The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I stopped moving as I heard Juniper moan and shift around, but when she stopped I started walking again. She was just shifting in her sleep. Stifling a yawn myself, I kept going until I reached the campsite.

When I did, I moved over by the now dead fire and gently jumped Juniper. "Hey, wake up. We're back to the campsite." I whispered to her, hoping she would wake up so I didn't have to risk dropping her trying to settle her down on teh ground.
Juniper lifted her head opening her eyes. She hopped down from Varexes' back. She held onto his wrist gaining her balance. "There aren't too many of those birds around. right?" she asks taking in the danger for the first time. "I mean they don't live in groups.. We won't see another one any time soon right?"

I held Juniper up so she could keep her balance, gently gripping her other elbow while she held my wrist. "I don't know. But I do know this: I'm not leaving this camp again. I'll protect you, okay? I promise." It was a genuine promise, and my voice held the passion of one who knew what he was talking about and was going to keep his promise. "I won't let anything happen to you." I said to her.

I had a dream about this roleplay and I'm still laughing about it x"D

I can't say what happened though cause it applies to what I've been planning to do xD

At the same time though, I'm hesitant on whether I should do what I planned cause the more the story progresses the more guilty I feel ||D

Whatever, I'm down for awkwardness and tension. xD ))
As Faye arrived at the fire pit with the rest of the group, she focused her attention on Lanli. She gently lifted the unconscious girl off Jess's blood covered back and settled her against a tree. Faye looked at Lanli with her eyelids closed, her expression looking peaceful despite the blood splatters on her face.

"Thanks for carrying her back, Jess," Faye said, turning to smile lightly at the wolf.

After looking at Lanli for a couple of moments Faye stood up and made her way over to the supplies. She rummaged through a bit until she found a simple cloth. Faye took the canteen of water and poured just a smidgen on the cloth before making her way over to Lanli. She kneeled down beside her and began washing the blood off the girl's face. She was already covered in enough blood, so this was the least she could do for her. Faye hoped they'd come across a small body of water soon so they could all wash off the blood they were now practically drenched in.
Juniper felt his hand slip under her elbow and realized how much trouble she was having just standing up. Earlier in the trip she would have been too proud to accept his help, but she was used to feeling vulnerable by this point. She looked up at him accepting his reasurance without any protest. She bit back her snarky comment that he should only make promises that he could keep noting the seriousness in his voice. She tried to swallow, but found her mouth to be dry. "I I guess you aren't so worthless afterall."
(I'm listening to this song and these lines... they just make me smile so much...

I know it sounds a little dumb

(Or maybe I'm a little drunk)

But all we need's some icecream and a hug.

All we need is love and beer.

Two different line sfrom the same song, but.... i can't.. I can't help but smile xD )


I saw Faye go and start taking of Lanli and nodded in approval. We needed to find some water soon though, so then everyone could bathe. Even though blood didn't bother me, the sight of Faye and Lanli both drenched in it, and also now Jess since I noticed her fur, I felt a little gross. Turning back to Juniper I saw she looked a little uncomfortable, and I wasn't quite sure what to do about it. When she said I wasn't so useless, I couldn't help but laugh. "I guess not. Why don't you get some sleep, ok? You need the rest. Do you want some water or food?" I offered, wanting to make sure she was comfortable.
(( YAYY, Alcat is smiling. x'D

I'll take the ice cream & huggles, but I can do without the beer. Lolol.

I've been saving quotes about happiness and I'm putting them on my Tumblr blog ^^ But seriously, these are so cute.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/be-so-happy-that-when-others-look-at-you-they-become-happy-too-happiness-quote.jpg.8b19aeeac99f73612181978d866b04d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/be-so-happy-that-when-others-look-at-you-they-become-happy-too-happiness-quote.jpg.8b19aeeac99f73612181978d866b04d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Is that not the cutest thing? I love that. xD ))



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Lanli's eyes slowly began to open as she felt something cool and soothing being rubbed against her face. At first, her vision was blurry and she couldn't quite tell who she was looking at. But as she blinked a bit, her vision cleared and she recognized it as Faye. "Hey.." She said, smiling. Then it struck her that Faye was covered in blood. She looked over at the wet rag that Faye was using to clean her face. "Oh, so I'm probably covered in blood as well." Lanli thought, beginning to blush as the realization finally hit her that she was just sitting there while Faye cleaned her up. "Here." She reached and took the rag from Faye's hand and began wiping the blood off of Faye's face. "We're both going to need a bath..." She said, laughing slightly.
(Lmao, I smile a lot. It's just when my writing gets crappy and I get really pissy in OOC, or I don't talk in OOC, that's when I'm frustrated :P I mean, I woke up like an hour ago. How can I be upset?

And the whole song makes me happy, it makes me laugh. Bowling For Soup <3

I can get you ice cream and hugs nami :D )
(I think it'd be kinda like a rootbeer float...) 
(And Beer is an acquired taste. All alcohol is. You have to get used to it before you like it, because alcohol is a toxin.

but if you don't like beer, don't have it with icecream. those tastes are probably gonna clash xD )
((I like wine coolers and wine in general though. But you're probably right, instead of the sweetness of ice cream offsetting beers taste, they would probably just clash. x. X))
(( Your writing is never crappy, Alcat xD

I woke up at 5:30 lmao ON A SUNDAY. But it was 'cause of my archery match..which I did shitty at x'D But that's okay, whatevs. It was a hard course, so. Last match I got second place so I'm waiting to get my trophy to add to my collection xD

And yay! //HUGGLES ALCAT// Now I just need ice cream... xD

I had a sip of beer before...and I liked it lol, but I don't want to drink it xD Why bother with alcohol when you can have root beer and Snapple (because Snapple is like my favorite drink ever. I mean, they even have fun facts on the bottom of the caps. I learn so much by drinking that stuff. Did you know children grow faster during the Springtime? Yeah, learned that. xD ) ))

When Lanli opened her eyelids, Faye smiled at her with relief that she'd awakened already. Her face was pretty clean now that she'd cleaned it for her, so apparently it was Faye's turn. Lanli retrieved the cloth from her grasp and began washing the dirt and little blood that was on her own face. Faye chuckled, mentally nodding her head in response since she needed to sit still currently.

"That's for sure," she agreed, really in need of a bath now. "Maybe we'll find a river or a lake somewhere up ahead...or at least a stream."
(I ship it. Fanli all the way! See how you like dem apples.)

Juniper shook her head. "I'm not hungry" she replied not sure she could hold anything down. She ungracefully sat down on the cold ground having released Varexes' sleeve. She curled up resting her head on her hand already forgetting that Varexes was still standing there. Her eyes began to flutter close as she waited to fall back to sleep.
(( Faye is not lesbian or bisexual, sorry to disappoint. xD

Got nothing against gays, just ain't how I roll lolol. ))
(Most of our OOC comments are so strange xD )

Jess shifted back into her original self and fell onto the ground. "Shit." She muttered as she winced, her body stiff and tense because of the crimson blood coating her. She listened to the random bursts of conversation going about and nodded her head in agreement, hearing Faye and Lanli's conversation last. "Yeah, a water source to clean off at would be nice."
((Archery sounds like fun, but I don't know anything about it. x3 I'd like too, though. And congrats on getting second on your match before this one. :D ))

When Lanli finished wiping off Faye's face, she smiled. "Or maybe some kind of natural spring, if we're lucky." She brought up as a possibility. A warm bath would be preferable to a cold one, although Lanli wasn't up for being very picky right now. "We're also going to need to wash our clothes. They're all dirty." Although when looking down at her own clothes, Lanli wasn't sure if this much blood would actually wash out. "I might need to get a new outfit..." She thought, mildly frustrated with herself for not thinking stabbing the bird in the gut through... Wait, where did her sword go? "Oh crap..." Lanli said, realizing that her hilt was empty. "I must have dropped my sword on the way down." She thought, leaning further back against a tree. She looked over off into the distance. "Hey, it looks like the sun is rising." She said, smiling despite wishing that they could have all slept a bit more. "Should we go looking for a water source now? Or would you rather rest for a bit longer?" She asked Faye.
(( I was actually thinking earlier today about how I really needed an archery friend<//3 xD Like, at the matches I'm literally shooting with like almost all old guys. But they're all adorable and hilarious, so I don't really mind. (Adorable in that old people way, just to clarify x'D)

But still, more people my age need to shoot archery :c I'm all alone~ Oh, and thanks! I was happeh xD ))

Faye stood up, fixing her quiver around her waist at the same time. She nodded, looking around at the group as well as the sky that was barely glowing with light. "We may as well get moving along," she suggested, seeing it was probably a good idea to just get out of this area by the cliff. After all, there were no trees covering them currently so they were easy to spot for large birds like the one that'd seen them earlier.

Faye turned around and placed her hands on her hips, looking to the others. "You guys ready to get moving along...or do you wanna rest a bit more?" she asked, her pupils wandering over to where Juniper was laying on the ground. Smiling, she added, "If you do need to rest, that's fine. Don't feel like you have to be pressured into going now. I mean, you look a little exhausted, Juniper. You did just heal Lanli, so that's understandable."
(I'd shoot archery. But I don't have a bow. xD )


I sat down next to Juniper and put one hand on her back, gently rubbing while she lay there trying to sleep. I had my bow in my other hand and I watched the skies, just in case another bird came down out of nowhere. When Faye said we would be heading out I shook my head. "If you're awake then you can keep watch. I'm tired too." I yawned to prove my point. "I kept watch most of the night, and like you just said Juniper healed Lanli." If they were going to stay up, I figured I might as well go to sleep too to get the rest I needed. Settling my bow and quiver well within reach, I lay down next to Juniper with a sizeable gap between us so I could sleep.

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