The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Lanli hurried over to where Varexes was, but kept her distance. These Elves knew him better than she did, so they would know how to best handle this. "What happened?" She asked, turning to face Juniper. "Did something come by and attack you?" She looked around for some kind of corpse of a wild animal, but saw nothing. 
((Auugh, I keep posting at the exact same time as everyone else. ;- ;) )

"Oh..." Was all Lanli said when she heard Varexes's response. A nightmare, huh? Lanli didn't get those often, so she couldn't really relate. But she assumed that it must have been something awful to result in such a collected guy as Varexes to be put into this state. "I've only seen people in this state a few times before. Whatever was in his dream, it must have been related to some kind of trauma..." She gathered in her mind. She still wasn't sure though, and kept quiet. 
((HOLY CRAP. I got the 5000'th post! :D ))
Faye's heart was still beating rapidly from running earlier in addition to her heavy breathing. As Varexes spoke, relief filled her insides knowing that nothing had tried to attack them physically. Yet, at the same time she felt saddened by the idea that Varexes was attacked mentally by a nightmare. She wondered what had happened in it to put him in this much fear, but she wasn't going to question him about it of course. The last thing she wanted to do was make the boy talk about what had lead him to awaken with an agonizing scream. Instead, she slowly leaned in a little and wrapped her arms around him to give him comfort. She wasn't sure if that's what he wanted right now, or if he wanted everyone to just leave him alone, but she hadn't hesitated to embrace him. It just felt like the right thing to do at such a time, not to mention she was already sitting beside him. Not only that, but she felt sad herself just by looking at him. She'd never seen him in such an emotional state and it broke her heart a little.

"It's okay..." she said softly, knowing that probably wouldn't calm him any, but just hoping it would at least the slightest bit.
Juniper took the bottle back and set it in her. She looked up as everyone gathered around. She shifted uncomfortably and felt a strange emotion boil inside of her when Faye hugged Varexes. Grabbing her bag, she pulled it over her shoulder and stood up stepping away from the group. She turned around facing away gripping onto her bag's strap with a tight fist.

When Faye hugged me I tensed up for a split second before relaxing, releasing the hold on my bow and hugging her back. It was a gentle embrace, my arms barely touching her, but it felt good to feel someone hold me and tell me it's okay (you meta rper -_- ). It was almost as if Faye had read my mind (*cough nami cough*) and it made me happy. I sat there and steadied my limbs and breathing, which in turn steadied my heart rate. I pulled away and swallowed. "Thanks Faye." I said before standing up shakily. I brushed myself down and slung my bow across my back. With a sudden thought, I looked around and saw Juniper standing a little ways away. Walking up to her, I turned her around and hugged her tightly. "Thanks for being there... I probably would've done something stupid if you hadn't been there when I woke up..." I whispered in her ear.
Seeing that Varexes was at least relatively okay now, Lanli felt that it was an okay time to speak up. "Ah... We found a pond nearby here. If you all would like, we could go down there and take a bath and wash our clothes... It would probably be a good way to relax." She offered, knowing that everyone here could use some relaxation.

I was going to and then you said that and then I thought, he's gonna think I'm reading his mind xD But I was gonna post that to begin with, so x'D I'M NOT LYING, I SWEAR. GOODNESS.

Hugging someone and telling them it's okay is what anyone would do if they're not heartless xD )) 
(( ANNND @Little*Dreamer are you STILL going to deny Juniper has feelings for Varexes after that? x'D ))
Juniper felt Varexes' arms around her suddenly which took her by surprise. She relaxed releasing her fist instantly. She hugs him back her face against his shirt. Hearing his whispers she lifted her head to look at his face. "What do you mean 'something stupid'?" she asks confused. Her eyes searched his afraid of what it meant. (Are you still going to deny Fanli?)
(Nami you liar -_- meta rper.)


I held her silently, not saying a word for a moment before sighing. "Something stupid as in trying to hunt down every single dangerous thing in the world alone. Jumping off the cliff. Something dangerous and stupid that would probably get me killed." I looked down at her face, seeing her eyes searching for something in mine. I gave her a small, soft smile. "That's why I'm thanking you." I said softly.
(( So you're not denying it?

And yes I am, because that makes zero sense lmao. Faye's not hugging Lanli and whispering things in her ear every chance she gets x'D

AND STAHP, I SWEARRRRR. GRRRR. x'D I swear....sadness...why'd you have to steal what I was gonna type x'D 'cause now you think I did that because you said it in Varexes's thoughts T^T

And Vamp, sorry! I'm gonna post don't worry! :U

I'm about to start my character sheet now ^^"))

Faye reluctantly allowed Varexes to pull away, smiling warmly at him as he thanked her. With a slight nod she peeped in response, "Mhm..if you ever need..." But before she could finish her sentence he was already walking off to find Juniper.

She turned her head and stared in front of her at the fire pit full of burnt wood and ash, but no flames at all. As she focused her gaze solely on that, she gradually began to furrow her brows. She felt...funny...but it wasn't necessarily a bad feeling. She felt a warmth inside, yet it was cold all at once. This contradicting feeling forming inside her was starting to make her wonder what was up with herself. She felt saddened, yet she also felt really happy.

Moving her eyes from the fire pit, her gaze then settled on Varexes holding Juniper in an embrace. A warm smile formed on her face as she watched the two hugging one another. They a comfortable way. They seemed to have some sort of strong connection--an unbreakable bond with one another. Being out in the forest away from all the elves back at home, it was nice to see something like that. It was nice to see something familiar to home again.

Her grin widened a bit as that feeling in her stomach grew again, the warmth of it tickling her insides and causing her to let out a soft chuckle. She then looked up at the sky, feeling something stinging behind her eyes. Yet, she was still smiling as she rejected the anything to trickle down her face. Instead, she just let the water well up in her eyes. All her feelings at this point in time seemed to be contradicting. She didn't know what to think of it just yet, but she would get through it. She would. As she looked up into the sky that was lightening up a bit, she reminded herself something by whispering it to herself. Just that one little phrase would remind her to be content.
Juniper kept her eyes on him the entire time. She thought back to the promise he had made only a few hours before. She wanted to ask him how he would be able to protect her if he was dead, but she didn't want to hurt his feelings. She wet her lips before answering. "Make me a promise that if you ever think about doing something stupid again, you will come to me first." she stated firmly worried about him.


Juniper was quiet for a moment before asking me to make her a promise. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately, and I just chuckled. "Of course. I promise," was all I said to her. I put my arms around her, one hand halfway down her back and the other on her shoulder. My hold was soft but firm, and it was comforting to me to be able to hold someone in such a manner. It made me... feel at ease, a feeling I honestly hadn't felt since... no, I'm not bringing that dream up again. Never again. No sleep for me for a week...

Plus, I save the drama for my writing along with all the disturbed stuff. You got the hopeless romantic on one hand and the disturbed half on the other xD

However, in this case I'm just starting an emotional thing for my character. xD ))
Juniper felt herself standing up straight when his hand was placed on her back. She had thought she would feel awkward and stiff when held, but she felt relaxed and comfortable. She felt that his arms belonged around her. She wrapped her arm arms around his waist holding her wrists. She pressed the side of her face against his shirt. The top of her head under his chin.

My heart beat faster and I felt extremely relaxed and comfortable with Juniper holding me. It felt... right. I couldn't help but smile, and when she put her head under my chin, I moved my head down so my nose was pressed against her hair, and I breathed softly. I squeezed her gently, and the world seemed to disappear around me as my world suddenly consisted entirely of Juniper. Her hair smelled... nice. Like... perhaps it was my imagination, but like juniper.
(So my friend just blocked me on facebook because I was being logical. She was all hysterical over a conspiracy theory about how the government hates us and they're gonna go to war and not do anything to defend us, the common person, and will kill anyone who's against the war against Syria with guillotines... I told her to be logical and countered everything she said with logical ideas but she continuously said "go fucking look it up" and all this other stuff and now... well, she blocked me. I shouldn't care, but I do, because she was suicidal and has an abusive father and I basically promised her I'd get her out and protect her and do anything to make sure she's not a wreck and is financially secure and everything..)
(( Some people don't say things like that for someone to tell them they're wrong, they just want to tell someone what they think and have someone nod their head in response. I can get where she's coming from out of anger, considering she probably just wanted to feel right.

You just gotta be gentle in conversations like that. I had a political debate with my two liberal 'friends' at the beginning of the summer over facebook and they got so angry at me because I was being logical and telling them I disagreed. They thought that since I told them they were wrong that I was just 'uncreative and black and white' whatever the hell that even means. Basically, they told me that since I didn't believe what they did that I was single minded. However, it's called I'm a Conservative and you're a liberal, we do not have the same views whatsoever. They did not consider my views at all and told me I was wrong, which makes them just as single minded as me. It was ridiculous.

Anyway, they told me they weren't going to talk to Amanda and I for the whole summer which proved they couldn't handle a little political debate. Just because we don't have the same views they need to stop talking to us? Lmao.

So basically, some people just can't handle a conversation with contradicting view points. I will admit, I tend to get frustrated in them at times, but I wouldn't go as far as blocking someone or refusing to speak with them.

Don't worry, she'll get over it...I just suggest you apologize even though you know you're right. If she's a bit emotionally unstable then you're better of doing that than just being like 'lol whatever' like I was with my friends. (I don't even really consider them friends 'cause they're both the root of all drama. My summer without them was wonderful. But they're in my classes so I have to pretend to get along with them and it's going well. xD ) But yeah. I've been in a similar situation with over reactive people, so.))

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