The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I was a bit surprised by Faye's speech. When she touched me I recoiled slightly, but I didn't move otherwise. When she concluded her speech, I was astounded. Then I began to giggle, then chuckle, then progressed to full out laughter. "You know, you're the first person to ever explain it like that." I wiped my eyes and managed to calm myself down. "Thinking positive isn't as easy as you make it out to be, Faye. I'm a pessimist by nature, not by choice." I smiled at her. "Thanks for the pick-me-up though."
After Faye had ended her little speech of the sort, she was a bit surprised when Varexes became hysterical all of a sudden. At first she just sat there curiously, but his laughter soon became contagious. Of course, she wasn't aware of why he was laughing but either way it felt good to laugh. For Faye, that was one of the most important things to do.

Eventually he stopped to thank her, but tell her that he couldn't control his negative thoughts.

Faye had a feeling her words wouldn't help much, but couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes as they grew a shade darker. He seemed...a bit lost lately and she just wanted to help him. She sighed a little to herself as she looked down at her lap, pretending to be so interested in her bruised palms as she ran her fingers along the scars gently.

"It doesn't mean you can't try..." she said softly, still observing her hands without looking up at his face. "I just want you to be happy."
(Is this what you were talking about Nami? >.>)


Faye seemed so sad after I told her that, and mentally I cursed myself for not just accepting her words. Why did I have to be so damned brutally honest? I could've just said that I would and thank her, but then I would've felt bad for lying... which was the lesser of two evils? I suppose if we'd never even talked about it in the first place... oh well. "I can try. I do try. I will try more. Thank you for caring so much about me." I spoke softly and gently, hoping to reassure her as much as I could. 
(It's 12:30 and I might be going out with a friend today, so I'm out. Night Nami!)
Juniper stared up at the sky her mind racing over the end of the memory her dream hadn't finished. She frowned pushing the memory away began to hear voices. Recognizing them as Varexes and Faye, she wondered if they would ever go to sleep. Slowly, she sits up. Curiosity getting the better of her she walks over to the two wondering what was keeping them up so late.
((Lol I fell asleep anyway. I just woke up cause I'm lazy xD

Annnd no it's not what I was going to do. xD I'll probs do that way later. ))
(( Good morning! ^^))

Hearing Varexes's words, she smiled warmly to herself in hopes that he wasn't just saying what she wanted to hear. However, she didn't look up at him but instead just kept looking down at her palms--well, pretended to. It wasn't necessarily on purpose, either. Rather, she found herself dosing off as she sat there, gradually leaning forward as if she were falling asleep. There was no doubt at all that she was tired, the arrow she'd placed in her bow earlier slipping out and bouncing on the ground until it settled. Even that she didn't notice. 
(( YES. Insidious Chapter 2 is finally coming out this Friday <3 I've been looking forward to this 'cause Insidious is like one of my favorite movies))
Juniper watched Faye's arrow hit the ground and bent down picking it up. She placed it down by Faye's side so it wouldn't get stepped on. She didn't think she would be doing much sleeping after the dream she had woken from.

I heard footsteps and something fall to the ground, and turning I saw Juniper picking up an arrow that Faye had dropped. I smiled at Juniper and whispered, "Hey," before getting up and slinging my bow across my back. I picked up Faye and carried her to the fire, laying her down and covering her with a blanket I found. Stepping lightly, I silently walked back to my watchful place and sat down. That simple act had woken me up enough to allow me to keep watch. "Why aren't you sleeping Juniper?" I asked her softly.
"I was--" Juniper explained sitting down next to Varexes. "--Until." she paused not wanting to talk about her dream. "Until my dream was interrupted by some voices." she states after some thought.

I heard her hesitation and knew she was lying, but I didn't want to pressure her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Was all I said, crossing my legs and reassuming my position with my bow and arrows in hand. "May I ask what you were dreaming about?"
Juniper shrugs "It wasn't that good of a dream anyways." she shrugs off the apology due to being more grateful she had woken up when she did. "It wasn't exactly a dream, more like a memory." she tells him. "Are you going to stay up all night?" she asks trying to change the subject.

I nodded at Juniper, understanding a bit of what she was talking about. "I know what you mean. Dreams that relive memories are... well, they usually turn to nightmares for me." I confided in her. It was true, because even when I had a dream about a good memory something happened to turn that memory bad and completely ruined the nights sleep for me.

When Juniper asked me if I would stay up all night I didn't answer immediately. What would be the best way to tell her without lying to her..? "I... plan on keeping watch." I said hesitantly. I turned my head away from her and silently yawned before turning back. Hopefully Juniper hadn't noticed...
"It probably already is a nightmare without help from my unconscious mind." Juniper stated believing some of her memories didn't need any help to turn into nightmares. The temperature was colder away from the fire. She instinctively scooted closer to Varexes for warmth without much thought about it. "What do you think you have to watch out for?" she asks wondering why he thought it was worth fighting off exhaustion to stay on look out the entire night.

I nodded, turning to look at Juniper. "Nightmares are probably my worst fear. In fact... my own mind is my worst fear. I am my own worst enemy and my own harshest critic." I told her. It was true, considering how I thought of myself compared to how everyone else thought of me. Regardless of whether or not it was because of my past or just because it was who I am, it was the harsh truth. Sometimes I hated it. Actually, I always hated how people would compliment me and I couldn't believe them because of the inner workings of my mind speaking against me, telling me it was lies and they just pitied me. But somehow, I think I did sometimes believe it, because if I hadn't I would have probably killed myself on that bridge earlier...

I felt rather than saw Juniper scoot closer to me. I couldn't quite tell if she had or not, so I put it down to my imagination and sat where I was. "That's the problem Juniper. I don't know what's out there. Some possibilities are animals and Dark Elves. Bandits, militia, villagers... who knows what's out there? The problem with being on watch is that I don't KNOW what to look for, so I have to look for EVERYTHING. The best place to be would be somewhere high where I could get a good view for miles, but there's no place around like that..." I motioned with my arm around. "The trees are too tall for me to be able to warn everyone if something happens. There's no high ground that I can access, so this is the best place to be unless I want to patrol. But patrols are easier to spot, and they're kind of worthless unless you have multiple of them to scan the same area multiple times." I explained all of this while actually looking around to see if there was a better spot. "Staying on watch is hard, and I want everyone to rest. So I'm doing it myself." I finished off before shivering slightly from the cold, just an ever so slight shudder.
Juniper listened silently as Varexes talked. She liked that she didn't have to say much in response. It was nice not have to use so many words. It took a lot of effort to pick the right ones. She had learned that there were some words that could hurt as much as a punch or a stab. Using fewer words made it less likely to use the wrong words.

"Are you always this paranoid?" she asked assuming it took a lot of effort to be able to think about all the possible things that could go wrong. It had never occurred to her that anyone would attack them while they slept.

She stared off into the darkness able to see further now that she was sitting away from the fire. Her eyes slowly adjusted to night vision. At night the colors disappeared and everything took shades and tints of grey.

I chuckled when Juniper called me paranoid. "No, I'm not. But it's better to be safe than sorry, considering we're in a new place that we don't really know much about, now do we?" I asked. "Would you rather me be paranoid and save your life if we get attacked, and because I woke you and fought to defend us? Or would you rather die because I went to sleep thinking we were safe?" It was a valid point I raised. It kind of hurt that she thought I was paranoid. I mean, paranoia wasn't exactly a good trait to have. But it wasn't really a bad one either, because without paranoia we'd probably die or get captured. Shrugging it off, I wondered why I cared about being paranoid in the first place. Was it because of Juniper? Or if it had been Faye or Lanli or someone else who said it would I feel the same way? I didn't know, and it confounded me.
"On the other hand I won't feel safe tomorrow when you fall asleep and someone else has to carry you and then we get attacked leaving us without two elves to protect us." she replies. She folded her arms over her stomach trying to hide a shiver. "I could come up with a lot of scenarios about what could possibly happen, it doesn't mean they will." she adds.

I was a bit surprised at the sudden attack on what I'd said. It took me a long while to respond and to think of what I needed to say to her to reassure her. "The watch will change, so I will get some sleep. I won't fall asleep tomorrow, so you'll be safe." I said this slowly, thinking of the words as they came from my mouth. "When it comes to protecting someone, always think of the worst case scenario. If you can protect your target from that, and prepare for that event, then anything else that happens that's less than that should be easy to take care of." I noticed her arms around her stomach and raised one eyebrow. "Are you okay?" I said worriedly, anxious that perhaps my cooking had made her sick.
(I don't think you missed much. We crossed the bridge and pulled Varexes up. Dinner was made and everyone is sleeping except Juniper and Varexes.)

Juniper didn't feel like continuing to challenge his paranoia. She rubbed her arm with her palm deciding to answer his question. "I'm fine, it's just cold away from the fire." she replied trying to think of she had anything to warm herself up with. She didn't think her blanket or coat had made it across the bridge. She hadn't used them yet and didn't think they were very useful until that minute.
(Little*Dreamer, your response... I can't help but love it...)


I was glad when Juniper didn't continue the conversation about my paranoia. I was struck with a sudden thought and thought about it. I could... but she might slap me. There was also the obvious suggesting for her to go to the fire or get a blanket, but that's not entirely what I wanted her to do. It was safer, but... ah well. I wasn't brave enough. "Why don't you go back to the fire then? Or get a blanket from the supplies? I know there was another one there somewhere, besides the two Lanli and Faye are using..." I suggested, mentally kicking myself for being such an idiot.

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