The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(I didn't stab myself on purpose.... I was leaning back during a test and I lost my balance and fell forward...)


I smiled and spoke softly. "Yes, you did. I've said it before, but thank you." I said, quite content with the world. I turned around to look at the fire to make sure nothing had happened and saw Jess off on her own a little ways, picking at her hands. If only Juniper were awake... we could ask her to heal everyone's hands... She probably healed her own, considering she helped with pulling me up. Was I really that heavy..? I thought in my head, feeling a bit guilty about causing so much trouble.
(Oh no, don't even get me started about paper cuts O-O ... I think I am just realizing how accident prone I really am since I can think of so many stories I have about getting a measly paper cut x'D
(( Ahahahahaha x'D


Oh wait.


Okay, well biting the inside of your cheek over and over and then burning the roof of your mouth altogether sucks as well. Happened too many times to me this week xD ))
(Biting my cheek doesn't have the same affect it used to have. See the dentist knew I was a vampire, so he pulled out my fangs and he said the he drilled holes in the roof of my mouth for my big fangs to grow in. They came in on my pallet. the way my teeth are placed, I am always and will forever be biting my cheek. It's beautiful.) 
(You want to know what's worse then Crohn's? Having a twin who has Crohn's and wants to murder you whenever you eat something she can't have.)
((I think I'm gonna have to agree with Alcat. I don't even have Chrons, but from what I've gathered about it, it's pretty damn awful sounding.))
(( Diseases shouldn't exist :'c

I don't even like calling it a 'disease' because that sounds like 'sickly' and you're just a normal, wonderful human being :c ))

Faye nodded, staring down at her hand for a moment before saying, "You know, I'd risk my life for you." She placed her hand back down by her side as she looked up at him, a softer smile on her face. After hesitating for a couple of seconds she added, "I mean, I doubt you'd ever need me to though. You're good at defending yourself and stuff..."
(Ah well. I'll live with it.)


I turned to Faye, a little surprised by what she said. "I needed you today..." I said, turning away. "Without you I'd be dead and broken, forgotten. I'm good at defending myself because I've had to my whole life. You're good at defending the group. You're better than me by far, because you're not as selfish." This was the truth. She could protect the group and knew what to do to keep us all safe. I knew what to do to keep myself safe.
(yeah, they wanted to be fed. I call them my adopted babies. I rescued them from my little sister's friend who was now allowed to keep them at her house. Her solution was to leave them in her classroom at school. Summer came around and they needed a home. They were overweight and abused. Nibble bit. They have made a real change. They are now skinny and nibbles hasn't bitten me for a few weeks. Her sister Gumby is adorable. She loves to climb on top of your head and stand on her hind legs. They came with names. I didn't want to change them. Before them I had three others. A fancy blue rat named Ratter, a dumbo rat named Rascal, and a hairless dumbo rat named Tiny. We aren't sure what Gumby and Nibbles are or how old they are. )
(( I don't have rats--probs wouldn't be a good idea with Socks here x'D--BUT My sleeping beside me...he's so cute, I'm just blowing him a bunch of kisses.

Ohmaigoodness, he makes me act like a weirdo. I just talk to him like adults talk to babies x'D I don't even know what this means, but I called him 'Chicken Muffin' the other day. Like wtf is Chicken Muffin? It just kinda came out of my mouth. "Chicken Muffin!" x'D Then I huggled him as much as he would allow ||D ))

Faye's eyes widened as Varexes spoke, wondering why he'd say such. Her eyes glimmered a bit sadly, wishing he'd stop being so tough on himself. Not to mention, he seemed to look at the negative side of actually quite concerned her.

"You? Selfish?" she asked, furrowing her brows with puzzlement. The statement didn't even make sense to her at all. She shook her head fast with disagreement, settling herself back down next to him again. "You're actually one of the most unselfish people I know," she admitted. "You're always willing to protect others--and you're determined as well. I know you'd risk your life to save others too...I know you're good at defending everyone. You actually tend to take charge of the group for me sometimes." She smiled, showing that she didn't mind the way she had back at the start. "I think of you as like...a co-leader now." It was true. Faye had led the group here from the start, but once Varexes appeared he gradually became another leader. Faye chuckled as she added, "To be honest, I used to be jealous that you were a better leader than me most of the time."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not that good of a leader. I throw out orders in stressful situations and if they don't follow them I don't know what to do. You convince people to follow you. I push them to follow me. There's a difference." I paused and took in the scenery to make sure nothing was coming. "I try to save everyone because it's practice to become selfless. Some would say that it's selfish because I'm willing to lay down my life for any of you. It's... complicated how I think." I said, trying my hardest to explain to Faye why I thought the way I did. "Don't be jealous of me. Gods, don't ever be jealous of me. I'm nothing compared to you." I hated it when people looked up to me, because it put too much pressure and stress on me that I just couldn't handle. I could be confident, but if people began to depend on me I would only let them down. If nobody looked up to me, my actions would only affect myself. But then, if I fail and someone looks up to me, I let them down. I can't handle that.
Juniper rolled onto her side in her sleep her hair falling into her face. She had begun to dream. She was in her tree house watching the birds in the nest outside her window. It was from the story she had told to Caricon. She had never finished it. She watched as the birds flew away one by one and she frowned as the nest slowly faded and then fell from the branch. Down below she saw a few elves enter the garden and walk up to her house to ask her parents for help. She saw her father wave her down and she climbed down and ran inside excited to help. She grabbed her stool and stepped onto it looking at the patient sitting on the table. It was a small boy who seemed to be crying, but she took no notice of that. It was a common occurrence to see tears. She watched as her father showed her how to the broken bone in his arm.

Suddenly the door slammed open and she looked up at an older boy with her same bright red hair. Juniper's eyes snapped open and she stared at the sky breathing heavily. Instead of dreaming, she had drifted through an old memory. "Orchid" she whispered remembering the boy's name.
"Don't worry," she said while chuckling softly, "I'm not jealous of you anymore." Faye smiled proudly at him, glad to have gotten past that stage. It was unlike her to be jealous of another. Perhaps it was because of all their similarities, causing her to feel as though a possibly better version of herself had taken her role--replacing her and leaving her with no longer a purpose.

"I've decided that we both lead this group now," she told him, prepared to object his denial already. "And you know, everything doesn't have to be as complicated as you make it out to be. Just...think positively of everything. Throw away all that useless negativity you're storing up there," she suggested, tapping his head with her index finger as she smiled brightly. "And face it, you're an amazing elf. I know somewhere in your heart you're aware of just refuse to see it. You're anything but selfish." Faye looked at Varexes for a few moments carefully, allowing her words to sink into his mind. "You just need to stop focusing on all that negative, useless, pointless energy a little. Live with a smile on your face and the elves you love in your heart." This time she extended her arm out and tapped his chest lightly where his heart would be. After pulling her arm back by her side she said finally, "That's all you need."

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