The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Upon hearing that Juniper had healed her, Lanli's eyes diverted to the ground and she blushed softly. Memories of earlier slowly began to seep back into her mind. "Right, I was barely able to breathe earlier. I must have broken a few ribs before Juniper healed me.." She thought, feeling bad that she had burdened Juniper that way. "Um.. Thank you Juniper, for healing me." She said, looking over at the very exhausted looking Elf.
Juniper fell slowly to sleep. She herd voices far off and her name mentioned a few times before she passed out. she curled up, her body shivering slightly from the combination of the cool ground and cold air.
(( Well get one and come over here and shoot with me 'cause I need an archery pal x'D lolol))

Faye nodded understandingly, hiking her bow off her back. It was no surprise that both he and Juniper were very tired. She wasn't aware of how long she'd slept for earlier, but either way she'd left Varexes alone on watch. Then again, it seemed he had Juniper keeping him company. Faye was then silent, her eyes settling on her bowstring as she pretended to be so very interested in its appearance. Yet, there was nothing to observe considering she'd already waxed it back in Auchertown to rid of any fraying. The truth was that she just wanted an excuse to look away.

After a few moments of hesitation, she finally looked up with a cheery smile plastered on her face. "Alright, sounds like a plan," she said, hurrying to leave the area.

Faye headed over to where Varexes was on watch earlier, settling herself against one of the trees. She placed her bow in front of her, resting the bottom on the top of her leather boots. Her eyes gazed off into the distance, every once and a while checking her surroundings just in case.
Lanli looked on as Faye walked off, she seemed upset about something, but Lanli wasn't sure what. "I hope everything is okay with her..." She thought, but then she had an idea. She walked after Faye, hurrying slightly to keep up with her. "Hey, I'm going to look around a bit if that's okay. If we have a better idea of our surroundings it could speed up our travels." She said, but then paused. "Is everything okay?" She asked, a worried look on her face. 
((GUYS! We're almost to 500 pages! We need something awesome to happen on page 500. x3))
Faye looked over, seeing Lanli approaching her from the side. "Huh?" she blurted, her cheeks reddening a bit as the elf questioned whether she was okay or not. "Y-yeah. Of course, why..wouldn't I be?" she stammered, waiting a moment before smiling brightly with a small chuckle.

Her heart skipped a beat due to slight panicking when Lanli asked her that. Had she made it seem like she wasn't alright? Did it look like something was bothering her? Did it actually show on the outside? Faye was quite flustered lately, but she herself wasn't even quite sure why. All she knew was that there was this strange feeling building up in the pit of her stomach that she'd never really felt before.

Faye stepped forward, holding her bow up over her shoulder now. "I can come along with you if you want," Faye suggested with a small shrug. "Jess can guard the others who are sleeping. Did you drop your sword somewhere back there?" she wondered, noticing that her weapon was missing. 
(( Ohmaigosh, you're right :o

500 pages, guys c': I'm so freaking proud. xD ))
Lanli picked up on the fact that Faye didn't want to talk about it, and dropped the topic and skipped over to the next thing that Faye said. "Yeah, that would be good." She said, smiling brightly. "And I'm guessing my sword got dropped sometime when I was in the air, so it could be pretty far off by now." She said as they walked. "If we find it while we're walking, that would be nice, but I don't think that we should specifically search for it. It would be like finding a needle in a haystack." She said, internally disappointed that she had lost her sword, but trying not to show it too much.
(( I can't stop laughing because yes, you probably do know. And yes, yes I will go there. xD ))

I lay there on the ground, hands behind my head and eyes closed. The ground was cool, and it felt nice after the heat of running after Lanli. I overheard Faye say that she would keep watch and hurry away. I cracked open my eyes to watch and Lanli followed her, talking to her, but they were too far away to hear clearly. Shrugging it off, I figured she was remembering Rosalyn or something. After all, Lanli had been covered in blood and attacked by a wild animal... the comparison was there. Not like I could do much. Yawning, I thought about how even if there was something I could do, I wouldnt' be able to in my current state. I rolled over closer to my bow and felt the metaphorical cogs in the machine that was my mind begin to slow down from its hyperactive state. It slowed and slowed down to the point until I no longer could feel anything, and thus drifted off to sandman land.

(I do know. Check Skype, Nami.

Little*Dreamer, I love you. Like, damn, you are cracking me up more than I already am. Also, Nami, Vampiric can attest to my stress levels right now. I sent her about a billion messages spamming swear words because F*** drama!)
(I love me too, that is something we have in common. Let's get some coffee and have a conversation about our passionate love. Except without the coffee. I don't like coffee.)
((Sorry, I just realized my skype was being a little shit. No wonder I wasn't being spammed by Warlock about orks. xD

And what drama? There ain't no drama.

Plus, I think what you're thinking is slightly off from my idea xD ))

Faye shrugged, beginning to walk alongside Lanli. "You never know, it could turn up somewhere as we're walking. I've spotted some of my arrows when they were hidden beneath the dirt. It's probably somewhere around where that bird is," she figured, deciding they may as well keep their eyes open than not at all. 
(( Roslyn? She was a character back in the beginning who was eaten alive by a pack of wolves. xD ))
(( Yes. The kid's nice, but man....just....he's got an ork addiction or something, 'cause he rejects all my attempts at a different conversation so he can tell me everything about orks. x.x ))
Lanli nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds like a good pla-Wait, do you hear that?" She said, stopping in her tracks and slowing her breathing so she could listen. "I hear water nearby, do you hear it too?" She asked, looking over at Faye. "I think it's coming from over in that direction." She pointed to the right of where they where standing. 
((Eaten by a pack of wolves? Ouch. o.e))

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