The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper suddenly thought about how Varexes might feel if she pulled away. She didn't want to upset him. Suddenly upsetting him felt like the worst thing she could do. She felt herself relax to his comforting words and rested the side of her head against his shoulder. The top of her hair pressed against the side of his neck.

(She was 12, he was 14. He fell in love with her at first sight while at a masquerade ball.... He hadn't even seen her face when he decided to stalk her home and then propose to her only a few hours later. Romeo is a creepy emotional boy.)
((I just looked it up, Romeo was about 17. Which for the time was pretty normal. I thought he was in his 20s, so it's slightly less creepy now. :3))
((Yeah Paris was the pedo xD

Cause in our English parody we referred to him as "Pedo Paris" ))

Faye's eyelids opened gradually, revealing a dark sky with bare trees swaying back and fourth with the strong breeze that rolled by continuously. She sat there for a couple of moments silently, trying figure out where exactly she was. Finally, she leaned forward and the blanket that was apparently covering her fell into her lap. Puzzled, she peered around the fire and noticed Lanli in a deep slumber near her.

It took Faye a bit of processing to realize she never actually fell asleep over here, considering the last place she was was...on watch.... Mentally giving herself a facepalm, she came to the conclusion that she must've dosed off earlier and someone brought her over by the fire to sleep. She appreciated the fact that someone actually cared enough to put a blanket over her, yet at the same te she was annoyed that they hadn't just woken her up.

"Varexes..." she mumbled to herself with narrowed eyes.

Just then, Faye heard a loud screech somewhere nearby. She winced at the sound that pierced her ears, looking around in the sky to figure out where it came from. What could that have been? It almost sounded like...large bird of some sort...

At that very realization, Faye's heart skipped a beat. Of course, she tried to tell herself that it was nothing. It was probably just a crow or something...a very large, noisy crow....

The obnoxious screech came again, but it was much louder this time. "Ahg," Faye winced, pressing the palms of her hands over her ears due to the harsh sound.

Faye threw the blanket to the side and grabbed her bow as she lifted herself onto her feet. She looked into the sky, her eyes widening as she saw a large creature appearing above the trees. She took a step back, grabbing an arrow from her quiver and hurrying to prepare it for firing. The entire time she kept her eyes on the creature.

It was no ordinary bird, nor was it the least bit small. It had a thin head and a long body, webbed wings as well. The creature was a tan color with beady eyes glaring down at them.

"Lanli..." Faye said aloud, trying to get her up. Just then, the large bird like creature swept down rapidly towards the group. "Lanli!" Faye called, seeing it heading straight for the girl.

Unfortunately, Lanli was asleep so she didn't have much time to do anything as well as get up. Faye pulled her bow string back and aimed at the bird just as it was a few feet from Lanli. Her arrow shot out at the creature, piercing a part of its upper body. It screeched in pain, dropping a bit lower momentarily but not stopping to wrap its claws around Lanli's shoulders and lift her up off the ground. Meanwhile Faye had sent another arrow its head this time, but other than a louder screech of pain it did just as it had earlier. Now Lanli was being taken away by the enormous bird, causing Faye to panic a bit. She ran around as she pulled her bowstring back and pierced it with another arrow where it normally would've killed an animal, yet it just did as always had. Not to mention, it was flying away with Lanli even more hastily.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Faye said aloud to herself, keeping her eyes on the bird and Lanli as she rushed through the woods quickly in the direction it was headed.

She was panting as she raced through the forest and locked eyes on the creature and Lanli. As she was running she passed by Juniper and Varexes settled down. Without wasting any time at all, Faye gripped onto Varexes's arm and pulled him up quickly without coming to a halt in her fast pace.

"Giant bird...Lanli...!" she exclaimed in between breathes, figuring he could follow where her eyes were locked in the sky to see the horrifying sight.
(( I was laughing to myself the whole time I wrote about the pterodactyl like bird flying through the sky with Lanli x'D

Btw I know that post has multiple mistakes but I'm not gonna bother editing cause I'm on my phone and its annoying xD ))

I felt Juniper relax and smiled, squeezing her arms slightly. Just as I did that however I heard a loud screech. I immediately released Juniper and stood up, nocking an arrow and trying to pinpoint where it came from. My senses told me it was somewhere high and nearby, and instincts said it was big and dangerous. It screeched again until I heard Faye scream Lanli's name. I turned back to the fire just in time to see Lanli get dragged off by a giant tannish bird with webbed feet. "What the..." I said as Faye suddenly turned and ran past me, grabbing me. "Go, I'll follow!" I said before turning to Juniper. "Juniper, wake everyone else up. Get them to pack up and follow us. Have Jess lead the way." I instructed. "Go, now!" I said before taking off after Faye. I put all of the arrows but the one on my bow back into my quiver and sprinted after Faye, quickly catching up. "What the hell was that thing?!" I asked her, keeping an eye on it and the arrows that were lodged in its skin. "Why did it take Lanli?!" 
(Sorry, I was on the phone.)
(I'll make a post soon and Jess was pretty much awake through the whole thing.) 
(At first I thought it was a flying bear because VampiricPotato has been mentioning them a lot xD But then I was like, "Oh a giant bird... well that works too!")
(Well, I feel bad about this, but between timezone differences, videogames, college, work, videogames, homework, sleep and videogames, I just can't keep up with the RP :/ Guess this is my formal resignation)
((:c relationships suck.

And sorry, I had to play some game with my brother and his friend and cole

Lol hold on xD

I hate role playing on my phone lmao

Well, I like it on my laptop better))
((Aw, okay Zeyro :'c

Faye shook her head fast, still panting as she ran alongside Varexes. "I..I have no idea what that is! All I that it's probably taking Lanli to its nest or something. I shot it with three arrows and it barely did a thing!" she told him, still keeping her eyes locked on the bird carrying their friend away. "Dammit! It's getting away!" she exclaimed with frustration as the bird flapped its wings higher into the air. The creature could fly faster and much more easily than they could run.
(Woops... got distracted and if your leaving this Rp then bye Zeyro!)

Jess was slightly dozing off, the trees and grass blurring around her she was falling into blissful unconsciousness, when a crude shrieking noise interrupted the trance. She shot straight up and stood on her feet looking for danger as she winced from the sound that the screech emitted. She couldn't find anything and was about to just assume it was all her imagination when the horrible and deafening sound came again, closer and louder than before. Jess clapped her hands over her ears and let out her own shriek as her knees wobbled underneath her. To her, since her senses were more heightened then the average elf, the screech was practically unbearable and made a pounding headache pulse its way throughout her whole head.

Jess, with her knees still shaking and her head feeling like it was going to crack open into millions of tiny pieces, looked up and what she saw made her eyes go wide and her mouth drop open. It looked like some sort of bird, an enormous bird just hovering above the trees without any effort. Its body was long but a thin neck supported the tan colored head, the web-like wings flapping up and down with powerful strokes. The appearance, as terrifying as it was, wasn't what really got Jess. No, what really made her freeze in fright was what the beady eyes of the abnormal bird was locked on. More like who they were locked on which would be the peacefully sleeping Lanli.

Somewhere in her throbbing head, in the back of Jess's mind, she could faintly register Faye yelling Lanli's name but the elf didn't budge from her slumber. What happened was that the bird swooped down and picked up Lanli, flying away with her. She was pretty shocked that the thing didn't fall from the sky dead with Faye shooting her arrows at it but didn't have much time to think about that. Instead she shakily picked herself off the ground and let her eyes catch sight of the female archer's retreating form that was following after the tan bird, Jess running in the same direction shortly after a few moments of hesitation on her part.

I saw the bird begin to fly higher and faster and knew that we would lose it. "It's getting away.." I said between breaths as I ran, bow still in hand. I glanced at the trees ahead and tried to see if there was a clearing ahead, or if there was a tall tree that would allow me to see where the bird was going. 
(Nami, That's your queue to tell me what's around xD )
((Oh no. :( Tell your friend that I wish her well.))

Inside Lanli's dream, she was sleeping. Or at least, she was trying to. But her mother was screeching in her ear to get up. And for some reason... Faye was there? They where both screaming at her, but her mother's was particularly piercing. "By the gods mother... I'm getting up... And Faye, what are you doing in my room?" She asked. Then suddenly, she was airborne. Her bed had come to life and was holding her up by her shoulders, carrying her through town. "What the-?" It was at this moment that Lanli actually woke up and realized that she was airborne. "OH GODS!" She screamed, looking down at the ground and then up at what was holding her. A giant leathery-looking bird. She glared at the bird. "You had best not dare think that you are getting away with this!" She shouted, reaching down and grabbing her sword out of her hilt and swinging it upward into the birds belly. This caused blood to come splashing down onto Lanli as the bird screeched.

((Aaaand I don't know how to judge whether or not the bird drops Lanli. What do you guys think? xD )) 
((Oh! Also, because I got permission from Nami to post this:

Please join. :3))
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(( OH shit.

Sorry, I got so distracted by Tumblr. T^T

I'm gaining new followers<3 Getting the hang of this hashtag thing x'D))

Faye continued to run, trying to gain all her energy back as she panted while watching the bird carry Lanli away. To her surprise, she saw blood pour out of the creature's stomach onto Lanli. Faye winced in both disgust and confusion, slowing her pace as the bird screeched in agony and began to turn.

Faye squinted her eyes, seeing that Lanli had stuck her sword into its stomach. The bird continued to flap its wings as it attempted to stay flying, still making loud and obnoxious noises. "Ugh," she winced, the noise practically killing her eardrums as she pulled back her bowstring again. She aimed at the eye before letting go of the string, causing the arrow to hit right where she wanted. The creature screeched louder and jerked to the right, smashing into a large tree. With that, the bird came spiraling to the ground.

I kept looking until I heard more screeching all of a sudden. Blood began to pour from the bird onto Lanli and I felt a little sick to my stomach, but kept running. Suddenly Faye stopped, but I kept running after the bird until it suddenly crashed down to Earth. The sounds the bird made hurt my ears, but I continued onward anyways, ignoring the sound. The bird began to spiral down and I fired two arrows in quick succession into one of it's wings, tearing the leathery fabric and driving it into the bird's sides. After this I sprinted forward towards where the creature would land.
"Yes!" Lanli shouted with joy when she saw an arrow hit the large bird directly in the eye. "Must be Faye... Or maybe Varexes? Well, thank the Gods for whoever it is." Lanli thought to herself. But then the bird let out a blood curdling screech, Lanli covered her ears, crying out in pain. Her arms were jerked away from her ears however when the bird suddenly swayed to the right, slamming hard into a tree. Lanli instantly had the wind knocked out of her, but before she could try regaining her breath, the bird began to spiral to the ground. Barely able to brace herself in time, the bird crashed to the ground. Lanli was dragged across the ground as the bird skidded to a halt. All Lanli was able to do was try to begin breathing again. Each deep breath bringing extreme bouts of pain across her chest.
Jess ran for a short amount of time and only stopped when she saw Juniper. Jess didn't really need to worry about the others because by the time she burst into the overgrowth of the forest they were already stirring into consciousnesses. Jess bit her lip before tugging on the girl's sleeve as a silent question that she could either follow or stay behind. After that she started running once again and followed in the general direction Faye, and most likely Varexes, went. Branches stung her body as they whipped random parts of her flesh but ignored the stinging sensation and carried on. She knew she was getting closer by the sound of the terrible screeching but grit her teeth against the noise, soon finding the others. She slowed down to a light jog before stopping completely and watched as Faye shot at the birds eye which made the bird smash into a tree, tumbling to the ground. Jess let out a painful shout at the noise that erupted from the beast's chest pierced her eardrums, tears springing up in her eyes as her headache increased ten-fold to the point of it being almost unbearable, but dealt with it and watched the scene unfold. With blurry vision she watched as the bird crashed into the ground, dread and slight horror masking Jess's features as she remembered why they had hunted down the ugly bird. "Lanli!" 
( xD Nami. Ugh, I hate tumblr so much. It's too confusing for me x'D)
(( OMG. I USED TO HATE TUMBLR BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS SO DAMN CONFUSING TOO. Everyone was like "Oh gosh I love tumblr<3" and I was like "Tumblr's stupid. I don't see how that's fun. It's just confusing."

But lately I just kinda have been on it..and I put the cutest blog ever together. ( ) The cursor on my blog even changes to a SPARKLING COOKIE. It's amazing. I know. xD

But yeah, I figured it out. You get a blog. You can reblog other people's pictures on your blog, as well as quotes, videos, all that good shit. In order to gain followers you post pictures (like in my case I'm posting a bunch of my favorite anime pictures) and gifs and everything. You give them #hashtags so when people search them your photo appears. Then they're like, wow this is cool, I'll follow this person. So they follow you. So like, I had 9 followers this morning and after posting a few anime pictures I have 20, so I feel special. x'D

Now I have a place to put my favorite anime pictures, so x'D ))

Faye ran towards Lanli and fell to her knees. "Lanli! Are you alright?!" she exclaimed, checking to see if she was bruised anywhere. It was kind of hard to tell, especially because she was covered in blood.

Seeing the girl soaked in all this blood truthfully almost made Faye hurl. Worst of all, it reminded her of Roslyn covered in her own blood the day those wolves tore her to pieces. The memory sent terrifying chills up Faye's spine and she looked away from Lanli momentarily, looking at Varexes and the bird instead. The creature was still breathing it seemed, whimpering and screeching as well. The noises the bird made were awfully painful to their ears, making Faye wince once again.

"Varexes," she said loud enough for him to hear over the bird's screeching. She gave him a look with her eyes that said to put the bird out of its misery. After all, it was going to die fairly soon since it was bleeding out everywhere. It was just suffering now.

I ran up to Lanli and saw her covered in blood. The sight actually settled my stomach, because I saw she was alive. Blood didn't hold any bad memories for me or got me sick. Once I saw she was okay, I went over to the bird and observed it. It was obviously suffering, and when Faye said my name I looked at her and instantly understood the look. I nodded and knelt down, unsure of how exactly to kill it. It was thrashing around too much to break it's neck, so instead I drew an arrow and aimed carefully, then shot it in the head. At this close range, the power of my bow punctured its skull and killed it instantly. The shrieks stopped suddenly and the silence felt empty. The thrashing stopped and I walked over to it, closing the animals eyes. "I'm sorry, friend." I whispered to it. "Let's get out of here. Those shrieks brought something's attention, I can feel it." I told Faye. "Is Lanli all right?" I asked.
Lanli looked up at Faye and smiled faintly. "Hello..." She coughed quietly and winced in pain. She turned back over to Faye and looked at her, eyes somewhat unfocused. She held her ribs lightly, trying not to put too much pressure on them. Lifting her hand up to gaze at it, she saw that it was covered in fresh Elf blood. "Huh.. Is that my blood?" She asked, laughing softly and then wincing again. "Oh well..." Just then, Varexes shot the bird in the head. "Oh Gods thank you... I don't think I could have... listened... any longer..." She said, progressively becoming quieter until she finally lost consciousness.
Juniper herd the strange screeching noise and saw Faye pull Varexes suddenly to his feet interrupting the peaceful moment. She watched them run off shouting Lanli's name, It took her a moment to figure out what happened before she scrambled to her feet and ran to catch up. By the time she had caught up to everyone. Lanli was crumpled on the floor. She came to a stop baffled, not sure what to do.
Faye looked away as Varexes shot the bird, knowing he'd killed it when the shrieking suddenly came to a halt. Not only that, but he whispered an apology to the creature. It was a bit sad that they'd had to kill the animal, considering it probably didn't know what it was in for when it swooped the elf up into the air. It was more than likely that the bird was planning to let its babies feast on Lanli, so it's a good thing they were able to get her back.

"Lanli?!" Faye exclaimed, watching as she fell unconscious. It seemed her side was bleeding, the side of her head was as well. She could see the gashes in her skin and the rips in her clothing that revealed the wounds. "Oh dear..." she murmured, wrapping her arms around Lanli's shoulders and lifting her up as she stood. With the girl unconscious, she was much heavier. "Varexes, help me carry her back to the--" she started, turning to see Juniper standing there.

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