The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(And I am now officially back from school.)

Jess didn't hear Varexes request to have Juniper heal her or watch her hands off so she continued to do what she did before. She had taken out most of the splinters in one hand which took a painfully long time before she juts let out a sigh and flopped back onto the forest floor. "Stupid wood." She knew that it would be best to do something with her hands or at least clean them so the possibility of getting an infection would decrease but she couldn't bring herself to stand up and move. As Jess sat there for a while, catching snippets of random conversations, the smell of food wafted over her nose and made her stomach growl loudly. She was extremely hungry after not eating for about a day or two but just the thought of having to get up to fetch it was agonizing to her. She didn't know why but just went with the thought that her body was too worn out and tired to do anything else. 'God, how in the world is Varexes still up and moving around after everything that happened today?'
Faye jumped slightly at the sound of Lanli's voice, not having realized anyone was around her as she grew quite tired with the time that had passed. She turned her head quickly after the girl's comment about how wonderful the food Varexes was making smelt. Faye hesitated a moment before speaking, needing time to process what was going on around her.

"Huh?" she blurted at first, but then chuckled softly. "Oh, yeah it does smell great!" She smiled warmly, startled once again by Nova's voice from the other side of her. "Nova?!" she exclaimed, slouching her shoulders a bit as she continued to lean against the tree. "Where have you been?" After asking the question, she briefly wiped her mouth in case Nova wasn't kidding about her drooling. "Sorry...I'm tired and hungry..." she told him quietly, looking away as her face reddened slightly with embarrassment.
"I had things to do..." Nova said, not wanting to reveal anything, shoving the black book further into the pocket on his robe, hoping Lanli wouldn't notice, since it was on her side of him."You have a right to be tired, after what happened on that bridge. Would stress anyone out.." Novas stomach growled loudly at that moment."..and I'm hungry too I guess, no need to be embarrassed." He said, sensing the change in heat on her skin.
(Am I clueless? o:

Also, I didn't know what supplies were brought over and what supplies weren't -_- we weren't very specific on that aspect.)


I felt Juniper's absence and felt a little disappointed, but I was more tired than I was anything else. I'd barely been sleeping the past few days, I'd nearly died... I was about ready to pass out from exhaustion. But considering that everyone had just saved my life, I owed them a meal. I stood up and stretched for a while, then turned. "Hey everyone! Dinner's ready!" I called out. The food was ready, all that needed to be done was eat it. I took a sip of water from the supplies, then sat down near the fire and started passing out food.
Once Lanli recieved her share of food, she thanked Varexes and immediately poured all of her attention into eating. It was a little overdone, but it was still delicious and honestly, Lanli was so hungry that the taste was just a bonus. She finished her food very quickly and then let out a little sigh of happiness. "Thank you for a good meal!" She clapped her hands together in thanks, smiling broadly after cleaning her face with her sleeve.
"I would've fallen asleep standing up if it weren't for the smell of food to keep me awake," Faye admitted, smiling with an honest laugh. Just after she spoke, Varexes called over from the fire that the food was ready.

Without wasting another second she pushed herself forward from leaning against the tree, willingly leaving her comfortable position. "Fooood...." she mumbled as she headed in the direction of the source of that delicious scent, practically walking like a zombie.

Faye dropped to the ground beside Varexes and allowed her eyes to scan what he'd cooked. Judging just by the appearance of the food, it seemed he wasn't a terrible cook after all. Although she hadn't even tasted it yet, she didn't think it'd taste bad. Even if it did, she was so hungry it was highly doubtful that she'd even notice.

"You didn't have to cook all this by yourself," she said, still in awe that he did. After almost dying you'd think he would just want to rest. With that in mind she added, "You should rest after you eat."

I shook my head at Faye and smiled. "I did have to. This was my way of thanking all of you. If I didn't, I'd have felt like worthless garbage and like I should've fallen back there." It was brutally honest of me, but it was better than arguing with her about it. "Just eat and get some rest. Out here I'm a bit nervous anyways. I'm not that tired, I'll keep watch." I said, lying to her face about not being tired. Everything else was true, but hey, I could stay awake to keep watch.
(Let's restrain from mentioning Viper in the future. This is a Viper free zone. Anyone who tried to bring up Viper or anything referring to Viper shall suffer with further denial to the subject's existence.)

Juniper stood up returning to the fire hearing the call for dinner. She looked over the food silently. She didn't like being stuck in the crowd of elves. She wanted to grab her food and sit back down on her own, but it wasn't so simple. There were too many obstacles in the way.
Lanli opened her mouth to argue with Varexes's decision to take watch, but then closed it again. If he wanted to take watch, who was she to decide for him whether or not he was too tired? "But still..." She thought before speaking up. "I'll take second watch, you just wake me up when you get tired, okay?"
(I'm with Dreamer... I don't see what you guys are about Viper.)


I handed Juniper her food with a smile, then passed out the rest. When everyone had some (yeah, I'm assuming everyone's eating -_- ) I took my share, which was slightly smaller, and stood up to retrieve my bow and quiver. "Sure thing, Lanli." I said with a quick grin. "I'm going to go find a place to keep watch. I'll be within earshot, so if you need me, call me." I told everyone before walking away with my bow and quiver slung on my back and food in my hand. I wanted a bit of time to myself and this was a good excuse to get it. Walking away from the camp, I walked towards the treeline and found a nice boulder just a short way's in. I could still easily hear the fire and elves as well as see them, so it was perfect for me to keep watch.
Jess continued to lay on the ground even after the food was ready, debating in her head to see if she should go and get some or stay put on the cozy floor. She only finally got up when Varexes talked about how he would of thought he was worthless and should have died. 'In order to say that he must have been thinking like that when we were trying to save him with the rope.' She trudged over to the group of elves and took a plate of food to nibble on, glaring at Varexes throughout the whole thing. 'How dare he even think like that?' She continued to glare at him while he stood up and walked away, hoping that she could burn a whole through hi back with her eyes. 'Uhuh. Just keep walking buddy.'
Lanli nodded as Varexes walked away before yawning and stretching. "Alright, I think it's time for us to sleep." She said, laying down on the ground and closing her eyes. She fell asleep almost immediately.
Juniper took the food and returned to the cliff setting her food beside her. She ate silently taking her time. The chill in the air made her want to sit by the warmth of the fire. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and took a few bites of her food.
As Faye didn't waste another second to start eating, Varexes decided he was going to stay up and keep watch instead of resting. She wanted to convince him to rest, but she was in the middle of chewing. Her attempt to chew faster failed as Varexes stood up and left with food in hand. After swallowing, she frowned with a slight sigh. The boy was really hardworking and grateful for everything, which she appreciated very much, but if he didn't take some time to sleep he'd have zero energy soon. Varexes was an essential part of this group's survival, so an extremely tired one wasn't going to be helpful. Plus, she just thought he was working too much for them. He needed a break.

Faye turned her head in his direction momentarily, but then just went back to eating. Food came first, other things came afterwards.

She took some more time to enjoy her decent meal, making sure to not waste one bit of it. It felt real good to actually get something in her stomach finally, especially after using all that energy a while earlier. As she began finishing up her meal, she noticed that Lanli had fallen into a nice slumber around the fire.

Faye chuckled to herself, smiling at the sleeping elf beside her. The wind blew by, giving Faye some chills as her blonde hair whipped around her face. Pushing the strands out of her vision, she stood up and walked over to the supplies. Faye bent over and grabbed a blanket, cradling it in her arms as she headed back over to the fire. It was soft and warm against the icy autumn breeze.

As she arrived at the fire pit, the wind finally caused the flames to die out gradually. She just kind of shrugged to herself, figuring it wasn't such a big deal now. It was dark now, probably really late as well. Faye approached Lanli, placing the blanket over the sleeping girl. It was cold outside, so she figured this would help her sleep a bit better.

After doing so, Faye stepped back contently before turning away from Lanli. She began packing up any leftover food and storing it away in case any animals sniffed it out. That was the last thing they needed tonight...

With that, Faye hiked her bow up onto her back and strolled on over in the direction Varexes headed a bit earlier. Finally spotting him through the darkness, she smiled and spoke up.

"It's Faye," she assured him, just in case he didn't notice anyone was approaching. It'd be a little worse than just awkward if he thought she was an animal about to attack. She knew his instincts and he was quick to pull an arrow out.

I heard someone walking behind me and heard Faye speak. Turning I nodded as I finished chewing the last of my meat and set the plate down beside me. "Shouldn't you be resting? I heard how tired you were." I asked her, clearing a place next to my seat of rocks and most of the loose dirt, tapping it to tell her she should sit down.
Faye laughed, waving the idea away as if it didn't mean a thing. "Nah, I'll be fine. I think I just needed some food in my system, aha. Thanks for that by the way. You're actually not a bad cook," she admitted, taking the seat beside him. "I can keep watch for now, you know," she said, turning to face him with a warm grin. Her eyes were still sparkling merrily as usual, but truthfully she was doing her best to keep them from closing. To be honest, she really didn't even want to sleep though.
(Jess is pissed because Varexes practically told them that if he didn't show his thanks in some way, in this case cooking, then he would of felt like he pretty much should have died and that ticked Jess off. Yeah Jess thinks people are just moronic for thinking that the are useless and such xD She's pretty much just like "Oh so if you didn't do this you would of felt unworthy and that killing yourself might of been better or that you deserved it? Well we will see about that!" and thus begins the glaring at him because of how stupid Varexes is for saying, or even thinking, that.)
((I like that there's some anger towards another in the group xD makes things interesting))
(Well then, Jess would absolutely despise me.

But the thing is is that Varexes the character is very self conscious. He hates having to rely on people and hates having to be saved/be helped. If he needs help, he'll usually wait for the last possible second to get it. So when he's in a life or death situation and can't save himself, then he feels useless and worthless. #thatsme)


I chuckled at Faye. "No, it's all right. Go get some rest. You saved me, you deserve it." I told her. "I've got a good spot here. I can still see the camp and hear everything from around me, but I'm out far enough I have plenty of warning." I put my bow in my lap and held three arrows from my quiver in my hand and a fourth nocked on my bow. It felt great to be able to use it again, and I didn't realize how much I'd missed or relied upon my bow. It was almost like a security blanket to me. I'd felt lost without it, but now that I'd gotten this bow from Ava.... I felt more whole than I ever had before.
Juniper finished eating and cleaned her dish leaving it back with the supplies. She looked over at Varexes wondering why everyone had gathered around him. She sat down next to the fire since everyone had dispersed. Thinking about heading the bed, she rubbed her hands together over the fire. Everyone seemed tired, but kept on forcing themselves to stay up. She still felt pretty awake at the moment and didn't feel the need to sleep. Although if she laid down to close her eyes, she doubted anyone would disturb her.
(( Faye's the only one with Varexes xD The others are around the fire lmao ))

Faye shook her head fast, quickly shooting down Varexes's request for her to go sleep. "No, then I'll keep watch too," she told him, her voice steady. Although it was clear she was determined to stay, she was still smiling pleasantly. She couldn't let Varexes take over her leadership role all the time.

With that, she pulled her bow off her back and readied an arrow as well, showing that she was also prepared to keep watch. She didn't care how long she had to wait around or how long she had to force her eyelids to stay open. The last thing on her mind was sleep right now. Of course she was quite tired, but honestly she enjoyed being alone with Varexes. Despite a few differences, she felt that they were similar in a number of ways.

Faye thought back to when they'd first met that day in the woods, a bit after that lunatic elf Caricon vanished. ((aw, we never found his dead body <//3)) She thought he seemed a bit mysterious, not to mention interesting. In addition, she was extremely impressed by his archery skills that he showed off right then and there. Actually, she really enjoyed that little match they had. That was one of the only true times where no stress or problems sat upon her shoulders. Despite always staying positive, she knew in the back of her mind that something was an issue. However, shooting her bow with him that time made her forget any of that.

There were certainly times when Varexes had irritated her, for instance when he took charge of the group spontaneously. She felt a bit thrown away by this new elf who seemed to be taking her role as leader so suddenly. He'd apologized though, multiple times for multiple it wasn't all that bad. After being around Varexes for quite an amount of time though, she began to understand him better. Now he felt more like a co-leader to her.

Faye sat there with her bow ready for anything that may possibly attack, but stared off into the forest as she took that little stroll down memory lane. She wasn't aware of how much she was beaming or that her eyes were twinkling cheerfully, but then again when was she not? There was a chance she was just so truthfully tired that she was just overly happy. That tended to happen when she was exhausted.

Looking at Faye, I wasn't sure what to say. "Are you sure? You look like you're nodding off a bit." I said. Truthfully told, it was too dark for me to tell, but if I was right then it might convince her to go lay down. If I was wrong, I could play it off as a mistake.
"Hm?" Faye said, snapping back to reality. She smiled brightly and shook her head. "Why are you so determined to get rid of me?" she joked, turning away and standing up. She paced back and fourth, trying to prove that she was wide awake. Actually, doing so kind of did help a bit. However, as she gripped her bow she felt her hands stinging. She lifted one off the handle and used her fingers to feel the blisters from holding onto that rope so tightly earlier.

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