The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( Yeah, Faye was really depressed about it for quite some time.

And Alcat, shush, you don't know where I'm planning to go with this idea of mine x'D ))

Faye slowed her pace a bit before coming to a halt in the middle of a stride in order not to crunch any more leaves. She silently lifted her bow up and nocked an arrow just in case. She peered around through the forest, wondering what could be watching them--if anything at all.

"Yeah..." Faye responded quietly, hearing something in the direction Lanli was pointing out.
(( Hahahah

the way Dreamer typed that, it made me think 'Pedo' too.

LOLOL. Vamp, I'm dying of laughter at that gif

hahahahaha. ))
(AShbfakihjfblafg I don't like surprises... or suspense xD Your killing me Nami! And that gif isn't helping VampiricPotato.)
(I told Vampiric over xfire and Nami confirmed my predictions over Skype. I hate this. I hate it i hate it. -_- Shoot me now.)
(Does Faye have hard core feeling for the June bug, because you know Juni will eat them feelings like a mop eats dirt. wait mops don't eat dirt.... well you get the metaphorical reference that doesn't make sense..)
(She all upset because she would save June bug, but Juni wouldn't save her. It's hard core drama in this world. My grandpa is sleeping in the chair next to me. It's adorbs. I've been trying to create a character for Potato vampire's rp about eating souls and ish still no good. I finished my lemonade peoples! <--- you should have seen the thoughts I didn't type.)
(Does it have anything to do with Faye having feelings for someone? Or something around that idea?) 
(This is pretty much how I react and feel about surprises xD

(If faye has feeling for someone...i'm telling Birch. I be like. Birch she never loved you. You were gone and day and Faye already forgot you and got them hard core feelings for dis girl named lanli.)
(I wanna see your thoughts Little*Dreamer ;-;

Also... I encouraged Vampiric to post that... I can't stop laughing now.... xD )
(Have you guys ever eaten tomato sauce? Of course you have, why would I think that. It goes on spaghetti. All over spaghetti and covered with cheese... I sneezed so many times today. My twin played assassins creed and then took a nap. Those two things did not happen right after each other. I decided to call her Candor because it's better then Patrick.People think its weird to call a girl by a guy's name. idk, people are weird. I wanted to call her wall flower but NO! she wants to be Patrick. One time in video class. hee hee at band camp... no wait what were we doing? oh yeah RP! ... seriously dreamer your autism is showing.) 
and that is why I edit my thoughts...

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