The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Jess finally stepped up, making her presence noticed, and spoke in a shaking voice. "I'll carry her, all you have to do is place her on my back." Once Jess said this she shifted into a wolf and walked closer to everyone, nudging Lanli, who she knew was already unconscious, gently with her nose before looking at Faye. 
(I love you account Nami xD The music is pretty catchy but I had my sound on full blast and was pretty shocked at how loud the noise was |D I laughed at most of the K-pop things but this... this just killed me xD


I walked over to Lanli and observed her quickly. "Her wounds need to be treated now. She could lose too much blood before we get back to the camp." I swore under my breath. "We need to move, but if we do she might die..." I noticed Juniper standing there. "Juniper, I hate to ask but... can you heal Lanli? At least enough to stop the bleeding. We have to get out of here, fast. Something probably heard all of this and could be coming here right now." I wasn't begging, and my voice didn't imply that, but I was worried. Not just about people coming, but about Lanli. "Please, Juniper." I said, imploring her to at least do enough to keep Lanli alive until we could get somewhere safe.
Juniper bent down looking over Lanli. She seemed to only have scrapes and bruises, but she couldn't be sure if there was any internal wounds. She placed her hand over one of the wounds on her body decising to start with her shoulder. She concentrated as her holy arms began to heal her wounds. She released her hands and rested them on the ground breathing heavily. It always came as a shock how much energy it took to heal.
(( Hahahah x'D Thanks :3 Sorry about the music ||D

And Kpop gifs are the best...they just are...


Faye kept holding up Lanli, ignoring all the blood she was being covered in now herself. When Varexes mentioned death, Faye felt rather uneasy. She hadn't considered how it may come to that--she didn't want to. Then again, it shouldn't have been an issue at all considering Juniper was standing right there. Everyone contributed to keeping the group safe and in Faye's mental book of rules everyone was supposed to be willing to risk their life to rescue another one of their elves. Of course, she understood that not everyone would be willing to do that as she herself would. Yet, she couldn't help bit feel a bit irritated by those who wouldn't. It was one thing she couldn't see past: she looked at those as selfish beings.

Faye turned to Jess, nodding as Varexes spoke to Juniper. She could hear him calmly trying to convince her to heal Lanli just enough so the bleeding would stop, since that was indeed all Juniper could do--heal. As Faye rested Lanli's lifeless body against the side of Jess to await for some healing, she glared at Juniper. It was unusual for Faye to be so cold towards others, but she unwillingly was towards Juniper. It was like she was acting before thinking.

Fortunately, Juniper bent down and healed Lanli's wounds as Faye took a few steps back. She felt relief wash over her, having feared that the girl would refuse. Lanli's wounds were pretty bad, but they weren't like the gash Faye had back when that damn wolf bit her. That wound was beyond awful, an entire chunk missing from her side. Juniper had almost left Faye to die, which was one of the reasons Faye felt a little harsh towards her. Of course, she tried not to show that visually. Faye then lifted Lanli up off the ground and settled her on Jess's back so the wolf could bring her back to the campsite.

I turned to Juniper and beamed. "Thank you. Now let's get back to camp, quickly. Jess, you go ahead of us and take her directly back to camp. We'll follow behind." I said, feeling a bit guilty all of a sudden since Faye was the leader. I knelt down next to Juniper and put my hand on her back. "You all right, Juniper?" I asked, knowing how much energy she expended when she healed. That must've taken quite a bit out of her and I wanted to make sure she was all right before we got moving again. After all, I didn't want her to collapse.
(I couldn't stop starring at that gif, saying the caption in my head every time it popped up on the screen xD )

Jess watched as Juniper healed Lanli in silence, waiting patiently all the while. Once Lanli was finally on her back she took a moment to get adjusted to the added weight, shifting ever so slightly to make herself and the unconscious elf more comfortable, before pacing back and forth. She repeated this motion a few times to make sure that Lanli was secure enough and when the shifter was sure that the elf wouldn't fall off Jess looked at Varexes and nodded her head. She pressed herself gently up against Faye's side, telling her to come on and follow her, before carefully making her way through the thick and lush forest in the direction they came from.
Juniper looked up at Varexes moving her hands to her knees still leaning on them. "I'll be okay in a little bit." she answered. She realized that everyone was leaving. She struggless to get to her feet deciding to follow.

I put my arm gently on Juniper's arm to help her to her feet and left it there to make sure she was stable. It was a gentle touch, but I could grab her if she fell. "You sure?" I asked worriedly, knowing that it showed on my face.
(( Sliver, I was doing the same thing when I looked at that gif xD ))

"Thank you for healing her, Juniper," Faye said to Juniper, managing a warm grin. Despite not being too fond of Juniper, she was grateful for her actions. She gave Varexes and her one final glance before walking off alongside Jess on their way back to the camp.

Faye looked down at Lanli, the poor girl still covered in blood. Fortunately, her wounds were healed though now. It should be rather soon that the girl awakens for her unconsciousness. In addition, Lanli wasn't the only one covered in blood now. After holding her, Faye was now wearing both Lanli's and that bird's blood as well. She felt gross and sticky, closing her eyes momentarily to calm herself a little. She was certainly in need of a bath, having already felt icky to begin with.
Juniper felt his arm around her making it easier to stand up. "thanks, and yeah I'm sure. It's not my first time using the holy arts." She held onto his arm leaning against him.
(( Crap, I gotta sleep. I have to get up early for another archery match x.x and it's 1 AM -_- bleh

I don't wanna go to sleep

well, goodnight peeps~<3 ^^))

I nodded at Faye as she left. "It's no problem." When Juniper leaned against me I felt flustered and couldn't speak properly for a moment. "Do you think you can walk? Or do you want me to carry you?" I offered, stuttering slightly.

(Night Nami! Good luck tomorrow!)
(She healed everything.)

Juniper looked down embarassed by the question. She hesitated before answering "Could you?" she asks "I mean would you mind?" she chews on her cheek having trouble asking for help.
(Night Nami! Hope your archery match goes well tomorrow... well today.)

Jess ignored the blood that was trailing down from Lanli and seeping into her fur, forcing herself to focus and keep moving closer to the campsite. To be honest, Jess was exhausted and in major pain. Her head hurt like no other and her entire body was stinging in pain from the branches cutting into her skin from earlier, not to mention her front paws, which would be her hands as an elf, were sore with blisters and still had those tiny damn splinters in them that were only digging themselves further under her skin with each step. So all and all she wasn't in the best of moods right now. Jess had no clue how she would function the next day but knew that no matter what she would have to keep on going, masking whatever pain she felt, and push forward.

I shook my head and smiled. "No problem. I offered after all." I tied my quiver around my waist and held my bow, kneeling in front of Juniper. "Hop on." I said, looking at her over my shoulder. It would be a bit awkward, but as long as she held on tight it should be fine. I felt a bit nervous, being so exposed out here by the fallen bird. Any second now we could be assaulted by a patrol of Dark Elves, some animal that's even more dangerous, who knew? It could be anything. Of course, we could be perfectly okay and my paranoia was getting the better of me. Nonetheless, I scanned the trees and tried to see if anything was out of place.
Juniper watched him for a second trying to figure out what he was doing. When he told her to hop on she realized he was offering a piggy back ride. She jumps onto his back and wraps her arms around his neck to hold on.

When Juniper had her arms around me my heart skipped a couple beats. I stood up straight, adjusted my bow and then started walking fast, dodging between the trees and brushery doing my best to avoid scraping Juniper on anything around. "You comfortable back there?" I asked her, stepping around a rock and seeing Jess and Faye a little ways ahead. I subtly slowed my pace to their pace so we were a constant distance behind them. I'd seen the look Faye had given Juniper and it worried me and pissed me off. Not only that but I'd wanted some time alone with Juniper, like we'd had before all of this happened.
Juniper nodded and realized he couldn't see her. "Yeah I'm fine." She rested her head on his shoulder closing her eyes feeling tired. The combination of lack of sleep and having to use her holy arts made it hard to keep her eyes open. She yawned softly. "where are we going?" she asks.

I kept my pace up and observed our surroundings. Listening closely I could almost tell what didn't belong and what did, but I didn't hear anything that didn't besides Faye and Jess and myself. Keeping my eyes and ears open however, I kept walking. "We're going back to camp." I could hear the exhaustion in her voice and smiled to myself. "You can sleep if you want. I can carry you back to camp. When we get there I can lay you down." Honestly I kind of wanted her to fall asleep on me, just so that I could enjoy her presence.
Juniper pressed her nose against his neck her eyes falling closed. Her grip loosed as she drifted off to sleep. Her breathing became more even and more peaceful.

I felt Juniper's grip loosen and I had to stop and readjust her, stooping forward so I could keep her on my back. I felt her nose against the back of my neck and my heart skipped an extra beat. Once I had her adjusted I walked forward, moving fast to keep Faye in sight so I didn't lose sight of them. I couldn't stop smiling the whole rest of the way back to camp.
Juniper felt herself being moved and a moan escaped her throat in her sleep. She stirred moving her head into a more confortable position, her nose brushing against his neck until she stopped finding a good spot.

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