maybe it was from thinking about falling to one's death. She wasn't sure exactly, it seemed to happen when that topic was brought up. Then she felt his arms around her again. She threw her arms around him as well resting her nose against his chest. His grip was both warm and strong. It felt safe. She could feel his chest rise and fall evenly with each breath. When he pulled away she lifted her head and was able to see his smile. She couldn't help but smile back which was something she didn't do often. She nods agreeing not sure if she was supposed to say anything.

When I pulled away I saw Juniper smile back, and it took all of my self control and willpower not to grin like a fool. Instead I turned around and saw Faye out of the corner of my eye, but pretended not to notice. Walking over to the supplies, I took the stones that were rougher and made a firepit, placing the smooth stones off to the side, waiting for the fire wood. All of this I did instinctually, rather than actually thinking about it, because I was too busy thinking about that hug with Juniper. Honestly it had been one of the best things I had ever felt in my life, even though it was just a mere hug. Every so often I couldn't help but throw glances at Juniper out of the corner of my eyes, trying to make sure she didn't notice that I was glancing at her.
Juniper watched him walk over to the supplies. She thought about offering to help cook, but she would probably just get in the way. She didn't seem to know much of anything besides healing. He knew so much which made her feel inferior. She made her way over to the fire pit deciding to keep Varexes company anyways. She sat down watching him work.
(So. Much. Fluff. And. Cuteness. >//< Little*Dreamer and Alcat are killing me here)

Jess gathered as much firewood as her arms could carry and made her way back to the others. Once she broke into the clearing and stumbled over to the others she drops the pile of wood on the ground, panting slightly. "I didn't know how much we needed so I got... a lot." Well at least it would keep the fire going for some time. The worn out shapeshifter walked a little bit away from the group, more specifically the practically oblivious lovey dovey pair, and sat down. She wiped her hands on her ripped and dirty legging but pulled back as soon as she did so, hissing at the stinging pain. She already knew about the rope burn she had on her hand from helping to pull Varexes up but now tons of tiny little splinters from carrying the wood were embedded under her skin. "Oh great." Jess said under her breath and, as something to distract herself, she got to work on plucking each individual splinter out.

(Well I have to go to school soon so that means I won't be able to post until it's over. -cheers with false enthusiasm- Yay school...)
"Sorry about that!" Lanli said as she came back, crashing through the brush. "I ended up a little lost..." She paused before saying: "But I found a large amount of wood!" She proclaimed, showing off all of the wood she had found, an impressive stack. "Will this be good for a fire?"
(What details are you talking about Faye? Guys can be close to girls without it being romantic. I mean, come on, a hug doesn't mean anything.

I don't wanna hear about school, Sliver. You guys are further east than I am, so you get up earlier and get home earlier, so I'm left having to read like 6 freakin pages.)


As I worked, I saw Jess come over with quite a bit of wood. "This is excellent! Thank you." I said, taking the wood from her and leaving it in a pile. As she handed me the wood, I noticed her hands were quite burned with a large number of splinters in them. "Hey, Jess, your hands don't look so good..." I said, feeling guilty because I knew it was my fault her hands were like that. "Maybe you should talk to Juniper? Or wash your hands?" I suggested a little lamely.

When Lanli came along, I nodded to her and accepted the sticks. "These'll work fine. Thank you." I lay them down and before I stood back up Jess had walked away. Feeling guilty, I began to work at creating the fire pit for the meat, noticing Juniper had followed me over and was keeping me company while I worked. I hid a little smile from her and began gently humming as I set up the logs in the ring of stones, then got some flint and tinder from another supply bag and lit the fire. As it began to blaze, I carefully placed the flat stones into the middle of the fire. Then, turning to Juniper, I asked, "Can you get a pot and fill it with some water so we can make a stew?" I said it completely forgetting about earlier and instead turned to the meat Faye gave me and stripped the sticks of their bark.
Juniper looked up at Varexes and pushed herself back onto her feet. She grabbed a pot and used some of the fresh water to fill it up. She set it down next to Varexes. She returned to her seat and let her eyes wander away from Varexes and up to the sky. It was getting darker, not dark enough for stars, but dark enough to feel a little colder.

"Thanks Juniper." I said with a smile. Once I finished what I was doing, I placed the meat over the fire so it could begin to cook. As it did so, several pieces of meat, fat, gristle, etc. fell onto the flat stones. The meat browned and became crispy, and the smell of cooking meat wafted through the air, causing my stomach to growl. Taking some of the spices, I looked through them and, using smell rather than knowledge of them, I sprinkled some onto the meat, and the smell amplified.

While the meat cooked, I very carefully collected the stones from inside the fire, using some tong-like things from the bags I found. I was no cook, and had no idea what I was doing except that the meat was looking and smelling amazing. I put the scraps that had fallen onto the stones into the pot and set it close to the fire so it could heat up, putting in mostly the same spices and a few others. Honestly I was experimenting here, and wasn't sure how it'd turn out.

Then I noticed that the meat was starting to blacken and I quickly took it off the fire and replaced it with the pot for it to heat up faster. I had overcooked the meat slightly, but the smell was amazing. I set that off to the side so it could cool slightly, then turned to the pot. Grabbing a ladle, I carefully tasted the stew and it was all right. Nothing like what Birch could make, but it was good enough. It was mostly broth, but that combined with the meat would make a pretty decent meal, considering the circumstances.
Lanli watched Varexes cooking hungrily. The smell of the meat was incredible, and her mouth watered when she thought of the upcoming meal. "Do you want some help?" She asked, sitting down besides Varexes.

Turning to Lanli I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. But thanks for offering." I said to her as I thought about what I could put in the stew and on the meat. I lightly salted both and taste-tested the stew again, and felt it did actually taste better. "Well, it's ready. I won't vouch for how good it is, but I can say it's cooked and it'll be filling." I said as a joke, distributing the food into plates and bowls. 
(Now I'm actually off to school xD Later!) 
(I think i found a loophole in the filters.)
(I don't know much about soul eater. I am not be for anime.)

Juniper nodded at Varexes' thank you and turned her head seeing lanolin approach. She stood up and returned to the cliff deciding to let the two of them talk. She wanted to be alone for a while. Lately she hadn't been able to find any alone time.
((It would be based in a similar universe, but would follow a different plotline. So that way you wouldn't have to know much about Soul Eater to participate. :3 Only the basics. (Which would be explained.)))
(I look away for a couple hours and boom, ten pages -_- I personally am thinking about stuff for a mech-based RP. Something close to the battletech universe.)
(( Okai, I've returned from school.

1) Alcat, I'm going to strangle you if you don't just deal with Viper existing. Like, we're not all that clueless here. xD Sure, girls and guys can give one another a hug without it being romantic, but the way it was described between the two was nothing casual. Let's see, randomly pulling Juniper into another embrace, all the blushing involved, 'the best feeling ever'. If it meant nothing he wouldn't have embraced her to begin with, there'd be no blushing--or you wouldn't care enough to describe it, and you most certainly wouldn't have said it was the best feeling ever. If I were to hug my friend Cole it would not be the 'best feeling ever' it'd just be a hug lmao. Additionally, the whole 'accidental holding hands' motion earlier. Juniper was healing his hand and instead of just healing it and being done she felt the need to add the part where she keeps holding his hand and is embarrassed when she realizes she's been. If the two of them didn't have more than just friendly feelings for one another none of that would've been added. If you think that's the case, then you are extremely misleading with everything and if you were to write a book of this all the fans would say Juniper & Varexes had feelings for eachother. SO, EITHER YOU THINK WE'RE ALL DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE YOUR ATTEMPTS TO DENY IT, OR YOU AND DREAMER ARE THE TRUE CLUELESS ONES. xD But I highly doubt you're both clueless, you're just pretending to be, which in a sense could be fine if you just wanted to try and make us believe it wasn't true so it'd be more shocking when they did do more flirtatious things.


2) Apparently the pots & pans that were on the other side of the cliff that they never brought along magically appeared over to them. Lmfao.

3) Zeyro you disappeared for like 5ever, not a few hours xD

4) My mother's dragging me to the store so I'll try to post soon xD ))
((Btw I'm Nami not Faye, Alcat. xD ))

While Juniper and Varexes were having...a moment or something of the sort, Faye decided it was best to not stand and watch. Instead, she headed over to a log near the fire pit and placed the meat and seasoning she'd retrieved on the surface. She put her hands in her pockets and stood there for a few seconds, just staring down at the bag of meat. Eventually, she looked up to see Juniper and Varexes pull out of their spontaneous embrace. She wasn't quite sure why they were hugging anyway, but she'd noticed how close they'd been throughout the past few days.

As Varexes started heading towards the fire pit, she backed away into the shadows of the forest. Faye then leaned against a tree, trying to make herself at least somewhat comfortable for now. She studied the way Varexes cooked their meal carefully, her eyelids trying to blink their way to stay awake as the wonderful smell of food wafted through the air. The wind carried the scent straight over to her and her mouth began to water once again, feeling starved at this point.
Lanli noticed Faye standing nearby and turned over to her, smiling. "It smells so very good. My mouth is watering at the smell, I can hardly wait!" She said, obviously excited. It had been days since her last meal, so Lanli was about ready to start gnawing on her own arm.
"Faye, I think you're drooling" Nova said, quietly walking up behind her. He followed her eyes and found that she was looking at Var and Juniper, 'Ah, I see...must remind her of what she has with Birch...poor girl. Oh well, nothing much I can do.' Nova also noticed Lanli was there, it was kinda odd how they had all decided to creep around in the woods and watch the two at the exact same moment, but whatever. 'Great minds think alike?' "Same here" Nova agreed with her comment. 
(Battetech was about Faction warfare using giant mechs, vehicles and ships in some cases. The game took place across the galaxy where different companies and factions struggled for control, apparently giant mechanized suits were the most effective way to move weapons platforms between planets.)
((Sounds interesting. :o Is it on netflix?)) 
((Wait, who's comment did Nova agree with? O.o I don't think anyone said anything to him.))
(It wasn't a movie, it was a tabletop wargame setting, but I think there was an anime based on it or something like that, but I've never found it. Nova agreed with Lanli in that he can hardly wait to eat.)

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